by the way, the AbilityOne Commission is a real thing. I googled 'obscure government agencies' and it was the very first item to come up.

"The AbilityOne Commission creates job opportunities for people who are blind or have other significant disabilities in the manufacture and delivery of products and services to the Federal Government."

hey everyone, look at me. I’m overqualified to work at the Department of Breaking Shit You Don’t Understand

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All of us are overqualified compared to the fuckwits Agent Orange will put in place.

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The execrable mewling wastrel is definitely a Putin puppet Kay-EI!

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Right?! If you look closely Patrick, you can see the strings

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Strings are never a necessity when dealing with a drug addled sycophantic and salacious narcissist Kay-EI!!

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Following a bit of Russian State TV would be good for understanding the epoch, especially when Putin hears news of Trumps presidential victory, and says in Russian “great, he knows how much he owes me”!!

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And he MAY just be scared enough of Putie to actually pay up for once.

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That victory memo was issued on 11/4.

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Yep because unlike those numbnuts we have an actual working brain ✌🏻💙

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Well, shit…we wouldn’t want to help disabled people now would we…OMG

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Not surprising considering these people make fun of the disabled.

Co president shitheel Muskrat and that Rancid asshole from the swamp are foaming at mouth about how many people's lives they can ruin. Now that the House count sits at 217-215, we can only hope that the GOP quest for total destruction for everything that's good won't necessarily be a slam dunk.

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Rick, are all votes counted? There were two CA House races that were outstanding, last I heard. If it's OVER with 217-215, that's better than I hoped for. Let turd keep naming House Reps, fucking up MJ's majority bc he's that clueless.

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According to a report, Adam Gray, a Democrat in the CA 13th Congressional District, flipped the last seat.

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Yes, they both went to Dems.

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Yay! Thanks Rick. 217-215 🥳🥳

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You bet.

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Thank fucking God!!

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SO HAPPY when I heard this!!!

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I’m pretty sure those two CA races were called for the Dems.

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You can now be certain they were. :-)

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And damn glad to hear it!

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I think there are enough (though admittedly a small minority) of GOP to throw monkey wrenches at the most egregious legislation the rest of the feces throwers can toss.

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As it currently stands, it will just take one defection to screw them up. O.N.E.

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Accurate as always Kay-El !!

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And disabled vets make up a portion of those employees. Yeah, so let’s keep sticking it to the vets. 🥲

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I'm sitting here shaking with laughter! This is SO INSANE that it can't POSSIBLY be true!! (Right! Right? right...)

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Dunno how rabid, foaming at the mouth fixed news hooked up with an org helping disabled & blind people. Hopefully convict-elect won't reenact his making fun of a disabled person.

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Don’t hold your breath Teri

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See my comment above Teri!!

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If there was a dollar in it, Fucks News would help manufacture rat's assholes into wedding rings for blind people.

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Nah, being blind or disabled means you’re at the front of the guillotine line Tess!

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We all know what Hitler did with such people.

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Some of those products are labelled "Lighthouse San Francisco" and are in MRE's accessory packs.


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Donnie Diaperstains does not make appointments—he poses hypotheticals.

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Destroying democracy for his diabolical dictator pals has always been the plan Kathleen!

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And concepts. Don’t forget those concepts.

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Jeff, would you be willing to get a haircut to give Donnie convict an award? We all promise to attend with paper bags over our heads. I'd pay a month's rent just to hear you do the double entendres.

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Ditto what Kathleen said!!

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Just wait a minute! Maybe DOGE will abolish the entire government. It would be better than MAGA actually running it.

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After seeing yesterday’s declaration of martial law in South Korea, I with a speech that could have been written by Trumps boy Miller, we could see that exact thing happen here Kathleen!!

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I was hoping Joe might do the Martial Law thing right here in the good old U.S.of A. While we still have a U.S. of A. Worth protecting!🇺🇸 He’s got plenty of reasons considering what we know is about to happen ! It’s time for the Grand opening of the movie we saw the rehearsals for on Jan 6 th ,I don’t think it’s going to be a GP flick ! Covering the kids eyes ain’t gonna work this time Ma …they’re not only gonna see it they’re gonna be the sorry as players in it ! I wonder if The illustrious Leader will get another Patriotism Award 🥇 for writing the screenplay!

