indulge me for having used that faucet clip for something like the third time in the last few weeks. it's never been more relevant than it was for today's post
One of the worst problems is that Donny is amassing a lot of bad, criminal and incompetent people all around him who manipulate him with flattery and hare-brained crap straight from the right wing fever swamps. Blaming DEI for wildfires is just one example. And of course, the worthless scribblers play along.
When I saw the McDonald's clip last night, my mind couldn't grasp it. It registered as something sped up dramatically for effect. I have to keep reminding myself it's the simple truth. My sister, her husband, and their animals are safe. I don't know what you do if your house burns down, fire insurance is inadequate, and you still owe on your mortgage. I guess we'll find out.
Assuming that insurance and property values remain in the turbo-charged state, most will be able to rebuild. However, memories and other valuables will be lost forever!!
The very wealthy will be able to rebuild but not the others unless FEMA and insurance companies help. We, in Northern CA, have sent our fire crews to SoCal and guess what country sent theirs? CANADA!
Well hey, if Canada becomes the 51st state trump can just ORDER them to send water and help, as opposed to relying on things like compassion and good will and human decency.
I do hope that Canada picks up Maine as well - we're cheek-by-jowl and share the same fishing waters of the Atlantic... I'd be very happy to be Canadian!
Ellen, what about sawing the eastern part of each state? We'll need to root out maga. Now, all the red state Dems want into 'S 51st Province: Getting rid of Eastern areas of 3 states + rooted down maga should get us enough space.
🤞🤞🤞 Though I do worry about the setting up of paramilitary forces in some way. Maybe subverting some red state National Guards? Or covert funding of opponents of the Panamanian Government to take over and then "cede" the Canal to the US? Never forget the Contras.
Most insurers in California shy away from fire insurance and a number of folks I know up here in No Cal have been unable to get fire insurance that would cover replacement cost. I haven't asked my sister about her insurance, since I don't think she has had time to consider the full implications as yet. But property values (raw land) in a place that just burned to the ground are unlikely to increase any time soon. Remember, the entire infrastructure of Pacific Palisades is gone. Banks, grocery stores, cafes, gas stations -- all gone. The city will have to be rebuilt before anyone will want to buy there even though a sale of raw land will not be sufficient to pay any remaining mortgage on a home purchased while the area was livable.
I'm surprised that ill douché didn't scream about Biden not sending in the National Guard to protect McDonalds. (If only they had swept the forest floors.)
don't laugh about 'sweeping the forest floors' as that asshat real estate magnate that lost election for LA Mayor is blaming Newsome for not removing brush in forests..its exactly what Trump thinks.
Fact: 57 percent of CA land belongs to the US GOVT. They are 100 percent responsible for upkeep, fire suppression, vegetation removal etc. CF got schooled in this by a brave CalFire Captain when in 2018 CF blamed Newsom.
in South Carolina people who lost their homes in the hurricane/flood are still being dinged for property tax....and how can insurance companies stay in business? gonna be baaaaad
So sorry for all the losses from the fire. My daughter lives in LA but luckily she’s in Paris now but her neighbors called her and said her building is being evacuated and they grabbed whatever they could.
Her friend lost their home and kids school.
Jane I hope everything works out well for you and your family.
If you think the McDonald's clip is terrifying, think about the car in the clip that is driving by. I know the driver's and passenger's minds were completely blown seeing all those sparks. Remember they've had wind gusts up 176 mph, which are Cat 5 hurricane speeds.
In 1987 my house burned down. We lost everything, but I never cared because my babies were safe.
Fire insurance is adequate. The Red Cross also helps a lot. Your fire insurance goes to the bank, and that payment should cover the replacement value of your home, should you decide to rebuild, otherwise they pay off what you owe. You put the loss on your tax returns.
Jeff, you wrote, “I shit you not.” Jeff, you have never shitted me one time! So, stop fucking apologizing! Holy Christ on a cupcake!!! How much do I have to put up with?!!
Is it? I seem to have lost my ability to laugh at him. Probably because fire, and most of my family still lives in California. I shake my head in amazement though!
Laughing at the drug addled demented dotard is all we can do at this point Paula! The execrable wastrel hasn’t even taken the oath, yet he’s continuing to be the ugliest source of chaos and inhumanity we’ve witnessed since Hitler!
