The reason that Canada's leader went to Florida to consult or whatever with Trump was that Canada does not allow convicted felons to enter their country. American dudes who were drafted during the Vietnam era hauled ass across the border into Canada so they wouldn't have to serve. 50,000 Americans emigranted to Canada during that time.
But Trump is not welcome there. Not welcome here either.
Be aware that Canada is struggling with very similar ultra conservative forces and attempts of foreign interference from China, Iran, India, Pakistan, and Russia. Putin is such a busy boy! The article below speaks to it and if you want I can provide others. But, a search for Canadian Gov sites as well as news sources will show this.
This is why it's critically important for liberal Americans and Canadians to join public forces against these movements. I expect that when those forces see it happening they'll try to divide the two countries with disinfo. Also, we have something like maga here and they admire the Orange Turd. Search on "Freedom Convoy" or Freedumb Convoy".
Perhaps a "prisoner" swap could be arranged? Let's send all the MAGAts to Canada in exchange for all the progressive/liberal Canadians coming to the US. Trump can preside over all his sycophants in Canada, and we'll happily take Trudeau as president of the US. Everybody's happy! 😄😁😆😅🤣
I have first cousins with dual citizenship Canada/ America . I speak a little French, but because of my early childhood in Minnesota, & unfortunate frozen child incidents,
I tried—applied to immigrate and got turned down. I’m retired, have plenty of assets, speak French. But right now, they want young people with skills that they need. I am on their mailing list, so we’ll see if anything changes.
U know I wouldn't leave America I was just joking..But i would like to go where they've been-lived & grew up - besides I'm 76yrs & too old to start over & my family is such a beautiful blend of this country with different cultures & faiths it makes me oh so proud to be American..So saying that I think this country is worth fighting for - for all the right reasons..R founding fathers had a dream & they carefully layer it all out for us & year after year & generation after generation we let them down..From the Oath taking ugly politicians to the US the overseers of the "Peoples Government" so right now it looks like we r about to get a big lesson..One we can not let it begin I say..Truthfulness & goodness always comes out in the end especially when it's goal is for the betterment of the whole..We will save America & we will make sure r founding fathers dream of the words of the Constitution r never distorted & ignored one will be pushed aside & made to feel the lesser again!
No soldier will have died so greed & self created power can
I know that Nick Fuentes will never spend one minute in prison. But please allow me the fantasy of seeing him sitting in his cell, where his cellmate says , “Your body, my choice.”
What if no man or boy was allowed to mention sexual assault or harassment or rape until that man or boy was proven to have been raped or sexually assaulted himself? Proven not by a judge or jury, but a much higher standard. On tape, with ten witnesses. Disallow any false claims. Rape is not "boyish high jinx". No excuses, straight up what happens to girls & women.
"Your body, my choice" should be the basis for cleaning up the 1A as far as hate speech. It's an aggressive threat, meant to terrify females, allowing males to get away with lewd language. How long before the taunts and threats of violence become actual rapes?
Soon Terri....there is going to be violence vs. women in an unprecedented scale as this is the mysogenistic attitude of most of his comrades will take this cue & act on it. I see a large member of 'Snapped' episodes where women defend themselves thru justified homocide. This won't be a family friendly environment. Women need to investigate who they become partners with & their ideology. Just my thoughts...
Bear Spray is available too. In rural areas up here, people shoot guns behind 6 ft. fences when bears come around on garbage day to scare them off. So if you are wanting more than pepper spray. Not sure if it's legal everywhere. Should stop an attacker.
It never ceases to amaze me how much they hate women. Bratty little boys raised to think they're special. Nasty men with small dicks. Control freaks. As Marlene Dietrich said about Hitler, "Unfortunately the first girl laughed".
Possessing a small or micro penis makes them hateful blowhards, know-it-all's, and bullies. For these guys, it is a natural transition to become a republican.
Trump planting the Canadian flag in Switzerland puts the "art" in artificial intelligence and the "dumb fuck" in Trump.
Meanwhile, Musk's tweets are so idiotic as to defy comprehension. If you pulled together a dozen of them, without attribution, and asked the world who wrote them, most people would start out with Marjorie Taylor Greene and go downhill from there. It really is amazing.
Maybe he should have finished college instead of staying here illegally. He’d still be an evil asshole, but less uneducated. On second thought, he’s less of a threat the way he is now. I imagine him wandering around the DoJ, looking for the ACLU Department to defund. Or having Vivek and Greene pull the funding for SpaceX.
