I hope the Sandy Hook parents take every last dime from Jones’ pockets. What he’s done to them is immoral.

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That asswipe is an abomination. Who does such things to people who have lost a child to violence? What a fucking moron. He deserves to rot in hell...

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Jones should be forced to take his showers in a prison. Truck that fat monster in to a prison once a week and let the men at him. A use against and about children …. Is not a popular crime amongst incarcerated people

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Conspiracy shitlord. 🤣🤣🤣

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Be lovely if THEY got Infowars

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Yes. And published truth

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I'd love to see that happen!

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If we had been able to shut down Rancid Rush in the beginning all of this disgusting stuff would probably not have happened. Opportunity lost.

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You know the first time I heard him, I thought he was a political satirist. His taking things completely out of context was so stupid, I was sure it had to be humor.

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Cruelly disgusting

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"Immoral" doesn't BEGIN to describe this monster's actions!!!

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Dr. Phil, who lost is license can phuckety phuck right off.

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And a big phuck off to Oprah for foisting jerkhole Drs. Phil and Oz on us. Thank you very little.

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Exactly! Both of those guys gave me the creeps from early on, and I never was quite sure why until later. But right off the bat, I seriously wondered about Oprah's personal bullshit-meter.

I've never watched her since. I see her as an entertainer...not as a serious journalist (as she seems to be trying to position herself)..and those idiots (Phil & Oz), and the fact that she's never explained if she vetted them before she gave them a national stage), is a major reason why.

(Sorry about my run-on sentence...but this has bugged me for years as well😡)

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Her “vetting” of McGraw was him helping her win the cattle rancher case 🙄.

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Not interested in Oprah, Oz or Phil or actually anything originating in this group 🙄

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I’m waiting for ‘O’s mea culpa, if none, I don’t intend to listen to anything out of her mouth.

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Don't forget, she hired Dr. Phil as as a jury consultant, ( The program Bull has Dr. Phil as a consultant) in her case. She repaid him with his own show.

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She likes woo stuff, I think she has promoted the fat-shaming self promoter Mariane Williamson as well, and JD Vance's book.

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Could not agree more. I know she has done some good work but she was not diligent about who she foisted on us and I have zero respect for her.

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I won’t even read a book she has recommended.

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Ikr? Any Oprah book going back decades has been awful! I avoid all Oprah book recs.

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She probably gets kickbacks from book sales.

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I didn't even find the descriptions interesting.

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You said what I was going to write.

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Hey Oprah!! What the actual FUCK!!

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Just goes to show ya,get a slick line of bullshit a few people to buy your scam for a while and when it catches on bang… your a star ⭐️,all you need do is be willing to pimp ourself off as an enlightened , honest,intelligent person weather or not it’s true !Make them believe in YOU ,then start asking for money 💴 for some kind of spiritual experience that only you can deliver,or a sell a pair of Golden sneakers ! It’s all a friggen scam ! But you have to be a sleezy piece of human wreckage without a soul to pull it off! Look around it’s bigger than General Motors everybody’s into it the National Sting the American Con game !We be screwed !🤑🤑

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Lol, forgot about that dipshit Oz.

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Her taste in men leaves a lot be desired.

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I hate that asshole. I wrote him a nasty comment on his site years ago after he did a show on how ADHD wasn’t a real thing.

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He holds a Phd in Bullshittology.

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With a minor in jackassery!

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These people are so fucking odd.

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Dr. Phil is another reality TV motherfucking FAKE. Anyone who ever listened and believed that what he was doing and saying was real should be feeling pretty stupid now.

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He and the My Pillow guy could be twins.

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Each time I seen Phil the schill on the TV I would cringe 😬 what a complete asswipe hypocrite ,I’m cringing thinking 🤔 of the charlatan now Arrrgh!

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Stealing - sorry:-)

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A human foghorn with no redeeming value. The greatest moment of his show was when he had the kid who created Bumfights on so he could shame him about his exploitative content and the kid showed up....dressed as Dr. Phil.

