Ms Spouse likes to read the local Nextdoor, and she reports that people here in the Hudson Valley believe that the "it's ok to steal under $950" is a thing that's going on in New York
On Twitter, the Space Nazi’s MAGA Morons were upset with President Biden lowering the cost of drugs for seniors. They were yelling: “Not fair! Now our taxes will go up!”
The Dept of Veterans Affairs has been negotiating drug prices since 1992. No one complained then, “Oh no, this will raise our taxes.” It’s about time for Medicare to be able to negotiate with drug companies.
And will NEVER respect veterans. Have you heard the latest what the mango moron said about Medal of Honor winners?! Total and absolute disrespect for veterans.
Hey let’s give Dumpty ,Felon and all the repugnantkin Magats ….Montana we don’t need it there’s more cows than real people..plenty of room not a lot of woke folk they’ll have their own little fascist cult State call it MUMPOPOLIS or Truskillvania whatever they can try it out for a while and if they don’t like it …..welllll tough fucken shit ! We don’t need any rapist ,child molester immIgrants in our country anymore ….see if Putin wants them …half of the pricks probably work for him anyway!👍🖕🏿🖐️bye now !
I say give a swath of land in unoccupied Texas, along the border with Mexico, let them have their theocracy there, and wall it off like in the old movie "Escape From New York." Let any kidnap victims like sane women, or children back in. But Magamen lose their citizenship rights and have to apply to move here.
And in Florida and Texas it will be illegal for them to go to the bathroom or get a water break in broiling temps over 100+ degrees because their weird governors said so.
There have been reported migrant farm worker deaths because of the heat, probably down in the eastern part of NC. The article said the “feels like” temps were topping out at 117°. I can’t imagine what farm workers further south are having to endure. I wish so much that all these abused folks had a legal recourse open to them.
The responsibility, in Texass, belongs to republicons Abbott, Patrick, Paxton and the republicon house and senate. Texass used to be a great state until the republicons took over, now it’s just another red state shitehole. All the major cities are blue, but out in the sticks all you get are stupid republicons and as we all know, ignorance can be fixed, stupidity cannot.
I know at least some states would get you for leaving your dog outside in extreme heat (or cold) with no water! How can ANYONE, ANYWHERE do that to human beings and get away with it???!!!
On Threads I follow ufwupdates and they are fighting for #HeatRelief. They profile workers and the conditions they must work under and it will break your heart. They (the migrant workers) are doing jobs picking our food that no one else would do.
So donald, how’s that going to work when you plan to send them back to their countries?
DJT at his properties was paying his maids and housekeepers $5 a hour,said a report a few years ago,I guess when they weren't being sex trafficked for Epstein.
Did you see when Stephen Colbert testified in front of a Congressional subcommittee about agricultural workers, and he said, wow, I didn't realize that the dirt was at ground level!
We need Ceasar Chevez ! Pronto !Aint no white Magat is stealing my share cropping job ! NOWAY baby 14 hour days 6 3/4 days a week that’s good conditions and the best is the $7.50 an hour bonanza pay no siree! No White Nationalist job jumper gonna take that from me ! I got my Green Card nice and legal only took 16 years…another 14 and I can apply for Citizenship baby and I’ll only be 67 years old! 😂maybe bring my wife and kids up to this Paradise when I’m an Americano !🇺🇸
Exactly! My father used to tell the story about him and his cousin (both US born) who decided to drop out of school and run away from home to pick lettuce in the fields. He said they worked one day and came home with their tails between their legs saying that they didn't want to work that hard. This was a year or two before WWII but I can't imagine the work is any easier today.
Some idiot got got on one of my comment threads and said something stupid about how we should deport the lot of them. Of course my comment back was to ask how many of their jobs was he going to be ready to do just to get the huge amount of just produce out to our markets. Reminded him too that working for the wages they get would require him taking on several jobs. Also in my state of NC there have been migrant deaths from them working in the stifling heat without water or breaks out of the heat. Workers supply their own water or Gatorade because the owners won’t. Disgusting, ignorant people who refuse to realize how crippled the economy would be if Project 2025 ever gets enacted.
My comments get a lot of backlash, too, for various reasons...I thought we were all on the same page here. I sling their shit right back at 'em and then it's time for blockity block.
