This election comes down to three challenges:

Democracy vs. Dictatorship

Prosecutor vs. felon

Coach vs. Couch

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Coach vs. Couch. I like this... Bumper sticker material. ✌️

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I looked for tshirts yesterday & couldn't find any - the internet should fix that.

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Just Google Harris/ Walz merchandise,

pick one that helps.

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I have not seen coach vs couch, and think some enterprising person could raise a lot of funds for the party with that one. It tops MAGA any day! There is this website which if you refresh the screen will give you a different saying most of the time. They however, have only 4 of the sayings on t-shirts, and not my favorite one about tampons. https://timwalzfixedyourbicycle.com/

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My Tampon Tim Stops the Red Wave tshirt is on order.

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Where did you find it? I found one on Etsy Germany, which I might get. But, it does not donate money to the campaign.


I am printing out some of the sayings that are on the above link to put on posters for a political action next weekend. I also like the one that says, "Tim Walz gets the couch joke."

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I found the shirt in English! Thanks for the heads up!

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One of my own: Journey stopped Believing. Then they met Tim Walz.

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I found the Tampon Tim Tshirt on Etsy. Thank you all for the heads up!!

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Awesome thank you for sharing that website! I ordered the extra Springsteen ticket shirt! 💙💙💙

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I have events coming up the next couple of Saturdays where I am going to try to help people Abroad sign up and vote, so I might make a sign with this on it.

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Good Faith vs Bad Faith

Bad Faith has no shame, no scruples, no limits. Trump World will say and do anything for money and power. There is no crime too low. Like the dishonorable accusing a good man of being dishonorable. Cheat and everyone knows you cheated. Like Donald at golf and Russia in sports. Just win.

Self rule vs autocracy.

Donald is the frontman for the "world autocrat club". Putin, Orban, Murdoch, Musk, Maduro, Kim, Thiel, etc. Good faith, democracy, human rights, individual freedom, rule of law are obstacles. Kamala is their nightmare. They are using propaganda, dirty tricks, deception and distraction. For example, Musk and his X lies in Great Britain this week to promote hate and violence. Much more coming.

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Dominion vs self-governance

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24 years of service from Gov Walz vs 0 years of service from Draft Dodger Donnie.

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And one could argue that running for/serving in Congress is continuing to serve the Country. It is after all national office and one vote can affect the lives of many citizens.

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Well stated! I especially liked the Coach vs. Couch!!


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A lifetime of thinking will not produce a better line than Coach vs. Couch, thanks

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I'm a retired Army Special Forces Chief Warrant Officer 3 and I have no problem with Tim Walz's retirement. He's a great man and was a great soldier.

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Amen. 24 years of service is NOTHING to disparage

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Does trump think JD is a sucker? He'll be a loser soon enough, but I'm just curious. Seems like somebody might want to tell what's-his-name, that disparaging someone else's military record while campaigning with a draft-dodger, is probably not a great strategy.

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That’s just like when Trump said that convicted felons shouldn’t be allowed to vote. Whoops.

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djt is incapable of accepting feedback on anything, even campaign strategy in 2024, when the stakes are indescribably high for him. (When he loses, those federal cases will proceed, and imprisonment is likely.)

Someone close to me grew up in a very dysfunctional family; as a result, this person is very self-destructive, tho in an atypical way. Even when their own survival is on the line, they are paralyzed by anxiety because of the screwed-up messages they received in childhood (= that it was unacceptable to succeed, or to act in ways that would help them stay well and safe). It's painful to see. The damage that dysf families do lasts a lifetime, even for people who have undergone lots of therapy -- and djt has undergone none.

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Very true. Trump used his money and privilege to avoid the war, although I still don't use the word 'draft dodger' for almost anyone who didn't want to serve in Vietnam, whether they went to Canada or were conscientious objectors. It was a terrible war we never should have been involved in, like most of our wars since WWII. But Vance criticizing other people for retiring from decades of military service before a new war was even announced is beyond hypocritical. I was glad the NYT pointed out that Vance did not see combat when covering his attacks on Walz, even if it was almost the last line in their piece.