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He let his license to practice (in Texas!) expire, and he's never been licensed in either California, New York, or Florida. That way, and by not charging patients for his "therapy", he avoids being held legally accountable—so basically, he's a faith healer taking donations, just like the late unlamented Jerry Falwell and the sadly not-in-Hell-yet Pat Robertson!


EDITED TO INCLUDE: I got it wrong based on misreading Google—Robertson died one day short of a year ago today. Ignore my saying Pat Robertson's still alive to befoul us all—he's in that Special Hell for Pharisees and Hypocrites, if His God is Just.

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Is that old hate-monger Pat Robertson still alive?


No, Pat Robertson passed away on June 8, 2023, at the age of 93. He was a religious broadcaster and best known for hosting “The 700 Club” for five decades. Robertson’s death was announced by the Christian Broadcasting Network, which he founded.

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By Jove, so he is! I would've sworn Google told me he was still alive—which I thought must be wrong, but accepted because as I age, I mix up dates and people in sometimes embarrassing ways. This time, though, I mixed it up based on what I assumed was an authoritative source.... 🤦‍♂️

I blame AI—even if I just misread what I saw, I'm blaming AI.

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I understand he and falwell are "sharing" a casket.

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Probably not the first time.

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In 2006 he apparently decided not to renew his license to practice psychology. Interesting…yet not so much since what he does is far removed from psychology. As for the trump interview, well it all comes back to money again and again. He’s sold his soul.

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Judge Merchan🤣🥳🥳🤣

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in fact, Bannons trial was originally scheduled for May 27, but they moved it so that Donny Fuckface could have his trial first

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Perfect. Merchan had enough b.s. from Trump. He will absolutely not allow comments, gestures, etc. from day one from Bannon. Sloppy Steve should still be serving his four months. It would be pretty easy to extend the existing contempt sentence - just tack on another month for each offense. 🤞🏻

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If Bannon doesn't extend his sentence for bad behavior, I will be incredibly surprised.

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That was my birthday. What a gift that would have been! 😃

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I know, right? Trump's sentencing is on my daughter's birthday, and she's pretty pleased about that

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Two days before my hubs birthday to. Early birthday gift for him as well. 😆

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Todays The start of my 69th orbit of Sol ,DER Shitler Keeling over spazzing out like a schitzo mackerel would be a nice little present 🎁🙏Puleeeze!

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Forgot how friggen old I was ,shit ,Trump hurry the F Up and end this shit ! 💩

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Praying that your wish comes true.

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Happy Birthday! May you get your wish.

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Did not know that!

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*Chef’s kiss*

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🌺❤️🌺❤️💕. Judge Merchan

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Ooohhhh… yummy! Judge Merchan! I love this for smelly Steve. “Lice infested hair!” 🤣 I want these people to be exposed for the hateful shitty people they are. Maybe we are slowly getting there. Dr. Phil? A hack. A mistake Oprah made. It’s Friday and I still hate everyone but you guys.


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Me too…I hate everyone driving in this town full of maggots with their white trash jacked up ratty trucks who can’t drive and I especially hate them when I have my grandchildren in the car with me. I’m afraid I’ve given them a bad example with my ‘fuck you asshole’ language and my sign language isn’t any better. 🤬

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LOL. Maybe that’s why I haven’t spend tons of time with my grandkids! I swear like a sailor! 😂

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I think the last eight years have turned us all into pissed off bad mouthers.

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I confess I have always been rather salty but it s definitely grown exponentially due to the political climate.

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Fuckin A

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See? THIS is why you guys ROCK! 😂 Whatta great bunch of people!

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You’re not alone.

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"Gammy, fuck is a bad word" my grandkid

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Do what I say, not what I do? 🥴

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Colorful language (which I am guilty of) is perfectly fine, as long as you have an excellent vocabulary.

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Thank you! Yes! I agree!

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Me too … f-strafing feels so good!

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Watch the sign language: we were twice almost run off the road, once by a semi with a religious term as the name of his company.