Yeah, no. A migrant’s life in the fields is pretty gnarly. Now, maybe in some of the abattoirs where many work, it’s possible but doing that work is soon crippling to hands, bodies. I’d love to see some of the privileged do what migrant labor does.
I actually worked the tobacco fields in CT. as a yute,CT. tobacco is a fine wrap,not for smoking,anyway,it was brutal,sun-up til sundown,the pay was $90 a week,actually pretty good money for the time,CT. was segregated,anyone willing to work,worked.
White women better be clamouring Dave, or be forced to breed endlessly with anyone that chooses to breed with them, and when those days are over it is child care work. I assume they will be following Hitler's plan for anyone who does not get with the program. I mean shipping off 50 mil? All to Mexico? I think not. There is somewhere between the US and Mexico where people will be ending up.
According to Prof. Thomas Zimmer, they have serious plans to deport like 50 million people from the US, and that means it won't be all immigrants. Also getting rid of birth rights citizenship, and other things. Certainly not concerned about agriculture or anything else. See Zimmer speak to Democrats Abroad this week about Project 2025.
It will be horrible if it should ever have a chance to come to pass. That’s why we have got to have some long term planning so that such a movement will never have a ghost of a chance to see the light of day.
You have heard that the felon is just going to do away with the entire document, right? Kings don’t need no damn documents, don’t ya know? And he’s going to be king of whatever is left of the world.
According to Donald himself "black jobs." And since he mostly lives in the past he must be thinking of bootblacks and Pullman porters. You know, Stepin’ Fetchit types.
Well according to Vance, we older women who are not of child bearing age will just be providing child care like his mother-in-law from India did when she took a year Sabbatical from her Professor job to take care of his children, but more like that is all we will do. So, you won't be needing migrants anymore there. And in their world view of Christian (National) Fascism, no more day care either so there go the immigrant jobs there. I presume all of the Christian Nationalist children will be taking over the planting and harvesting on farms because they don't need to learn, reading or writing in their homeschooling. I could go on with the vision spelled out in Project 2025, but I need a break from it now.
I wonder how Vance's MIL feels about his comments and apparent lack of gratitude for her help and sacrifice. Her daughter sure made a weird choice of who to marry
Teachers will no longer be necessary. They will be encouraged to apply for jobs in nursing homes. Janitorial, laundry, food prep and personal care - what a great variety of options are available !
And yet, they like to eat, and don't actually see themselves going to a farm and picking their own food at harvest time to pay for it. What can I say, being from the midwest I will say, "they are just weird as hell!"
I don’t know! It’s crazy. My husband and I wanted to stay in NJ when we retired—and he wanted to live near the beaches—so we moved down here. It’s unbelievable that parts of NJ are so Trumpy. South Jersey is like a completely different state. 🙄
I grew up in South Plainfield & many of my former classmates live in Toms River. Can’t believe the crap that they believe. I push back against the idiocy whenever they post it. Should make for an interesting reunion this fall. Wonder if anyone will talk to me 😃
I did too. And then when got married we lived between New Brunswick and Princeton. It was so different from where we are now. Luckily we’ve found some likeminded people down here.
Nextdoor is equal parts entertaining and terrifying. The unhinged posts are hilarious until you realise they're posted by someone who lives 3 doors down the road.
One glance at national Presidential polls proves this; no way in this blue and green earth LDFF should be getting nearly half the percentages. 43% vs. 46% today.
It should be 1%-99% or his not even being on any ballot, look at how Howard Dean's bid went down in flames after he yelled "Arrrrggggh!" on a mic |> once <|. He was done.
Is that a percentage of republicans or likely voters because I’m pretty sure the felon’s base is like a third of republicans. That number hasn’t moved much.
yeah... I try to read NextDoor selectively -- only get on when one of the neighborhood cats we feed goes missing (we lost one last month, poor old girl)... got into it with some dumbass who wants to kill every snake he sees AND provides pics. We live out in the country, for fuck's sake, and the snakes keep the rodent pop down so we don't get stuff like hantavirus or the plague. They also keep to themselves except after the occasional rain and even the poisonous ones are only dangerous to things the size of field mice and smaller (and maybe to my dog's vocal chords.)
Before NextDoor, I had no idea there were so many very weird Karens of all genders within a few square miles...
I gave up using that app at my old house. Tried it when I moved to my new neighborhood. It made me think that all the freak flag flyers moved with me. Same shit different neighborhood.
