here's a thing I wrote a year ago about Donny's box-hoarding behavior, "Andy Warhol's garbage: why I believe Donald Trump mixed golf pants with stolen war plans"


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I think he purposely mixed the docs in with his personal crap in case anyone looked inside and he figured they would see his crap and not look further. I am not surprised he had them in bed. He was looking through the stash to see if he had anything he could sell. There is no other reason to have taken them.

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I’ve always believed he took them as money in the bank. Whenever he’s short he could auction them off to Putin, Iran, etc. the man is nothing more than a traitor.

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I believe he has been doing that all along. Thus, Putin has put in a lot of effort to help turn EU right wing, and to help Trump win the election with Bots. Of course, Putin knows more than anyone, that Trump may be a bigger problem in office than out of office. He is a wild card!

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No sane, mature, legal reason. There's lots of other reasons.

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Putin had copies of everything by then, but jared was still getting paid by the Saudis for them.

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I remember that article. They’re both nuts, but at least we never had a President Warhol.

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In the future, everyone will be President for 15 minutes.

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I'm definitely legalizing...stuff.

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Can I be impressed you worked at the Factory? (I am.} Also that you seem to be boots-on-the-ground and giving fresh perspective in any era. (Pre-ordering that memoir clothbound, when/if you do write it.)

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Please, Jeff, do a live video stream so we can all laugh in unison. I’d pay for that!

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Thanks Jeff for the comparison! Spot on! Like Andy, Donald is a weird dude. But there was more to motivate him than this.

Donald's retaining the document boxes, against federal law, APPEARS to have another purpose. Donald's strange behavior in this case looks like he was worried there could be documents in the boxes that proved his traitorous relationship with Putin and the Russian oligarchs. Or the Chinese. Or both.

A "normal" trustworthy public servant avoids the APPEARANCE of impropriety. A normal government official would not keep their businesses open to funnel Chinese and Russian money into their pocket. A normal government official would not meet in private with an adversarial head of state, without witnesses other than the other side's translator. After this meeting, a normal government official would not take the side of the adversary over his own intelligence services. A normal government official would return all official documents, per the law, without delay or obstruction. Donald is giving us the APPEARANCE that he is a Russian spy and a traitor.

The FBI investigation into Trump World and Russia conspiring was code named Crossfire Hurricane. Cassidy mentions in her book "Enough" that Mark Meadows was worried about a binder on this case, as they were packing to leave the White House. Is there a connection between Crossfire Hurricane and the file boxes at Mar-A-Lago?


Here's Jack Smith's 49 page indictment. Good read!


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Didn't Trump use $20k of that stolen charity money for a portrait of himself?? Who does that? Answer; DJT,in love with himself.

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In addition to all these other reasons, perhaps he took them to his homes and stashed them in several unsecured rooms to feel/play act that he was still President. And what about all those documents in the bathroom? Was he wiping his ass with top secret documents?

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Hey you worked at the Factory. So did my sister, Jean, who was an art director there for a while.

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I have to look for the funny… otherwise, I’d go nuts thinking about the chance he could become potus again and hoping the cheeseburgers finally do their job. Today’s favorite funny: β€œinfuriatingly not-dead-yet overgrown garden slug”.

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Me too! I entered my comment before I saw yours. Hilarious.

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How does Jeff come up with these one-liners every day? He’s brilliant!

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Gives me big chuckles every post!!

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Yup my favorite too! 😝

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Yep - "infuriatingly not-dead-yet overgrown garden slug" is going to be my new descriptive for this infuriatingly not-dead-yet overgrown garden slug from now on. It's beyond perfect!

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Jack Smith: *reads Person 81's testimony*

Jack Smith: *shakes head and pinches bridge of nose*

Jack Smith: *sighs heavily*

Jack Smith: "So THAT'S why the pages were all stuck together."

Jack Smith: *washes hands in boiling bleach*

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When they do the movie "All the Jack Smith Headaches," you gotta be the scriptwriter.

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I think Homer Simpson said it best:


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You remember the Simpsons episode where there about 30,000 Homer clones,and they used a big donut to lead them off a cliff?? I was thinking of that with the MAGAs...

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Well they are the same color…

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You're right, they are!

I think I'd rather have President Homer Simpson, thoughβ€”which is a frightening thought.

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Well, it's like when Jerry Lewis died and the second weirdest person in the world got promoted to first place. WHen Trump finally, at long last, goes where the goblins go, yo ho, below below, the second weirdest person in the world assumes the position. What the fuck, Don, you learn not to make the 'ovens' joke in junior high, but you were too busy harassing the gay kids to learn that lesson. If he shows up tomorrow, I hope it will be the end of his career.

