There's a lot that the damn news isn't calling them out on. This morning, someone on Twitter mentioned that anus ignoramus is running a shadow government out of Mar a Lardo. His meeting with Netanyahu and telling him not to call for a ceasefire because it would've helped Biden. WTF! Clear violation of the Logan Act and all of this bullshit while still out on bail. Could any felon ever get treated better by the press and still be allowed by the DOJ to carry on like he's still in charge? Not a fucking chance in hell.
This is the breaking point, imo. The press working overtime to get him elected and our current DOJ ALLOWING a former President to hold a shadow government. What on earth do we even have a Logan Act and an Emoluments Clause (remember him trampling all over that one every minute of his horror show in the WH?) IF THERE ARE NO ENFORCEMENT MECHANISMS???
It’s absolutely horrible!! When Kamala is sworn in, the very first thing she must do is fire Merrick Garland. WTAF?? DoneOLD Convict broke a Federal law over a week ago when he filmed a damned campaign ad in Section 60 of Arlington National Cemetery, he is a charged criminal & convicted felon out on bail fcs!! One of the main stipulations for remaining free on bail is that you not commit another crime. I agree, why the hell isn’t his probation officer revoking him??
I agree. I want to know how the news and media get away with this shit? I’m sickened by them all. How are they not calling out all the Donny dipshit lies and bullshit? JD Vance the goofy sob! They are all screwed up in the head!
According to the Q nutjobs, said baby's blood would probably go to celebrities to keep them young. See? It alllll comes full circle in their luny little world. Which is also flat, by the way.
It would have to be the correct blood type, wouldn’t it? As in normal blood transfusions. Complicates things for celebrities with rare blood types. If it worked to stave off aging, babies would be farmed to take their blood. Such is our worship of youth.
Yes, they don't seem to realize "to abort", has an actual meaning (as in to stop a process, in this case a pregnancy.) Birth is a completion of a process. Either way it is impossible, by it's very definition. They really are very stupid, or poorly educated people. I guess they don't own a dictionary, or know how to use Google.
One of life's great mysteries?🤷♀️🤦♀️We should ask the very stable genius that question. Only(?) problem, we'll all live our life then die waiting for an answer
As a retired RN, it’s not only the most outrageous nonsensical lie I’ve ever heard, but it is extremely insulting to every single person who works in the healthcare industry. It’s especially insulting to nurses & doctors who work in the OB, Labor & Delivery areas, most of whom choose that field because they truly love it. I have not once heard anyone correct him when he spews that utter nonsense. I just want to scream. The anger I feel toward him & the stupid idiots who applaud him, has for certain shaved a few years off my life.
Well, as a PhD, I take offense at that. Of course, there are educated people in all professions at all levels who are full of it. But to generalize like that is unfair and uncalled for.
I agree. Higher education of itself is no surety to good sense. However, it is a credit to all who strive and achieve. The tell is how one applies their knowledge. My experience, higher educated people do very well.
Has nothing to do with my statement. That kind of across-the-board generalization does not help in any case. All or non-thinking is why these people stick to what the moron says and does not consider anything else. Which is what a generalization promotes.
Kate: I am aware of that, but in this case, what was so bad was that it is a person not only in healthcare, but in a specialty where he would have known, if this kind of thing was going on.
Sorry, but after covid I lost a LOT of respect for the medical establishment. So many deniers and refusals to mask up, and misinformation spreaders. So I take everyone at face value. And I have a Master’s, and worked in higher ed too.
It’s very confounding. My younger sister & I were both RNs, worked in ORs where we of course had to wear surgical masks for hours & hours every day. You’d think we all understood the germ theory of disease, since I had polio, you’d think she’d absolutely be pro vaccines; but no, she went ALL the way down the anti vax, celebrity pedophile cabals, conspiracy rabbit hole. I will never ever understand what the hell happened to her.
Exactly right Kate! I always said, “They can have more degrees than a thermometer doesn’t mean they are experts in anything else.”
So many people say, “My doctor said such and such knowledge she/he told me that. And he’s a gynecologist so he/she knows what TFG says is Truth,” nope not a single word do they use that you asked for yet they’ll go to TFG’s site and have their weird comments to say it’s true.