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That commission is a goner, assuming Swam and Skum firgure out what it does.

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Thanks for jumping on that Google space to give us that first hand information. I could see how a space Nazi and a fuck wit would find that useless.

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Now Trump has his very own AOC.

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Your future narratives for Commander Crazy Pants and his Clown posse will be my go-to so I can get through the next 4 years.

A fucking rapist is about to become our president which is embarrassing. It is bothersome that so many people chose the worthless idiot over a well qualified candidate. Crazy Pants shouldn't have been allowed to be on the ballots.

His crass comments, stench and idiotic thought process will be glorious fodder for journalists, meanwhile, constituents suffer in his wake of chaos he'll create. It's going to be rough but I'm hoping he'll glitch out and then Couch Humper Vance will replace him. Couch Humper is of similar mindset but not someone seeking vengeance like Crazy Pants is.

Wonder how long he will last. We all witnessed the 29 second dance rally, he talks in word salads, the clock is ticking.

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As disgusting as all this is…if it weren’t for your lovely vocabulary…I’d probably go nuts: “narcoleptic fart factory, Dept. of breaking shit you don’t understand, Jesus ketamine Christ (!), commander crazypants, cuck todd :)….unpleasant bobblehead”….I mean THANK YOU!

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Yes, Tess — and that full description of DeSantis was the best part for me

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I always enjoy the gif of DeSatan...it's an accurate visual of how he really is.😂😂

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Those creepy white boots he wears, as if he were about to muck invisible horse stalls kills me Susan!

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Tell me about it he was out of a job here in '26, and no one, including fellow repubs wanted him in any position, because he robbed them blind to pay for his disastrous, abortion of a presidential campaign.

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His words create works of art that make DaVinci jealous.

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I'm especially fond of "Jesus Ketamine Christ."

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Most definitely!

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Ditto about the vocabulary!!

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🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸I posted what Jeff said about Hunter Biden on the Bulwark yesterday and it became the top comment with 132 likes.

yeah, Joe made that promise half a year ago. gee, what changed between then and now? did a fascist get elected president? did he name as his FBI director a perpetual motion retribution factory with an unhealthy obsession about persecuting Hunter Biden?


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In theory it is a value to a liberal that someone can change his mind when new evidence arises. The Hunter pile-on seems to be proof that not all Dems share that liberal value.

For those worried about the "effect on the rule of law"

1. The rule of law is actually that the President can pardon whoever he damn well pleases, as trump showed bigly. See Constitution.

2. What is worse for the public perception of the rule of law: pardoning someone when his admitted crimes are of a nature few if any people are prosecuted for, or constantly delaying prosecution of someone who denies he did what evidence clearly shows he did (or for that matter, clearing him on impeachment when the senators who said "no impeachment" almost all admitted that he actually DID what the articles of impeachment said he did.)

3. Pardoning your son is unprecedented in the same way that prosecuting a president who knowingly takes classified documents and refuses to return them is unprecedented: the occasion for neither has ever come up before. Apparently pardoning other relatives, like your daughter's father in law, is just fine.

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I think Dems just are looking for someone to punish for the 2024 loss.

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Or . . . they’re DINOs

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A mirror may help them with clarity Kathleen!

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Is the problem that Junior and Ka$h use the powder version and Hunter used the crack version? Or that Hunter seems to have kicked his habit and Junior and Ka$h haven't even tried?

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In fact, Jr is still rubbing his gums with the shit in front of god and everybody now. And Hunter is clean and sober(one day at a time)for 5.5 years now, taxes and interest paid and PARDONED 🎶🎉! Suck it all y’all maga bums!

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Touché Nancy!!

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Lucien Truscott gave him a shout out as well and said Jeff is a "must subscribe" to!

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If I hear one more word about Biden ruining his legacy or causing a loss of trust in the office of president I'm going on a rampage!!!! GODDA**IT!!!!

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MSM seems just as delusional as MAGA.

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Those democrats pissing and moaning over this pardon is complete bullshit. Fucking aye. We need to gather our resources and fight the class warfare happening right now. Like Warren Buffet says, "we (the rich) started this class war and we're winning." Politicians are dipshit grifters. No wonder we are losing this country to billionaires.

