Why do you assume we don't care? Please tell us how we can achieve that goal which most of us do care about? It appears that the court system in New York is doing the best it can.
Startling to be reminded of what the real issue is, that there are two women whose lives that asshole ruined, and every day he tells them to, essentially, fuck off, adding insult to injury. Stand Rudy next to Trump and try to decide who is the more execrable creature. And, like the news media, making these women invisible.
You mean Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss, who Jeff named in his piece? The women whose only reward, to date, is watching Giuliani's life fall to pieces like he did to theirs?
I don't think anybody's forgetting who Rudy Colludy attacked here, and if he was doing anything other than running out the clock praying that Trump will step in and save his bacon now that he's 🤮 President again, he'd at least have the decency to apologize and start to make amends, rather than doubling, tripling, and quadrupling down on his by-now blatant racism.
I've always despised Rudy Giuliani, but I used to at least think he was SMART as well as as evil prick. Maybe Trump has some kind of radiation he emits that makes people around him stupider...?
We care, all right—but the *schadenfreude* is a factor in his punishment, as well.
I assume that, now that Judge Liman has finally decided to hold him in contempt, that the first thing he's going to do is have His Rudeness's assets frozen and seized, and start selling them for whatever the court can get to pass on to Freeman and Moss. They won't cover the $148M by any means, but they'll be a start.
Given that? Jail time for Contempt will probably be a relief to Giuliani.
Mike wouldn’t break out in sweat viewing Orange Shitler’s mushroom. Even if was depicted like Greenland, using a Mercator projection. Caution: tRump’s objects of desire are smaller than they appear.
Anyone who values democracy can be included. It is going to be a long, long four years of chaos and nonsense from Felonious trump. I won't refer to him as president. I've renamed him.
I used to call him "Dumb Antichrist" but now I think I'll call him King Osric ("the usurrrperrr" -- Conan the Barbarian reference). He is not constitutionally eligible to hold the title of President and I will never refer to him as such.
They don't have to buy the US. Canada and Greenland (via Denmark) are part of NATO. If trump lifts a tiny finger against either of them, NATO can roll right in and take over. I'm waving a white flag already!
Red states have hot brutal summers. And Arizona. Remember, Mark Twain said that the coldest winter he ever spent was July in San Francisco. Maybe Paradise is really hot in the summer? That's Ellen, who doesn't travel much.
Ellen, San Fran is a popular escape from the worst of the summer heat. Chico (8 miles down the mountain) can be 100+ for weeks in a row. Other CA places (Central Valley, Palm Springs area) gets blazing hot. Climate change is cooling off some higher elevations, and scorching other areas.
Hmm, that's why the Bay Area is the best place in the world. Even our summer, in September and October, usually isn't over 85. Or 80, as the case is, on my street down by the Bay. You don't have to pay for air conditioning (free wind from the Golden Gate) or heat (a space heater here and there.)
OMG, I remember Chico summers! My parents were born and raised there and all my grandparents and cousins lived there (some still). We lived in the Bay Area (East Bay, Concord) where it would get hot, but nothing like visiting family during the Chico summers. Thankfully, Chico had fun and easy swimming areas in Bidwell Park, or we would've totally melted. And, of course, sprinklers to run through when we couldn't get to the park. :) I'm in Sacramento now, it's almost as bad as Chico.
Yes, Chico has had summers with days long temps of 115. I was living the in one of those summers. We had a large shaded birdbath refilled every a.m. One 115 day, a large, red shouldered (tailed?) hawk sat down, getting all wet, drinking water. Oh, the excitement as we carefully watched thru the blinds. 🦅
Come back! I'm sure you belong in the Bay Area. Of course, with droughts and water shortages now, no one who cares about drinking water and eating runs through the sprinklers anymore.
Everywhere from St. Louis to Pittsburgh depended on the Mississippi and the port of New Orleans to export agricultural and industrial goods. Confiscation of foodstocks from ships coming down from the North for the nascent Confederate army made it plain well before Ft. Sumter that a peaceful separation was impossible.
I wouldn’t rule out the Liberal Party, as the alternative is immensely disliked by a large segment of voters, someone akin to trumpet. There are a number of current Members of Parliament, including Cabinet Members who have aspirations of leading the Party, including people not currently involved in Federal politics.
If you go to Greenland in early January, you will SEE absolutely nothing. It's the middle of Arctic winter. I was in Iceland once in February and all I saw was rain going sideways in a dark night at 4:00 PM.
