every time I write about Donny's batshit ravings, there are those who accuse me of falling for Donny's 'distractions' from his real agenda. please mark my words: these are not "distractions." Donny isn't playing 10-dimensional chess, nor is he strategizing. he's fucking serious about all of this. he's as intent on going to war over Greenland is he is about dismantling democracy. none of this is a distraction, and all of it demands our attention

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People ignored Hitler in the early days of his rantings... we seem to have forgotten a LOT of the global history

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True....The German media said that Hitler was just tryin' to rile up his base when H talked about wanting to deal with the Jews. How did that work out?

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Tragically, most never knew it--thanks to the success of the effort to create an uneducated, compliant citizenry. More money for football, lots less for the history department.

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" Films, football and beer, but most of all gambling, filled the horizon of their minds. To keep them in control was not difficult. "

* George Orwell

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"Entertaining ourselves to death.. Sociologist Neil Postman

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Before there was the Final Solution, there was a plan to send all the Jews and unwanted people to Madagascar. Without Madagascar's permission. I kid you not. Sounds like Dumpy's plan to send undocumented migrants to the Bahamas, I think it was.

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ah yes. Bread and Circuses . Not too much bread tho

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Steve Bannon said they would flood the zone with Shit.

Mission Accomplished!

what the EU should do:

Europe doesn't need to ship a gigantic army to Greenland. Several thousand soldiers could be shipped in by commercial Air flights. We just need to form a symbolic guard around the American base in Greenland and in the capital city. In other words, act as a human shield for Greenland. American volunteers could join this human shield if the Greenlanders are willing to have us.

If Trump is willing to kill members of NATO armies, I think that just might make an impression on the world and even some of his supporters.

I definitely think the incoming Secretary of State and head of the White House Security Council will be against this.

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I've wondered if Donny's threats and rantings about Greenland are his attempt to get NATO to throw the US out of it, rather than have to quit.

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I think he wants Greenland because someone told him that when the ice cap melts it will open a new shipping route to the US. "Someone" like co-president Musk.

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Yes, he's looking to make bank on the near-term effects of Global Warming.

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While still lying about it being a "hoax" UGH

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Could be.

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no, putin has been wanting Greenland for a long time. It will be the new shipping lanes as the ice melts. He needs to get his oil delivered to wherever because of all the sanctions.

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There is no provision for NATO to throw out anyone. When you take on treaty obligations, you "can't" just disavow them unilaterally (of course you can, if you want to be the lawbreaker, but that would be on Trump).

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I'll go join The Shield! Who better than those of us who benefitted most from the old way of doing things--anyone born before 2000--to stand in opposition to its destruction? We know what has been taken from us. Just let me know where and when to get on the Defenders of Democracy plane....

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Fully agree. But Greenland has to invite us.

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I'm going, wait for me!?

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In the event the worst comes to pass, do you think Trump and his minions will protect American citizens? Or American troops? I don't.

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What I'm wondering about is whether he will attack NATO troops and American citizens located in Greenland.

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of course, he will. he wants people at rallies hurt.

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They aren’t protecting American citizens. Well, not female citizens or children.

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I hope Trump gets an international bounty warrant because it will take more than U.S. Democrats to end the rule of a dictator- yes i said it. ban me LoL

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So, hoping for assassination? Jeff has more than once encouraged us not to write anything that will get the Secret Service showing up at our doorstep.

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it was just a figure of speech. relax.

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So guns are other figures of speech.

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This is ridiculous. How the hell is this not a concern to the good people of the USA? How is this not an issue to be mindful of? I'm just not getting it. It's getting dangerous now.

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I'm not sure which of my comments you are responding to. I definitely think Trump's threats against Greenland, Canada, and Panama should be a concern to any sane American.

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they won't last long in the regime....

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How many volunteers are here reading this article? I can’t imagine anyone would have designs on Moving to Greenland, the base could be fully occupied though Kathleen!!

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It's it certainly would be nicer if the crisis came in July rather than January. ;-)

We can't occupy the American base—think it used to be called Thule— but we can certainly park our tents just outside the walls.

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Some never learned it.

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The United States of Amnesia.

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Every single person who ignored his ravings before the election should be force fed this nonsense daily.

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But they don't care. His base includes a lot of the burn-the-whole-thing-down crowd.

