
fuuuuuck, I made a mental note to check the spelling of SIDNEY Powell and then I forgot. oh well, at least it's wrong on only 88,000 emailed newsletters. Sidney, if you're reading this, forgive me

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She'll get kraken on that right away.

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The "kraken" has been reduced to a plate of deep-fried happy hour calamari.

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Very “salty” calamari!

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What is the profile of a person who joins the cult of personality of a consummate liar?

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A devil in heels and ties.

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She once said, "I'd rather be pretty than smart."

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Is she either? I guess she could be considered pretty. Somehow pretty is as pretty does comes to mind, in which case she is not!

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Ummm, calamari-pass the cocktail sauce.

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This thread is always awesome.

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I'm sure she'd rather that was her highest priority right now, but chances are that she'll never notice.

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ick, we should never apologize to her for anything ever name spelling or anything. But I get it.

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I wouldn't apologize if I 'accidentally' confused her with Mr Ed.

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Jeff, I just ran across this opinion piece on Huff-Po. Are you sure you aren’t writing for them under a pen name? Check his description of what’s-his-face. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/donald-trump-prison-jail-president_n_65bac507e4b05c8779f79af0

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HA! "sentient pumpkin-colored boat shoe” Thats great!

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"Sentient" is somewhat questionable, imo. But yes, I laughed out loud too!

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Meanwhile, back at the ranch...enjoy the democracy while we have it.

I know I live among them but damn, WTAF people?

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I was born in Sidney Nebraska but I spelled it Sydney until I was like 60...

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I get her name wrong all the time too... not sure why.

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Nah, we got this. Ms Kraken is in dispose.

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“Technicolor fucktangle of batshittery” might be the best phrase I've ever heard. Well done, Jeff!

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I’m going to walk around saying it all day. “Fucktangle of batshittery”. I’m going to use it to describe Donald’s hair, ivanka’s latest attempts to be welcomed back into society, Jared’s new beard and every quote I see or hear coming from Rupert Murdock’s fucktangle of batshittery that some idiots believe is the news.

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Jared can grow a beard?

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It could be a fungal growth but a beard is what I believe it is meant to be.

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That was my immediate response. How could he grow a beard?

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I immediately envisioned a 60s era Ken doll with beige paint on the lower part of its’ stupid face.

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Ivanka can go to Saudi Arabia with Jared and their 2b

Unless they gave it to shit bomb so he can slather more shit all over his face like the Budussy smelling MF he is

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Check out photos in January 31 Slate.

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That's a good one, for sure! After seeing a Youtube link posted somewhere below, I can't think of Trump as anything but Lord Douchebag-Trumpp.

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They are both really very useful words. And everyone instantly knows what you mean.

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Thank you

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I was laughing out loud on the BART. What’s that German word for getting a chuckle out of other people’s misfortune. My God, it’s been a long time coming. Daffy Don can’t turn his boiling Magic Christian sized cauldron of offal and shit into a fondue pot no matter how he lies

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Thank you. It is early and I am insufficiently caffeinated

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They get better and better. Perhaps a glossary of terms is in the works?

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Jeff you haver to publish your own dictionary... Seriously you would make enough money to be the perpetual retribution against the shit slather.

While he cries and whines in the basement mirror at Mar a Lago playing with the shit in his diapers.

I bet That's the real reason why he wanted to erase the surveillance tapes

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I’ve started writing a list of the best ones.

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Definitely a placeholder in the JT thesaurus, which hopefully will be published sometime in 2025. Signed, volunteer advisor

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I came to post here to give Jeff props for that brilliant verbage!!!!!

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Hey if you know anyone starting a band...

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Donny Shitstain and the Felons.....

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My absolute fav!

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Habba is the epitome of Asimov's quote of so many years ago. “There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there always has been. The strain of anti- intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” ― Isaac Asimov

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We need to know what law school Habba graduated from so it can lose its accreditation.

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Widener University...not far from me. It has a pretty good reputation around here, so I have been told... so how she managed to get through there is a mystery.

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well, being the general counsel of a parking garage corporation requires a knowledge of contract law. Habba might be the best contract lawyer in America, but that's a completely different thing from being a trial lawyer. though I hate to give her the benefit of the doubt for anything

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oh shit, I just gave away the game that I actually do know what a parking garage lawyer does

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The best contract lawyer in America would be working for a Fortune 500 company, not a parking garage. Duh! This is a definite brain fart on your part, Jeff.

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Does this mean she doesn’t sue cars?

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Or chase them?