Quite similar to Canada and Alaska’s northern regions. In fact Canada’s Ellesmere Island is 16 miles from Greenland and our Inuit people share significant numbers of similarities.
Between Rudy, McSniffles, and Elon, there’s not a single coherent thought among them. Rudy just needs to be put in a nursing home, and all his assets turned over to the court, McCokey needs to go to rehab, and Elon just needs to go the fuck away!
Musk's biographer says he's nuts and he's having a mental health breakdown in front of the world. His drug use is exacerbating his serious mental health illnesses. He can't handle to the stress. He's lost his shit. 👋
Melon appears to have been reading 'Mein Kampf'... Must make the blonde-haired, blue-eyed people pop out babies as fast as possible. He has told Donnie Dipshit the little blonde babies will need Lebensraum! Donnie will buy Greenland, melt the snow and ice and turn it over to his master race! And when he melts the ice that will make more beachfront property for him... in Arkansas.
Oh my gosh! I'm still belly laughing over your post! Thank you for this. its like every day is just batshit crazy day! How in the world is this abomination going to place his hand on the Bible and promise anything? dt is going to be a convicted criminal by inauguration day. My suggestion is to substitute the first grade reading book for the Bible because it's not going to make a g-d bit of difference See Dick run. See Jane run. See Spot run. That's probably too much for dt's brain to handle anyway.
And one donor gave $277 million. What was the illegal quid pro quo? Don’t suggest to me that there was not a quid pro quo with Musk. There is no equality with the poor. They cannot donate, and hence get near-zero advocacy. The inequality in our politics is criminal. Then the wealthy decided that corporations can donate. Of course corporations demand a quid pro quo. They expect a quid pro quo, or they would be violating shareholder rights. You know that. I know that. Corporations in the game magnified the inequality of the poor. Corporations have just gotten a tax cut from 35% to 21%. They don’t need support with CEOs earning 600 times a laborer’s pay. Corporations need to be given the boot from the people’s politics. This quid pro quo business should be illegal. We can correct this by creating a new platform that ALL will support. https://hotbuttons.substack.com/p/create-a-platform-for-all?r=3m1bs
If corporations are people, and can make political donations, surely corporations that commit crimes can be prosecuted as people. And do jail time. You know, confiscation of all criminal proceeds, no liberty (presumably, the corporation can't trade its stock, and all profits have to be diverted to the State for the duration of the sentence, just like the members of a chain gang don't get paid for clearing scrubland), etc.
If that's unthinkable, maybe it shows that letting them donate etc. is just as stupid?
We can hope, but since when has the justice system made any sense when it comes to treatment of corporates?
The point was that by putting the corporation itself into some corporate equivalent of prison (i.e. at the mercy of the State), it gives back some of the jeopardy to stock holders that centuries of legislation have chipped away at.
They have limited liability, there's commercial confidentiality to shield them from most of the decisions being taken on their behalf by executives. They can just shrug and say "we didn't know". Basically, when you buy traded stocks the company sees none of your money (you buy from the last owner, not from the company) yet you expect dividends.
Removing some of that protection and putting some personal jeopardy onto the ultimate beneficial owners will give a powerful incentive to take more of an interest in what their executives get up to. Agency theory should work both ways - there's no point expecting fine and upstanding executive behaviours if the stockholders can get away with condoning murder as long as the dividends get paid.
I am waiting for Rudy to completely implode. He is an evil, greedy asshole. Don’t mean to hold a grudge, but every time I see his “dog” face, I remember what he did during the OxyContin Crisis. When people were becoming addicted and dying because the greedy Sackler family promoted the use and abuse of a highly addictive substance, who steps in and becomes their attorney and fights to help them continue this charade, Rudy! 🤬. I sincerely hope he looses everything and winds up spending his twilight years on Skid Row. Karma is a Bitch!
Janice, RUDY was the Sackler's attny!!!! JFC. They all need to be thrown into separate 100 ft holes in GITMO. No wifi TV, net. Just alone in their small muddy holes till they die. JC, Rudy is a world class freak show. Add the Sackler's - they all deserve slow painful death sentences.
It’s all gotten so much dumber so much more quickly than even we expected. There must be bollards or walls they’ll be crashing into. Like the coyote painting a tunnel in a cliff then smashing hisself into it.
But couldn’t that part happen soon? Now? Maybe it’ll start with Junior getting stuck on an ice shelf and just ending up a Donsicle.
