does elderly golfer even know what planet he’s on?
Earth calling Donny ... come in, Donny ...
it’s no exaggeration to say that the last five weeks have been a fire-hose of five-alarm fucknuttery.
in the New Normal, chaos is king. every day brings news of the latest wholly-unqualified charlatan to join the Confederacy of Sewer Clowns. heaped on top of that will be a horror story about the latest vital government service to be shredded to bits by the Department of Breaking Shit You Don’t Understand. then we have the Meddling Mom Brigade — Maye Musk and Penelope Hegseth — making the rounds of the cable chat shows to assure us that their sons, the Space Nazi and Piss-Drunk Pete, aren’t really dangerous psychopaths. they’re just misunderstood madcaps.
it’s fucking exhausting.
lost in all the post-election chaos, however, is a fact that’s been shunted aside for now — but is nonetheless going to be affecting us greatly for the next however-many years:
Donny Convict is a blithering imbecile, lost and wandering in an ever-thickening fog of dementia and delusion.
how else in the hallowed name of Massive Head-Wound Jesus do you explain this?
“The Democrats are fighting hard to get rid of the Popular Vote in future Elections. They want all future Presidential Elections to be based exclusively on the Electoral College!”
who wants to tell him?
I’m no historian, but I’m pretty sure that every fucking election in the history of the United States has been ‘based exclusively on the electoral college.’
here’s the map from the very first election in 1789, where George Washington won the presidency with 69 electoral votes (nice).
if anything, Democrats would love to abolish the electoral college. it’s a relic that was engineered to give slave-owning states outsized power. it’s undemocratic, and has no reason to exist.
the electoral college is the whole reason that Donny fell ass-backwards into the presidency in 2016 in the first place, after failing to win the popular vote.
Donny has to know this. so what the fuck is he gibbering about?
who knows? imagine the scenario. it’s past midnight at the golf motel. Donny’s hoovered so much crushed adderall that the pupils of his eyes are pinpoints. suddenly, one of the feral raccoons that live inside Donny’s head chews through the wrong wire, and out tumbles an incoherent mouth-fart about how those commie rat-bastard Democrats are going to steal the next election — by adhering to the Constitution.
then there’s this.
“It was a pleasure to have dinner the other night with Governor Justin Trudeau of the Great State of Canada. I look forward to seeing the Governor again soon so that we may continue our in depth talks on Tariffs and Trade, the results of which will be truly spectacular for all! DJT”
oh dear, Donny’s playing infantile dominance games again.
look how little I respect you, Canada, I’m going to pretend your whole stupid country is one of my states. and your prime minister — he’s just one of my governors. ha ha ha! I win again.
it’s the verbal equivalent of that asinine handshake he tried to pull on Emmanuel Macron over the weekend.
what a silly dipshit.
I guarantee that Justin Trudeau doesn’t give one fuck about Donny’s schoolyard taunts. he’s an adult, and he’s got a country to run.
need more proof that Donny’s brain is out where the buses don’t run? he’s now imagining interviews that never took place.
As he explained why he appeared on Meet the Press, he told Welker, “You’re very hostile,” to which she replied, “Well, hopefully, you thought it was a fair interview. We covered a lot of policy grounds.”
“It’s fair only in that you allowed me to say what I say,” Trump replied.” But you know, the answers to questions are, you know, pretty nasty. But. But look, because I’ve seen you interview other people like Biden.”
“I’ve never interviewed President Biden,” Welker corrected the President-elect.
“I’m talking metaphorically,” Trump explained before returning to complaining about how he feels poorly treated by the press.
sorry, but Donny wasn’t talking metaphorically — he was talking dementedly.
Donny Convict is such a broken-inside grievance baby — so convinced that he’s always getting a raw deal — that he imagines that Joe Biden got preferential treatment in an interview that never happened.
so unfair!
speaking of Donny’s Meet the Press appearance, the January 6th Committee members who he threatened to target for persecution and jail are speaking out.
here’s Adam Schiff.
“This is not just about retribution against those of us on the committee,” Schiff said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” on Monday.
“This is about sending a message that no one better hold him to account in his second term. … He is intent on trying to break down these checks and balances in our system,” Schiff added, referring to Trump. “That’s where the danger lies more so than to the members of the committee.”
here’s Liz Cheney.
“Here is the truth: Donald Trump attempted to overturn the 2020 presidential election and seize power,” Cheney said in a statement provided to The Hill.
“He mobilized an angry mob and sent them to the United States Capitol, where they attacked police officers, invaded the building and halted the official counting of electoral votes. Trump watched on television as police officers were brutally beaten and the Capitol was assaulted, refusing for hours to tell the mob to leave,” Cheney said.
Adam Kinzinger puts it much more bluntly.
Let me be clear: we did nothing wrong. The January 6 Committee's work was driven by facts, the Constitution, and the pursuit of accountability—principles that seem foreign to Trump.
If Donald wants to pursue this vindictive fantasy, I say bring it on. I’m not intimidated by a man whose actions on January 6th showed a cowardly disregard for democracy and the rule of law. A man too frightened to serve in the military, and a who requires a strong man like Putin to feel secure.
which brings us to a post I saw yesterday on social media.
“Don’t assume maximalist outcomes for the Trump administration. That’s a form of psychological surrender. We should attempt to exploit every stumble, failure, and misstep, and there will be stumbles, failures, and missteps.”
this person has it exactly right. yes, things suck right now and they’re going continue to suck, but it’s self-defeating to just give up and imagine that the worst possible outcome in unavoidable.
our opponents are evil — but they’re also incompetent bunglers who are blinded by a belief in their own imaginary genius. they can be defeated.
Adam Schiff, Liz Cheney, and Adam Kinzinger aren’t surrendering in advance. we shouldn’t be, either.
we have a fight on our hands. in a world of Morning Joes, be an Adam Kinzinger.
here’s your daily reminder that I can be found on Blue Sky at this link.
this is going to be my closing message for the foreseeable future:
practice self-care. do what you need to do to keep sane. if that means you need to disengage with my daily posts for a while, I get it. this community of ours will still be here when you return.
to all the people who have signed on in the days since the election, welcome aboard. settle in as we all try to deal with the shitfuckery that’s ahead of us.
we are all in this together, and we are all here for each other.
fun fact: in the first draft, it was Severe Head Trauma Jesus
I already despise Trump but it bothers me no end when he makes insulting jones about Canada. First it was the big faucet, now he’s talking about Canada being a state and Trudeau being its governor. Trudeau has more knowledge and class in his baby finger than the entire Trump clan. And I hope Canada sticks to its principles and continues to bar convicted felons from entering the country.