no, idiots, Los Angeles isn’t on fire because of ‘diversity.’ shut the fuck up
America’s bigots are at it again
climate change is fucking Southern California’s shit but good right now.
the Santa Ana winds that normally blow across Los Angeles are gusting at an unheard-of 98 miles per hour. at the same time, Southern California has been experiencing a protracted dry spell. the rainy season, which generally starts in November, has yet to arrive — since May, just 0.16 inches of rain has fallen in Downtown Los Angeles. additionally, LA experienced an unusually hot summer.
put this all together, and you get a situation where the smallest spark can ignite huge, fast-moving firestorms — and that’s exactly what’s happening in the Greater Los Angeles area.
but the dumbest fucking imbeciles on the planet don’t want to hear about any of that. they have their own special reason why Los Angeles is burning to the ground: diversity.
Libs of TikTok: “The LA Fire Dept passed a ‘racial equity plan’ to end ‘systemic, institutional, and structural racism’ in LA.”
Space Nazi: “They prioritized DEI over saving lives and homes.”
listen up, all of you: shut — and I cannot put too fine a point on this — the fuck up. none of you have any fucking clue what you’re gibbering about.
could the racism be any more racist? the message here ‘is look what happens when you give “those people” jobs that should rightfully be going to white men.’
what the hell do Republicans imagine is happening in LA when the alarm bells ring? that nobody is responding because firefighters are shooting craps in the alley behind the firehouse?
racist much, assholes?
here’s a clip by Scott Derrickson showing the situation in Altadena. this is what the Los Angeles Fire Department is dealing with.
those are hurricane-force winds. it’s a hurricane made out of fucking fire. one ember can travel miles, land somewhere else, and start a whole new fire — and that’s exactly what’s happening right now all over the Los Angeles area.
let’s gif the shit out of that clip, because we’re going to be using it again.
this let’s blame the black people thing is nothing new. every time there’s a tragedy, America’s top bigots immediately start whining about how it happened because of diversity.
they did it when a cargo ship rammed the Key Bridge in Baltimore.
and they did it when doors started falling off of Boeing planes.
oh, and it’s not just the racists who are strutting their stuff. the misogynists are in full bloom, too. here’s Fox News’s useless waste of oxygen, Jesse Watters.
“this right here, ladies and gentlemen, this is the leadership of the LA Fire Department. I sure hope they know what they’re doing.”
fuck you, Jesse.
oh look, the dolt who thinks windmills cause noise cancer is here to explain what everyone else is doing wrong, and how his big brain could fix everything in two seconds.
“well it’s very sad because I’ve been trying to get Gavin Newsom to allow water to come, you’d have tremendous water up there, they send it out to the Pacific, because they’re trying to protect a tiny little fish, which is in other areas, by the way, called the smelt. and for the sake of a smelt, they have no water. they had no water in the fire hydrants today in Los Angeles, it’s a terrible thing. and we’re gonna get that done, it’s gonna finally be done.”
now that’s a double-helping of incoherent fucknuttery right there, so let’s make an attempt to parse Donny’s word salad.
the “tiny little fish” in question here is the delta smelt, an endangered species found only in the San Francisco Estuary.
The Delta smelt is a small, short-lived, native fish that is found only in the San Francisco Estuary. Though it was once an abundant species, rapid decline led to the species being listed as threatened in 1993 under the federal Endangered Species Act and California Endangered Species Act. California subsequently upgraded the listing to endangered in 2010.
efforts to prevent the extinction of the delta smelt have exactly zero impact on Los Angeles’s water situation. Southern California does not get its water from Northern California. I realize that when Donny looks at a map, he sees that San Francisco is above Los Angeles and so he imagines that water runs all the way downhill for four hundred miles — but Donny’s a fucking simpleton, and that’s not how it works. it’s two separate, unconnected water systems. nonetheless, he’s had a bug up his ass about the smelt for at least five years.
leave it to Dear Leader to hold a years-long grudge against a tiny fish.
now, about the “they had no water in the fire hydrants.” that’s a willful misreading of the situation. basically, what happened was that there was such an enormous demand for water to fight fires that are literally breaking out everywhere, storage tanks in the higher elevations couldn’t replenish themselves fast enough.
Quiñones said much the same, explaining that the three massive storage tanks help with water pressure coming from the hydrants and that because so much water was being used at lower elevations, the tanks at higher elevations were not able to fill fast enough.
massive, fast-moving, climate-change-enabled wildfires are the problem here, but it’s so much easier to blame Democrats, or “those people” — especially when you care more about scoring political points than about actually solving a problem.
but let’s get to the real meat of Donny’s litany of grievances, because it’s a fucking doozy. fasten your seat belts. when Donny says “I’ve been trying to get Gavin Newsom to allow water to come,” here’s what he’s talking about — and remember, I’m not making any of this up.