Rudy on TV was sweating like Mike Pence watching Brokeback Mountain.
Excellent. I’d pay money to see Ron DeSantis watch that movie as well.
Don't forget Mike Johnson and JD Vance. They can have a circle jerk.
None of them can quit Orange Caligula.
Lol and ewww
Sorry, I have to go lose my late dinner now....
Good one. Brokeback Mountain was the absolute saddest movie I have ever seen.
Not as sad as our nightly news is going to look if anyone reports goings on truthfully.
Probably already starting to have DTs just thinking of not being able to drink in jail.
... an empty vodka bottle stuck in both ears...
Jeffski strikes againski!
What are the side affects of abusing Viagra for decades? Or is this syphilis talking.
Can we simply ask when those ladies are going to get their money? Or don't we care?
Why do you assume we don't care? Please tell us how we can achieve that goal which most of us do care about? It appears that the court system in New York is doing the best it can.
Startling to be reminded of what the real issue is, that there are two women whose lives that asshole ruined, and every day he tells them to, essentially, fuck off, adding insult to injury. Stand Rudy next to Trump and try to decide who is the more execrable creature. And, like the news media, making these women invisible.
It is clear that Rudy thinks he's a very special boy.
You mean Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss, who Jeff named in his piece? The women whose only reward, to date, is watching Giuliani's life fall to pieces like he did to theirs?
I don't think anybody's forgetting who Rudy Colludy attacked here, and if he was doing anything other than running out the clock praying that Trump will step in and save his bacon now that he's 🤮 President again, he'd at least have the decency to apologize and start to make amends, rather than doubling, tripling, and quadrupling down on his by-now blatant racism.
I've always despised Rudy Giuliani, but I used to at least think he was SMART as well as as evil prick. Maybe Trump has some kind of radiation he emits that makes people around him stupider...?
I care. It's fucking bullshit it's taking this long.
We care, all right—but the *schadenfreude* is a factor in his punishment, as well.
I assume that, now that Judge Liman has finally decided to hold him in contempt, that the first thing he's going to do is have His Rudeness's assets frozen and seized, and start selling them for whatever the court can get to pass on to Freeman and Moss. They won't cover the $148M by any means, but they'll be a start.
Given that? Jail time for Contempt will probably be a relief to Giuliani.
😂😂😂😂 Thats a visual right there!!
Mike wouldn’t break out in sweat viewing Orange Shitler’s mushroom. Even if was depicted like Greenland, using a Mercator projection. Caution: tRump’s objects of desire are smaller than they appear.
I heard something about Greenland offering to buy our great United States. Free healthcare? Vacations? Better income? YES!
I think Canada and Greenland should split the cost of purchasing the US - but only the Blue States. What a deal that would be - a win-win for all.
Can we include blue zones in red states, please?
Yes! Like NorCal -a "blue state"
Perhaps South Texas too.
I'd LIKE to, but I don't think land works like that....
Unless Austin wants to secede from the rest of Texas, kind of like West Virginia did from Virginia?
Anyone who values democracy can be included. It is going to be a long, long four years of chaos and nonsense from Felonious trump. I won't refer to him as president. I've renamed him.
I used to call him "Dumb Antichrist" but now I think I'll call him King Osric ("the usurrrperrr" -- Conan the Barbarian reference). He is not constitutionally eligible to hold the title of President and I will never refer to him as such.
Asheville, NC, please!
They don't have to buy the US. Canada and Greenland (via Denmark) are part of NATO. If trump lifts a tiny finger against either of them, NATO can roll right in and take over. I'm waving a white flag already!
Counting on it.
With what’s happening in Europe, I’m not sure Canada is top of their list.
Cam, WOW, just think of the tourism! Greenlanders can come here for the sun. Blue states can visit Greenland in the hot brutal summers.
Red states have hot brutal summers. And Arizona. Remember, Mark Twain said that the coldest winter he ever spent was July in San Francisco. Maybe Paradise is really hot in the summer? That's Ellen, who doesn't travel much.
Ellen, San Fran is a popular escape from the worst of the summer heat. Chico (8 miles down the mountain) can be 100+ for weeks in a row. Other CA places (Central Valley, Palm Springs area) gets blazing hot. Climate change is cooling off some higher elevations, and scorching other areas.