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If you are Jewish, you are taught at a very young age to value life, not take it for granted, and when you get a bit older to understand what happened in nazi Germany. Never again…and here we are 79 years later after the end of WWII and still dealing with the same old shitty rhetoric that got us WWII and shitty hitler.

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Daughter of Holocaust victims here. Project 2025 is a cruel manifesto based on Hitler’s Mein Kampf. It is almost verbatim!

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I have never understood why Nazi lover Stephen Miller, who is Jewish & one of Cheeto’s special advisers, has ANY sort of credibility in foreign & immigration policy or anything else but hate for that matter

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Well, Miller is fucking crazy and most Jews (unfortunately, not all) want his ass tossed in prison! He and Jeff Sessions, the lil’ Keebler man who was once AG of our country, are responsible for ripping babies out of immigrants hands. This too, is what the Nazis and the SS did. They would take babies out of carriages and throw them to the ground. My uncle saw this in Berlin. Miller has now procreated his own Aryan race with his equally disgusting wife…two children. He should never see them again!

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I remember what they did & how horribly cruel that was-Dems running for political offices should remind American citizens that this is what we’ll be seeing again if Cheeto becomes president again. The very first people that the Nazi brown shirts came after was transgender people then LBGTQ then Jews& after that just anybody that got in the way of their cruel agenda

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Also Roma, communists, socialists, trade unionists, Catholics, and the mentally and physically disabled.

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Since I’ve never read Hitler’s book, I wasn’t aware of the similarities. Thank you for pointing that out.

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holy shit, really?

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Hence, Shitler.

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'If people don't learn the lessons of history,they usually intend to repeat it'

Not my quote,but I think it's apt.

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And the bullies wait until the heroes are almost all dead, and start the cycle again.

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An aspect of the malignant narcissist condition is sadism. Trump proves that out every day. He gets off on the effects of his cruelty on others.

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He is one very sick fuck who gets his rocks off by inflicting pain and telling sick jokes no matter who's in the room. His blatant antisemitism, racism and misogyny would've never been tolerated or acceptable when the GOP still had some credibility. Either would sleeping with stolen documents since we're anxiously waiting for compromised Cannon to quit the stalling bullshit as we get closer to November.

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The GOP has not had credibility since they fucked up Reconstruction and permitted Jim Crow in the 1870's

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If we look around to see who is laughing with him we’ll know who else is!

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Elon Musk is in second place ready to push Trump out of the way.

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Inside his fascistic designed truck that is not selling

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I have seen a couple and they have to be given the ugliest stupid-ass trucks-ever-built award!

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Nicknames abound for the vehicles Musk's Tesla has made. Two favorites of mine are (Inc)el Camino and Wank Panzer

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Give them respect! Kneel, mortal, you are in the presence of something that will be as pants-shittingly hilarious in 100 years from now as they are today. Also, you can leave handprints on them. Do so. "LAWD, please heal this AFFLICTED El Camino and return it to HEALTH" Jesus: "LOL! HOw about NO!"

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:: you learn not to make the 'ovens' joke in junior high::

No, I knew people who were still making it in college, though I'm sure they thought it was "ironic".

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"Scrodinger's douchebag" they wait to see if people laugh, then when they get disgusted looks, claim they were only joking.

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I was at college party and some fools showed up in 'black face'...they were removed...forcibly.

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Jerry Lewis was weird? That sounds like a fun rabbit hole lol

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He struck me as skeevy.

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The depths of his strangeness makes the Marianus Trench seem as shallow as the dimple on a golf ball.

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Those folks who support tRump for their president for life should be required to live with him for a week.

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Trump should have to live with THEM and go to work with them. Maybe someone living in a single wide trailer working paving roads in the summer heat.

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Someone living in a single wide working in the summer heat has enough punishment without having to deal with Cheeto breath

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They'd probably end up smelling like Steve Bannon.

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They're masochistic.

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Alien Cannon = trumps fellatrix by proxy

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Owns Melania doll and stabs it regularly.

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A Melania Voo Doo doll!

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HAHAH!!! Excellent!

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Alien - lol!

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Whenever I laugh in the morning, my husband asks, β€œJeff?”