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I had a guy tailgate me, pass me with barely enough space, then cut me off just in time to turn into a church. Oh, and his bumper sticker suggested he would like to kill all liberals.

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Here’s my Fuck you asshole 🖕to him.

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You must have been in Missouri 😂😂😂

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Yes that has crossed my mind Old Man … I’m in hostile territory too. Will try to curb my impulsive tendencies more. You’re absolutely right.

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What did Judge Merchan do to get all the stinky ones?

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I know , he went from shits to Pits how much funky skunkie monkey 🦨 defendants can the good judge handle ? His defendants are kinky stinky with teeny mushroom dinkies. WTF is this anyway to run a court house?

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We love you too Susan.❤️❤️

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Yes, we do.

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Haha. Love this comment, Susan!

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One wonders just how well-hidden Jones' overseas assets are? Bannon is going to have DTs 2 days after being incarcerated. Like you, Jeff, I would love to see the Orange Oaf show for the debate, but he will cancel at the last minute or just not show up.

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Yes he will. He's a nut job with a slew of nut jobs doing someone's bidding.

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I wonder what the other inmates thought about his “no prison that can shut me up” dribble. 😈

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That word dribble - I do not think it means what you think if means. Try "drivel." :>)

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;) i stand corrected! the point still stands ;)

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But I think Bannon dribbles while he says it. So you're partly right.

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I ‘m thinking along the same lines as you! 😄

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Jun 7·edited Jun 7

They'll take it as a challenge!

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When he has other people’s body parts in that gaping sewer of a mouth-hole: Stevie will indeed be shut up

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Ha! Especially cellmate. "I will never shut up". That'll get annoying.

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Perennial scum suckers Bannon and Jones (I say perennial because they always seen to pop back up goddamnit), are getting hosed after hosing so many others (though idiots that paid for Bannon’s wall bullshit deserved it).

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Rat-bastards are getting some overdue comeuppance. ICYMI, Mark Meadows was arraigned in Arizona this morning for his part in Jan. 6. I'd bet a month's worth of Drumpy's fave fast food burger that he won't debate. Pity the inmates downwind of Bannon's cell.

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I sure hope he and Alex end up in general pop. Cry babies. It's pretty universal people don't care for people mean to kids. Make these old dudes exercise.

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Bannon is going to mouth off to the wrong person in jail and get his fucking drunken ass kicked. Bet on it.

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From your lips, etc.

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Where can I lay my money down. "Money it's a gas........"

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I won’t take that bet because I know you’re right!

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And what's this crying bullshit by Alex Jones? Are you fucking kidding me? There ain't no shaden in this freude. The level of loathing I feel toward the son-of-a-bitch for what he did to the Sandy Hook families deserves the lowest level of hell where it's a bit too dry for his tears. But hey Alex, you'll have some company there--meet Donny Fuckface and Rupert Murdoch.

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With Jones, it's performance art. That and the fact that he hid most of his assets out of sight and out of reach of the bankruptcy court and the Sandy Hook families.

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Well said. Alex Jones is beyond vile.

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Lowest level of hell….. yes

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It is so gratifying that he'll be spending the glorious fourth inside stoney lonesome. I wish they'd make room for the Old Demon next to his cell. Jones' crying was exquisite.

As for the previously mentioned Felchface McTreason, Robert Hubbell did a transcript regarding Trump's response to the question about how he relates to God. It is a pippin

"Okay, so I think it’s good. I do very well with the evangelicals. And I have more people saying they pray for me. I can’t even believe it. And they are so committed, and they are so believing. They say, “Sir, You’re gonna be okay. I pray for you every night.” I mean everybody. Almost, I can’t say everybody, but almost everybody that sees me, they say, it’s such a beautiful thing. You know, what’s a beautiful thing too? When you look at all of this bad stuff going on, they have nothing to look up to, they have no God, they have no anything. They kill people, they beat people, they push people into subways. So, there’s just nothing there. Religion is such a great thing. It keeps you . . . you know, there’s something to be good about. You want to be good. You want to . . .it’s so important, and I don’t know if it’s explained right. I don’t know if I’m explaining it right. But when you have something like that you want to be good. You want to go to heaven. Okay? You want to go to heaven. If you don’t have heaven, you almost say, “What’s the reason? Why do I have to be good? What difference does it make?”