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His cabinet to be is FULL of them.

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What scares me are the ones that believed he would help them. Talk about fools.

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But there are a lot who would care if they listened. I personally know some folks like that

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Yes… 15 minutes each day with a pair of headphones on listening to his drivel.

That’s what should be done to them.

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Bingo Eva!!

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Exactly Eva! My phone is loaded with screenshots and ready to go toe to toe with any of them. I've already gotten a few blank stares back and stammering speech. But how will we educate people who don't give a crap about facts, history, ethics, and common knowledge we all learned when we were younger. They don't want to go to "school" again. Half of our country is knee deep in quicksand..and sinking fast.

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I would bet a serious amount of money that Putin is planting all this craziness is Trumps otherwise empty cranium.

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Putin doesn’t have to, he has Musk as his agent.

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Putin via Elon, Thiel et al. Kim!!

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Patrick I think you’ve got it!

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How difficult would it be? Seems every time somebody, anybody, whispers something in his ear, he believes it.

As my (ex) husband once said to me "Everything I say to you goes in one ear - and straight out of your mouth. . ."

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He’s surrounded himself with a bunch of crazies, just look at his Sectetaries. It’s really difficult to separate them into different boxes of crazies.

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Elon is one of the craziest of the bunch Cam, he’s named after a fictitious ruler of underworld people inhabiting Mars! The German author who arrived in this country via Operation Paperclip, a highly regarded rocket scientist penned the book Mars Project, it’s his passion!

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I’ve been thinking the exact same thing. Putin knows it’d be difficult for NATO & the EU to fight wars on 3 fronts (Ukraine, Greenland, & Canada), so, as usual, what comes out of trump’s mouth through whomever as intermediary (don’t forget DNI Russia’s girlfriend) benefits putin. The Clintons are not my favorite people ever, though I voted for both of them and, more importantly, H. Clinton was absolutely right about everything.

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I wonder if the source of his fixation with faucets that deliver no water has to do with his occupancy of a 100+ year old golf motel. Ancient plumbing, never updated, may well deliver a shower spray that resembles a drip. Should somebody tell him, or let him keep suffering?

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NEVER stop ignoring, PLEASE, Jeff.

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Jeff - someone has to cal this out. Keep at it. His rantings are dangerous and we’ve learned that what he says is what he wants and he will have his Cabinet and the Republicans support him because they have no backbone. This is not the country or the world anyone wants.

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His crazy rantings are of an elderly man whose dementia is going forward in real time and can only get worse. People with dementia can initially have an awareness of their brains losing memories, losing words, losing abilities, losing control, increasing their vulnerability to social isolation...until they really do get lost in a mental fog and lash out at those around them. THIS MEAN, AWFUL DEMENTED CRIMINAL SHOULD NOT BE POTUS. The hateful, venal, dishonest people surrounding Trump are going to sanewash him as long as they can to maintain their own power, and/or to impose their insane beliefs on the rest of us. They will attempt in every way to fleece American taxpayers, to hurt, control, and rob all Americans. We must wrest control back from these assholes. NO sane American wants a repeat of WW II

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But he has surrounded himself with more competent functionaries who might not be exactly on-board with Trump's evil plans, but who have evil plans of their own they'd like to use him to cram down our throats.

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Fascism’s warm embrace isn’t anything, but the Uber-wealthiest desire for an oligarchy, where they control everything and everyone Fred!!

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Agreed. His ability to spew the bat-shit crazy bull shit that forms in his sociopathic brain AND have evil intentions to strip people of all rights and become a dictator aren’t mutuality exclusive. Both parts of that sick fuck need to be discussed, and you’re a master at covering both.

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He's already done the President of the United States thing and now has to go bigger and be president of the US, Canada, Greenland and Panama.

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"10-dimensional chess?!?" Dude isn't playing one-dimensional 52 Pick-Up.

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There are those who advise that we should pay no attention to Trump; we should ignore his rants. I think that is dangerous, because he is so uneducated and ill-informed that his decisions could cost lives if unattended. Remember how he wanted people to be injected with bleach to cure Covid? Afterwards he said it was a “joke”, but Trump has no sense of humor. He can inflict pain and hate, but he has no joyful presence. When he’s wrong, jump on him.

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To ignore it, is to normalize it.