Ms Spouse likes to read the local Nextdoor, and she reports that people here in the Hudson Valley believe that the "it's ok to steal under $950" is a thing that's going on in New York
I just “bought” $949 worth of useless shit because I knew I wouldn’t have to pay a dime. Now I’ll be selling it all on eBay. 🙄
Are you going to be running a fire sale?
On Twitter, the Space Nazi’s MAGA Morons were upset with President Biden lowering the cost of drugs for seniors. They were yelling: “Not fair! Now our taxes will go up!”
Nobody has ever accused them of being bright.
…and never will !
Wow,it must be tough to live in MAGA world,a permanent state of 'wet diaper'.
Omg, 😆 good one!
OMG 😂😂😂
wait… we LOWERED the price - how does that make our taxes go up? Who would think thaT????!! oh wait - i just answered my own question
Troll farm agitators…fucking muskrat.
Yes the real immigrant giving immigrants a bad name. (I'm married to an immigrant lest anyone think I am dising them, and he came up with that line.)
I live in San Diego,some of us learn Spanish just to be neighborly.
It is the right thing to do. I have taken a semester here, and there, so I know enought to communicate like a five year-old.
For an English speaker, it's the easiest second language there is. Verb conjugations are like 90% of the work.
The taxes that we pay but they don't!
I think I spent more in one month for weed than Trump paid in taxes for a year.
That's the real joke isn't it?
Like funny haha 😡.
They do think they support us, especially in the blue cities because Fox tells them that, I guess "irony" would have been a better word choice.
The Dept of Veterans Affairs has been negotiating drug prices since 1992. No one complained then, “Oh no, this will raise our taxes.” It’s about time for Medicare to be able to negotiate with drug companies.
Don't get me started on that,I have private insurance,but the VA doesn't accept it for my copays,starting guessed it...2017.
We know Trump and his administration did not support veterans.
And will NEVER respect veterans. Have you heard the latest what the mango moron said about Medal of Honor winners?! Total and absolute disrespect for veterans.
Yes! What an a**hole!
Tosspot fuckery!
Hey let’s give Dumpty ,Felon and all the repugnantkin Magats ….Montana we don’t need it there’s more cows than real people..plenty of room not a lot of woke folk they’ll have their own little fascist cult State call it MUMPOPOLIS or Truskillvania whatever they can try it out for a while and if they don’t like it …..welllll tough fucken shit ! We don’t need any rapist ,child molester immIgrants in our country anymore ….see if Putin wants them …half of the pricks probably work for him anyway!👍🖕🏿🖐️bye now !
I say give a swath of land in unoccupied Texas, along the border with Mexico, let them have their theocracy there, and wall it off like in the old movie "Escape From New York." Let any kidnap victims like sane women, or children back in. But Magamen lose their citizenship rights and have to apply to move here.
And build a wall around it.
That is mandatory, they can finally have their “wall”.
What in the living Fuck are they talking about?!
I live in Ocean County, NJ, and I’m pretty sure the people here believe that migrants are taking 40,000 percent of our jobs.
'I really love my job picking fruit for minimum wage,for 12 hours a day!!'...said no one...ever.
A lot of them don't make minimum wage, because they have to pick egg crates full of fruit/vegies and they are paid by the crate.
Exactly—they get like two bucks per bushel depending on the crop. I follow United Farm Workers on IG and get their emails for action alerts
I want to apply for work harvesting fruit, said no white American ever,
Or processing chickens.
And in Florida and Texas it will be illegal for them to go to the bathroom or get a water break in broiling temps over 100+ degrees because their weird governors said so.
Thanks to their psychotic Governors & Republican controlled state legislators
And the Fundavangical FL supreme court judges that DeathSantis appointed all but one of.
There have been reported migrant farm worker deaths because of the heat, probably down in the eastern part of NC. The article said the “feels like” temps were topping out at 117°. I can’t imagine what farm workers further south are having to endure. I wish so much that all these abused folks had a legal recourse open to them.
I heard about that! I can’t even express what I would like to do to whoever is responsible for making those rules in Texas & Florida!
The responsibility, in Texass, belongs to republicons Abbott, Patrick, Paxton and the republicon house and senate. Texass used to be a great state until the republicons took over, now it’s just another red state shitehole. All the major cities are blue, but out in the sticks all you get are stupid republicons and as we all know, ignorance can be fixed, stupidity cannot.