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A Democrat having a spine is long overdue. More of this please.

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Exactly Lisa, “We the Serfs” were far too ignorant to understand the significance and complexity of an election about the haves and have nots!

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I’m not sure “we” did it. Insane rulings from the corrupt Supreme Court gave us billionaires buying politicians with Citizens United

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Remember Warren Buffet is in cash.

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Even with pardons, I hope Hunter & family move out of the U.S. Maga can't get Joe Biden for anything real, but Hunter is like Hilary & Benghazi. We can't be sure if maga will honor pardons.

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I wish he had pardoned his whole family and a boatload of other people because those fuckers are bent on revenge. They don’t need to find anything, they just make stuff up.

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Every single person who tried to hold tRump & his Congressional minions to account should get pardons

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Agree with you Teri. They should move as far away as possible. My fear will be since Elon is attached to Putin’s hip they’ll be able to get to them and “take them out”. This is Putin’s specialty. He did it in the UK several times in 2006. And many other times against people he deemed disloyal. In 2018 he also send his goons with a highly poisonous nerve agent to Salisbury, UK to get a father and daughter. Last year same happened in Berlin. Hunter Biden and family will need 24/7 protection. Daddy Vlad along with Elon and Trump are unforgiving and revengeful to the core

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Thinking the very same thing .

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Hunter had to be pardoned to save his life. Rethugs can't get to Biden, so how long till the calls "hang Hunter Biden". And he needs to disappear with his family. Biden's Achilles heel.

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Yep, having already suffered tremendously, with the loss of life he’s already been through Teri!

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The repubs specialize in ruining certain people’s lives, aka Ruby (?) and her daughter Shaye Moss for handing off a ginger mint during the vote tally a few elections ago. They not only had to leave their homes, they had to move to an undisclosed location.

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Don't forget the lady that told of Kavanaugh's bad behavior Christine Blassey-Ford, she had to go into hiding as well.

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Somebody needs to ask these assholes: Have you ever changed your mind about anything? Did that make you a liar? Changing your mind because of drastically changing circumstances like what has occurred in this country is not lying - it’s adapting.

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I’ll go with you. I understand the right wing monkeys screeching but Democrats & the AH “Never Trumpers” saying it, too, is just a bridge too far for me

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Agreed Betsy!!

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Agreed Betsy!!

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Hey, Donnie! I grew up in Norfolk Virginia. My uncle used to take me to the Naval Base to see the ships all decorated for Christmas. I think that makes me a good candidate for Secretary in Charge of Things that Float. Can I be in your cabinet too?

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I hate to break it to you but you're a woman and you haven't been a lawyer for Donald J Trump.

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I’m former Navy. Must say, I was less than impressed with ‘what’s his name’ being nominated as Secretary of the Navy. I guess his first day will be a presentation on” this is a ship, this is a boat.” The pointy end is called the bow. And leeward is ‘loo-ward’ not ‘Lee-ward.’ My heart aches for the Admirals who will brief him.

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David, don’t be a shirker! With all that real-life knowledge, you should throw your hat in the ring for the position! I mean, you might not have seen all the boats shinied up with Christmas lights like Gini, but you are a man. Right?

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Gini, WOW, definitely a great candidate! You are blonde and attractive, right? Bra size? Measurements? /s

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Another observed effect of being MAGA: bra sizes tend to increase, for some reason

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Of the after-market bolt-on variety.

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Have you ever been in a beauty pageant or on TV, are evidence of qualifications Teri!

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Good idea! I live fairly close to an Air Force Base. Can I be Secretary of the Air Force, Donnie? I've never been in the service, Air Force or any other branch, but I have been a passenger on commercial airlines. I feel that qualifies me for the post. Pleeeeeeeze?

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Small pebbles float, as do ducks and... witches!

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1. IIRC, isn’t DeathSentence’s qualifications for the Pentagon is that he enjoyed torture at Guantanamo?

2. Lara Trump for anything dumbs down that anything.

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We all knew Trump was going to cram his family down our throats AGAIN. Kushner Ambassador to France. Tiffany's father in law to an African/Middle East job. (Sorry too lazy to look up the actual name). From what I read about Hegseth, Meatball is a tiny, itsy bitsy step up from him.

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That bar is low enough to be buried.

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