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He said might be -- not that she is.

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Let's not forget what her husband does for a living. She married Gregg Reuben in 2020. Reuben is a businessman (CEO) in the "parking lot management industry". So there's that... Wonder who hired her as counsel for a parking garage corporation?

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I'll be the one to go ahead and suggest kneepads may have been involved. Not saying between who and whom but yeah.

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You've always been the brave one!

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Or at least the idiot eho doesn't know when to shut up.

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Which is why I want to sit by you during discussions. 😃

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I guess she didn’t bother taking the Law Clinics offered by the Law School in particular the one dealing with “Dignity Rights”. 😉

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By Pouting

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Because she was cute?! hahahah

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Alina chose one of the most accepting of law schools, Widener law school has an acceptance rate of 65.7%, one of the highest acceptance rates on this list! Prospective law students with low LSAT scores or GPAs still have a high chance of being admitted to this school. Its median LSAT score is 150, and its median GPA is 3.26.

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Then too, the school you graduated from is not a criterion of how accomplished & dis-stupid (I made that up) you can be: Harvard grads Tom Cotton et al...

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Don trump, Wharton and Penn, tsk, tsk, tsk., 'a plague on both your houses'

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It really wasn't "Wharton " when Trump (senior) was admitted. I believe he also admitted midway through his degree. Who really did the work is still a question?

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I believe I read that they have removed her as one of their successes from their webpage. Now, you should probably take that with a grain of salt, but if you find it to be true I would appreciate it if you let me know… or not. Up to you.

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Wow, a "you got the money, we got the diploma" law school would prefer NOT to be associated? Hahaha

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I wasn’t the school of hard knocks, that’s for sure!

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But check out the photo that Jeff posted—definitely some knockers.

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I am glad that a woman went there, instead of a guy. As for me, I try to be a gentleman but I was born a mammal

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When a joke is sitting in front of me, I lose all my self-control.

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Trump University School of Law

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Unfortunately, this is becoming evident with every passing day. No wonder our republic is in peril.

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It was evident when he wrote it in the 1950's, and has never not been in evidence. It is just accelerating off the charts these days

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So true. Those with enough money are buying their way out of a society that let's them be what they paid to be.

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And it grieves me that it is so accepted and celebrated now. Maybe it is just an accident but it seems like with the advent of FOX and the affirmations of social media the ignorance increases and is celebrated even more. An ignorant feedback loop. Of course that means more racism and all the other evils.And just enough growth and acceptance and hubris to see the complete take over of the country by the corporate greed and his cult.

I don't know how someone with half a brain would vote republican. but HOW to

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And as the inequality grows so does the indifference apparently.

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Thank you Hoyt, for Isaac Asimov’s excellent quote which is going straight to the top ten of my list of favorite quotes of all time.

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To Hoyt and SeekingReason: Though Asimov’s quote is now a favorite of mine I want to stress that I am not a higher education snob. At all.

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Thanks for sharing this....excellent! 👍

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Hoyt, I had this quote on my fridge for years! Always applicable it seems! But more now than ever!

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First published on January 21, 1980 in Newsweek magazine, one year before raygun was inaugurated and the revolution against education exploded and forty years later dolt45 proclaimed absent any irony, “We won with poorly educated," before exclaiming "I love the poorly educated!"*

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No, Jeff, it's not just you. The Adderall is really affecting him. Or, maybe delusional thinking is in his DNA.

Either way, I am looking forward to the day this fuckin idiot is put in handcuffs on international TV.

Unfortunately, there are many other nuts right behind him (desantis, abbott, warren, cruz)... the list is too long.

Thank you for the funny perspective on the worst thing that ever happened to America.

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I majored in American History and give or take the Civil War and the genocide of the Indians, I agree

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So sad 💔

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Yeah, I was scratching my head too!

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Regarding MAGA ravings about Habba being a deep state plant, I can only quote Jeff from yesterday:

"I know what all those words mean by themselves, but when you put them together in that order, I have no fucking clue what you’re gibbering about."


BTW, I have already nominated Jeff's remark for Sentence of the Year.

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A keeper for sure.

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I have a question please. If Trump’s PACs paid $50 million in legal bills who are they paying? It seems his attorneys say they’re not paid. Except for the smart one who demanded up front payment (or so I’ve read).

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Good question. Somebody needs to follow the money.

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Always follow the money

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Probably paying for everything but his legal fees. As most of his attorneys should know that shameless, cheap felonious fuck has been stiffing folks for years and at this point in his demented life, why would he stop now?