Pulling the Tesla funding wouldn’t bother him at all, since he’s cashed out his stock, but we have other rocket boys in this country ready to take his funding Dr.!!
The kid is 26 years old. He couldn't even get the ball in the hole, dumb fuck. Rape is a hell of a way to lose your virginity, but this doesn't count, you idiot. And take his fucking mace away, he is melting down.
The thing about that little shit that really kills me is despite all of his hatred for women and his idiotic advice about how men have dominion over women, the first place he ran when his address was published was home to mama. He has some deep psychiatric issues and definitely is probably in love with mommy still. Any self respecting woman would spit in his face and give him a swift kick to the balls, but he would be the apple of a lot of these maga skanks’ eyes. I’m sure he has women writing him all the time who think he is just aces. I actually saw women interviewed during the election who said they didn’t believe women should be able to vote. I grew up in the 60s, and 70’s amidst a hell of a lot of turmoil and fighting like hell for our rights and I’d like to kick the shit out of every single one of those stupid bitches.
Our Nazis are the best Nazis like nobody has ever seen. Ours are the whiniest, angriest, most self entitled, and dumbest in the history of books. That’s something amirite?
As reported in The Guardian, Trump hosted a group of German neo-Nazis (Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) party) at Mar-a-Lago to watch election day results with him. Among them was "the purported semi-professional, one-time porn actor, self-confessed former cocaine user, convicted thief and hard-right candidate for the German parliament Phillipp-Anders Rau. Together with a compact delegation of young political activists and influencers, Rau posed for the cameras with the American president-elect at his invitation, chanting “Fight! Fight! Fight!” in English and German."
I had the strangest thought reading this. Were the Nazi nazis of the 1930s this fucking stupid? I always realized how sick they were and how groomed for this they were, but I never considered just how fucking fun they must have been, bottom to top. In light of our present perilous moment I’m reconsidering. It was Chip Roys all the way down.
Many of the German Nazis were that dumb, but Germany was a much easier country to dominate. It was more homogeneous—many fewer dissenting organizations. Also, there was no local government to oppose the central authority. Today we have 21 Democratic states whose attorney generals are consulting with each other to oppose Maga initiatives and slow down or stop them in court.
MAGA wants to regain control of the country. The good news is, that is not possible.
I hope you're right. The far-right Evangelicals scare me. Just remember history, how people were burned a the stake and/or drawn and quartered because religion. There is no religion, only power over others.
I believe deeply that you're wrong, but I can't prove it. No one has been burned at the stake for hundreds of years, not even in Russia or China or Nazi Germany. Admittedly, a few black people in the South may have been burned before they were lynched.
The reason that Canada's leader went to Florida to consult or whatever with Trump was that Canada does not allow convicted felons to enter their country. American dudes who were drafted during the Vietnam era hauled ass across the border into Canada so they wouldn't have to serve. 50,000 Americans emigranted to Canada during that time.
But Trump is not welcome there. Not welcome here either.
Can I move there please?
Be aware that Canada is struggling with very similar ultra conservative forces and attempts of foreign interference from China, Iran, India, Pakistan, and Russia. Putin is such a busy boy! The article below speaks to it and if you want I can provide others. But, a search for Canadian Gov sites as well as news sources will show this.
This is why it's critically important for liberal Americans and Canadians to join public forces against these movements. I expect that when those forces see it happening they'll try to divide the two countries with disinfo. Also, we have something like maga here and they admire the Orange Turd. Search on "Freedom Convoy" or Freedumb Convoy".
Who could forget the Canadian truckers? Oy.
You’re right, PurpleH, American and Canadian progressives/normal folk should join forces to blast these fascist pigs.
Perhaps a "prisoner" swap could be arranged? Let's send all the MAGAts to Canada in exchange for all the progressive/liberal Canadians coming to the US. Trump can preside over all his sycophants in Canada, and we'll happily take Trudeau as president of the US. Everybody's happy! 😄😁😆😅🤣
How about sending all the MAGAts (US or Canadian) to Russia with 45 as their mascot.
Um, I don't think so! But, thanks for playing.
Sorry, we’re getting desperate over here
Oh hell no…
The Ram Ranch sting guy was excellent though! And the western separatists are just nuts.
LMAO! I hadn't heard it before this!
My husband is Canadian, and we lived in BC. for several years, so I tend to follow anything that seems weird about Canada.
How’s your French and do you enjoy the cold Norie?