My stepdad was a pharmacist at a receiving hospital in a large midwestern city in the 80’s and 90’s—so even before recent history I have heard a LOT of stories and incidents that would make anyone’s hair curl. At the end of the day we are all human, and pedestals aren’t really a good thing for any of us to be put on. Appreciate your post too!
Most insane thing he’s said so far, right up there with Drs murdering babies after they’re born. A third of the country have lost their ever loving minds.
It’s a strategic plan to exhaust the electorate. Especially now that Harris/Walz are on an upward trajectory in the polls, and ldff is dropping. I want to believe that Harris/Walz will trounce magat, I want to believe the polls are not crap. However, after 2016, a niggling fear sits in the back of my brain and in the pit of my stomach. The only way I am going to get through this election year is keeping
I know the one you’re talking about, I’ve seen it. She called Democrats
“baby killers.” I guess I’ll take her coming out & saying she will be voting for Harris, & urging her fellow true Republicans to do so as well, telling them now is not the time to write in a name; but I have no illusions about her conservative policies & beliefs.
Have any news outlet called out Donnyʻs other current fav lie - that kids go to school, get an operation there and return home as a trans kid? School districts can barely fund basic supplies such as books and markers, how are they funding an operating theater and doctors? My head keeps exploding.
It's amazing how Walz can manifest a football team he supposedly didn't coach on stage, yet the MAGAs can't come up with a single witness to the infanticide that is apparently taking place here on the regular.
I mean, they hounded some old woman in Kenya into claiming Obama was born there but there's not a single nut job "witness" to murder inside a hospital?
Donny never met a lie he couldn't continually embellish. Soon it will be he SAW people, illegal immigrants, who were from insane asylums, that's right, they're even saying they're seeking to be in asylums, killing babies after birth, while crowds cheered, and big strong men came up to him, tears in their eyes, Sir, they said, Sir, they're killing the babies, the first borns [here he degenerates into anti-semitism]
Yes. All I could think of when they said that was: How does one prove a negative? They didn't go into the area, and film against federal law? All a video would prove, is it wasn't captured on their video.
I don’t think that’s what they’re saying they have video proof of. We know they film an ad in Section 60, illegally, because they posted it on TikTok almost immediately.
They’re claiming the have video proof that the pushing/shoving of the ANC employee did not happen.
I have actually been saying this for years. He runs with the most evil of the evil, the Russian mafia oligarchs--gun runners, terrorist-weapons-providers, child sex traffickers, casual murderers. The "tape" that Putin has, I'm sure, is something utterly beyond the pale. They were actively promoting the idea that it was something far more mild (the "pee" rumor), which I have always said is cover for something far far FAR worse.
I have always believed the tape was something beyond the imagination of normal people. I believe it involves Don the Con being abused in one way or another but who knows. There is definitely something heinous there.
And a willfully ignorant press that can't be bothered to mention "holy fucking shit, don't believe a word from this human-like animated garbage sculpture!"
The way the press has been like "but there are no photos of her working at McDonald's" like bitch, that was probably around 1980, are you aware iPhones were not invented yet? People weren't walking around with cameras in their pockets all the time and I doubt anyone working the fry vats at a fast food place was super eager to drag in an SLR and take pics of all their super happy coworkers.
Ditto. I worked several pre-professional "I need the money bc I'm a student" jobs between 1978 and 1986, and I don't have a single pic or paystub from them, nor do I have any tax forms from them. As is the case with all normal people ...
(I still have my Macy's name badge, but it doesn't state the dates of my employment there)
Especially considering many McDonald's are franchises and also I doubt there are many open now that were open in the late 70s/early 80s. Does the press really think the corporate office keeps paper applications on file from a closed franchise restaurant from 40+ years ago???
About 50% of the companies I've worked for are no longer around. Mind you I have about 6-7 where I have no friends or family that can vouch for me, because... It didn't fucking matter. It paid some bills. Left no impression.
If they found evidence of Kamala working for Donken (Micky Deez), then they would ask why she didn't become a manager, and then why not a franchise holder. Ever moving the goal post.
btw: I know "killing babies after birth" is not a new Donny lie — the new part is that there are six (and sometimes seven) states where it's legal
How is every news outlet not calling them out on this bull shit?!!!! At this point, it qualifies as negligence.