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Nothing whatsoever. Fuck Vance and the rest of the bullshit spewing jackals who have no issue with their ongoing support for their phony, draft dodging felon. The GOP has nothing on Walz and the media continues to ignore the facts and sensationalize the daily lies. If only there were more like Lawrence O'Donnell doing their jobs correctly.

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Love, Lawrence O'Donnell doing his job correctly- as has Tim Walz and Kamala Harris! Just opposite of daddy's boy, who didn't earn his own keep, or his kids who haven't figured out what a job is.

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Also, while all service is valuable and to be respected , it’s the NCO’s like Tim Waltz that make the Army work.

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What's the difference between a Command Sergeant Major and God?

A Command Sergeant Major really can save your ass.

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Watching Band of Brothers on Netflix. Wow, is that ever true!

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It's true. My dad served in the Navy in WWII. He was stationed in the Philippines at Subic Bay. He did not see active combat and when he was offered a chance to go on an honor flight with his younger brother (who served in Korea) he said he didn't deserve to go because he didn't see combat. The trip planners told him that was nonsense. They convinced him to go and it turned out to be one of the most meaningful things in his life. He finally felt like his service meant something, and he was proud.

He was only 18 years old when he was called. He had to leave the family farm, go to basic training, learn how to swim, travel halfway around the world and served his country as an MP. He was honorably discharged after the war. When you serve, it is a selfless act. Every person contributes to the cause and each soldier is important. Each one should be cherished and honored. We celebrate those who come home and remember all of those who do not. Not one person who served was a sucker or a loser. My dad died in 2020. He never had COVID but died because of it anyway. The hospitals were overwhelmed and a procedure he needed could not happen as planned. He died at home. I was with him and will be forever grateful for that.

Trump just doesn't get it. These people who serve are special. They don't question the cause. They are called and they go. For Vance to criticize anyone who has served, is really a terrible thing. It's offensive to anyone who loves a former or current service member. Trump has disrespected so many people but his disdain for our Armed Forces is unforgiveable. My dad was not a sucker or a loser. He was a selfless and caring individual who put others above himself his entire life. What has trump ever done for anyone?

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Excellent post! I’m sorry for the loss of your beloved father.

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Thank you. He lived a long and good life. He was 95. I still talk to him.

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And we're not mercenaries either, low pay,serving your country is it's own reward.

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Thank you for your service, sir.

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Thank you for your service 👏🏼

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Thank you for your service, Michael!

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My MAGA vets hate it when I recall the phrase “losers and suckers” and ask which one are you? Best to All.

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Strange… my big religious friend hates it when I bring up ‘imitated a handicapped person’… 👀

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“Hate it” as in “how dare you say that about Mein Führer?” Like “everyone’s ok with that, why aren’t you?”

That’s weird!

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Every time I see one of those MAGA vet morons, I'm reminded that I never knew so many white male drooling morons in one place at one time as I did in the Navy. Lots of people who I'll never forget, but way too many morons.

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It was a total testosterone-fest, we'd usually go out and fight by just using big words to piss off some mook.

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Sa-NAP!!! 🎤🎤🎤

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😂😂 I bet they love that nearly as much as their golf losses going to Dem candidates.

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“Avoiding STD’s was his personal Vietnam.” once again proving he’s a scumbag.

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I have thought about this and for the life of me can't think of anyone else on Earth stupid and callous enough to say that.

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Actually, Trump had STDs and he described his recovery as his personal Vietnam in "Art of the Deal."

My guess is the reason that DFF doesn't have bone spurs anymore is that GOD has HEALED him!

Praise you, JESUS

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When does the ick factor go away? Every time I read or hear something about the marmalade brigade my skin crawls, I feel I must burn my eyeballs, bleach my brain and stick nails in my ears so I will never be violated again. I have an even bigger fear that I will become inured, apathetic, reaching torpid, to the spaghetti meets wall tactics they employ. 😫😤💙💙💙🐈🐈‍⬛🐈🐈‍⬛🐈🐈‍⬛🐈don’t fuck with cats!!!!!!

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Or the podiatrist that wrote the note.

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I don’t think he did avoid them. I think he caught syphilis, demanded the pills instead of the injection, didn’t take all of them and now is tormenting the nation with his neurosyphilis.

