Jan 24Liked by Jeff Tiedrich

If MTG is on his ticket, that’s 6 fingers on each of his and and 6 toes total from MTG, so 666. Definitely the mark of the beast.

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🤣🤣 👍 MTG ought to be on his ticket to jail!

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I've secretly hoped she'd be identified as the bomber from January 5/6

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Me too, me too; recently got my hopes up about that bc of the matching shoes; but the never heard anything more. Dang

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With Christopher Wray still at the helm of the Finnies, don't expect that bomber to ever get caught.

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One can dream said bomber is so stupid as to brag about it to a Sedition Hunter.

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me too but why secretly?

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People call you nuts and a conspiracy theorist. Of course, I think she's capable of making/planting pipe bombs

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Advanced Pre Booking.

Already taken care of

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The Prison Apprentice has six fingers on his hand?

--> Paging Inigo Montoya. We found him!

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Hilarious! And trumpf killed a lot of fathers. And mothers. And cousins and uncles and aunts and we’ll you get it. Slay that muthrr fucker!

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My hope is that Trump is found guilty before the election and has to campaign from a jail cell, losing in the most lopsided election in history. What a fitting end it would be for Trump and this absolutely morally bankrupt republican party.

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He should be in a jail cell right now. Should’ve been there months ago.

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He always gets special treatment. Out on appeal is what I expect will happen. Nothing has been easy nailing this rotted jello to the wall.

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Rotted jello😂what a visual! The demise of orange jello in an oozing brown puddle. I will not look away.

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I like it when you make me laugh at something I said in particular.

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He'll immediately file an appeal and stay out of jail but he'll be running as a recently convicted felon. Might stop the on the fencers from even voting.

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The saddest thing I've seen is that it would take a CONVICTION for some of these jackholes to NOT vote for Trump! Really? Is THAT what it takes? And when there comes one, then the goalposts will move to TWO convictions, then specific convictions. I don't believe ANYONE that says they won't vote for Trump if he's convicted of a crime -- it just means they won't TELL you they voted for Trump.

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Morally bankrupt is exactly correct

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Jan 24Liked by Jeff Tiedrich

I'm a Christian and I'm incensed whenever I hear MAGA refer to him as a "good Christian". Putting (waves arms) all of this aside, the primary aspect of a Christian is humility before God and acknowledging that we are sinners in need of forgiveness and grace. Does any of that describe the Orange One at all?! When he openly said that he's never asked for forgiveness because he's never done anything that needed forgiving, it should have been game over for Christians. Then again, evangelicals are not and never have been Christians.

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You nailed it re: evangelicals. They made their Faustian bargain. In the end, that bargain comes due. They are a PAC, not Christians.

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Hey, not all evangelicals -- who are Christians, btw -- are Trump supporters. Some of my relatives who are Pentecostal despise Trump, and some who are southern Baptists do, too. Although I agree that far too many evangelicals support Trump.

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Any evangelical who worships serial philandering adulterous abortion buying felonious grifter like the 4 Times Indicted Rapist Drumpf gave up any and all claims to being "christian" a long time ago.

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And the complaint that Jesus was too "WOKE" is a sure sign that if you don't believe in Jesus, then you are not a Christian, in fact, most are the Antichrist! Those White Power Movement militia do not have a Jesus following bone in their bodies.

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I am not religious but I was raised Southern Baptist. One thing is certain: Jesus would have despised Trump and chased him out of the temple.

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Well, it’s good to hear that the one many of them talk about as if he is in fact the New Messiah, hasn’t invaded the souls of all of you. I recently read Tim Alberta’s book: The Kingdom, The Power, & The Glory Tim is an Evangelical journalist who’s Dad was a minister & he says there are some ministers out there trying to bring their flocks back to putting Jesus & their personal salvation ahead of politics & idol. Worship

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He is excellent to listen to.

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They're a CULT. Let's just say it like it is.

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Trump's claim to be Christian is strictly a political calculation.

He was decidedly pro-choice until he saw the Democrats wouldn't have him, then he became pro-life. Nothing more than a craven need for acceptance and power.

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I’m a big fat noisy atheist, and even I admit a true Christian is a blessing to this world

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As long as they don't try to Bible-thump me, I'm absolutely fine with them. It's when they start spewing their garbage, acting like they're better than others, that just makes me want to puke. I'll never understand that belief in something you don't see, hear, or touch, but that's their thing. I will just never get it...

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I hate to say this to a Christian.

But I think they sold their souls already.

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The silence over Abbott's actions in Texas says it all.