There's a lot that the damn news isn't calling them out on. This morning, someone on Twitter mentioned that anus ignoramus is running a shadow government out of Mar a Lardo. His meeting with Netanyahu and telling him not to call for a ceasefire because it would've helped Biden. WTF! Clear violation of the Logan Act and all of this bullshit while still out on bail. Could any felon ever get treated better by the press and still be allowed by the DOJ to carry on like he's still in charge? Not a fucking chance in hell.
Trump should’ve been in jail years ago. We would have been. No justice.
Spellwreck changed "cease" to "seize". Now that's funny.
"Spellwreck" has now and forever entered my lexicon!
I call it auto-car-wreck
Spellwreck, that's funny as hell. Thanks for pointed that out.
Does he even have a "Real Probation Officer" ? that his bail can't be rescinded?
President Harris and Vice President Waltz must give us Stronger Persons to head up the DOJ and FBI.
Someone with Military, Lawyering Experience, possibly?
🤔 😲 🫡 , IJS!!!!
This is the breaking point, imo. The press working overtime to get him elected and our current DOJ ALLOWING a former President to hold a shadow government. What on earth do we even have a Logan Act and an Emoluments Clause (remember him trampling all over that one every minute of his horror show in the WH?) IF THERE ARE NO ENFORCEMENT MECHANISMS???
Grrr. I am so fed up!
It’s absolutely horrible!! When Kamala is sworn in, the very first thing she must do is fire Merrick Garland. WTAF?? DoneOLD Convict broke a Federal law over a week ago when he filmed a damned campaign ad in Section 60 of Arlington National Cemetery, he is a charged criminal & convicted felon out on bail fcs!! One of the main stipulations for remaining free on bail is that you not commit another crime. I agree, why the hell isn’t his probation officer revoking him??
It’s ridiculous.
Class Action Lawsuit?… heyyyyy 😃
I've wished for that for years for Fox News. They have hurt us all.
I 100% support this idea and wonder what it would take to pull it off.
And maybe treason?
The corrupt corporate media is TREASONOUS and all need to be HELD TO ACCOUNT
Welp treason is rather loosely defined and never really prosecuted in modern times so LDFF gotta get yet another pass srry
If ANY of us committed treason we would be in jail. I don’t buy that.
Just go by the dictionaries definition; Benedict Arnold and Robert E. Lee were judged as Treasonous, weren't they?
I agree. I want to know how the news and media get away with this shit? I’m sickened by them all. How are they not calling out all the Donny dipshit lies and bullshit? JD Vance the goofy sob! They are all screwed up in the head!
I’ve always wondered — stay with me here — how a doc does an abortion when the baby is no longer a fetus in its mother’s uterus.
Supposedly in front of a room full of staff the doctor would kill the baby????
Hard to say what these Qanons are thinking!
According to the Q nutjobs, said baby's blood would probably go to celebrities to keep them young. See? It alllll comes full circle in their luny little world. Which is also flat, by the way.
Used as pizza sauce, of course. C'mon.
It would have to be the correct blood type, wouldn’t it? As in normal blood transfusions. Complicates things for celebrities with rare blood types. If it worked to stave off aging, babies would be farmed to take their blood. Such is our worship of youth.
The dead silence that follows that statement EVERY TIME gets me… geez
Yes, they don't seem to realize "to abort", has an actual meaning (as in to stop a process, in this case a pregnancy.) Birth is a completion of a process. Either way it is impossible, by it's very definition. They really are very stupid, or poorly educated people. I guess they don't own a dictionary, or know how to use Google.
One of life's great mysteries?🤷♀️🤦♀️We should ask the very stable genius that question. Only(?) problem, we'll all live our life then die waiting for an answer
As a retired RN, it’s not only the most outrageous nonsensical lie I’ve ever heard, but it is extremely insulting to every single person who works in the healthcare industry. It’s especially insulting to nurses & doctors who work in the OB, Labor & Delivery areas, most of whom choose that field because they truly love it. I have not once heard anyone correct him when he spews that utter nonsense. I just want to scream. The anger I feel toward him & the stupid idiots who applaud him, has for certain shaved a few years off my life.
Jeff: what is demoralizing is listening to a very smart MD preaching to me that this is true! Irrationality of emotional need overrides reality
Don’t ever confuse smart with educated/degree holding. They are vastly different things!
