for what it's worth, I just saw a post where Laura Loomer is claiming credit for giving Donny the idea to take the Panama Canal https://www.threads.net/@ronaldfilipkowski/post/DD4ZqunRRPv?xmt=AQGzXDDUnKNk9pJVs2JLZlX8HYRRmZ5zUMQqeauUL0prAA

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I guess after he (possibly allegedly maybe) took her vaginal canal, the Panama Canal was the logical next step.

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Winner!!!! Although, I'd be surprised if he can get it up

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but he can still look, and - perhaps this is a stretch- remember. . .

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Her canal is probably as dry as Panamas 😱🤫

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If he did, would anyone be able to tell?

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Kevin / Bingo! Tiny mushroom stays tiny!😬

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there's not enough Viagra in the world

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You slayed me on this Alison, touché!!

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Eewww. I just can't.

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WTG Allison!

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Alison wins the Intertoobz!

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:D :D :D

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Oh Allison...behave! 😂

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🤣🤣🤣🤣. Priceless comment.

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Damnit Alison!! Please remove that image from my brain please!!

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tRump and Loomer believe the Panamanians are not issuing strong-enough orders for the water levels to rise... The Orange Odium will go in (order our troops in), bash a few heads, and order the water levels to rise. Sure - that'll work. It will also allow him to get ahold of the Panamanian banks which were running tax havens before someone gets his records.

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Fun fact, there is a big faucet in Panama that needs to be turned on, like the one in Canada. Go find it, Donny!

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oh god I wish I'd thought to make that joke in my post

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The faucet! That’s the answer!!!!

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Trump actually I imagine,as president-elect, is receiving daily intelligence briefings now...wonder how that's going??

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If only Canada would turn on that damn faucet

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No, he’s not getting any, not a drop of our water.

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🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 that's right! Get that Faucet a 24/7 sniper, razor wire 12 feet high! 🇨🇦

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!!! Tax havens? Who would ever suspect such a thing?

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I see it this way....if his attention is on stuff like this, it's less damage he'll do to important stuff...no?

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The downside is we may end up at war with Panama over a canal that is failing due to climate change. He does need to work on his GOP legacy, though -- he hasn't gotten us into any wars in a third-world country yet...

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Destroying the Canal would be an important blow to the economy.

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Like he cares. He will just blame Biden.

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However, according to HCR, Musk is the only one of the two that got what he wanted out of the Budget bill, so he seems to get what he wants.


HCR says that "the original agreement had an “outbound investment” provision that restricted the ability of Americans to invest in technology factories in China. Senators John Cornyn (R-TX) and Bob Casey (D-PA) had collaborated on the measure, hoping to keep cutting-edge technologies including artificial intelligence and quantum computing, as well as the jobs they would create, in America rather than let companies move them to China." That would hurt Musk's ability to expand regardless of the danger to American industry. Musk is afterall not an American, he just has an American passport, and citizenship, but he has citizenship in other countries as well, and clearly feels no loyalty to any of them.

HCR goes on to tell us that, "As Representative Jim McGovern (D-MA) explained, Musk is building big factories in China and wants to build an AI data center there, even though it could endanger U.S. security. McGovern charged that Musk’s complaints about the spending in the bill were cover for his determination to tank the provision that would limit his ability to move technology and business to China. And, he noted, it worked. The outbound investment provision was stripped out of the bill before it passed."

So, look out Panama, His Majesty King Musk who is ruling they USA through his proxy President Donald Trump, gets his way. He has his fingers in the pie all over the world. However, I do agree that Musk cannot alter nature, but he can pay to have water piped from the nearest sources of water, even if those sources provide water and food to people.

If your VPN is based in Panama, I would switch now.

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King Canute in legend tried to order the sea to roll back. Trump thinks: Well, if he can roll it back, I can make it rise. Guess trump hasn't got to the part where it didn't work.