The only place they speak primarily French is in Quebec, only in that one province
I have first cousins with dual citizenship Canada/ America . I speak a little French, but because of my early childhood in Minnesota, & unfortunate frozen child incidents,
I don't like being cold, or wet.
My French is horrid. But, it hasn't been a problem in BC. The weather on Vancouver Island is pretty much the same as Seattle. For better or worse.
I tried—applied to immigrate and got turned down. I’m retired, have plenty of assets, speak French. But right now, they want young people with skills that they need. I am on their mailing list, so we’ll see if anything changes.
I hope it works out for you. We really do have a need for medically trained people here. Veterinarians included.
I've been waiting 7 months for a hip replacement. But, when it happens the majority of the cost will be covered.
My family originally came from England to Canada in & around 1903-6..lived there for many many years-can we go back?🙋♀️lol
Too late! My grandfather was born there, but it cuts none of their famous ice
U know I wouldn't leave America I was just joking..But i would like to go where they've been-lived & grew up - besides I'm 76yrs & too old to start over & my family is such a beautiful blend of this country with different cultures & faiths it makes me oh so proud to be American..So saying that I think this country is worth fighting for - for all the right reasons..R founding fathers had a dream & they carefully layer it all out for us & year after year & generation after generation we let them down..From the Oath taking ugly politicians to the US the overseers of the "Peoples Government" so right now it looks like we r about to get a big lesson..One we can not let it begin I say..Truthfulness & goodness always comes out in the end especially when it's goal is for the betterment of the whole..We will save America & we will make sure r founding fathers dream of the words of the Constitution r never distorted & ignored one will be pushed aside & made to feel the lesser again!
No soldier will have died so greed & self created power can
selfishly move in & replace the dream!
I know that Nick Fuentes will never spend one minute in prison. But please allow me the fantasy of seeing him sitting in his cell, where his cellmate says , “Your body, my choice.”
good one Steph! 😂
Bingo! Steph!!!
What if no man or boy was allowed to mention sexual assault or harassment or rape until that man or boy was proven to have been raped or sexually assaulted himself? Proven not by a judge or jury, but a much higher standard. On tape, with ten witnesses. Disallow any false claims. Rape is not "boyish high jinx". No excuses, straight up what happens to girls & women.
"Your body, my choice" should be the basis for cleaning up the 1A as far as hate speech. It's an aggressive threat, meant to terrify females, allowing males to get away with lewd language. How long before the taunts and threats of violence become actual rapes?
Soon Terri....there is going to be violence vs. women in an unprecedented scale as this is the mysogenistic attitude of most of his comrades will take this cue & act on it. I see a large member of 'Snapped' episodes where women defend themselves thru justified homocide. This won't be a family friendly environment. Women need to investigate who they become partners with & their ideology. Just my thoughts...
Bear Spray is available too. In rural areas up here, people shoot guns behind 6 ft. fences when bears come around on garbage day to scare them off. So if you are wanting more than pepper spray. Not sure if it's legal everywhere. Should stop an attacker.
Bear spray is legal in all 50 states
Just bought myself a big ass can last Monday. 😁
Pretty sure women are already aware of this precaution.
It's all good as long as his cellie isn't female. Being close to naughty bits will give the poor guy a stroke
What prison did you do your time in, sport? Co-ed cells!
I’d like to apply there for my next stint.
Can I borrow that fantasy please? It’s a good one!
Jodi, I’m willing to share.
Nice Stephanie, applauding!!
Say it loud Bubba!
Yes please
Sheer perfection!
Yeah, they'll do a Rittenhouse, where the trump-appointed judge likes young boys.
I’d LOVE this for him. 🤣🤣🤣
It never ceases to amaze me how much they hate women. Bratty little boys raised to think they're special. Nasty men with small dicks. Control freaks. As Marlene Dietrich said about Hitler, "Unfortunately the first girl laughed".
And again,Linda. . I post
" Men are afraid women will laugh at them and women are afraid men will kill them ".
* Margaret Atwood
Margaret Atwood - another great Canadian. She rarely misses the mark.
Or snark, as the case is.
Not snark to me. It's the truth.
Forgot about that quote. So on the money.
Wow Kristy, back to back home runs with Linda, I know you’ve always been a star!!
The repugs carry a lot of hate.
Possessing a small or micro penis makes them hateful blowhards, know-it-all's, and bullies. For these guys, it is a natural transition to become a republican.
Also those guys with mushroom dicks (per Stormy D).
Yes, happy, well-adjusted people don't vote republican.
They do,its exhausting.