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Man! That was some serious word salading by tfg. I got a headache from reading it. 🥴

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It was a word salad but in the end, he never even says how he relates to God. Since he's such a flaming liar, you'd think he would find it easy to say something about how pious and believing he is: certainly enough prosperity gospel preachers manage to, but Trump only talks about other people's faith or lack of faith. Is he afraid of another trick question about his favorite Bible passage?

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He doesn’t believe but is afraid of going to hell if he’s wrong. Not a believer either so I’m wishing him hell in prison.

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I'm an atheist myself and I know that he would equate prison to a biblical hell minus the fire and brimstone. Then he can bitch about how hot it is in there and how the warden is making it hot in there because he/she hates him because they vote for Biden without any evidence of their voting history.

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His failure to say anything comprehensible or rational about his "me me me" "faith"is yet another example of how Dump has no actual ideas about anything he hasn't already said before or pre-digested. Nothing new has come out of his mouth since he bulled his way down the escalator in shock that he could actually be a candidate. So shout some more, bud. I have zero interest in anything you say or think you have to say. The only thing worthwhile is Jeff's and others reminding us what's beyond crackpot in his ranting. Just don't forget he's a would be 2 penny showman who simply won't get off the stage. And I dearly wish someone would finally give him the hook. Though it seems we're getting close.

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If Trump was not such a sick, perverse, disgusting, evil human being, I would feel sorry for his faith “answer.” It is pathetic and pitiful. It has boggled my mind every single day for the last 9 years how he is the “religious” candidate. THAT is insane, and he is verifiably a horrible person…………

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God actually doesn’t vote or send money so Trump’s not that into Him.

Any Christian who looks to Trump for leadership is, um, deceived

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Not to mention gullible.

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He can't conceive of a world where he's not the topic of conversation. Acknowledging that there's a God means that Dumpy's not the most important and omnipotent person in the world.

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" FELCH FACE " ! 🤣

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Dude. You ain't going to heaven. Boohoo.

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Where he’s going, there’ll be more pitchforks than harps

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Nice example of 'word salad.' I predict, although that's always dangerous, that if Trump is elected but Democrats hold the Congress he will have acted so unconstitutionally and broken his oath of office so many times that he'll be impeached and convicted. After that there's a good chance that he will go to jail, even though he'll have cancelled the Federal indictments.

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What a blithering idiot!!

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Does CF Donnie Diaperstench think he can con his way into heaven!!!

I just assumed that he only believed in himself.

That’s the only way to be as evil and horrible as he’s been his entire life!

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That evil bastard has a deal with The fallen Angel ,he’s as close to a real Satanist as there’s ever been ,pure unadulterated hateful evil mo fo mo Jo pig fucker !

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My sister says that Biden can’t make sentences & I keep telling her that she needs to listen to some of the completely incoherent crap that orange boy says. One of my friends who thinks shitshispants was a “great” president says she can’t wait for the debate & I said “me too”! Wonder if CNN will actually cut off his mic to keep him from talking over Biden? I just can’t picture them doing that &if they are then I think orange boy will back out of it saying “they won’t let me talk”!

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He's got to start working on excuses now. He'll need them in a few weeks. I'm amazed at how they're editing Trump to try to make him sound coherent. It ain't working. As for your sister, maybe you could start her off with Biden's speech today at Omaha Beach. Biden acknowledged the 80th anniversary of this historic day; Trump whined about how no one has ever been as persecuted as he is.

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There is no heaven for orange fart face!

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"They push people into subways"??? Not a NY resident -- is that a real problem???

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Oh, yeah, we atheists always be murdering strangers. It's because we know there is no heaven. Oh, if only there was an afterlife so we would modify our behavior!