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I think it's even more basic business than that -- apparently the Trump hotel in Panama isn't owned by Trump -- they were just running it. Don't know details, but the Trump org was fired and fought against giving up the contract until just recently. I'm betting all the bloviating is more about Trump threatening revenge. (And yes, of course records are involved -- Trump's org apparently destroyed some of those before they vacated the premises, because that's not suspicious at all.)

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They took the name off the building soon after he blundered into office the first time.

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LOL, still trying to stay relevant, isn't she?


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She’s like cancer …won’t go away! Laura Tumor!🤪

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She's a shameless-self-promoting attention-whore.

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Laura Lumphead. Ya, she's a real good resource for him.

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My first clue was the absence of ALL CAPITAL LETTERS WHEN WRITING and the cognitive display of sentences. President Musk wrote it, for sure.

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See also: correct usage of 'its' the word 'injudicious', lack of misspellings and improper capitalizations.

Yup. Big Orange did not write these posts.

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Illegal aliens must first travel through the canal before getting to the U.S.?? Sersely??

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jhfc, are all Republicans geographically challenged?

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Intellectually and geographically challenged are prerequisites.

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You know I expected this sort of precise analysis from Nancy Mace.

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I see that Loomer starts in on the subject of the canal and "illegal aliens." How in the world does taking back the canal have anything to do with stopping illegal border crossings? Not that any confirmation is needed, but more evidence that anyone who supports mango man isn’t logical or rational.

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Well I feels whole lot better-not

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well, that explains a lot.

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Rand Paul is such a fucking asshole.

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Aside from sitting back and watching an amazement, there’s one other thing we can do as individuals. We can look very seriously at how we spend our money and where. I’m not gonna knowingly spend a dollar that will go to Musk, Disney, Apple or Bezos in 2025. Will they notice? Probably not. But if a significant number of us boycott the bastards, it could have an impact on their bottom line. And that is all they care about it.

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Amazon workers are striking for better pay and Bozo is having a $600 MILLION wedding in Aspen next week. It's just too much to wrap a head around. JC these assholes make me sick.

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JFC, that is obscene. Flaunting your oligarchy-ness makes me sick. Just think what a $599 million donation to poverty, food, education, affordable housing could achieve. Blowing $1 million on a wedding still is so absurd.

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His ex-wife is the charitable one.

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He cheated on her with that disgusting looking creature he's now marrying.

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She is scary looking, isn’t she. A bit lycanthropic in the face.

Hope she goes off on Bezos one Full Moon when she turns into a werewolf.

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I didn’t realized old Cueball was getting hitched. Honestly, she looks exactly like what an oligarch would choose for a trophy wife. She leans toward trashy but not as tacky as Kimberly “I’m Going to Greece.”

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Eww, he's marrying that hideous, plastic-surgery addicted creature that looks like a bargain-basement Kimmy Gargoyle?

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What could possibly cost $600 million at a wedding? are they having a Hollywood production? Is everyone in Aspen invited? How obnoxious and thoroughly

ostentatious is that?

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Are they buying the Hotel Jerome? The Caribou Club?

I've been to Aspen, know how expensive it is, and can't imagine how anyone could spend $600 mil on anything there, short of a major real estate purchase.

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It is unconscionable to spend that much, or even far, far less on over the top, ostentatious, vapid displays of offensive waste when so many people lack the basic necessities

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Is he getting married??? Who's the lucky girl? 🙄

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That trout-pout mouthed woman, with all the awful plastic surgery work who looks like she could be an entire season of "botched" plastic surgery.

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Oh Susan, you didn’t know that Bezos’s longtime girlfriend, a subscriber of Kimberly Guilfoyle’s plastic surgeon, is the one he is marrying? Lauren Sánchez! https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-14217859/amp/Jeff-Bezos-Lauren-Sanchez-wedding-plan-Aspen-date-is.html

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600M wedding? Gross.

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The only boycotting Musk would notice is losing American govt contracts and subsidies. Our piddly purchases mean nothing.

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He’s got 50,000 Tesla’s in inventory. If nobody bought one he would soon be in trouble as the stock plummets back from its highly inflated value now.

And I don’t think many of the average Maggats can afford one so they won’t be bailing him out.