BS (Bull Shit); MS (More Shit); PHD (Piled Higher and Deeper). I know this, because I spent a career in higher education.
Well, as a PhD, I take offense at that. Of course, there are educated people in all professions at all levels who are full of it. But to generalize like that is unfair and uncalled for.
I agree. Higher education of itself is no surety to good sense. However, it is a credit to all who strive and achieve. The tell is how one applies their knowledge. My experience, higher educated people do very well.
You're probably one of the exceptions, Janan. From my experience of higher edumacation I call the place Acadamania. And that was 50 years ago.
Oh, c'mon. No one's ever said that to you? And you take it personally? I think my dad told me that joke when I was in junior high.
Has nothing to do with my statement. That kind of across-the-board generalization does not help in any case. All or non-thinking is why these people stick to what the moron says and does not consider anything else. Which is what a generalization promotes.
I can say that my relatives who were able to go to college are mostly Democrats, while the ones who did not are mostly Republicans.
Fair statement.
Kate: I am aware of that, but in this case, what was so bad was that it is a person not only in healthcare, but in a specialty where he would have known, if this kind of thing was going on.
Sorry, but after covid I lost a LOT of respect for the medical establishment. So many deniers and refusals to mask up, and misinformation spreaders. So I take everyone at face value. And I have a Master’s, and worked in higher ed too.
I don't understand how they took the same anatomy and surgical courses I did, and took so little from them.
It’s very confounding. My younger sister & I were both RNs, worked in ORs where we of course had to wear surgical masks for hours & hours every day. You’d think we all understood the germ theory of disease, since I had polio, you’d think she’d absolutely be pro vaccines; but no, she went ALL the way down the anti vax, celebrity pedophile cabals, conspiracy rabbit hole. I will never ever understand what the hell happened to her.
Exactly right Kate! I always said, “They can have more degrees than a thermometer doesn’t mean they are experts in anything else.”
So many people say, “My doctor said such and such knowledge she/he told me that. And he’s a gynecologist so he/she knows what TFG says is Truth,” nope not a single word do they use that you asked for yet they’ll go to TFG’s site and have their weird comments to say it’s true.
Thanks for the post Kate!
Agree 💯!
My stepdad was a pharmacist at a receiving hospital in a large midwestern city in the 80’s and 90’s—so even before recent history I have heard a LOT of stories and incidents that would make anyone’s hair curl. At the end of the day we are all human, and pedestals aren’t really a good thing for any of us to be put on. Appreciate your post too!
My Granma always called them" Educated Fools".
Oh for crying out loud, seriously??!! An actual Dr believes that complete nonsense? Omg, I give up. 🙄
Unfortunately his cult members believe it because he said it.
Peerless in vacuous idiocy Tess!!
Yet sadly, he’s managed to WEAPONIZE IT!
And what about the latest atrocity - your kid goes to school and 3 days later returns as a different sex. WTAF????
They turned me into a newt once.
As long as it wasn’t Newt Gingrich!
Did you get better?
Yes, those school districts surely have operating theaters and doctors on call at the elementary schools. Makes perfect sense.
Most insane thing he’s said so far, right up there with Drs murdering babies after they’re born. A third of the country have lost their ever loving minds.
Trump’s example played on castration fear. It was not about a girl wanting to be a boy.
the most bizarre thing to me is that PEOPLE BELIEVE IT
Or are they just parroting, to be part of the cult?
It’s a strategic plan to exhaust the electorate. Especially now that Harris/Walz are on an upward trajectory in the polls, and ldff is dropping. I want to believe that Harris/Walz will trounce magat, I want to believe the polls are not crap. However, after 2016, a niggling fear sits in the back of my brain and in the pit of my stomach. The only way I am going to get through this election year is keeping
How does anyone fall for that? But then again, they fall for the QAnon shit
So the Republitard party turned into the MAGA party, and now its slipping into the
Qanon - next stop: Dumpsterville!
They think like primitive 9th century peasants, so a blood libel is right up their alley
They are trumpanzees. Just tell them who to hate.
Because they want to. Even some people on the left believed nearly every Russian propaganda, about the 2016 election.
FYI: Liz Cheney stated that same lie in an OLD interview (have to check the year). And she’s one of the ‘good ones’????
There really are no good ones.