I know at least some states would get you for leaving your dog outside in extreme heat (or cold) with no water! How can ANYONE, ANYWHERE do that to human beings and get away with it???!!!
On Threads I follow ufwupdates and they are fighting for #HeatRelief. They profile workers and the conditions they must work under and it will break your heart. They (the migrant workers) are doing jobs picking our food that no one else would do.
So donald, how’s that going to work when you plan to send them back to their countries?
DJT at his properties was paying his maids and housekeepers $5 a hour,said a report a few years ago,I guess when they weren't being sex trafficked for Epstein.
Did you see when Stephen Colbert testified in front of a Congressional subcommittee about agricultural workers, and he said, wow, I didn't realize that the dirt was at ground level!
We need Ceasar Chevez ! Pronto !Aint no white Magat is stealing my share cropping job ! NOWAY baby 14 hour days 6 3/4 days a week that’s good conditions and the best is the $7.50 an hour bonanza pay no siree! No White Nationalist job jumper gonna take that from me ! I got my Green Card nice and legal only took 16 years…another 14 and I can apply for Citizenship baby and I’ll only be 67 years old! 😂maybe bring my wife and kids up to this Paradise when I’m an Americano !🇺🇸
White guy here; tried picking crops for several HOURS, made 75 cents, in the summer heat, don’t recommend it for anybody..
Is that one of the Black jobs that is being stolen?
Exactly! My father used to tell the story about him and his cousin (both US born) who decided to drop out of school and run away from home to pick lettuce in the fields. He said they worked one day and came home with their tails between their legs saying that they didn't want to work that hard. This was a year or two before WWII but I can't imagine the work is any easier today.
I wonder if anyone asks him/herself what jobs migrants take that the rest of us would want.
Some idiot got got on one of my comment threads and said something stupid about how we should deport the lot of them. Of course my comment back was to ask how many of their jobs was he going to be ready to do just to get the huge amount of just produce out to our markets. Reminded him too that working for the wages they get would require him taking on several jobs. Also in my state of NC there have been migrant deaths from them working in the stifling heat without water or breaks out of the heat. Workers supply their own water or Gatorade because the owners won’t. Disgusting, ignorant people who refuse to realize how crippled the economy would be if Project 2025 ever gets enacted.
did you get a reply?
Not yet. I keep watching though.
I doubt you'll get one
My comments get a lot of backlash, too, for various reasons...I thought we were all on the same page here. I sling their shit right back at 'em and then it's time for blockity block.
And report!!
hundreds of us white people will be clamoring for those migrant jobs!
Do we get 2 or 3 15minute breaks each day? ( plus hour lunch -right?)
Yeah, no. A migrant’s life in the fields is pretty gnarly. Now, maybe in some of the abattoirs where many work, it’s possible but doing that work is soon crippling to hands, bodies. I’d love to see some of the privileged do what migrant labor does.
I’ve seen, and those whiny cretins wouldn’t last 1 day, even without the constant anxiety about getting turned into “La Migra” (Immigration).
I actually worked the tobacco fields in CT. as a yute,CT. tobacco is a fine wrap,not for smoking,anyway,it was brutal,sun-up til sundown,the pay was $90 a week,actually pretty good money for the time,CT. was segregated,anyone willing to work,worked.
White women better be clamouring Dave, or be forced to breed endlessly with anyone that chooses to breed with them, and when those days are over it is child care work. I assume they will be following Hitler's plan for anyone who does not get with the program. I mean shipping off 50 mil? All to Mexico? I think not. There is somewhere between the US and Mexico where people will be ending up.
Don't forget our 'mental health' days, gotta have 'em.
According to Prof. Thomas Zimmer, they have serious plans to deport like 50 million people from the US, and that means it won't be all immigrants. Also getting rid of birth rights citizenship, and other things. Certainly not concerned about agriculture or anything else. See Zimmer speak to Democrats Abroad this week about Project 2025.
It will be horrible if it should ever have a chance to come to pass. That’s why we have got to have some long term planning so that such a movement will never have a ghost of a chance to see the light of day.
The pinheads actually published the plan publicly,not...too...bright.