Hmm, that's why the Bay Area is the best place in the world. Even our summer, in September and October, usually isn't over 85. Or 80, as the case is, on my street down by the Bay. You don't have to pay for air conditioning (free wind from the Golden Gate) or heat (a space heater here and there.)
OMG, I remember Chico summers! My parents were born and raised there and all my grandparents and cousins lived there (some still). We lived in the Bay Area (East Bay, Concord) where it would get hot, but nothing like visiting family during the Chico summers. Thankfully, Chico had fun and easy swimming areas in Bidwell Park, or we would've totally melted. And, of course, sprinklers to run through when we couldn't get to the park. :) I'm in Sacramento now, it's almost as bad as Chico.
Yes, Chico has had summers with days long temps of 115. I was living the in one of those summers. We had a large shaded birdbath refilled every a.m. One 115 day, a large, red shouldered (tailed?) hawk sat down, getting all wet, drinking water. Oh, the excitement as we carefully watched thru the blinds. 🦅
Hi from Paradise CA 🥰
Come back! I'm sure you belong in the Bay Area. Of course, with droughts and water shortages now, no one who cares about drinking water and eating runs through the sprinklers anymore.
Has been suggested several times…back to the Civil War North/South borders would be welcome Cam!!
Yes, the biggest mistake Lincoln made was not just letting them go. The southern states have been a drag on the United States ever since.
We should have cut the South loose in 1860.
KMD, 🎯🎯🎯🎯
Everywhere from St. Louis to Pittsburgh depended on the Mississippi and the port of New Orleans to export agricultural and industrial goods. Confiscation of foodstocks from ships coming down from the North for the nascent Confederate army made it plain well before Ft. Sumter that a peaceful separation was impossible.
I think Canada should stay the heck out.
Well Canada is probably going the way of the Red States now with Trudeau resigning.
I wouldn’t rule out the Liberal Party, as the alternative is immensely disliked by a large segment of voters, someone akin to trumpet. There are a number of current Members of Parliament, including Cabinet Members who have aspirations of leading the Party, including people not currently involved in Federal politics.
Certainly don't want to rule it out, but also prepare that liberal governments are taking a hit right now.
As someone said here a week or so ago, I welcome our new Danish overlords.
I've been considering moving to Denmark—but if they're conquering us instead...?
Where is the Fifth Column forming up?
If you go to Greenland in early January, you will SEE absolutely nothing. It's the middle of Arctic winter. I was in Iceland once in February and all I saw was rain going sideways in a dark night at 4:00 PM.
A great time to snuggle under a few comforters for a long night of dreaming of Trump’s demise!
Quite similar to Canada and Alaska’s northern regions. In fact Canada’s Ellesmere Island is 16 miles from Greenland and our Inuit people share significant numbers of similarities.
Perfect weather to greet Cokey McSniffles & his friend Charlie!! 😁
Yes, PUH-LEEZE, Denmark??? In addition, the Danes would get to kick the stupid fascists and neo-Nazis the hell out, for a nice change!
How much money do they have? Because it's all for sale.
That was a good joke piece. I shared it with friends.
Between Rudy, McSniffles, and Elon, there’s not a single coherent thought among them. Rudy just needs to be put in a nursing home, and all his assets turned over to the court, McCokey needs to go to rehab, and Elon just needs to go the fuck away!
Musk's biographer says he's nuts and he's having a mental health breakdown in front of the world. His drug use is exacerbating his serious mental health illnesses. He can't handle to the stress. He's lost his shit. 👋
What was your first clue? Think way back.
I'm just sharing what someone close to him reported. I know he's a racist malignant narcissist psychopath fucking colonizer.
Amen to that. It'd be laughable if it weren't so f*cked up!
Melon appears to have been reading 'Mein Kampf'... Must make the blonde-haired, blue-eyed people pop out babies as fast as possible. He has told Donnie Dipshit the little blonde babies will need Lebensraum! Donnie will buy Greenland, melt the snow and ice and turn it over to his master race! And when he melts the ice that will make more beachfront property for him... in Arkansas.
Oh my gosh! I'm still belly laughing over your post! Thank you for this. its like every day is just batshit crazy day! How in the world is this abomination going to place his hand on the Bible and promise anything? dt is going to be a convicted criminal by inauguration day. My suggestion is to substitute the first grade reading book for the Bible because it's not going to make a g-d bit of difference See Dick run. See Jane run. See Spot run. That's probably too much for dt's brain to handle anyway.
