good fucking riddance to Rupert Fucking Murdoch
he leaves the media landscape littered with the destruction he has wreaked
Rupert Fucking Murdoch is stepping down as chairman of Fox Corporation and News Corp.
good fucking riddance.
he leaves the media landscape littered with the destruction he has wreaked.
the media crimes and atrocities perpetrated by Mudroch and his toadies are unforgivable.
he bought once-respected newspapers, dumbed them down and turned them into scandal sheets and propaganda rags.
his people hacked telephones, made secret recordings and bribed police.
but worst of all, Murdoch is responsible for the toxic shitpile known as Fox News.
Fox News knowingly traffics in vicious lies, just to keep the morons angry, the ratings high, and Rupert’s wallet fat.
Fox News feeds its viewers a completely false version of reality where up is down, black is white, Republicans are paragons of incorruptable virtue and Democrats are evil communists hell-bent on destroying America. Fox scares the shit out of its aging white male audience by blaming women, gays, and brown and black people for the problems caused by greedy plutocrats.
one famous study determined that Fox News viewers are less informed than people who consume no news at all.
Murdoch plucked a bunch of hacks and has-beens out of the media trashpile, stuck them in front of a camera, turned them into right-wing stars and encouraged them to lie their fucking faces off.
Murdoch gave Sean Hannity free rein to interview crackpots and lunatics like Sidney Powell, while privately admitting that he knew they were full of shit.
Murdoch allowed Tucker Carlson to aggressively promote white supremacy night after night, pushing dangerous racist bullshit like the “great replacement theory,” only shitcanning Tucker once he became a financial liability.
and what the fuck even is a Judge Jeanine?
when a covid vaccine was finally developed, Rupert Murdoch elbowed his way to the front of the line so he could be first to get one. all Fox employees and guests had to show proof of vaccination in order to enter the Fox building. yet to this day, Fox bobbleheads promote covid denialism and air baseless and dangerous anti-vax nonsense.
thanks to Rupert, Republican lawmakers will now eagerly step in front of a camera and say the most insane shit imaginable — things they know to be untrue — just to earn a coveted spot on that night’s Fox broadcasts.
we all have horror stories of once-reasonable family members lost to Fox News — loved ones you now avoid at gatherings because you know they’re only going to rant about the imaginary crimes of Sleepy Joe.
we’ve always been a nation of people who disagreed on just about everything, but at least once upon a time we worked from a common set of agreed-upon facts. now, half the country will insist that the sky is green, because that’s what they heard on last night’s Hannity.
that’s the legacy Rupert Murdoch leaves behind.
thanks a lot, asshole.
now fuck off.
Yes, Good riddance to Rupert. Wish I felt this was a reason to celebrate, but I fear we can expect his son to continue the legacy of deceit and divisiveness. The garbage doesn’t fall far from the dumpster
Jeff: Beware the fake departure feint...taking RM at his word has always been hazardous....RIP Mike Royko said it best: " No self respecting fish would ever want to be wrapped in a paper owned by Rupert Murdoch"