They would have to get rid of Section I of the 14th Amendment in order to eliminate birthright citizenship.
Or just ignore it
You have heard that the felon is just going to do away with the entire document, right? Kings don’t need no damn documents, don’t ya know? And he’s going to be king of whatever is left of the world.
You're never going to get through to people like that, just block them.
According to Donald himself "black jobs." And since he mostly lives in the past he must be thinking of bootblacks and Pullman porters. You know, Stepin’ Fetchit types.
Well according to Vance, we older women who are not of child bearing age will just be providing child care like his mother-in-law from India did when she took a year Sabbatical from her Professor job to take care of his children, but more like that is all we will do. So, you won't be needing migrants anymore there. And in their world view of Christian (National) Fascism, no more day care either so there go the immigrant jobs there. I presume all of the Christian Nationalist children will be taking over the planting and harvesting on farms because they don't need to learn, reading or writing in their homeschooling. I could go on with the vision spelled out in Project 2025, but I need a break from it now.
No, they will be training to be Commanders
I wonder how Vance's MIL feels about his comments and apparent lack of gratitude for her help and sacrifice. Her daughter sure made a weird choice of who to marry
Teachers will no longer be necessary. They will be encouraged to apply for jobs in nursing homes. Janitorial, laundry, food prep and personal care - what a great variety of options are available !
To be the wife of Donald Trump
And yet, they like to eat, and don't actually see themselves going to a farm and picking their own food at harvest time to pay for it. What can I say, being from the midwest I will say, "they are just weird as hell!"
What has happened to Ocean County? Many of my HS classmates live there & they are all tRumpers
I don’t know! It’s crazy. My husband and I wanted to stay in NJ when we retired—and he wanted to live near the beaches—so we moved down here. It’s unbelievable that parts of NJ are so Trumpy. South Jersey is like a completely different state. 🙄
I grew up in South Plainfield & many of my former classmates live in Toms River. Can’t believe the crap that they believe. I push back against the idiocy whenever they post it. Should make for an interesting reunion this fall. Wonder if anyone will talk to me 😃
I’m the same way. I wish I could just scroll past my friends’ idiotic MAGA posts, but I’m not very good at that! 😂
Probably because of Rutgers University being in that part of the state.
I went to Rutgers. Where do you think I got my good LIBERAL leanings?
I did too. And then when got married we lived between New Brunswick and Princeton. It was so different from where we are now. Luckily we’ve found some likeminded people down here.
In New York, $1,000 has been the threshold between Petit Larceny, a misdemeanor, and felony Grand Larceny charges for some time.
Given a guy with 34 felony convictions is running for president, no wonder people think nothing of a misdemeanor.
Nextdoor is equal parts entertaining and terrifying. The unhinged posts are hilarious until you realise they're posted by someone who lives 3 doors down the road.
Nextdoor - the easiest way to realize the idiots next door really are.
If there is one truism about the average American voter, it is that they are too lazy, or too gullible, to check facts.
They prefer Alternative Facts. They do their “research” on the Alternative Facts app.
What we used to call pulling facts from "The Bureau Of Limbaugh's Butt.".
One glance at national Presidential polls proves this; no way in this blue and green earth LDFF should be getting nearly half the percentages. 43% vs. 46% today.
Source, 538:
It should be 1%-99% or his not even being on any ballot, look at how Howard Dean's bid went down in flames after he yelled "Arrrrggggh!" on a mic |> once <|. He was done.
Is that a percentage of republicans or likely voters because I’m pretty sure the felon’s base is like a third of republicans. That number hasn’t moved much.
Here in Reno, too. NextDoor there be a nest of vipers.
yeah... I try to read NextDoor selectively -- only get on when one of the neighborhood cats we feed goes missing (we lost one last month, poor old girl)... got into it with some dumbass who wants to kill every snake he sees AND provides pics. We live out in the country, for fuck's sake, and the snakes keep the rodent pop down so we don't get stuff like hantavirus or the plague. They also keep to themselves except after the occasional rain and even the poisonous ones are only dangerous to things the size of field mice and smaller (and maybe to my dog's vocal chords.)
Before NextDoor, I had no idea there were so many very weird Karens of all genders within a few square miles...
I gave up using that app at my old house. Tried it when I moved to my new neighborhood. It made me think that all the freak flag flyers moved with me. Same shit different neighborhood.