so we didn't get a Supreme Court ruling on Donny's immunity today. I hate it when I'm having to refresh twitter every five minutes while I'm in the middle of writing something, in case I have to tear it up because of breaking news.

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Jeff, you'd be forgiven if something else happens after you post! You're not a breaking news site, you're an awesome columnist. We can go to Google News or CNN for superficial updates throughout the day, your role is to put the crazy in perspective and make sense of it all .

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or... if there's no sense to be had, to put the crazy up on display so we can laugh our asses off at it all!

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Exactly, because Jeff uses the superficial shit for headlines and then goes into the deeper shit anyway, which takes time.

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The most chilling part is that, even though 40% of this country can recognize the evil in this man, they still want him to be President.

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No, the most chilling part is that they want him to be President BECAUSE of the evil in this man. It reflects their own evil, and calls it "patriotism."

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M M, you nailed it...the horror of horrors.

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Right wing media keeps saying that Cheeto boy is getting the black vote-I keep thinking “why would they vote for him? He’s never done anything for black people & has no plan to do anything, that I’m aware of, for black people”. In fact I think Tim Scott & Byron Donalds are making fools out of themselves-even more than white MAGAts

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Yup. They’re all romantic about it.

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WTF, why ?

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They seem like they are absolutely doing anything they can to get in his good graces & I think he relishes it-I think Cheeto enjoys these guys sucking up to him even more than the cult members

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Clearly, they're waging lawfare on Jeff! Time for pitchforks!

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Count me in. I can't carry a pitchfork, but I swing a MEAN walker!

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I use the pitchfork as a cane, myself—but I loves me some multitasking.

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LOL! My first thought was, "MY GOD, was I married to him at one point?"

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😉 Probably not—I was married and am in the middle of The Divorce that Never Ends, but I'd think we'd recognize each other if we'd been married at any time.

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Thankfully, mine was fairly quick, and easy. Crossing my fingers for you!

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I had CNN on when I was folding laundry yesterday (can't change the channel) and they flashed a huge BREAKING NEWS red banner. I was thinking maybe it was to announce another shoddy SC judgement but no. It was about Justin Bieber getting a DWI. OMG I laughed so hard. I gotta get my priorities straightened out, I guess.....

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I almost said something about this earlier after I saw a five-minute stint on MSNBC this morning about Justin. So many more important things to be discussing in the news beside a guy that can afford a lawyer to defend him from a DUI. I don't give a shit who gets a DUI and I certainly don't think it's information I need from national news networks. Especially since we have a crazy orange lunatic running for president.

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I'm trying to figure out why ABC News has a 'near miss' story about planes every night...

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Fear and anger are emotions that drive up readership. Let us refuse to be manipulated thusly.

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Justin Timberlake, whoever he is ...

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I get down on my knees every day and thank God that I do not belong to the generation that had to think highly of Justin Timberlake.

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Justin Timberlake

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Same response here when I saw it…🤦🏻‍♀️

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Wait! I'm trying to process your Breaking News. Laundry is supposed to be folded??

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Some folks actually put their sheets in a closet and do not immediately put them back on the bed. Not saying how I swing on that issue.

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I guess the honeymoon's over for the Biebers.

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The question is, do we really believe that SCOTUS will have a decision tomorrow? I say no, what say you?

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Absolutely not. They will wait until the very last moment, just as they are closing the door for the summer and shutting off the lights at the SC, jetting out of town to their luxury fishing trips or summer beach house or jetting to Corfu. They know better than to hang out where the CITIZENS might get a chance to voice their opinion within their earshot.

Remember what they did the day they released Dobbs?

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I don't remember what they did after the Dobbs decision, but I am assuming that they shot out of there very quickly.

I also think that they are waiting until after November 5th to see if Sir Shitshimself wins or not.

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As I recalled, it was the very last day of the term, and the Dobbs announcement was made right AFTER they had already left the building for the summer.

Oooooh, can they actually put it off and wait until after the election to announce a decision? I'm not sure. I guess we will find out in the next couple weeks.

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Maybe in a helicopter like GW Bush during the Obama inauguration?

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If they do ,it will be the most convoluted,bizzare,uncomprehendable line of fucken tripe ever written in the history of distorted propaganda ,that affirms Trump is indeed immune,but he’s the only one ,because he’s the sanest ,greatest human being to hold the Presidency,oh! And the election was stolen so he’s the legitimate president not Biden ! So! Take a hike Joe ! The immaculate sack of shit 💩 is Back for some retribution ! Aaaahhhhhhh!😬🫣😳😱🤯!!

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Whew! Well said .... now that that's done, it's a good time to calm down and relax!

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Most people think it will be the very last day of the term, and the term might be extended a day or two. Definitely do not hold your breath.

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They are still consulting the kindergarten classes of America for their answer.

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Trump is a serial liar.

Trump is a con.

Trump is a fraud.

Trump is a convicted felon.

Trump surrounds himself with criminals.

Trump is a scumbag sex-abuser.

Trump demeans women and wants to control their healthcare choices.

Trump is a racist.

Trump is Vladimir Putin’s Puppet.

Trump is a fascist and a wanna-be dictator.

Trump loves Nazi’s.

Trump is hell bent on taking away our right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Trump is a terrible businessperson.

Trump is mentally imbalanced.

Trump was America’s Presidential Accident and is America’s Disgrace

Trump is out of control and filled with rage.

Trump was America’s Presidential Accident and is America’s Disgrace.

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I read lots of American history. The Orange Turd is the: worst. president. ever.

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Steve, it is incredibly hard to believe that any American would vote for scumbag, piece-of-shit Trump!