Priceless comment there at the end! I’m posting this on 🦋
Trump planting the Canadian flag in Switzerland puts the "art" in artificial intelligence and the "dumb fuck" in Trump.
Meanwhile, Musk's tweets are so idiotic as to defy comprehension. If you pulled together a dozen of them, without attribution, and asked the world who wrote them, most people would start out with Marjorie Taylor Greene and go downhill from there. It really is amazing.
Maybe he should have finished college instead of staying here illegally. He’d still be an evil asshole, but less uneducated. On second thought, he’s less of a threat the way he is now. I imagine him wandering around the DoJ, looking for the ACLU Department to defund. Or having Vivek and Greene pull the funding for SpaceX.
Pulling the Tesla funding wouldn’t bother him at all, since he’s cashed out his stock, but we have other rocket boys in this country ready to take his funding Dr.!!
Remember the Ford Pinto and the exploding gas tanks that were recalled? Why are Musk’s cars being given the same treatment?
Oop..not being given the same treatment
Bezos & his " cockrockets ".
I see a coffee table book in the works. A collection of Muskʻs idiot tweets. All proceeds to go to the ACLU.
There's a " Matterhorn " at Disneyland in California, so why not Flori - duh ? 😡😵💫🙄
"having sex with women is gay"
I'll take "Things Men Say When They Couldn't Find The Clitoris With A GPS, A Maglite, And A Bloodhound for $500, Alex".
Maybe someone in his jail will teach him what “gay” is all about?
One can hope Dave!!
The kid is 26 years old. He couldn't even get the ball in the hole, dumb fuck. Rape is a hell of a way to lose your virginity, but this doesn't count, you idiot. And take his fucking mace away, he is melting down.
The thing about that little shit that really kills me is despite all of his hatred for women and his idiotic advice about how men have dominion over women, the first place he ran when his address was published was home to mama. He has some deep psychiatric issues and definitely is probably in love with mommy still. Any self respecting woman would spit in his face and give him a swift kick to the balls, but he would be the apple of a lot of these maga skanks’ eyes. I’m sure he has women writing him all the time who think he is just aces. I actually saw women interviewed during the election who said they didn’t believe women should be able to vote. I grew up in the 60s, and 70’s amidst a hell of a lot of turmoil and fighting like hell for our rights and I’d like to kick the shit out of every single one of those stupid bitches.
Huzzah, Gayna! I'm with you.
You absolutely slayed the dragon with this well dug comment Alison!!
Good one ✌🏻💙
Things an unfuckable douche canoe says , Dick. ( I won the $25,000 Pyramid, my partner was Smokey Robinson, in 1987. )
Our Nazis are the best Nazis like nobody has ever seen. Ours are the whiniest, angriest, most self entitled, and dumbest in the history of books. That’s something amirite?
As reported in The Guardian, Trump hosted a group of German neo-Nazis (Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) party) at Mar-a-Lago to watch election day results with him. Among them was "the purported semi-professional, one-time porn actor, self-confessed former cocaine user, convicted thief and hard-right candidate for the German parliament Phillipp-Anders Rau. Together with a compact delegation of young political activists and influencers, Rau posed for the cameras with the American president-elect at his invitation, chanting “Fight! Fight! Fight!” in English and German."
The ignorance and hatred in this country is certainly astounding Sharon, thanks I missed this!!
Ach du lieber ! 🤯
Sa right!
I had the strangest thought reading this. Were the Nazi nazis of the 1930s this fucking stupid? I always realized how sick they were and how groomed for this they were, but I never considered just how fucking fun they must have been, bottom to top. In light of our present perilous moment I’m reconsidering. It was Chip Roys all the way down.
Many of the German Nazis were that dumb, but Germany was a much easier country to dominate. It was more homogeneous—many fewer dissenting organizations. Also, there was no local government to oppose the central authority. Today we have 21 Democratic states whose attorney generals are consulting with each other to oppose Maga initiatives and slow down or stop them in court.
MAGA wants to regain control of the country. The good news is, that is not possible.
Good to hear.
I hope you're right. The far-right Evangelicals scare me. Just remember history, how people were burned a the stake and/or drawn and quartered because religion. There is no religion, only power over others.
Which was exactly why the Founding Fathers put a wall between church & state
They had the recent Puritan sadistic fanatic oppression to convince them they didn't want a repeat of European historical religious war history.
I believe deeply that you're wrong, but I can't prove it. No one has been burned at the stake for hundreds of years, not even in Russia or China or Nazi Germany. Admittedly, a few black people in the South may have been burned before they were lynched.