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EXACTLY. I'm an atheist and have shed buckets of tears over what I'm witnessing happening at our border to people just trying to find a better life for themselves and their kids. It's truly disgusting. If people are really so-called Christians, there would/should be widespread outrage and a call for an END to these despicable actions of state government officials and their lackeys. It's sickening.🤬

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Why "sin" in the first place? And what, exactly, constitutes a "sin"? Having to ask for forgiveness all the time for your "sins" SHOULD, eventually, make you a better person, not one that just keeps "sinning", knowing you'll be forgiven. Right ?!? Maybe your diety will forgive you, but those you've harmed may not. I'm not a Christian and I definitely don't expect anyone to forgive me if I do something to them that I shouldn't do. Here's a thought, just don't harm others! Just don't cheat, lie, steal, kill or anything else that is harmful to anyone or anything. It's really that simple. I just live my life with the intent of NOT doing things that harm others or cause them pain and misery. It's nothing but an excuse for people to do bad things to others when all they have to do is ask their God for forgiveness. It's a crutch. It's extremely frustrating for those of us who live our lives doing the right thing and don't live with the expectation of forgiveness, to watch criminals get the benefit of the doubt because they believe that they'll be forgiven for their egregious actions. It's disturbing.

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Many sociopaths pretend to be Christian as a cover for their selfish and unethical actions. It’s really that simple. Actual, Bible believing Christians tend towards gullibility, and are easy prey for the sociopaths. Those who follow Christ’s teachings are commanded to forgive, thus providing a steady stream of victims. It’s grotesque. Witnessing the steady rise of the ‘Moral Majority’ - those craven, greedy, nosy hypocrites - pretty much turned this former southern Baptist into an atheist.

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Welcome to the tribe!☺️

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That path describes me to a T except that I was raised in the Lutheran religion, which is of course kissing cousins to Catholicism. The hypocrisy & meanness in way too many Christians turned me off…..plus science 🙂

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Very well put - thank you!

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I am no longer a Christian, but it seems to me that Matthew 25:40-45 sums up the very basics of Christian faith.

“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’

“Then he will say, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, 43 I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.’

(I think standing around watching when a mother and her 2 children drown in the Rio Grande would apply here too.)

“He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’

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When I read what our evil, vile governor and AG has done to migrants--especially after they caused the deaths of the mother and her two children--I keep going back to Matthew 25. It is a basic tenet of our faith to welcome the stranger and care for the poor, yet these craven monsters completely discard that basic tenet.

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Jan 25·edited Jan 25

Kindness toward every living being is a tenet of all major religions, and is a matter of basic human decency. Why have so many people missed that memo? What benefit are these people getting from all of their hate? Trump has people believing that if they don't benefit financially or otherwise from something, they're chumps for doing it. Here is another recent example. https://www.jsonline.com/story/news/local/2024/01/23/south-milwaukee-woman-dies-of-hypothermia-at-bus-stop-after-fall/72324496007/ Someone actually stepped over this woman and just left her there.

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OMG 😳 how horrible

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"....... and we win the Generals"

LOL, the Generals know that Fraud Trump is scum:

Mark Milley

A career Army officer who served in a variety of roles and regions before becoming chief of staff of the Army, then chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff on Oct. 1, 2019. Mr. Trump never fired him, but he did later suggest he deserved execution. Mr. Milley criticized Mr. Trump in a speech without naming him. Sept. 29, 2023: "We don’t take an oath to a country. We don’t take an oath to a tribe. We don’t take an oath to a religion. We don’t take an oath to a king or a queen, or to a tyrant or a dictator. And we don’t take an oath to a wannabe dictator.” Milley's quote is right on if one is talking about a democracy, Of course the MAGA/evangelical movement is not about democracy but about supporting a man who portrays himself as a savior and wants to be installed as a dictator. It is alarming the way Trump is trying to create an image of himself as a super human as all fascist leaders do. He is not riding shirtless on a horse like Putin but is trying to demonstrate the criminal legal system can't touch him, putting himself above the law. Corrupt but untouchable. There soon may be a new sheriff in town. College-educated elites beware.

Richard Spencer

Secretary of the Navy from Aug. 3, 2019, to Nov. 24, 2019, and a Marines veteran who spent most of his career in finance. He was fired after he asked Mr. Trump not to reverse the Navy SEAL Eddie Gallagher’s demotion as punishment for a war crime. Nov. 27, 2019: "The president has very little understanding of what it means to be in the military, to fight ethically or to be governed by a uniform set of rules and practices.”

H.R. McMaster

A career Army officer who saw combat in the Gulf War, Iraq and Afghanistan. He was the White House national security adviser from Feb. 20, 2017, to April 9, 2018. He was seen as one of the “adults in the room” until Trump replaced him via tweet. Jan. 7, 2021: "President Trump and other officials have repeatedly compromised our principles in pursuit of partisan advantage and personal gain.”