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JOEL, you have written what I carry around in my 86 yo brain every day, and have since '15 when the escalator event happened, and I've been hanging on to life since. I WILL make it to Nov 5th to vote AGAIN for Joe & Kamala, and ALL DEMS I CAN VOTE FOR...LEGALLY


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But they do!! Seemingly "normal" people I've known my entire life!! It's insanity. And they say I'm the crazy one for perpetuating this Fascism "BS". Omfg. They're out to lunch!!!!

Thank you Jeff for always making me laugh and giving me a break from the rigors of my Political Advocacy!! You're the BEST!!!!


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Thanks. I felt that from the fake gold escalator moment several years ago.

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Me too. It was stunning, but not surprising, at all, that he PAID actors $50 bucks a piece to be at Fraud Trump Tower for that moment. Liar Scumbag Trump is the ULTIMATE FRAUD.

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He hates the same people they hate.

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Worst person ever

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He’s also an asshole.

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TRUTH, and I love it, Eva.

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There is that:-)

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I’m hoping there will just be an asterisk in place of his name and picture when future publications of our presidents are made.

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Well, Nancy, I'm hoping that, if and when his name and picture appear in future publications of any sort, the "picture" will be a shot of (excuse my language) a large asshole with Trump's hair on top and that the caption below will read "Liar Fraud Con Felon Trump. America's Presidential Accident and Disgrace"

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That’s even better!

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I hope he has a mug shot they can use

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Is that all? 😂

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My brain can't understand why he can even run, let alone be tied in the polls with Biden. I'm in my 70s and for the first time in my life, I am afraid for my country. This should not be happening. How did we get to this place?

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Bc we had the audacity to elect a Black man for President for starters and enact some Progressive reforms. Trump was the backlash.

Another big lesson I've learned through all of this is that Democracies have to be nourished and protected. Many were asleep at the wheel. Including me!!

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It’s also toxic or “end stage” capitalism

When all of the wealth gets concentrated into too few hands & those in the bottom half of the population lose hope of ever catching a break, they get really angry & desperate, & they will find a scapegoat or several to point their anger toward.

They will also hate the govt for allowing it to get so bad. I’m angry too! Our Democratic govt was asleep at the wheel, allowing shit to happen & not fighting back. Not listening to some of us who were screaming at them about Roe, guns, jobs, wealth gap, etc.

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You're exactly right!!

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You might add I am not insane !😵‍💫

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And 💩 in his pants stinking his surroundings 🤮

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Right wing media falsely claimed that Biden crapped his pants during the G7 summit cause… you know they accuse Biden of doing all the crappy things that Cheeto boy does-projection!

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He's also an asshole.

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Pretty sure she meant “wretched” but then wingnut is not my first language.

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nor mine

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I think racist was the word Ma Barker was reaching for ! How you say app pro what ever the fuck it is !

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"Wingnut is not my first language." 😂😂😂😂

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Some kinda mangled shit she misspoke at her loco NRA MEETING,local not loco 😝 Load em up mamma plenty of targets out there ,just aim and shoot ,you’ll hit something!

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OMG, I made it through Jeff’s article without snorting my oatmeal because I was being careful. This caught me by surprise on my last bite! 🤣

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Sorry not sorry? 😂

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Nah, she was trying to stir up shit. Racist thinks by using that term she can edge close to the n-word without using the n-word.

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Could be. I mean, “wretched” doesn’t make all that much more sense in context either, but it’s what I heard.

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Yes. Exactly.

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No, she was trying to be cool, ripping off the culture whose people she hates. Like all those white, suburban, boys who grew up with rap, that are mad because they aren't supposed to say the "N" word. They also use the words wrong because now Fox (so-called) News, tells them the words mean the opposite of what they mean.

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Balentina's accent taint gonna go down well with The Base:-)

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I actually found this as an alternative definition for ratchet, but I find it hard to believe that her vocabulary is that nuanced.

“2. A situation or process that is perceived to be changing in a series of irreversible steps.

‘a one-way ratchet of expanding entitlements’”

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I think ratched is a youth speak. Not sure what choir she was preaching to.

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Maybe a Freudian slip ,wrenched racist bitch !

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She did mean wretched.

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Tucker Carlson said to tan your balls if you want to be a real man. It’s really confusing to be white anymore.

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You caused me to spit my coffee! Perhaps we can trigger them by tanning one ball only? I don’t hate many things; I hate racist fuckwads, MAGAs ever more so because they’re Trump-apologist fuckwads.

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The left one only! 🤣

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Is that always the small one for males? Because women's tit's (there's that word again...) depend in the female, so asking for me and my uninformed friends.

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All we can say, is that it depends:-)

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When there’s an organ with bilateral representation one side will always be smaller than the other. That’s what Siri told me. ;)

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And that other crazy-ass group says to be a real man, one must wear diapers, hahaha, I still can't get over those lunatics 😂

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I still say actual journalists should explain "Adult Diaper baby fetish" to them, and congratulate them for coming out publically with their kink. I guarantee they won't do it again.

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That might actually work!

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Mike, I do feel sorry for the few remaining wonderful white men, my husband and son, thankfully are both in that category, but it can’t be easy for the good ones, right now. But you are out there, and I thank you!

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Tucker has balls?

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Hope he gets a 3rd degree sunburn!

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No it aint…unless you’re listening to people like that

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Racism is the most disgusting element in America, fueled by the hateful GOP. Has Ms Gomez looked in the mirror? Whatta bitch.

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That was my first thought. Doesn't she know she's a minority?

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Exactly. I will be able to vote in Missouri this election...I sure wont be endorsing her-OR ANY-of the shitty Repubs there. And to think it used to be so blue. Claire McCaskill, we miss you!!

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Because she is a minority, she had to go out of her way to show white Republicans what side she's on.

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