Sep 25, 2023Liked by Jeff Tiedrich

Yes, Good riddance to Rupert. Wish I felt this was a reason to celebrate, but I fear we can expect his son to continue the legacy of deceit and divisiveness. The garbage doesn’t fall far from the dumpster

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Sep 25, 2023·edited Sep 25, 2023Author

agreed, definitely. there's no reason to assume Fox News is going to somehow get magically better because Lachlan Fucking Murdoch is now running things

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Lachlan is more conservative than his creepy old father.

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I’d say ‘who could be worse?’, but am old enough to know better.

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Yeah, because one can't help but think the younger one has been champing at the bit waiting for his turn so he's likely to have way too much energy for further wrecking and polarizing this country.

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Exactly! it's like relaxing at the end of a horror film when we think the monster has tapped out. We simply cannot do it!

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Then fuck him too. The damage these grifters caused to our National Unity is immense. It’s not over yet. The ugliness, ignorance, corruption and tear in our society is dangerous.

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Yep, once we oust Trump, we will have quite a cleanup.

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I sure hope you’re right!!

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I don't think we want the younger to be more conservative than the father. It's that far-right conservatism. Pretty horrendous for us all.

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I hope that Lachlan gets to pick up the pieces of the next law suit from the second voting machine company and pay out goo-gobs of money too.


I heard that is what undid Murdoch the elder was he is such a liability. I really wish Murdoch would be tried for treason and then deported. Of course I don't think Australia wants him either. Maybe we should put him up for bid, or send him to North Korea, a country much like what he was trying to turn the USA into.

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He's 900, he won't be around for long.

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A paternal great-grandmother of mine lived to be 109. My maternal grandmother lived to be 99.5. There are a lot of centenarians in the USA. So, since he is 92, he could be around long enough to do extreme damage to our country. Warren Buffet is his same age and he is not stepping down as far as I have heard. Yes, lots of people get cancer, and people who do not take care of themselves might have reasons to get ill, but very wealthy people who take care of themselves have a good chance of living a long life.

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You never know though...he might still wreak havoc from his grave.

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His rotten little bastards will carry on his sick corrupt fucking legacy!! Apples don’t fall far from the tree!

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100 percent--he likely learned his lessons well from dear old Dah-Dah.

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Yes. What you said. The dynasty continues and perhaps with the younger Lachlan using A.I. to find new and innovative ways to spread poisons.

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Imagine all the deep fakes they will claim are real and the real videos they will say are deepfakes. Things are about to go from bad to1,000 times worse.

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That guy will be just as active until the day he dies. This is nothing really.

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These Fuks assholes are deluded, grandiose, megalomaniacal, ignorant lemmings. All of them following each other’s fabricated nonsense until they are all jumping off the cliff of no return. Anyway, I sincerely wish Jeff would clarify the sequence of beliefs that have led ‘conservatives’ to exactly this MAGAT landfill. I hold them responsible, since Nixon, for ending up here.

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I think there is a direct line from Murdoch to Gingrich to Trump to maga.

It has been, and continues to be, a festering pile of anti-democratic bs. And why? Because it suits Murdoch and the republicans - they want power and that’s it and they don’t care who or what gets harmed in the process. Power only - not the country, not its people, not the Constitution.

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I agree! And of course you can trace it back even farther than that to Roy Cohn and Ronald Reagan. Rupert knew Roy Cohn. They got their start around the same time as another great Republican Guiding Light made a big splash...Josepth McCarthy! Cohn was one of McCarthy's shit-weasels. Remember FF Donnie saying something like...'where's my Roy Cohn?'

I swear we could have a Board Game of 6 Degrees of Separation of Nazi/GQP/MAGA!

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And like Trump's own sons and his father before him, the turd doesn't fall far from the asshole. Same with Rupert and his issue, Lachlan.

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I agree. I’ve been really worried about the rotten apple assholes who

take over from where that deplorable POS Murdoch leaves behind!! I watched a great series on Netflix called SUCESSION. Basically it was about the Murdoch family. It was a great series and shows how everyone around that bastard, kids, etc. are just as corrupt! FN scary!!

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Jeff: Beware the fake departure feint...taking RM at his word has always been hazardous....RIP Mike Royko said it best: " No self respecting fish would ever want to be wrapped in a paper owned by Rupert Murdoch"

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I miss Mike Royko, too. Even in Houston, one of the two major newspapers carried his column, and I read every one. Hell, I miss newspapers, lying on the floor with one spread out in front of me, a cat always sitting on exactly the article I wanted to read, while a toddler used me for a jungle gym... I usually don't get nostalgic about things displaced by new forms of media, but the remembered scent of newspaper will do it every time.

Thank goodness for Jeff -- he's our Mike Royko for this age...

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I used to work at the Trib back when Royko was there, although I was in marketing. Boy, was that the heyday. Good journalists, and the Trib was doing so well. I don't know if anyone there could have predicted what's become of the media.

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Back in the good old days! I miss Royko as well 😔

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I miss Mike Royko. He was the best newspaper columnist Chicago ever had. And then the Trib had the gall to replace him with that worthless shitbag, John Kass. What a waste.

