
I know you folks had a field day with this story yesterday. I'm hopeful that you still have some comments left in the tank

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Oh, we do.😄😄

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To cut to the chase...it's always lies upon lies upon lies for Donnie and his Dumb-bells, and I for one have no problem hearing about it and pointing it out every single time!!!!

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I imagine this article alone will inspire a noticable spike in reported cases of priapism today.

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Then someone needs erection protection. Erections have consequences!

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Good one. You got me to look up ‘priapism’ and that is education. Also very true, no matter which definition you go with… :-)

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Okay, now I'm wondering what the OTHER one is!

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Prurient behavior or display… that’s all I have.

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I know the ::hur-hur!-hur!:: "dirty one". What's the other...?

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I like you, man. Just joined as a paid member, too. Keep them coming!

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Oh man, you don’t know what you’ve missed! Jeff is the best as, are lots of folks on here! Great little community of like minded people! Welcome to the flock!

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Thanks. Jeff speaks my language and we are the same age. As a ‘never trumper,” and relatively new to political awareness courtesy of Dummy Donald-the loser, I’m looking forward to joining this discussion.

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You won’t be disappointed. I can’t wait to read Jeff every day..and he definitely speaks my language too! 😜

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Oh, you know your readers! Let the comments commence (nice alliteration there).

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I read the news today, oh boy . . .

We're glad you're reading the news every day, Jeff!

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OH Yeah ! All kinds of ammo in the armory! This is gonna be a long day!

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Mikey Moses dropped the ball in the House big time ,the little prick came up short on the phony impeachment charges! Asshole even called the voice vote backwards ,blatant hypocrisy and outright lies,they just can’t stand the thought that The KaKa Kid is heading down the shitter! I think Karma has finally come to town!

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I just saw THE REST OF THE STORY a little bit ago... one of the Dem reps (from Houston) was in the hospital for surgery -- he got himself out of the hospital and showed up at the House chambers in a wheelchair, just in time to vote.

The republiscum were counting on him NOT being there, but he was. They even suck at playing checkers.

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Sounds like the late Rep. Charlie Wilson, who showed up in Congress on a gurney with an IV stuck in his arm to vote—when a fellow Democrat asked him WTF he was doing when he should in the hospital, he winked and said, "I couldn't let you Liberals screw things up!"

Yes, the same Charlie Wilson Tom Hanks played in CHARLIE WILSON'S WAR.

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Yeah, what was that bullshit with the voice vote?! WTF?! How did he think he was going to get away with that?

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Where's my rule book. Oh, yep right where I left it ( in the shitter, of course)

Congress Rules for Dumbies...

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Too long ago. But too far away.

I don't recall but I thought that one grandparent or ? a family member was actually in the camps. If not Mr Miller is for certain of Jewish heritage and although I am not,I am embarrassed to think he has no respect for his family, both large and small. Or that he could disrespect his heritage by doing and saying what he has. To call him a sellout would be a kindness. To have no respect or empathy for Jews in GENERAL(and even I can't believe the disrespect in that consideration like this would take) makes me think he is just another sociopath. Just another twisted fuck willing to do WHATEVER it takes to be "in" power, making a $, and in the GOP circle of influence.

I can't believe what he has do e to his family and what it has cost them. I just can't believe what some people will do. But there it is. So, we have to believe it.

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It’s a straight up shonda.

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Yeah ,that was blatant bullshit loud and clear! Just wasn’t gonna hear it ! Hope they put that on the evening news!

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I'm sure we can come up with...something....😈

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I do! Jeff you ain’t nothin but tha stuff! I can tell when you’re typing at warp speed to let the world know of trumps new and improved fuck ups, it is the truthiness told in sarcasm that I enjoy them so much and this is one of the best! Rids me of any guilt I might harbor for my own gleeful schadenfreude, a new word to me for how I feel when I read of anything bad going for Trump.

Love every part of it especially Boebert, name of a cancelled cartoon character of the 1930’s.

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From Rep. Raskin

“The wild goose chase to impeach Joe Biden has located no geese, but MAGA extremists needed a consolation prize, so they tried and failed to impeach Secretary Mayorkas—on the same day the GOP killed his border compromise!”

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Thats good! Jamie Raskin is a treasure! Love him.

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I love him too. Yesterday he frustrated MTG so much that she stormed out of the hearing room. 😂

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She's such a pathetic nimrod, isnt she? And listening to "Handy Oakley" be all righteous and indignant was pretty hysterical. Bobo has no shame at all.