Every time I hear the faucet story,I cringe at the pure idiocy of a mind that thinks that way! Yes, keep repeating it. Too bad the fucking media has not run with that story.
Jeff, play it whenever you want. A friend in Las Vegas and I have both been watching the place turd made those comments Rancho Palestine Verdes, CA. Very exclusive area set on buffs over the ocean, for the very wealthy. Decades of rain & storm causing now-dire erosion, resulted in SCE to emergency-stop all power& gas on a long term basis. That all this was happening on the very ground he stood on, a cliff with severe erosion, and go into his "Large Water Faucet" hallucination.
Dammit, Jeff, you weren't supposed to mention the Giant Faucet in Canada!
My parents live in Vancouver. They've taken me to see the Giant Faucet, you can just see it in the distance from the top of Grouse Mountain if you know where to look. It's as tall as five Empire State Buildings stacked on top of each other and it's protected by hungry black bears and mountain lions. You need a special permit and bear/mountain lion repellent to go up there and turn on the faucet, because Canadians are big sticklers for rules. And if the few people who have the special permit are sick or out of town or whatever, that's it, the faucet isn't getting turned! Sorry, California!
Anyway, better hope nobody reads this to Donny, because then he'll want to annex Canada for real to seize the giant faucet and kill all the bears and mountain lions. My parents don't want that; they hate Donny as much as I do.
So. If the giant faucet is in Canada, how can it be Gavin Newsome's fault that it hasn't been turned on? Shouldn't he have been chastising Trudeau?? I am so confused.
While you'd never know it from Trump, if you sanewash hard enough, Newsom's sin is not diverting Northern California delta water to Central Valley farmers. Of course, if the water had been diverted, it would have gone to irrigate Central Valley almond trees, not transferred on to giant storage tanks over Pacific Palisades.
Yesterday Wonkette writer Doktor Zoom, on the environment/climate change beat over there, wrote about how former L.A. mayoral candidate Rick Caruso, who lost to Karen Bass in 2022, was blaming her for why his Pacific Palisades neighborhood was on fire, implying that a Black woman who had gone on a trip BEFORE the fires was incompetent and MIA because misogynoir. He blamed her for his perception of mismanagement and infrastructure failures. Here's a link, but TLDR, Rich Caruso is a white man who seems to be a total racist douche canoe telling LIES:
Of course, lies can travel around the world before the truth has even got its boots on (thank you Sir Terry Pratchett)!
That quote, or a version of it, has been misattributed to Mark Twain, Winston Churchill, Edgar Allen Poe, and Thomas Jefferson, in addition to Terry Pratchett and even a Chinese proverb.
It is likely the product of Jonathan Swift but stripped of its early-18th-century flowery verbiage.
Regardless of the origin, it's a GREAT quote.
BTW - ❤️ Doktor Zoom and all the other wonkers at Wonkette (which doesn't put commenters behind a paywall)
The water on the west side of LA is almost all from the LA/Owens aqueduct. East of roughly LaBrea Av it's 40% LA aqueduct, 50% MWD (Colorado River aqueduct), and 10% groundwater. Those percentages can vary year-to-year depending on rainfall and Sierra snowpack.
I remember being shocked when I first heard that! I almost stopped eating almonds! As a life-long California, I have to continue to support our farmers, though, even when we don't get enough rain.
How I’d love to explain that to him, using a piece of rebar to ensure his attention. The old boy tends to drift off. Also (since I’ve had to explain the delta smelt thing to Fox News afficinadoes) can we rename the delta smelt the “MAGA mackerel”? Perhaps that would shut them up.
It’s partially the fish to blame, unless the great icthiologist J. Emory Smelt discovered them or something. Stuck in my brain is an early Marx Brothers song about cooking one: “we put him in the pan and the fire he felt/ you should have smelled the way that smelt smelt.”
This is like when he used his sharpie to extend the hurricane on the map
He’s trying to annex Canada so he can correct the error of it being a Canadian faucet. “See it was northern-northern California, just ignore the states in between”
No one is EVEN talking about the constant moving of the Giant Faucet. Where IS it? Canadians are smart. If they keep moving it, it's not available to steal ... er, borrow a bit of water ...
indulge me for having used that faucet clip for something like the third time in the last few weeks. it's never been more relevant than it was for today's post
Keep on keeping on using it. It’ll always be relevant in reminding us who Orange Fuckwit is and what he isn’t.