Since Elon famously gives away his semen at dinner parties, is it possible that too much self-pleasuring results in permanent brain damage?
And one donor gave $277 million. What was the illegal quid pro quo? Don’t suggest to me that there was not a quid pro quo with Musk. There is no equality with the poor. They cannot donate, and hence get near-zero advocacy. The inequality in our politics is criminal. Then the wealthy decided that corporations can donate. Of course corporations demand a quid pro quo. They expect a quid pro quo, or they would be violating shareholder rights. You know that. I know that. Corporations in the game magnified the inequality of the poor. Corporations have just gotten a tax cut from 35% to 21%. They don’t need support with CEOs earning 600 times a laborer’s pay. Corporations need to be given the boot from the people’s politics. This quid pro quo business should be illegal. We can correct this by creating a new platform that ALL will support. https://hotbuttons.substack.com/p/create-a-platform-for-all?r=3m1bs
Corporations are people; very big people just not as big as fucked up Space Nazi.
If corporations are people, and can make political donations, surely corporations that commit crimes can be prosecuted as people. And do jail time. You know, confiscation of all criminal proceeds, no liberty (presumably, the corporation can't trade its stock, and all profits have to be diverted to the State for the duration of the sentence, just like the members of a chain gang don't get paid for clearing scrubland), etc.
If that's unthinkable, maybe it shows that letting them donate etc. is just as stupid?
We can hope, but since when has the justice system made any sense when it comes to treatment of corporates?
As Robert Reich said “I’ll believe corporations are people when Texas executes one.“
I enjoyed your post but you forgot the death penalty.
The board members and top executives will have to do the jail time on behalf of the corporation.
That misses my point.
The point was that by putting the corporation itself into some corporate equivalent of prison (i.e. at the mercy of the State), it gives back some of the jeopardy to stock holders that centuries of legislation have chipped away at.
They have limited liability, there's commercial confidentiality to shield them from most of the decisions being taken on their behalf by executives. They can just shrug and say "we didn't know". Basically, when you buy traded stocks the company sees none of your money (you buy from the last owner, not from the company) yet you expect dividends.
Removing some of that protection and putting some personal jeopardy onto the ultimate beneficial owners will give a powerful incentive to take more of an interest in what their executives get up to. Agency theory should work both ways - there's no point expecting fine and upstanding executive behaviours if the stockholders can get away with condoning murder as long as the dividends get paid.
You're putting in several levels of indirection.
I am waiting for Rudy to completely implode. He is an evil, greedy asshole. Don’t mean to hold a grudge, but every time I see his “dog” face, I remember what he did during the OxyContin Crisis. When people were becoming addicted and dying because the greedy Sackler family promoted the use and abuse of a highly addictive substance, who steps in and becomes their attorney and fights to help them continue this charade, Rudy! 🤬. I sincerely hope he looses everything and winds up spending his twilight years on Skid Row. Karma is a Bitch!
Pro tip: Karma’s only a bitch if you are.
Janice, RUDY was the Sackler's attny!!!! JFC. They all need to be thrown into separate 100 ft holes in GITMO. No wifi TV, net. Just alone in their small muddy holes till they die. JC, Rudy is a world class freak show. Add the Sackler's - they all deserve slow painful death sentences.
It’s all gotten so much dumber so much more quickly than even we expected. There must be bollards or walls they’ll be crashing into. Like the coyote painting a tunnel in a cliff then smashing hisself into it.
But couldn’t that part happen soon? Now? Maybe it’ll start with Junior getting stuck on an ice shelf and just ending up a Donsicle.
Surely he's taking his rifle with him, in order to bag a polar bear and post a pic on social media, no?
Maybe we'll get lucky and a polar bear will bag him.
Or someone will pull a Dick Cheney 🙄
Jesus Christ let's just send Dick Cheney. If you want the job done right....
Isn't there a reason why Bush and Cheney never leave the country? They're afraid of being arrested for war crimes? I don't think he'll go.
So true, he knew how to get rid of people.
Or his stash of coke and coat will get washed out to sea. He can use the gun to resolve these issues.
Dare we hope?
That would not be luck it would be a miracle!
Better not take RFK Jr. He'll eat the bear after he puts it in his rental Yugo.
LOL! Wonder if they even know that cars (roads) are not a thing in Greenland 🤣🤣🤣
They don't even know that Greenland isn't green!
I just learned that GL is not land on top of thick ice. It's ice covered land. So are our invading troops wearing mega-cleats?