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It’s truly embarrassing how stupid they are.

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And Empty G is running on fumes at the moment

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I believe she has pivoted to ' they kept one of the people secret from us' so it's not our fault we lost.

I cannot imagine Hakeem Jeffries going into a vote like this without ensuring he had a solid majority

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I can’t imagine *any* competent politician going into a vote without being sure of a majority. My late former husband, sitting on a five-person governing board at the time, said “Politics is simple: you just have to be able to count to 3.”

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It’s delicious

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No shame or fictional cerebral cortex.

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Works either way.

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Go Charlie!

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Do you think Bobo thinks it’s all true? That’s why she has no shame I believe.

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Is this a trick question? I don't think Bobo thinks!

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Asking Bobo if it is a "trick" question? Better hope she doesn't ask for $50. first!

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Or no fairy godmother either? Probably.

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You are right about Hobert, Susan. She would do better as a call girl. Really likes to slather on that makeup!

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Master-level lot 🦎

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Ms Matress-for-a-back, please! She wasn't so righteous when playing footsy with Cruz. "We have a seat in Congress for you but first, we will need some sexual favors.

Bobo," oh, is that all".

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She's just so gross. 🤮

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She maybe " a pro" just not as a politician.

Survey says...

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Aw, she stamped her little three-toed foot and went home!

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Aw did little Margie have a shit fit and gather up her toys and go home? Too bad so sad.

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Pure delight

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Susan, I missed that! I hope I can find it on YouTube! 😄

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He also inserted a huge slice of snark when he used EmptyGreene’s hilarious pronunciation of “in-DICT-able” alongside the actual word and correct usage of it in his summation. It was gloriously funny.

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A little Nat King Cole please, " your so in-dicked-able, yes you are...

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Honk! Honk! ❤️ Jamie Raskin!

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Wouldn't want to be legislators do some legislation, now would we?

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Raskin is definitely one of my favorites. He knows how to be cutting with his brilliance

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deletedFeb 7
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And I'm SO thankful that he's done well with treatment of his cancer. He's a wonderful, compassionate, brilliant person. We are blessed to have him in Congress. (The back-to-back suicide of his son, followed by the terror of the insurrection, followed by his cancer diagnosis was overwhelming, just to hear about. How he's kept going is beyond me, but I sure am glad that he has.)

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Agree! He’s amazing … not my Rep, sadly, but close enough (MD - PA) that I’m a hearty cheerleader for his leadership!

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Huge respect for him! I feel like he’s Superman, going through everything he has in the last few years and still being out there supporting all of us! Thank you Sir, a true American hero!

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The twilight of Emperor Shitstain. Dude, you're running out of options. Batman isn't going to be the only one kicking your fat, smelly ass. I will say this, though. Sending Tucker "Lord Haw Haw" Carlson to Moscow to look for your exile Dacha was a boss move. (The large window on the 7th floor is a fine feature)

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my favorite thing about Carlson in Moscow was the Russian tv host who was showing him around, pointing out that Cucker (the complete and total dumbass) had plugged his phone to charge into public USB! and he used free, public WIFI! Americans would be speechless at such a phenomenon! (really? because... we don't have wifi and USB power here? even occasionally for free?)

And if that phone hadn't been hacked before, it sure as hell is now... what a maroon!

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A glass eye in a duck's ass can see Tucker's desperation for relevance. Notice me!

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Now that’s a fragrant phrase! May we suggest making it a decoy duck’s ass for special occasions? Still, why tamper with perfection?

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OMG! Great descriptor. I'll be using that one, thank you very much. 🤣🤣🤣

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It's a family favorite.

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Fabulous response. Brava!

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::And if that phone hadn't been hacked before, it sure as hell is now... what a maroon!::

That was MY first thought—"He did WHAT?!?!?!?"

Well, I guess everything on his phone is now a folder on Daddy Vladdie's PC, assuming it wasn't before.

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"Lord Haw Haw". 🤣🤣🤣

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Courtesy of Steve Schmidt this morning.

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Daddie Vladdie🤣😂🤣😂🤣

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Right! 😂👍

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Wait for it, there will be defenestrations.

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Why? So long as Fucker Tarlson and Drumpf keep sucking up to Putin, they're worth more to him alive than dead.