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I will miss Amazon Prime but I agree with Kim- let’s not give the bastards a $$

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Lynn, I read that Bezos only has a 10 percent stake in Amazon. AWS Amazon Cloud Service is his prize cash cow. https://www.cnbc.com/2022/05/20/why-jeff-bezos-keeps-a-reminder-that-aws-was-once-just-a-risky-bet.html

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I think that cancelling a (my) WAPO subscription is/was a more quantifiable fuck-you to Bezos. OTOH, I'd probably be enormously wealthy if I stopped impulse-shopping on Amazon.

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Haven’t bought a single thing from Amazon in over 6 years now.

It is possible to live without it and not suffer

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Excellent idea Kim!!

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Let's remember, cheap prices are hurting someone.

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I've been doing this since Amazon came into being. Come on, guys, cheap prices aren't everything! Or high prices in the case of Apple (ok, I own a Mac.) And Disney is awful.

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Agree! Also stockpiling & pre- buying by 12/31, or pre-J20.

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Yes, I started making my list (including early stockpiling) today because the ding-bat husband said we'd probably better go shopping on Monday. Since the alternative is Christmas Eve, he was actually right. Now if only I can get him out of the house by 10, it might not be too bad. 10 AM is usually defined as 2PM by him. Or 3 or 4. When you live on rock'n'roll time, you waste incredible amounts of time doing stuff when traffic and stores are packed, and you know, he's never figured this out. (I've explained it to him, but his hearing fails right about then.) When I was still driving, I would leave at 9, park in the lot across the street, and whiz into the store with my list, and be home by 10:30. For all three of you who know Berkeley Bowl West, you know why timing is critical, because tomorrow half the Bay Area will be there, and the other half will be there on Christmas Eve. Whine, whine, whine. Teri, sympathize with me...

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How about we start with the DoD budget? Cutting it in half would be a good start.

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Those republicans getting their kick-backs would never allow that. But you are right, we should.

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I like your thinking and you are right their bottom line will not be affected but we will feel better.

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His neighbor should have finished the job!

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The guy lost a lot of money and went to jail. But he may still think it was worth it.

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Yep, another failure to rid us of these noxious bastards.

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Maybe we could start a GFM for that!

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A second generation asshole

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What burns me is both Ron and his shitty son claim the Libertarian mantle when all they are is fucking assholes pushing the hackneyed conservative tropes like racism, misogyny, and discriminatory fiscal policies.

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You've got have something to attract supporters. "Hey, I'm a self-serving asshole" doesn't do it.

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It worked for Trump. Just saying.

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Unfortunately, most people who SAY "I'm a Libertarian" these days MEAN "I'm a bigoted, self-serving asshole!".

I remember when being a Libertarian stood for something....

...In fact, it stood for plenty!


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Sounds like that is the perfect bait for the modern GQP.

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That made me laugh--in wry way, but still a laugh is a laugh and still good for the soul. Thanks, Susan!

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I detest that Rand Paul is going to be one of the repugnicans behind the next attack on Dr. Anthony Fauci, someone Rand Paul smeared and lied about so Fauci could be used to goad fundraising efforts for Paul's reelection campaign. Fauci is retired. He was an important doctor and is a great man. Something Rand Paul can never ever claim.

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At bottom, Libertarians are just Republicans who want to do drugs without govt interference.

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Ron Paul is at least somewhat brighter than his idiot child; he of the ridiculous curly hair. Did someone drop Rand on his head when he was a kid, or what?

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I ain’t no senator’s son

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If anything, it is another fine example from the right that some of these idiots have bewildering credentials but are still pieces of shit. Rand has an MD from Duke University, which I'm sure vexes Duke no end whenever Paul votes against pediatric cancer research

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Rand is a former practicing ophthamologist from Bowling Green, Kentucky with an impaired vision for the U.S. on every issue that goes to the Senate.

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Yeah, but he was certified to practice by a group he himself started and which contains something like five people.

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Grace, thanks, I couldn't remember why Tand Paul's "opthalmologist degree" was fishy.

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