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Totally agree!!!

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I loved Mike Royko. A good friend that I worked with in Madison at the VA hospital brought all of Mike's columns to work for me. Sadly they are both gone now. It was during the Reagan era. Royko got us through a few government shutdowns, that stupid trickle-down bullshit, Iran-Contra, AIDS, a shit economy, sky-high mortgage rates (my low-interest WHEDA loan was 8 1/2%), firing all the air-traffic controllers, and all kind of other awful crap I can't even remember.

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Let’s take a moment to say Reagan was a catastrophe. Maybe a friendly face to many, but a disaster.

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Not to me. I grew up with a gay dad and saw AIDS ravage the community I grew up in--they didn't care until it impacted them. May the Reagans burn in hell.

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RIP Mike Ryoko

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Yes, I totally agree with you! It’s so FN unfortunate!

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Mike Royko wrote a column about my grandmother after she passed away in 1987. I believe that it was called “Heavenly Confines Gets Another True Believer.” My gram was a member of the Die-Hard Cub Fan Club, and was buried in her Cubs sweater & hat with a 1987 season schedule in her pocket. She has a Cubs logo on her headstone, too, and her funeral was, of course, Cubs-themed with pretty much all red, white and blue flowers. We all used to go to the convention every year, and I’ll never forget my grandmother introducing me to Mr. Cub himself, Ernie Banks. Anyway, that column about Grandma made me a Royko fan for life, even though I was all of 12 years old at the time.

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Rush Limbaugh was the gate way drug. And Trump gave him a fucking medal! Barf bag.

I have lost 2 close family members to the Fox-not-the-News Syndrome.

When Covid hit, spouse and I sent information to family members and close friends. It consisted of up to date analysis of the recommendations at the time. I ordered masks for everyone. When vaccines came out, again we reviewed the available data and sent out our interpretation.

And we are not just spitting in the wind. We are trained infectious diseases doctors and one of us is also a clinical microbiologist and the other a clinical pharmacologist as well.

I am the first to admit that I know only a little about most subjects. Rocket science? Not a clue. Brain surgery? Nope.

But a deadly pandemic due to a new virus that is causing actual people to fucking die? Yeah, we got that.

Covid was the perfect storm for us.

90% of those that got our emails were grateful.

The other 10%? Hurled insults and threats.

I tried the old we have to agree to disagree bit and was called a worthless fool. I was told that we had violated our Hippocratic oath.

We are now estranged.

I am literally estranged from my closest blood relative.

So yeah, I fucking hate Fox-not-the- News.

There is a special place in the hell realm for all that made it what it is.

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Don't forget Limbaugh's twin, Bannon.

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You are right.

That would be Evil Twin Bannon.

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Oh I’ll never forget. And that shitbag is still walking this earth 🌍

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I think he and Alex Jones are the malignant twins these days.

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You know, Blue? It all depends on where you live. In Hell where they get their mail, Bannon is very sexy and Limbaugh is not. So you can’t really call them twins.

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Oh yes, I have lovely memories of being labeled a feminazi for presuming to do complex work on computers that only men can truly understand. By the time Rush was gone, you could hardly distinguish him from the crowd of fuckers that followed him.

Rot in hell, Rush -- you died several decades too late.

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Sky, a favorite meme for me these days:

I love it when people say "I did my

research." Did you? Did you

really? Because I have two

graduate degrees and spent many

years with a pipette, Petri dishes

and a powerful electron

microscope and only then did I

begin to scratch the surface of the

field of microbiology and

immunology. Apparently I

should've just spent two hours on


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Love it!!!!!

And yes I soooo get it.

If one more person mentions RFKJr in the same sentence as @he is really smart” I may have to resort to violence.

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I'll bring the blowtorch!

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Oh come on. 10 minutes, max.

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9th level of Dante's Inferno, for certain.

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You tried and succeeded in many areas with your extensive knowledge of what could happen. I am sorry that your close family members did not heed your loving advice. It’s really their loss. My best to you.

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"And Trump gave him a fucking medal! Barf bag." That was clear shot across the bow--this is no longer the America of the woke. Modern GOP ain't nothing but a group of minority hating terrorists.

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The fact that Rupert can just shuffle off into the sunset to enjoy the wealth he created by weakening democracy, sewing fear and hatred, and spreading lies is a crime against humanity.

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Right you are, George.

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So many see his as a dignified exit. I hate that people get to be evil, murderous cusses their whole lives to later be forever lionized because they grew to be old and rich.

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Up here in Canada, we actually had a law on the books until 2019: "s181 Every one who wilfully publishes a statement, tale or news that he knows is false and that causes or is likely to cause injury or mischief to a public interest is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years." It was repealed in 2019. Why, I have no idea.

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We really need that law back!! Damn it!

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Yup. Could have saved a lot of lives during Covid...

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I think Ronnie repealed the same set of laws long before 2019.