Once that fails to be the case, though? ::slow slide whistle (https://youtu.be/8PbD3I9eumM?si=JsV5pKsJB-i46AyE )::

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Exactly the point. They will stop being useful, and the trash will get tossed out the window.

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Here, have a LIKE.

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See ya

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Yes, it is. But the one thing to remember is to check to see if it can be opened.

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According to GRU manual, "all window above 4th floor must can open".

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OMG! That sure is a “special” law. So specific. They wouldn’t want any survivors or worse yet paraplegics. :-|

I guess 50 feet or more IS necessary.

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You do have to admire their obvious expertise on the subject.

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Yes, expertise…

Are we still using their rockets to get away from the Earth? If Musk takes over… is that any better? I’d have to say not.

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Russian rockets? Nah, I think the ones on the Artemis flights are made by Northrup Grumman here in the US.

And no, Elno is def not a better choice. You would have to be bug-fuck nuts to get on a rocket he built. Or even be in the same county as the launch pad when it lifted off, given the extent of the damage from last year's launch. Some of the debris from the *launch* ended up in the Gulf of Mexico. The rocket didn't explode until it was oh, 3-4 miles up.

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Folks have been known to fall out of windows in Pukin’s world…..

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With an alarming frequency.

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Pee Wee German. So good I may have to stitch it on a pillow. For those keeping score, aside from Trump's shitty day, Nikki Haley lost to "none of the above" in Nevada, the House GOP fucked up their dopey impeachment (can anyone count votes?), and Ronna (I kiss Trump's ass all day long) McDaniel is resigning from the RNC with bupkis to show for her efforts. MAGA!

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Your paragraph is STUFFED with goodness! 😂😂✌️💙

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Tasty goodness

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That perfect description of Miller got the belly laughs going. That racist heel-clicking jerkoff will perhaps go down in history as the very disturbed MAGA Minister of Propaganda. Ronna's permanent lips tattooed to the felonious diaper-covered ass got her nothing. That's one less annoying voice of bullshit we'll have to listen to.

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Trumpers got to vote twice in Nevada: caucus for Trump, followed by vote “none-of-the-above” in the primary. I’m from Reno, NV, and I am so embarrassed. Our dumb-ass governor (sheriff from Las Vegas) and in the pocket of the fake electors who run the NVGOP, caucused for trump and voted in the primary (none-of-the-above); he then went on Fox affiliate and advised all trump voters to do the same.

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I wonder if Ucle Mitt will welcome the prodigal niece.

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My god what a satisfying piece today! I am happy beyond all else thinking that finally finally that piece of shit will get some kind of measure of justice BEFORE he is elected and wipes it all away. Maybe I’ll even thank someone—god, Mother Nature, Buddha. Or all of them! But thanks for putting my mood into happy for the rest of the day!

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If we do our job, he will NOT be elected

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Mps-And the rescumlicons are helping us quite a bit lately.

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First, where can I tune in for the Sean Spicer Show? Holy Shit... I thought he was still on Dancing with the Stars. Pee Wee German (Thats brilliant 😂) really was on something-he was all jacked up. I'll never understand why these Republicans dont like the law. They act like little asshole two year olds having a tantrum when they dont get their way...which they dont get because of...law. DUH.

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I'd never heard Discount Goebbels speak before. is he always this amped-up?

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I dont believe so... when I have heard him talk, it was methodical, deliberate, and kinda creepy. Like him. He's a scary MF'er.

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That fucker gives me the creeps.

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Me too... his eyes are dead. I cant believe someone married him and had a baby. Girl, WTF?

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I always said that, too: his eyes are dead. He is a terrifying person.

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We can hope she slipped away and got artificial insemination? Unless, you consider her husband an animated corspe, he looks it!

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Yes, you got that right! He creeps the sh*t right out of me. Mofo has the weird glass-eyed stare.

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Susan, I just watched him on that video you put up. I’m upset. He is convincing in his nasty forceful Nazi style. I had never seen him speak until Jeff’s video today and now yours.

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He hid far, far, far out of sight -- and had total control over all of the immigration "policies" during the orange sadist's time in Our House. Years ago, my brother, the white nationalist, was shocked when I mentioned his name -- he got very flustered, and said, "He's a NObody!" So I immediately contacted Rachel Maddow and told her that MSNBC HAD to do a story on him. Within the following week Chris Hayes, followed by Lawrence O'Donnell, did extensive stories on him.