James Mattis

Secretary of Defense from Jan. 20, 2017, to Dec. 31, 2018, and a former four-star Marine Corps General who resigned partially over Mr. Trump’s announcement of an immediate withdrawal of American troops from their fight against ISIL in Syria. June 3, 2020: "Donald Trump is the first president in my lifetime who does not try to unite the American people — does not even pretend to try. Instead, he tries to divide us. We are witnessing the consequences of three years of this deliberate effort. We are witnessing the consequences of three years without mature leadership. We can unite without him, drawing on the strengths inherent in our civil society.”

Mark Esper

Secretary of Defense from Jul. 23, 2019, to Nov. 9, 2020, and an Army veteran whose first public disagreement with Mr. Trump came when he opposed using active-duty military personnel to control protests after the death of George Floyd. He was fired before he could resign. Oct. 1, 2023:

"I have a lot of concerns about Donald Trump. I have said that he’s a threat to democracy. I think the last year, certainly the last few months of Donald Trump’s presidency, will look like the first few months of the next one if that were to occur.”

John Kelly

White House chief of staff from July 28, 2017, to Jan. 2, 2019, and secretary of Homeland Security from Jan. 20, 2017, to July 31, 2017. He is a retired four-star Marine Corps general who was hired to bring order to the White House. Oct. 2, 2023: "A person who admires autocrats and murderous dictators. A person that has nothing but contempt for our democratic institutions, our Constitution and the rule of law.”

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former military: your citation of General Milley is spot on. The Gallagher reversal was total BS. The painting of George Washington presenting his sword to Congress epitomizes what the majority of us understand: we are sworn to the Constitution, not a man. It should be abhorrent to any American when a former President refers to “My generals, My Judges [SCOTUS]…”

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Indeed - also “my african american”-- his narcissism & egolamania are beyond limits

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Gallagher should have never gotten out of prison. Ever. He's a sick and twisted murderer.

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These generals, admirals, and senior staffers should all be going on the talk shows and giving press conferences to tell the truth about the criminal psychopath who has destroyed the Republican Party.

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And warnings from Constitutional Lawyers, Republicans, Judges, Yadda yadda yadda. They are not going to change.

Its all out there.

Want to view something interesting that is a throwback to a different time. That very much relates to today.


PBS: Nazitown USA, the eyeopening documentary on the rise of Fascists in America. Should be required viewing in all high schools in America.

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The Washington Generals have a better chance of winning against the Harlem Globetrotters

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"BRO, GIMME 6!" and

High Sixing someone just don't work.

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Hahahaha!😂 Good one 👍

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Typical leftist lies! Everyone knows that Trump actually has SEVEN fingers on each hand! As a matter of fact, James Comer and Ronny Jackson have evidence that he has EIGHT fingers! The Democrats will stop at nothing to discredit the polydactylish war hero, Donald J. Trump!

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LOL! "polydactylish war hero" 🤣🤣

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You sound like George Santos!

Is it really you Alexandra?

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This is such an insult to C- students. Ass Napkin Don is more of an F student.

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The only reason Trump ever got Cs is cuz he either paid or beat up other kids to do his homework...

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Or he's lying about getting Cs.

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I love it best from last night that he is furious Haley won't drop out. By not dropping out, he has to continue this charade of campaigning, which now the entire press is calling attention to his nasty disposition and his fits of anger when he doesn't get his 100% adoration so he can continue to pretend he's all that, all something for sure. When he can't control the room, he makes lots more mistakes and they're now having fun pointing them out in detail. If he were ever caught praying in a church, you would know. It would instantaneously combust into a raging fire and he would throw the people close to him on the burning floor to walk over them on his way out the door. Save Donnie first. And in case no one has seen it, apparently Lindsay Graham threw Trump completely under the bus when he had to testify in GEorgia and literally hugged Fani Williams on his way out after unburdening his sorry sold soul.

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Didn't hear that about Graham - but it might have been an odd-numbered day of the month, on the even-numbered days he's tRump's golfing buddy.

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I got it off Political Wire this morning. Apparently there's a new book and Lindsay is prominently featured. Here's a blurb. It's also on Politico which I don't read but is often held up there. "“After fighting a four-month legal battle all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court to block his grand jury subpoena — and losing — South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham turned on a dime ‘and threw Trump under the bus,’… According to secret grand jury testimony in Fulton County confirmed by the authors, Graham testified that if you told Trump ‘That Martians came and stole the election, he’d probably believe you.’

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Miss Lindsay deserves prison, too. He can be trump's Prison Wife.