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I wouldn't put it past Habba to have chosen to represent Trump knowing full well she might not get paid, but for the fame (/notoriety) it would bring. If she'd rather be pretty than smart, she'd rather be famous than paid.

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Oh she will probably be offered a job on Fox. Just wait…

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Yes, as a legal "expert."

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So everything else being like travel, lodging, new clothes for court, etc?

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And getting that Boeing 757 back in the air after it sat idle for four years. Also, the cost for fuel, maintenance and pilots has to be very expensive.

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Maybe part of Jared’s $2billion “gift” from the Saudi’s to start his “hedge” fund is paying the bills…..?!

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Wouldn't be a bit surprised and that doesn't include all of the millions Ivanka got in 4 years.

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Lisa Rubin has the info on the site formerly known as twitter. She posted it this morning.

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Let's see some receipts.

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This reminds me of my dad, who had Alzheimer’s. That is exactly how he talked - as if things were completely settled in his favor when they hadn’t happened yet. Any time he was stressed it got worse. After years of telling the same few stories over and over, all exaggerated and twisted, one day he couldn’t put a sentence together that made any sense. Just random words that didn’t go together. He didn’t last long after that. I’m waiting for the day tRump does this on camera and it might not be long. My dad was overall happy in his confusion, unlike tRump who appears very angry.

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deletedFeb 1
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holy shit that's young

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Poor Alina, she’s proven that she is neither smart nor pretty. She could be pretty if she would stop making ‘duck lips’ all the time. As it is, she just looks dumb.

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Actually, the photo that Jeff posted proved that her major assets are below the chin.

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Goddamn I wish I had kneecaps like that.

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It's from continually kissing trumps nasty ass

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He won the appeals? What appeals? He can’t even appeal before he pays up.

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The madness of Emperor Shitstain

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There are counties in the United States where anything that Trump says is in fact true. You may not realize it until you are trapped in one.

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I ran into this exact scenario just yesterday. Frightening. And really sad. "Too smart to be so stupid," as my neighbor would say.

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Oh no! Habba is gone? And just after she put highlights in her hair at the request of her client?

As far as getting paid, 😂😂😂😂😂😂

Alina, go to the mirror, look yourself in the eye, and repeat: “Everything Trump Touches Dies*” over and over and over until you finally get that the law of ETTD applies to you.

*title of a book by Rick Wilson circa 2018. Worth a read.

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That dreidel keeps spinning. Sometimes the grifters can cling to it, sometimes they get thrown off. But as Tucker Swanson Carlson advises, “Keep tanning your balls!” and it’ll all be wonderful.

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"Denied me due process." from the guy who had two trials. Last I checked due process includes getting trial by a jury of your fellow citizens. Dippy the Bronzer Abuser had TWO.

"Trump: “I didn’t do anything wrong. I mean, that’s been proven as far as I’m concerned, and actually, we won in the Court of Appeals, you probably saw that. that case has been largely won in the Court of Appeals.” " Actually idiot, all you won in the CoA was a less limited ability to speak your mind, and nothing more. Does this statement actually mean you don't think you're going to have to pony up the 83 mill? 'Cause if it does, ain't you going to be surprised when the court seizes one of your properties and orders it liquidated to cover the judgement.

As for Habba, it's hard to be a competent lawyer when A) you have perhaps the worst client on the planet, and B) you aren't one to start with.

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"Any lawyer who takes a TRUMP CASE is either “CRAZY,” or a TRUE AMERICAN PATRIOT." Ummm...

I'm going with crazy. Grandpa Crazypants is still fleecing his flock, who are just as crazy as he is. Bye Alina... we hardly knew you. 😂😂

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HAHAHAHA!!!! Good stuff Charlie!

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It is really sad that he makes sense to so many. Did they get a code-descrambler ring in their box of Captain Crunchpants Shit Bombs?

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I’m thinking of running “Captain Crunchpants Shit Bombs” through DALL-E to see what the packaging might look like.

But on second thought, nope. Not this close to lunch.

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hello, Earth to Donald Trump, come in please.


Thank You Jeff, as I listen to the depressing daily news cycle, your daily posts always make me laugh out loud and thankfully realize I am not alone !

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Agent Orange can’t hire competent counsel, not because of the Deep State bullshit but because: competent counsel wants to get paid, competent counsel doesn’t want to be told how to counsel (it’s kinda their job) and competent counsel doesn’t want to be on the losing end with a criminal who admits his crimes in public.

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competent counsel doesn't want to destroy their careers by being associated with him.

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