What he isn’t is a person with mental acuity able to absorb facts and formulate a solution to a challenging problem. We are so fucked
One of the worst problems is that Donny is amassing a lot of bad, criminal and incompetent people all around him who manipulate him with flattery and hare-brained crap straight from the right wing fever swamps. Blaming DEI for wildfires is just one example. And of course, the worthless scribblers play along.
When I saw the McDonald's clip last night, my mind couldn't grasp it. It registered as something sped up dramatically for effect. I have to keep reminding myself it's the simple truth. My sister, her husband, and their animals are safe. I don't know what you do if your house burns down, fire insurance is inadequate, and you still owe on your mortgage. I guess we'll find out.
When Corporate America's fast-food Giant can't protect itself from climate change, then you know that something very big is going on.
“Climate change” A Frank Luntz soothing word.
McDonald’s can’t even keep up with hurricane damage- they still haven’t fixed their blown-down signs from the hurricane in October here in Florida.
McD's gonna start selling McNomex Home Wraps
What are you talking about?
To be completely clear, I might have said: “If mcdonald's cannot protect itself from climate change, you know that something very big is going on.”
Like what?
If McDonald's cannot protect itself from climate change you know that something very big, namely climate change, is going on.
Assuming that insurance and property values remain in the turbo-charged state, most will be able to rebuild. However, memories and other valuables will be lost forever!!
The very wealthy will be able to rebuild but not the others unless FEMA and insurance companies help. We, in Northern CA, have sent our fire crews to SoCal and guess what country sent theirs? CANADA!
Well hey, if Canada becomes the 51st state trump can just ORDER them to send water and help, as opposed to relying on things like compassion and good will and human decency.
No, no, no. We're dropping the US down to 47 states. WA, OR, and CA will be joining Canada as the province of Cascadia.
If only.
YES. But not the far eastern white-supremacist parts of WA and OR, they can stay with their brethren in Idaho.
I do hope that Canada picks up Maine as well - we're cheek-by-jowl and share the same fishing waters of the Atlantic... I'd be very happy to be Canadian!
Ellen, what about sawing the eastern part of each state? We'll need to root out maga. Now, all the red state Dems want into 'S 51st Province: Getting rid of Eastern areas of 3 states + rooted down maga should get us enough space.
If you shouted that out on the Streets of Seattle, the Ayes would raise the skies!
YES, please!!!!!!
Well, we could also attach a giant fire hose to that giant faucet...
Susan I don't see trying to take over anywhere anytime soon. Our military, MG, CG take oath to the Constitution.
🤞🤞🤞 Though I do worry about the setting up of paramilitary forces in some way. Maybe subverting some red state National Guards? Or covert funding of opponents of the Panamanian Government to take over and then "cede" the Canal to the US? Never forget the Contras.
Because Canada is a civilized country, unlike our own.
Bravo to our friends & cherished neighbors in Canada. Wait, has Joe quietly made CA a province? It only makes sense to do WA & OR too! 🇨🇦🇨🇦 jk
CA, Oregon, Washington, NY, Ill, & Mass, possibly VA & VT are forming a united coalition. Well, at least in my mind, they are.
And Maine.
Most insurers in California shy away from fire insurance and a number of folks I know up here in No Cal have been unable to get fire insurance that would cover replacement cost. I haven't asked my sister about her insurance, since I don't think she has had time to consider the full implications as yet. But property values (raw land) in a place that just burned to the ground are unlikely to increase any time soon. Remember, the entire infrastructure of Pacific Palisades is gone. Banks, grocery stores, cafes, gas stations -- all gone. The city will have to be rebuilt before anyone will want to buy there even though a sale of raw land will not be sufficient to pay any remaining mortgage on a home purchased while the area was livable.
Jane, as of 1/1/25 IIRC CA made changes to get more ins. companies to write homeowners' policies in CA. Now this. 😓
Elbow Mush could buy the entire Palisades and turn it into a MAGAt enclave, "Dizzyland."
I'm surprised that ill douché didn't scream about Biden not sending in the National Guard to protect McDonalds. (If only they had swept the forest floors.)
Wait, Il Duche? My God, that is brilliant. Thank you.