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If that happens, Rumpo will publicly insult Graham’s masculinity. In his current state, he’s bound to utter a completely unspinnable slur in a hot mike. Maybe that be it.

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Don’t forget, Graham also confirmed the ketchup-tosser, Chief insurrectionist also cheats at golf.

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I hadn't heard that!!! Miss Lindsay actually did a good thing???

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Well, look just how hard he tried to have that subpoena quashed and nobody would do it. Lindsay is an attorney and he is well aware of the trouble in lying at certain levels. "Did a good thing"? Only when it would have gotten him in more trouble. He better hope Trump doesn't win since all the things he's said are glaring and he also says, yes, Trump cheats at golf. There are some things that will make you a permanent enemy and he's most likely to think Lindsay's getting close only means Lindsay will one day have more to deal.

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THANKS for this!

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It's meaty, isn't it. LOL. I love a really bad day for Trump. We'll probably be able to hear him without a mic once he gets wind of this.

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Gagh.... it all makes my head hurt. 🙄🤬

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I know the feeling well.

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It's so exhausting, all the fucking time. And it's just started. *sigh*

I get my news from substack. The only talking head I watch is Rachel Maddow.

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Well, that's good, Morgan, because MSM is worthless. I have several good sources and even then, you run across things you know haven't been well researched or you just don't agree with the conclusions. It's harder to convince people to go to the serious sources. We're up against a lot. One of my childhood friends actually said to me: Well, I don't like it when these people give their opinion. All you can say is that is an opinion columnist and it states so close to the byline. When people generally are so completely unaware and don't even know it, it's an extremely steep uphill climb.

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Not by choice. Lindsay was cornered by Fani, always in service to the Constitution and is.

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My only information about this is one source and that's what they had to say. I welcome all information about any of this.

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Trump has also been going thicker on the bronzer, yet you can see the emperor palpatine transparency on his turkey goiter neck and by the ears. At this rate he will be full blackface with bronzer by March.

There are Brazilians from a particular town who are born with 6 fingers. Guess now the media can start the “show us your birth certificate” assault!

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They don't do that to white people. We probably have a million illegal Canadians. I never hear Republicans bitch about them though.

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And he's also looking more worn and something in his look is off, dementia-like I think. But of course I would think that.

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My late mother had dementia and it's my opinion that orange boy has it as well. His confused speech is a good sign that he does.

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YES!!! THis needs to become a "thing" on social media so big that the corporate media can no longer ignore it! The faking his christianity for those dumb evangelicals might actually even get through to a handful of them.

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A losing loser who WILL lose!🙏🏼.

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You summed him up perfectly. As I said when I first saw his recent gibberish.. it’s way worse than his Iowa corn gibberish and shows that he’s going downhill at warp speed. I give it six months and he will be totally incapacitated.

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I would love to see him staring off into space, drooling, pointing to pictures of animals and saying what they are only to get their species wrong - calling a camel a donkey for instance. Donkeys donkeys everywhere.

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I hope he still has vile thoughts that he wants to express while lacking the ability to express them. I prefer to wish the best for people but I can’t with him because he has been horrible his entire life.

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Yes I feel the same. I save my bad wishes/curses for only the most deserving vile odious demon-possessed sub humanoids.

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They'll wheel him out like Bernie.

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Your words to God's ears lol

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Jan 24Liked by Jeff Tiedrich

On the other hand, AI took a look at that prompt and said "here's hair I can totally rock!"

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😂😂😂 still laughing!

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Don't rule out that AI might deliberately be failing at hands to lull us into a sense of complacency.

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My first thought when seeing the photo of little donny fuckface "praying" was where the hell is a bolt of lightning when it's needed!

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Didn't David McCallum grow a sixth finger in an 'Outer Limits' episode? It would be better if he concentrated on growing his brain...

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Changing neuropathways can be achieved, I’m proof of that, but it takes a long damn time. Too much time, and inevitably

S-L-O-W to change. Time is not in LDFF’s favor. He doesn’t have a clue and about what hell he’s putting people through and no conscious to boot 🥾 IMHO he has a total of three neuropathways: 1) Atrocious behavior pathway 2) Expressions of ignorance pathway and 3) Most Powerful, money hungry lier and thief.

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Not much of a chance. With a brain that corroded, the likelihood of any growth happening is about as certain as his assholiness admitting that he's guilty of anything. That demented brain would be a great specimen for medical research.

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Don’t forget the cymbal-playing monkey and the raccoons!

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The dead hamster in the wheel still has his little paw up for recognition. At least the poor little fella gave it a go.

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Chew faster, feral raccoons! Chew faster!

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