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In our house it's "Tiedrich?" And we often ask each other if we've read Tiedrich yet. :-P

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I don’t know about everyone else but the theft of these highly classified documents and the gall of taking them out and about with him , showing them to who the hell knows, represents to me a profound betrayal to the safety of our nation and a beyond-egregious threat to the sheer livelihoods of the American people but also the safety of our world.A prime reason to have an organized government is an effort to keep it’s people safe and Donnie FF committed what can only be called highly treasonous acts by the defilement of these top secret documents.It is frightening.

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Absolutely treasonous. Without question. Which means that Cannon and all the elected Repub nuts who downplay and excuse what he did are complicit in that treasonous behavior

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Exactly!How can we be trusted by our allies when their secrets with us are out there for our enemies to see?Hell, he courts our enemies (Putin, Xi, MBS and others).He is absolutely the worst thing to ever happen to our foreign and domestic policies.Biden has started to try to repair some damage that he and Rs have done but it is going to take generations to rid us of the putrid damage that this man has inflicted upon our country.

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Pretty sure Trump is a Russian Intelligence asset,and always has been,that's probably why he had them.

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I totally believe he's a Russian asset. We know they've been interested in him since the '80s. And the whole world watched Putin play him like a fiddle in Helsinki. I believe he's not only an asset but that there's a LOT of kompromat on him AND his cronies. I mean, what have they got on Lindsay? And the rest? etc. etc.

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The GOP was hacked too and the (newly freed) Russian-asset, Albino rapist, never released that stuff, only what Putin told him to.

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Nailed it Natalie,if you're a so-called 'journalist' and have hacked intelligence info,you don't leak it to just one side.

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And Melania was gifted to him by Putin, through Epstein, to be his handler.

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And translator, apparently she's a linguistic genius,the 'Be Best' lady, apparently,says so on her visa.(Likely written in crayon)

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πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£Her ex-modeling days roommate, described her as vapid, boring, and did nothing but look at fashion magazines.

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What the fuck kind of fucked up Loser can convince himself and millions of usually decent people to attempt to over throw the most decent democratic society that the world has ever known? It’s far from perfect but it’s the best that has ever existed, and this deranged degenerate Loser is trying to burn it down again ! Let’s find some descendants of the German Generals who tried to bump of Schicklegrubber ,and see if they want to correct thier ancestor’s error ,and make History right this time ! Just venting Mr.Hoover πŸ€―πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«πŸ€ͺ

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Even after the insurrection,130 Republicans still signed on to decertify the election,they're all complicit. But that won't happen again with the 'Electoral College Certification Act' passed by House when Dems still controlled it. The VPs job certifying the election is purely ceremonial,and always has been.

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Those 130 should be arrested and held for treason the second Joe takes the oath of office! Me and my Union brothers will build a gallows to do them all in one drop ! Now that’ll be a reality show !😠😀 of course after a fair trial ! Let Joe pick the Judge !πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜…

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No death penalty, please.

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IMO when the court cases are done concerning an election,any 'election denial' after that is treason,plain and simple.

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Exile too Antarctic?

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How about the potential blackmailing of politicians and government officials,those files could contain information on anyone, Supreme Court justices for instance! GOP LEADERS AND congressional members,the list is endless!

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Well, he sure gives the appearance of being a traitor. And a Russian spy.

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And Ivanka made millions off Chinese trademarks,she never divested from Trump Industries,in violation of Emmolients rules,they all think they are above the law with their little crime/grift family,the Trump nepo-babies made $670 million while Orange Fuhrer was trying to end democracy.

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If it looks like a fuck walks like a fuck talks and acts like a fuck I’m betting on a fucking traitor Russian agent bought and sold fuck !

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Fuckin' A!!!

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Do you know what DFF's best defense against criminal liability? His brain has not matured enough to grasp morality. If he can just prove what an idiot he is he's off Scott free.

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The whole world knows what an idiot he is. Other democracies laughed at the stupid Americans who voted for that know-nothing asshole.

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Wonder what's in the Gibson guitar case in one of the pictures? It can't be a guitar because we know this rat's nest topped orange shitbag doesn't have any talent, outside of being a depraved asswipe.

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I know, right? I noticed that in the photo and was all come on, don't tell me Donald Trump owns a guitar. maybe it was a gift from the Nuge

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neither of them can play one

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πŸ˜†πŸ˜† True.

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What would you care to bet the boxes in that closet are in such disarray because they were moved in there in crazed hurry to hide them?

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Nah! The FBI kicked the boxes just before they snapped the photos in their consistent deep state attack on Trump!

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Deep state = Derp for the MAGAts.

edit: changed stare to state.

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