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And he's Jewish! Wow. A Nazi Jew. That's a new one. Hating yourself and your background so bad you turn on all of them. He is definitely creepy. He's got that dead eyed serial killer look on his face.

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No wonder he hid far far out of sight. Miller is a bridge too far for almost anyone.

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Yes… he’s one scary dude.

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His one dude, at least he WAS, that sounded like he looks. A creepy undertaker? Or maybe just a grave digger.

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He is scary as FUCK!

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I love that the Pod Save America crew call him Santa Monica C grade fascist

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The first time I heard him speak was when he tried to claim that the Constitution gave Herr Mango Dictator unfettered powers and shall not be questioned. In a normal timeline, that would've been curtains for someone in the WH but we somehow ended up on this jacked up one instead.

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Hey, all the " best people", right? I think he still is on the Trump campaign.

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the one time I remember was like 5 years ago and no, he wasn't coked up then.

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Every time I’ve seen him he acted like an obsessed,methodical,cold blooded,machine real Nazi bastard !

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Just read some things about this operative Chris Lacivita ,this guy is going to be trouble for Joe ,a regular political hitman,right in line with Miller ,but more maniacal and possibly smarter . He helped sink John Kerry’s presidential campaign,this guy is a bulldog and it appears anything goes ! Don’t mean to rain on the parade,but this shit is far from over !

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I think Goebbels is ripshit mad, lol

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Miller is a candidate for SS Storm Trooper of the Year…..

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It appears that reincarnated Joseph Goebbels came back as a Jew. Known as Steven Miller. How weird is that?

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It’s shaking my non-belief in ghosts… I can assure you that. And I’m an atheist.

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It makes me want to pour a circle of salt around myself.

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Does that help keep MAGA away? I need to try it at work then.

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Usually, I say I'm a Democrat. That does it.

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Spicer is now part of the insurrection industrial complex.

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I forgot about Sean Spicer. He seems like decades ago. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWuc18xISwI

Reminded me I haven't seen this in a while. So funny

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OMG! I'm dead! THANKS for sharing that! 😂😂😂😂 The gum!

Heres the clip on DWTS...even has Tuck! HAHA!


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OMG back at you! I now know why I have never watched DWTS...and never will!

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Right! I’m sure the average viewer is at least 80! His shirt was outrageous! What a twerp! 🤓

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And GoodHair Perry! The only thing he ever contributed to the world was designating Austin the "blueberry in the tomato soup". He must have stolen that somewhere...

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The both of them set dance back a hundred years.

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Can’t watch. Won’t watch. Too cringey, embarrassing and I need-to-take-another-shower-and maybe-a-flea-bath-if-I-were-to-watch-this-shitshow😂

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The radical moose lambs 🤣🤣🤣

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Trump will not be de-turd. But actually he is the biggest turd of all.

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Good one Lori!

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That’s the hardest I’ve laughed in awhile. Melissa McCarthy at her finest ❤️

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Spicer, at least at times, made us laugh. Miller never, ever made me even crack a smile.

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Discount Goebbels sees a Mexican... https://rarehistoricalphotos.com/goebbels-eisenstaedt-1933/

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WOW. Powerful photo. :(

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Spooked the hell out of me, too!

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Wow 🥺

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Sean still there. He is swiping dance floors now.

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I know of some Supreme Court Justices that lied right to the faces of Congress so that Donald J Trump could brag that HE overthrew Roe Vs Wade. All of Trump and the people associated with him is a lie. The real world is going to smack him and them like a watermelon falling off a flatbed truck near Amarillo, Texas at 65 mph on a hot afternoon.

I can't wait for that to happen.

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Great description-hope it happens!!!

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Jeff, just go ahead and shoot this piece into my veins… superb analysis this morning and more to come.. Bolivian powder had me fall off the stair climber at my gym🤭

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Look, I'm not naive about the fact that wealth buys one a different tier of justice in this country. But I LIKE to think that we still grasp and enforce the ideal that NO ONE is above the law. Yesterday was a great day for that. I'm also glad the court addressed the fact that this was an attempt to steal and deny the votes of millions of people. That should be outraging more people. You know if Biden tried such a crime, these same feckless losers defending the waste-of-skin would be howling.

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Mark, If Biden had done half of what trump did, the Rs would have assassinated him. That’s the way of the right wingers. And I’d find it justifiable. The left just never made it a habit to kill off competition.