Donny believes that there’s ONE giant building-sized faucet up north somewhere in Canada, that supplies all of California’s water, and Governor Gavin Newsom refuses to open it — and that’s why California has no water.
I shit you not. the clip below is from a campaign press conference Donny held last September. get ready for a wild fucking ride.
“and the reason you have no water, you have the canals, the reason you have no water is because Gavin ‘Newscomb’ didn’t want to do it. I had it all done. I had the Department of Commerce at the time, believe it or not, they’re the ones that rule on this particular issue. so you have millions of gallons of water pouring down from the north, with the snow caps in Canada, and it all pouring down. and they have essentially a very large faucet. and you turn the faucet, and it takes a day to turn it. it takes one day to turn it, it’s massive. it’s as big as the wall of that building right there behind you. and you turn that, and all of the water goes into the— aimlessly into the Pacific. and if they turned it back, all of that water would come right down here and right into Los Angeles. they wouldn’t have to have people not use more than 30 gallons and 32 gallons. they want to do that, you know. they’re trying to do that. and you have so much water. and all those fields that are right now barren, the farmers would have all the water they needed. and you could revert water up into the hills, where you have all the dead forests, where the forests are so brittle.”
it’s so easy to solve the world’s problems when you have no fucking clue what you’re talking about.
this is what goes in inside the deteriorating skull of the once and future President of the United States. it’s complete batshit lunacy, a fever-swamp hallucination based on zero facts — and the media just stood there and listened to it, and never questioned it, and never wrote about it.
thanks a whole fucking lot, you worthless scribblers.
I love this bit from the Newsom Press Office’s response to Donny’s nonsense.
“But broadly speaking, there is no water shortage in Southern California right now, despite Trump’s claims that he would open some imaginary spigot.”
here’s another short walk down memory lane. after California’s Orange County burned to the ground in 2018, Donny’s initial reaction was fuck those liberal fucks, they didn’t vote for me.
Mark Harvey, who was Trump’s senior director for resilience policy on the National Security Council staff, told E&E News on Wednesday that Trump initially refused to approve disaster aid for California after deadly wildfires in 2018 because of the state’s Democratic leanings.
Donny’s appalled staff had to literally draw him a picture that showed that Orange County had in fact more Republicans than Democrats among its residents.
But Harvey said Trump changed his mind after Harvey pulled voting results to show him that heavily damaged Orange County, California, had more Trump supporters than the entire state of Iowa.
so presidential.
let’s circle back to the Space Nazi, because he really is a useless buffoon.
“Something that people may find helpful for stopping fires is packing wet sand/dirt (aka mud) on vulnerable surfaces if you can. This is far more effective than just wetting a surface with water, which evaporates quickly.”
oh, thank you so much, Space Nazi, for your technically-accurate yet worthless advice.
here’s a reminder of what Los Angeles is dealing with right now.
yeah, can the fire-hurricane please pause a minute while I mix a little sand and water to make some mud?
here’s your daily reminder that I can be found on Blue Sky at this link.
this is going to be my closing message for the foreseeable future:
practice self-care. do what you need to do to keep sane. if that means you need to disengage with my daily posts for a while, I get it. this community of ours will still be here when you return.
to all the people who have signed on in the days since the election, welcome aboard. settle in as we all try to deal with the shitfuckery that’s ahead of us.
we are all in this together, and we are all here for each other.
indulge me for having used that faucet clip for something like the third time in the last few weeks. it's never been more relevant than it was for today's post
Dammit, Jeff, you weren't supposed to mention the Giant Faucet in Canada!
My parents live in Vancouver. They've taken me to see the Giant Faucet, you can just see it in the distance from the top of Grouse Mountain if you know where to look. It's as tall as five Empire State Buildings stacked on top of each other and it's protected by hungry black bears and mountain lions. You need a special permit and bear/mountain lion repellent to go up there and turn on the faucet, because Canadians are big sticklers for rules. And if the few people who have the special permit are sick or out of town or whatever, that's it, the faucet isn't getting turned! Sorry, California!
Anyway, better hope nobody reads this to Donny, because then he'll want to annex Canada for real to seize the giant faucet and kill all the bears and mountain lions. My parents don't want that; they hate Donny as much as I do.