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These people really are stupid...because they KNOW they will be fact checked and proven to be liars. But their idiot supporters don't care. It makes me sick. We gotta improve the educational system in America. 🙄

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Unfortunately, Trumpers are not all stupid, uneducated people. I was an educator for 25 years in Texas and worked with some highly educated people, mostly women. And yet they still remain very loyal republicans who support Trump and all those other assholes. I lost a lot of friends due to this. I seriously don’t understand how they’re so blinded. Oh, and most of them are staunch “christians”. Go figure 🤔

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I too have lost family and friends to Chump and MAGA. I had a friend since the 70s who became a born again Christian. Our last conversation almost two years ago she said she was sorry I'd lost my faith in God. I told her I didn't lose my faith in God, I lost faith in people who call themselves Christian but support Donald Trump.

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Maybe their core values just suck. Deep down, they are not good people. Hitler's cadre of loyal officials were also not all stupid, uneducated people -- actually the opposite. Organized sadists, killers at heart who had found their iron Messiah, not just "misled."

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And don't forget the Nazis were just common criminals also,they pillaged Europe's capitals for gold,silver, artworks,etc,and Hitler was obsessed with seizing religious artifacts.

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And a great deal of it is still unaccounted for.(Amber Room,etc.)

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I saw the replica, it is stunning.

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The Hermitage is on my bucket list.

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This is true of those who profited from Hitlers regime, problem is no one would profit much from tRumps other then the top, his cult would get screwed over and not know it till it was to late.

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They have to do whatever their tribe does - no matter that it isn’t in their own best interest. Essentially, they are lemmings.

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When I said to one of them that Trump and Project 2025 want to do away with the Dept. of Education, she told me that was fake news. Obviously, they ARE lemmings 😡

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Can the bitch read? Destroying the Dept. of Ed and other agencies is written plainly right there in the Project 2025 manifesto. The documentary on YouTube by Molly Jong-Fast details these proposed horrors.

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(to Michelle's comment) : 'Educated' and stupid are two different things. One can be both, depending on the 'education' courses pursued.

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NEVER confuse education with intelligence.

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JD for example.

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As another commenter said, Vance, unlike trump, isn't fundamentally 'stupid' (I hate that word, but...), but the characteristic they BOTH share is sociopathy - the lack of a conscience which leads to the inability to feel guilt or shame as most people tend to. That's why they and their ilk in politics can lie at will.

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Education without character is useless.

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No, JD is bright. His brain is elastic and sophisticated, such that he can absorb and then use complex material.

I don't like him and I don't respect him, but accuracy matters. Thanks.

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The thought process of those MAGAs who are educated and "should know better" remains opaque to me. But I am convinced that for these types, it does indicate a serious pathology in their personalities and personal convictions. Latent racism, self-righteous religiosity, and greed to me are all necessarily major components in some combination to being in the MAGA cult.

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For all MAGAs, regardless of the level of intelligence or education, the issue isn't the ability to think / reason (or the nature of their thought process); the issue is that their psychological damage (1) makes them want to harm others, because they're so full of pain and rage from having been hurt by their dysfunctional family of origin, and (2) makes them unable to accept verifiable reality, which is often painful and requires people to process feelings, which they can't do.

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I agree. I love all my relatives and I am never cutting off any of them, even if some are MAGA.

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🎯Greed is good, or in their case, god.

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I'll always believe it's a cult.

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I'm not forgiving any MAGAs anytime soon,we need 2 functioning political parties,both with the goals of serving the interests of the American people,and the people who voted for them,not themselves. That's not Republicans,and that's not MAGAs.

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I think because all their lives they have been reared and brainwashed to follow their obviously conservative parents lead on political / racial upbringings and ideology...

and (I guess) they feel Trump is the one for them. I dont get it either.

Fun Fact : I was hired by an A/V company to run stage teleprompter in Houston, Tx back in 2019 for the Texas Education Association convention at the George R Brown convention center.

Then presidential candidate Kamala Harris was there and spoke as did Bernie Sanders and other democratic candidates including Beto O'Rourke. The spirit there was democrat as was the president of the TEA who did not hide that fact but I did notice a small group of teachers in the crowd who were Trumpers and felt they were not represented well at the TEA convention. But all in all, I'd say 80% of teachers are democrat as a whole. There are a LOT of small (red) towns in Texas and in the southlands and the teachers there would be really hard pressed not to support Trump...But I still dont get why they do. They are teachers after all...how could they support a crook, felon, rapist, colluder, and treasonous, illiterate person like Trump...like WTF

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Organized Religion is a helluva disease.