*bows in your general direction.*
I know the one you’re talking about, I’ve seen it. She called Democrats
“baby killers.” I guess I’ll take her coming out & saying she will be voting for Harris, & urging her fellow true Republicans to do so as well, telling them now is not the time to write in a name; but I have no illusions about her conservative policies & beliefs.
Have any news outlet called out Donnyʻs other current fav lie - that kids go to school, get an operation there and return home as a trans kid? School districts can barely fund basic supplies such as books and markers, how are they funding an operating theater and doctors? My head keeps exploding.
Pairs well with ‘Everybody wanted Roe overturned - R’s D’s - EVERYBODY’ 🙄
It's amazing how Walz can manifest a football team he supposedly didn't coach on stage, yet the MAGAs can't come up with a single witness to the infanticide that is apparently taking place here on the regular.
I mean, they hounded some old woman in Kenya into claiming Obama was born there but there's not a single nut job "witness" to murder inside a hospital?
“If you tell a lie often enough….”
They'll pay some mentally-ill, starved for attention, winger to say they saw it, just like the so-called election-fraud, post office liar.
Oh no doubt. I'm just surprised they haven't found that person yet.
Donny never met a lie he couldn't continually embellish. Soon it will be he SAW people, illegal immigrants, who were from insane asylums, that's right, they're even saying they're seeking to be in asylums, killing babies after birth, while crowds cheered, and big strong men came up to him, tears in their eyes, Sir, they said, Sir, they're killing the babies, the first borns [here he degenerates into anti-semitism]
But they make pretty good pizza topping, over there at The Email Lady's pizza store.
May as well throw in some Somali immigrants - no doubt smuggled in by Ilhan Omar herself - for a twofer, including Islamophobic dog whistle.
Yes. As he always does.
They can produce the video proof "in about 2 weeks" along with the Arlington Cemetary "footage". Can eye roll be fatal?
Yes. All I could think of when they said that was: How does one prove a negative? They didn't go into the area, and film against federal law? All a video would prove, is it wasn't captured on their video.
I don’t think that’s what they’re saying they have video proof of. We know they film an ad in Section 60, illegally, because they posted it on TikTok almost immediately.
They’re claiming the have video proof that the pushing/shoving of the ANC employee did not happen.
Of course, we have yet to see such evidence.
And I repeat: he harps on this so much that I suspect he has ordered the killing of newborns.
I have actually been saying this for years. He runs with the most evil of the evil, the Russian mafia oligarchs--gun runners, terrorist-weapons-providers, child sex traffickers, casual murderers. The "tape" that Putin has, I'm sure, is something utterly beyond the pale. They were actively promoting the idea that it was something far more mild (the "pee" rumor), which I have always said is cover for something far far FAR worse.
Donny Dumpster wants to be the American Putin; no pee tape needed.
I have always believed the tape was something beyond the imagination of normal people. I believe it involves Don the Con being abused in one way or another but who knows. There is definitely something heinous there.
And a willfully ignorant press that can't be bothered to mention "holy fucking shit, don't believe a word from this human-like animated garbage sculpture!"
The way the press has been like "but there are no photos of her working at McDonald's" like bitch, that was probably around 1980, are you aware iPhones were not invented yet? People weren't walking around with cameras in their pockets all the time and I doubt anyone working the fry vats at a fast food place was super eager to drag in an SLR and take pics of all their super happy coworkers.
I worked at McDonald's in the '70s. Not one picture. Unlikely their employment records go back that far. I kept no pay stubs. So, am I lying, MAGAts?
Ditto. I worked several pre-professional "I need the money bc I'm a student" jobs between 1978 and 1986, and I don't have a single pic or paystub from them, nor do I have any tax forms from them. As is the case with all normal people ...
(I still have my Macy's name badge, but it doesn't state the dates of my employment there)
Especially considering many McDonald's are franchises and also I doubt there are many open now that were open in the late 70s/early 80s. Does the press really think the corporate office keeps paper applications on file from a closed franchise restaurant from 40+ years ago???
About 50% of the companies I've worked for are no longer around. Mind you I have about 6-7 where I have no friends or family that can vouch for me, because... It didn't fucking matter. It paid some bills. Left no impression.
If they found evidence of Kamala working for Donken (Micky Deez), then they would ask why she didn't become a manager, and then why not a franchise holder. Ever moving the goal post.