Not so fast, cowboy! I've patented and/or copyrighted it! Okay, as long as you use it wisely.
don't laugh about 'sweeping the forest floors' as that asshat real estate magnate that lost election for LA Mayor is blaming Newsome for not removing brush in forests..its exactly what Trump thinks.
I’m surprised Dumbass didn’t tap him for a Cabinet position.
Fact: 57 percent of CA land belongs to the US GOVT. They are 100 percent responsible for upkeep, fire suppression, vegetation removal etc. CF got schooled in this by a brave CalFire Captain when in 2018 CF blamed Newsom.
in South Carolina people who lost their homes in the hurricane/flood are still being dinged for property tax....and how can insurance companies stay in business? gonna be baaaaad
One of the LA residents stated that their bank is expecting the mortgage payments to continue for the ash-covered lot where their home once stood.
That is double-tough, with the insurance companies slow-walking their coverage, if they even HAD fire coverage. Disaster doesn't quite describe it.
So sorry for all the losses from the fire. My daughter lives in LA but luckily she’s in Paris now but her neighbors called her and said her building is being evacuated and they grabbed whatever they could.
Her friend lost their home and kids school.
Jane I hope everything works out well for you and your family.
thank you!
Jane, glad your family members are safe. Best wishes a fair result on her house.
Thank you, Teri!
If you think the McDonald's clip is terrifying, think about the car in the clip that is driving by. I know the driver's and passenger's minds were completely blown seeing all those sparks. Remember they've had wind gusts up 176 mph, which are Cat 5 hurricane speeds.
In 1987 my house burned down. We lost everything, but I never cared because my babies were safe.
Fire insurance is adequate. The Red Cross also helps a lot. Your fire insurance goes to the bank, and that payment should cover the replacement value of your home, should you decide to rebuild, otherwise they pay off what you owe. You put the loss on your tax returns.
Jeff, you wrote, “I shit you not.” Jeff, you have never shitted me one time! So, stop fucking apologizing! Holy Christ on a cupcake!!! How much do I have to put up with?!!
😂 One thing I count on is complete honesty from Jeff! 👏👏
Seeing the drug addled execrable wastrel bloviate is always amusing Jeff!!
Is it? I seem to have lost my ability to laugh at him. Probably because fire, and most of my family still lives in California. I shake my head in amazement though!
Laughing at the drug addled demented dotard is all we can do at this point Paula! The execrable wastrel hasn’t even taken the oath, yet he’s continuing to be the ugliest source of chaos and inhumanity we’ve witnessed since Hitler!
"....he’s continuing to be the ugliest source chaos and inhumanity we’ve witnessed since EVER!"
FIFY, Patrick. 😉
True, and I usually DO laugh at him, but not today. Not when the place I called "Home" is literally burning up.
Me too
Which one? ugh!!
I can't stand to see that fucking face nor hear that gritty, idiot voice any more, I just can't.
Every time I hear the faucet story,I cringe at the pure idiocy of a mind that thinks that way! Yes, keep repeating it. Too bad the fucking media has not run with that story.
Unfortunately, you can’t fix stupid.
That's what he actually believes. And now he's president. JFC.
Once he's in office, he'll say that turning the faucet is too hard. People don't know that, but it is really hard to turn that faucet on.
It’s hard to hear that clip of idiocy
It will always be hilarious
Jeff, play it whenever you want. A friend in Las Vegas and I have both been watching the place turd made those comments Rancho Palestine Verdes, CA. Very exclusive area set on buffs over the ocean, for the very wealthy. Decades of rain & storm causing now-dire erosion, resulted in SCE to emergency-stop all power& gas on a long term basis. That all this was happening on the very ground he stood on, a cliff with severe erosion, and go into his "Large Water Faucet" hallucination.
*Rancho Palos Verdes
Too bad that cliff didn’t crack and fall off with Dumbass tumbling down into a ravine.
Sometimes “what goes around comes around”.
If there were old Missourians in the press corps they would have said “Show Me!” Instead they said “Duh, ok boss.” Dimwits.
One of the best ever
I never grow tired of it.
That well will never run dry, Jeff.
Oh no problem!!!
That faucet piece should run in every commercial break on every channel for the next four years.
Dammit, Jeff, you weren't supposed to mention the Giant Faucet in Canada!