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ProPublica posted the training videos of P2025 on YouTube as of Sunday, 8/11. I reposted links to a few on my substack. You can search ProPublica and the new p2025 videos come up first. I. Was. Horrified.

Who am I kidding! I’m still horrified. The first training video is about how and what they identify as conservative and conservatism. It starts out fairly innocuous and then quickly goes downhill. I ended up watching in bits of 10-15 minutes at a time because I had to process what they were actually saying. There is one, and I shit you not, entitled “Leftwing Code Words and Language.” Nothing says I’m so confident in my political position and policy platform that I can’t defend it unless I demonise those I disagree with. Btw, that is some secret club we lefties are members of! The videos remind me of the Goebbels documents where he outlines how to make propaganda. The fact that they are not hiding, at all, the end goal of this tangerine fever dream is as disturbing as it sounds. I don’t believe for a second that it’s been “shelved.” 😱😨😱😨😱😨😱

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I didnt know that... wow...that needs to be spoken of on MSNBC or something... and it's really scary that some teachers may STILL endorse TFG even knowing about P2025's intentions.. they will claim it's a hoax.

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Your post is probably the best explanation of religion that I have read. The problem is that many of them (not all) want to cram their beliefs down our throats to the extent that they want laws passed to go along with their beliefs. I don't understand why they aren't content with what they believe in. The excuse is always that religion tells you to "spread the word". I think that's a cop out for wanting to control others. I don't know about other countries, but this one has bent itself into a pretzel to accommodate those with certain beliefs. Didn't want to get the vaccine even those it was mandated by your employer - use your religion as an excuse. Don't want to shave your beard in a profession that uses gas masks and N-95 masks? Use your religion as the reason why you don't have to comply with the rules as the rest of us do. My thinking on that is if your religion is the reason you don't have to follow certain rules set by your employer/profession, then why don't I start my own church and make up rules for things I don't want to do either. I'm tired of my employer forcing me to wear a certain color of scrubs at work (yes, this goes on all the time). It's not enough that I am wearing scrubs, it has to be a certain color. I guess my patient care is better in royal blue than in navy. I'll just join the church of whatever and say my religion won't let me wear royal blue. As far as I'm concerned there is no difference. My favorite story is one of an EVS worker at my old job. She drove management to drink about their rules. They told all their employees that they were switching uniforms and what they had to wear. The uniforms weren't flattering unless you were thin and there were buttons. She was blonde/blue and could have passed for German or northern Europe. She told them she was Amish. Don't ask me how she knew that conservative Amish do not wear buttons. She's not originally from Amish areas. What were they going to say? It's her culture and religious beliefs so they thought. They probably knew she made it up, but they couldn't say anything. EVS didn't get button uniforms. I thought it was brilliant and she forever will be my hero against stupid rules and micromanaging in the workplace. You can tell I'm a lifelong antagonist against being forced to do things that aren't important just because someone wants to micromanage me. This is probably why I have a hard time understanding how you live your life being dictated to by your religion even if it's not in your best interest.

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This country has to end the privilege of the made-up world of religion. Some christians are shocked that people can go along with Mormonism, but don’t apply the same questioning to their own beliefs. Who the hell would see the opinion of men from thousands of years ago valid today? Just want to use the reasonable, humane parts? Fine. But then you’re not following so much of the insane parts of the bible, Torah etc!

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Seems to me Christians are perpetually in fear of Sky Daddy's wrath,and perceived persecution because some gotten eaten by lions 2,000 years ago,(get over it already😂),the MAGAs are the same way, they're a perfect match.

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Some historians have stated they weren't sent to the lions because they were christians, but because they were vandals, against other worshippers, and harming people who worshipped differently from them.

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"The excuse is always that religion tells you to "spread the word". I think that's a cop out for wanting to control others." 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏

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It is.

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Well you know what I always say...sitting in a church doesn't make you a Christian any more than sitting in a garage makes you a Cadillac.

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I agree with you. Thanks for your post.

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