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That's a very critical point, Lisa. Too bad the Dems aren't listening right now.

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The Felon Seditionist has been normalized by the right wing press but also the Old School Democrats. A smooth transition is being offered to the very terrorist who incited a deadly seditionist attack!!!

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Exactly Lisa!!

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He thinks saying it was a joke, covers his obvious ignorance.

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True dat Kristy, love your ever changing avatar pics!!

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They weren’t distractions last time either, there were just guardrails for some of it. This time there are none, including those scotus fuckers.

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"First they came...

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The mass media journalists can't ignore that Donnie is child-like. Acts and thinks like a child. Not a grownup. Contrary to the GOP leaders, there's nothing "conservative" about his agenda. It's all silly, bratty, childish.

Other than the "bot and paid for" MAGA congress members, everyone in politics must observe that Donnie is an irrational little boy who is motivated by fantasy stories. Coddled by the Press and the DNC.

The Dems must push back daily: "No little Donnie, this isn't real. No Donnie, you don't get to steal other countries. Donnie, when you break the law you have to pay a penalty."

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Clearly, he doesn’t. Never has and never will.

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"The mass media journalists can't ignore that Donnie is child-like."

But they do, and have, since the 2015 campaign.

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The media is owned by the right, they are doing their jobs for their master.

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Truer words Burke!!

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His ravings being called a "distraction" is partly why we're in for a second (gag) term with this lunatic.

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I'm wondering if King Shitpants wants to hold Panama hostage by tapping into the 7 trillion untaxed money laundered dollars sitting in their banks.

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Panama papers and the money laundering scheme, isn’t something most people have knowledge of Lisa, nice to mention it again!!

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I hear this, but he's not surrounding himself with the most competent people (does he even know that only congress can declare war?). I think this will go the way of "build the wall, and Mexico will pay for it" and he'll probably just sell a lot of "MGGG" merch before moving on to the next insane idea.

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Absolutely! His whole shtick is coming up with ever more lunatic ideas to profit from. Just think--if he had actually been held accountable by our weak-ass judicial system and ever spent even one night locked up somewhere, wow--how much cheap crap could he sell off of that?? Dude missed a big one there.

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We’re all hopeful for the

“Big” one as Fred Sanford professed was coming…couldn’t happen soon enough dans mon livre Linda!!

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Congress is MAGA. They will declare war if he wants it. George Bush got his war. Why not Trump?

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I think there is a big difference--right after 9/11, there was bipartisan support for attacking Afghanistan and later Iraq. It didn't make sense to me, but congress was pretty much aligned. Now, congress is deeply divided, and only a handful are full-burn-it-down-MAGA. No Democrats will approve invading a NATO ally, and there are enough non-insane Republicans that this won't happen. It's just bluster.

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I hope you’re right.

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Yes, only my congresswoman, Barbara Lee was the only one to vote against Afghanistan. Now we have her replacement, Lateefah...

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I was thinking the same. The sham that GW put over about WMD which led us into the war in Iraq - he's trying to do the same thing except it will be immigration or the military stopping protestors...

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With Bush those lies were riddled with hatred, and misinformation, worked then, would likely work even better with this coterie of connards Mary!!

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He won't need a declaration of war. He'll just go ahead and do whatever he wants to do and Congress and the military will go along with it. Wonder who's reading Mein Kampf aloud to him every night?

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You're right about Congress, but as a 40-year military wife and a veteran, I'm reluctant to think that the military will go along with it. I really hope you're wrong there. However, Dumpy also wants to purge the military of any non-MAGAts, so maybe he'll get his war.

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If the upper echelons of the military refuse to obey Trump's illegal orders, he'll just get rid of them until he finds people who will kiss his ass and go along. We are in the Fourth Reich and there's virtually no one to stop it.

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I never thought Iʻd be thinking positively about a military coup in the USA. It may be our last line of defense against the insanity.

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Me too. That's how desperate I'm feeling.

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Gotta say that I agree with you, Wahine. If ever there was a time for the cavalry to come to the rescue....

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The lower echelons aren't going to go along either.

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You think?

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He’s surrounded himself with yes men, others who have allegiance to Putin Robin, but your point is valid!!

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We are 12 days away from an apocalypse of stupidity. An even more demented, crazy conman is getting the nuclear codes back.

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