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Note to Donnie: No, you are not explaining it correctly.

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All the rotting asshats are meeting their just dues of their own making. What a gross group of losers, each one more repugnant than the next. That’s one low bar to reach. According to God (the Substack version) tffcfg let one stinky fart rip during the Phil fuck you McGraw interview. McGraw deserves to inhale that rotting anus air. 🤮

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Imagine Dr. Phil the shill interviewing the orange turd and Bannon at the same time. There wouldn't be enough air circulation to neutralize that double whammy of putrid shit. Also, I pity those poor guards who must be drawing straws to see who has to strip search that pathogen covered maggot. Hopefully extra PPE will be available to lessen the risk of catching anything from that despicable asshole.

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“I will NOT refer to Dr. Phil as a doctor! He is Mr. Phil to me.”…..as per MTG….

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And I damn sure won't call Trump "President". EVER!

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I never did before, I sure won't start now. I had a Prime Minister that was hot, instead. My husband is Canadian, and we lived there for a couple of years so that counts, right?

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I've been waiting for someone to bring up whether Bannon &/or dfg will get a cavity search. It's the ultimate humiliation (well deserved for these convicts). I SO want dfg to be required to pee into a cup in front of the court official doing the pre-sentencing questioning. (Michael Cohen recently revealed this tidbit he went thru.)

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Andy Borowitz addressed that today. The prison guards were being offered counseling ahead of time in case they had to cavity-search Bannon.

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They will have to use the same kind of elbow-length gloves that dairy farmers use to determine if a cow is pregnant. They insert a gloved forearm into the cow’s 💩🐄 anus. I have not personally performed this procedure, just saw it on TV.

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That might take years of counseling in order to get through such a horrific experience.

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That was a hilarious read by Borowitz!

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Bannon is terrible but there is a very special place in Hell for Alex Jones for what he did to those families.

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Bannon is going to prison. Alex Jones is going to the poorhouse. Trump is losing his marbles. So much schadenfreude—and it’s not even my birthday! Thank you!

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Sporkfoot's head set to explode in 3..2.....

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1! 💥

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Jun 7·edited Jun 7

Thick skin? The guy who's always whining about people being "mean" to him? Thousands of layers of putrefied orange makeup doesn't count as "thick skin?

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Maga: a bunch of freaking snowflakes with the biggest snowflake of them all as their dear leader.

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Soon to be melting in the greybar hotel

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One good blow to the head and he'd dissolve into a cloud of spores.

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Unfair. Unfair. Wahhhhh. They are treating me so unfair. Wahhhhh. No one in history has been treated so unfairly. Waaaaaahhh! Gub. Fart.

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Jun 7·edited Jun 7

To be fair, Trump's understanding of history is being able to identify his German grandfather in a black and white photograph. Although I don't think he could locate Germany on a map!

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When im elected, i will get you retribution for what they’ve done to me!

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Yeh…. The self pity and cluelessness about “justice” in the US really “resonates” with young men of color who had been incarcerated….or the families who were bereft when their father, son, husband, brother was shuttled off to prison for…..whatever

That sure is a compelling campaign tactic

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Bannon can still appeal to the full appellate court and to the Supremes, but it's highly unlikely he'll succeed. Just think - he'll be on trial in NY while he's in jail. Ah, Karma.

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Dianna Ross will show no mercy!😂😂

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Ain' No Mountain High Enuf

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These MAGA liars and propagandists think that they are invincible. Their lemming crowd can’t put two and two together - all these degenerates and criminals that surround their Dear Fartface Leader are just an accident or a deep state conspiracy?! Funny/not Funny. Morons Unite is their motto. Even as they’re being sent of to jail, they are still pointing the finger in any direction and the cult follows. OY!

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Everyone surrounding Trump is a felon. That's a record, and the idiots will ignore it, just as they repress what it means to have a grand jury, then a jury decide that Trump is a criminal. Fat man walking.

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