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Side effects of schadenfreude may include a warm soothing sensation, heart pitty-patts, hints of optimism, a loosening of the neck, shoulders and sphincter, lowering of blood pressure, increased ease of breathing, a renewed will to live, and that thing where the ends of your mouth turn upward rather than down... whaddaycallit, smiling.

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Want some more? Think of the great day when Trump pays that bill that no man can dodge, not even him. There will be literal dancing in the streets. That day will come.

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I'm close to his age. I will cling to life until that day comes, just to hear that he no longer with us on earth. Some people are train wrecks and in their 50's. What's up with him? Pill popper, obese, rage-a-holic and still chugging away.

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Devil looks after his own.

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It's been awhile. When I tried that smiling thing my mouth hurt a little.

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😄😂Describing the health of the sane since Nov 2015!

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Sometimes, you all make me feel a bit of comfort thru these perilous times. To be the senior citizens during a challenging time in our country 's democracy!?

Fuck, me who saw this coming-10,15 years ago.

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If you looked closely and knew politics well, you saw it coming. Maybe not to this extent, but start with the John Birch society and Evangelicals in the 70's, the right wing crazies we used to think were the fringe of the GOP (Pat Robertson, Billy Graham & Liberty University) the Tea Party and Trump's conspiracy theory about Obama's birth certificate. The obsession with the right over abortion and even killing doctors. Newt Gingrich. Reagan and his policies. I wasn't paying attention either, but looking back the signs were there.

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I’m fractionally less unhappy than 30hrs earlier.

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Me too. But then I read a story on NBC about "Libs of TikTok" ( spoiler, they are not libs--they just dox libs so they can threaten and harass them, call in bomb threats to schools and hospitals, the courts, just anyone who might be a lib, gay or anyone else they don't like).

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Oklahoma Board of Education hired her to fuck what remains of their schools.

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Why did NBC do a piece about those assholes!

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Because MSM sucks. Their goddamn polls. I swear they find the dumbest idiots that say they won't vote for Biden because gas was 25 cent a gallon when Agent Orange was president.

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Andrea Mitchell NEEDS to go. I turn off MSNBC when she's on. She keeps bringing up the "polls" and Biden's age. Like she's a spring chicken - NOT. I read somewhere where her husband is a Republican?

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Alan Greenspan loves Ayn Rand. He's 120 years old and describes himself as a lifelong libertarian republican. MSM is constant disappointment.

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Maybe, more like 97 but still drowling in his oatmeal.

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I know they ARE husband & wife ( yuk) and must be if not close to 100. But 120, in jest?

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Hopefully to educate the public… I’ve seen their BS on TikTok and it is a horrible group. Too bad we can’t arrest them.

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1/4? 3/5? 1/2? 🤣

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Feb 7·edited Feb 7

I'm going with 4.2% for Neal.

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About right.

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Less. Maybe 1/14-1/21

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the first one

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"Bargain Basement Goebbels" probably sounded better in the original German. Projection is always a confession and is a big part of authoritarian politics.

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Jeff, I loved the part of that circuit court reading where they refer to tRump as "Citizen Trump".

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Rosebud ,arrrg gasp 😞

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Another tour de force, Jeff.

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Correction: it would have hurt more if they had wrapped the 57-page opinion around a baseball bat and told Jack Smith to hit him on the head with it.

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Can I volunteer for delivery?

You are served, MF!

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One question: do you really think Steven Miller has a heart to explode? Well, two questions: did anyone see maga judge cannon’s order that redacted info, including code names of FBI agents, be unsealed? The Meidas Bros have it (I haven’t seen it anywhere else, but I trust them). It’s kind of a downer after the joys of yesterday. On the bright side, Smith now has something to appeal.

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Funny thing is Miller was raised by Jewish left leaning parents. He must've bullied. His fascination with race began at the same time he became fascinated with guns.

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The only plausible explanation is that Miller, like Roy Cohn, is a socio- or psychopath.

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He enjoys inflicting pain on others. I go with a psychopath. At least some sociopaths have a charm factor.

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Leaning, weren't they actual camp survivors?

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There was a story about his uncle calling him a hypocrite. I think the family came in 1906?

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deletedFeb 7
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well, that's a relief... not really, but it's better than agents being doxxed for doing their jobs...

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Thank you. I must have misunderstood. Still, isn’t there a risk with revealing the investigation code name, too?

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