My parents live in Vancouver. They've taken me to see the Giant Faucet, you can just see it in the distance from the top of Grouse Mountain if you know where to look. It's as tall as five Empire State Buildings stacked on top of each other and it's protected by hungry black bears and mountain lions. You need a special permit and bear/mountain lion repellent to go up there and turn on the faucet, because Canadians are big sticklers for rules. And if the few people who have the special permit are sick or out of town or whatever, that's it, the faucet isn't getting turned! Sorry, California!
Anyway, better hope nobody reads this to Donny, because then he'll want to annex Canada for real to seize the giant faucet and kill all the bears and mountain lions. My parents don't want that; they hate Donny as much as I do.
So. If the giant faucet is in Canada, how can it be Gavin Newsome's fault that it hasn't been turned on? Shouldn't he have been chastising Trudeau?? I am so confused.
You aren't the confused one.
While you'd never know it from Trump, if you sanewash hard enough, Newsom's sin is not diverting Northern California delta water to Central Valley farmers. Of course, if the water had been diverted, it would have gone to irrigate Central Valley almond trees, not transferred on to giant storage tanks over Pacific Palisades.
LAs water comes in part from the Sierras and in part from the Colorado River.,via%20the%20Los%20Angeles%20Aqueduct.
Let's not confuse the issue with facts!
Yesterday Wonkette writer Doktor Zoom, on the environment/climate change beat over there, wrote about how former L.A. mayoral candidate Rick Caruso, who lost to Karen Bass in 2022, was blaming her for why his Pacific Palisades neighborhood was on fire, implying that a Black woman who had gone on a trip BEFORE the fires was incompetent and MIA because misogynoir. He blamed her for his perception of mismanagement and infrastructure failures. Here's a link, but TLDR, Rich Caruso is a white man who seems to be a total racist douche canoe telling LIES:
Of course, lies can travel around the world before the truth has even got its boots on (thank you Sir Terry Pratchett)!
Love the Douche Canoe, available for weekly rentals! Try the Guilfoyle model.
That quote, or a version of it, has been misattributed to Mark Twain, Winston Churchill, Edgar Allen Poe, and Thomas Jefferson, in addition to Terry Pratchett and even a Chinese proverb.
It is likely the product of Jonathan Swift but stripped of its early-18th-century flowery verbiage.
Regardless of the origin, it's a GREAT quote.
BTW - ❤️ Doktor Zoom and all the other wonkers at Wonkette (which doesn't put commenters behind a paywall)
So he’s blaming the mayor for not being clairvoyant.
The water on the west side of LA is almost all from the LA/Owens aqueduct. East of roughly LaBrea Av it's 40% LA aqueduct, 50% MWD (Colorado River aqueduct), and 10% groundwater. Those percentages can vary year-to-year depending on rainfall and Sierra snowpack.
BTW I loves me some almonds, but each one requires 1.1 gallons of water to produce.
I remember being shocked when I first heard that! I almost stopped eating almonds! As a life-long California, I have to continue to support our farmers, though, even when we don't get enough rain.
And hives full of bees to pollinate, after which the bees die because there is no other food around to sustain them. It's a double-f'd up deal.
Steve, thanks for this info. I can share that Berkeley's water comes from the Don Pedro Reservoir in the Sierra foothills. (EBMUD)
Haha I think that's Don Pedro
How I’d love to explain that to him, using a piece of rebar to ensure his attention. The old boy tends to drift off. Also (since I’ve had to explain the delta smelt thing to Fox News afficinadoes) can we rename the delta smelt the “MAGA mackerel”? Perhaps that would shut them up.
You know, that would absolutely work. Brilliant solution.
It’s partially the fish to blame, unless the great icthiologist J. Emory Smelt discovered them or something. Stuck in my brain is an early Marx Brothers song about cooking one: “we put him in the pan and the fire he felt/ you should have smelled the way that smelt smelt.”
He thinks that they just have to fill the hydrants.
Touché Linda!!
This is like when he used his sharpie to extend the hurricane on the map
He’s trying to annex Canada so he can correct the error of it being a Canadian faucet. “See it was northern-northern California, just ignore the states in between”
No one is EVEN talking about the constant moving of the Giant Faucet. Where IS it? Canadians are smart. If they keep moving it, it's not available to steal ... er, borrow a bit of water ...