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Fuck off, die in pain, hated, alone, preferably friendless, penniless, and maybe on fire just for kicks. Few people have been so mercenary or so reckless with the truth and public discourse as that raging shitwhiskered bobcat of bullshit.

I remember when I actually used to hate this guy before he gave up Drumpf.

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Feckless*, gave us*. Fuck you, auto-carrot. You do not know better than I what I mean to say.

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Otto strikes again. (I'll show you Otto....) Fucking, fuckless, fuck off motherfucker. Fuck you!! Fuck me. I don't give a fuck. No more fucks to give. Oh look, all my fucks are on fire. I'm so fucking tired of this fucked up mess. Fuck heads. Fucksticks.

Rant temporarily halted....🤷‍♀️

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Hey, don't fucking swear! That shit offends my arse, bitch! :p

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Huh..... I don't give a fuck. Besides, I don't spew profanities. I enunciate them clearly, like a lady.😈

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Yes you do.

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I want to play but the only creative insults I can come up with have an Old English tinge like Rapscallion and Scoundrel, lol...

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Cathartic isn’t it.

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I know I fell better...thanks!

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All that you said soundly totally appropriate! 👍🏼

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This. Really.

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Fox News is an entertainment show, created to string along the least educated people who have nothing to add to societal norms and values. Get rid of it.

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I don't think it's the least educated.

Truly any person can be swindled, we all should be wary.

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They are the most at risk, as are seniors, speaking for myself.

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When I read the title of today's post, I was hoping that Murdoch had moved on from this earthly plane. How disappointing.

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That makes two of us. Only better news would be if the orange shitbag went toes up.

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The only better news would be if them and all of their miserable families went toes up.

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And somehow his spawn winds up penniless after a million lawsuits shortly thereafter.

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Me too--how long we have to wait? Enquiring mind wanna know!

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Well, Kissinger is still alive. So...

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Yes, I know what you mean. I was hoping to hear he wandered off the mortal coil -into the express lane of traffic. Sound of rolling tires over that wasted pile..thunk, thunk. Bye bye.

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I have never watched “Fox News” for more then 30 seconds.

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Yes, John. It only takes 30 seconds to realize it’s all a pack of lies on Fox, which is why you change the channel. If you don’t hang in there longer however you won’t know what specific lies they are trying to get their viewers to believe, which I think has certain value. But it’s sickening to have to see them doing that-- accepting a paycheck to knowingly lie to our citizens.

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It's just too maddening.

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It's like a Tom Tomorrow comic strip on steroids

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I never even turned it on.....

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I live in the South so there are times when I was forced to watch it in a doctor's office. It was all I could do not to run, shrieking, from the waiting room.

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I will never forget my parents telling me that we really didn’t land on the moon or mars....and that was in the 90’s. It was unfuckingbelievable how twisted their version of reality got. Between Rush Limbaugh & Fox News, they were completely brainwashed. Dad has since passed, & Mom has dementia now, so they thankfully missed the current nonsense.

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Sep 25, 2023·edited Sep 25, 2023

FOX news is nothing more than an on-air version of The National Enquirer. In fact that was probably their secret Mission Statement. The same people who read things like the Enquirer, the Star and all of those stupid rags, are the ones that watch FOX.

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And the gubmint did 9/11.

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How'd you manage not to buy into that?

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Because it was insane 🤣

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Did you know the Earth is really a trapezoid?

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That would be interesting.

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No, no clearly anyone in the know understands it is a plate resting on a Turtle's back. Google it!

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The monster should have been deported long ago for creating the lies that resulted in harm and violence. Maybe the other son can keep exposing the in-charge brother’s BS.

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The damage this horrible man has caused around the world is likely unfathomable - everything from Covid denialism to brexit and pushing trumps big lie - can be laid at his feet.

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FOX got Trump elected. Fox contributed to what happened Jan 6, the spread of COVID, and whatever violence is coming next.

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Sep 25, 2023Liked by Jeff Tiedrich

Don't hold back, baby, just let it all out. 😉

PS: I agree with every word you wrote, I'm just busting your chops a bit. 😘

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absolutely fucking perfect - and spot on! Now, if there were only a way to repair the damage he has wrought. I fear it will take decades, if ever, to return society to trusting the rule of law, medical experts, factual disseminations - and for right-wing extremists to be recognized for the liars, grifters and fascists they are. I can only hope the younger generations will continue to be skeptical of current 'leaders' and champion science over spin.

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Band of Brothers should be required viewing for all MAGAs.

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exactly right!

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Too bad the Dominion suit wasn’t about their reputation after all. I would have love to see those Fox Noise assholes squirm under oath.

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I wrote a thing back in April about how disappointed I was that Dominion settled https://www.jefftiedrich.com/p/fox-news-and-dominion-settle-corporate

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You did, and you were spot on as per usual. I just looked into the status of the Smartmatic suit and this popped up. Don’t watch CNN so I had no clue.


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As I stand in grocery check out line, I feel my IQ lower by reading the headlines of these conspiracy rags. If a business or restaurant has FUX news on the TV, I leave. And take my $$ with me.

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Same here.

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