This malignancy that trump stirred up is never ending stochastic terrorism.

No form of meaningful democracy can survive when ignorance is cultivated as a replacement for intelligence.

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And their sick, cult Trump-worshipping ignorance is getting worse. Interesting to see these brainless dumb shits turning on each other since they're confused on the abnormal reasons for being there. If only they would just go home, get a life and realize how fucking stupid they really are.

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I didn't actually have to write...ya'll said everything I was thinking X 100!! 🤣🤣🤣

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Feb 5·edited Feb 5

As Isaac Asimov said, "...the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.'"

I would add that they think their opinion is as valid as facts.

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Thats a superb quote. And right on the money.

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May I pretend I said that? 🤣. Jus' kiddin. I love "...that they think their opinion is as valid as facts." OMG. Summed up their insanity in one sentence. Nailed it in my book.

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These people are just FUCKED UP. Period. No ability to think. They are amoebas.

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bit harsh on amoebas, aren't you? /snark/ ;-)

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What's she gonna do, use words to break their bones?

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…words broke Paul Pelosi’s head.

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I thought that was a hammer, not a dictionary.

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That, my friend, is very funny.

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Ok then, words once removed. And placed in the head of a Trump follower.

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And apparently they don't hear the "go home idiots" message from the locals.

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Which is pretty funny since they themselves are hardcore MAGA country.

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I hope they keep their eyes wide open and see what they’re supporting then. I had an experience like that which is why i haven’t been a Republican for a long time now

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I wouldn't hold my breath. I think all they're supporting is hate. They've been (largely because of their own votes) living under Republicans most of their lives, who kept them poor, needy, and stupid.

Which makes them desperate and unable to tell good advice from bad. So they're angry and the GQP appeals to their feelings (chiefly that their situation is the fault of anyone but themselves or their "staunch allies" in the GQP) while simultaneously dismissing the feelings of others ("fuck your feelings.")

Of course the GQP stands with knives out ready to backstab their base for any kind of profit or power but since their average voter is kind of a dimwit, they never catch on.

Even when we explain it to them. Slowly. In small words. Repeatedly.

Like I said, a bit dimwitted.

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Don't forget that all Republicans aren't like these bottom dwellers. The rich and powerful vote Republican. These idiots can do you physical harm, but it's the wealthy and educated Republicans that are ruining the country aided by these clowns.

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Sure is sus that the ultra rich have the same goals as a maga caravan. Someone in the equation is getting played.

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I do know on some level those rich ones have created this terrible Frankenstein they can no longer control. The "new" money probably loves it. The old money is cloistered highly mannerly, if you like that particular kind of cult, but make no mistake, it is as cultist as way lower down the totem pole of life.

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I could apply the same theory that abused children often grow up to be abusing adults because, well, that's really all you know. It takes some hellacious consciousness raising to see it in yourself particularly if you learned it at the knee of a parent, caregiver, or whatever adult had the most to do with your little person life.

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The thing that bothers me a lot, these people breed! I think about their kids and how they will probably never know anything other than hatred. The neighbor that lives below me is a full blown tr*mp supporter. She has two adorable little boys, maybe 5 and 6, and all those poor kids hear all day and into the night is screaming and cussing. I feel so sad for them, what kind of life could they possibly end up having. More than likely, they will be right out there doing the kind of things the jerks in these videos are doing, because, again, hatred is probably all they will ever know.

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You make an excellent point Katherine.

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These are the same union members that vote Republican. They vote for the same people who would turn their state into a Right to Work state. Right To Work laws are based on Jim Crow laws. Chattel laws.

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Exactly. Look at how and what they vote on.

Not what they say. How they vote reveals their true alliances.


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What did amoebas ever do to you? LOL.

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don't malign amoeba's--they are cute!

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Of course they turned on each other. With no one to harass at the border, all that idiocy has to bleed out somewhere.

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The canibalism stage of MAGA.

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We can only hope !

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Yes! Surely they will just devour each other in hate and stupidity.

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They will. Unfortunately, they'll do a lot of damage first.

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Exactly! They TURNED on each other!

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These nitwits are the new and improved version of the Manson family,crazy cultist’s that haven’t gone homicidal just yet,but they seem quite capable of the heater skelter phase if given their leader’s orders to do his maniacal bidding ! Charlie’s maggot meat but ,Donnie lardass isn’t to far different! 🧨🔥🌩️💥

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They normalize violence in their own lives. This shit is their normal.

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Hey Kay!

Lets Grab the FreeDumb Truckers from Ottawa and send them down to Texas, where they can whine and cry to themselves, and tell each other what patriots they are.

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Maybe both halves can meet in like North Dakota for the FreeDum Games hosted by The FreeDum Caucus or some other cabal of stoopidity. Let them take themselves out in a blaze of orange glory?

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Micki Larson Olson, insurrectionist and fond user of hallucinogenic while dressing, is correct about the sex trafficking in America…But failed to realize it’s the Conservative churches, the Catholic Church, the Matt Gaetz’s and Ron DeSantis’ who are the traffickers. Oh and Dear Führer Donald practically raised Coke McSnorts on Epstein Island based on how many frequent flyer miles he racked up on visits.

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“Fond user of hallucinogenic while dressing”, I am 💀

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When assholes collide you get a LOT of shit. Fuckin’ bunch of crazy, dangerous in their ignorance, morons.

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161 days in jail? That MAGA-ISM is pretty entrenched.

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I love that sign though. "Stop child trafficking, God's children are not for sale."

I don't know about stopping child trafficking, but you can sure diminish it by not voting for Republicans. Don't believe me? Ask Matt Gaetz. Or Lady G, I suspect. Drumpf's got some kind of kompromat more important than his evening wear.

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Well, there is Sarah Huckabee in the governor's group fresh off a new law allowing child labor.

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I assure you, I am painfully aware of everything that bitch does outside of a women's room. I can make some guesses about what she does inside but I don't want to know.

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“Every accusation is an admission” never gets old

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Narcissistic projection passed along to the message-carrying dimwits down below, who also, by the way, contribute money they really should hang on to to this pack of flesh-eating jackals.

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Of cours, other people's children are just chattel and even better if they are Latin migrants working in slaughter houses. Never low enough.

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Mary, The cruelty to children, is wide spread and never ending.

I know this is a path for more cruelty, Sarah does too.

Republicans 😤 😤 😤

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wait, didn't god only have one child? and he is most certainly for sale--look at all the money churches bring in.

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Apparently he also had Donald. Are they half-brothers? I'm not sure how family trees work when immaculate conceptions are involved.

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No no no! Remember that God speaks to that nasty lil’ dweeb, Mike Johnson, as if he’s his son. I believe he calls himself “Moses” now.

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Just remember, there's nothing immaculate about this bunch so the thought is so gross one doesn't really want to have it, maybe demons and satan are involved.

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The whole child trafficking line down at the border was manufactured by conservative elites in response to the public viewing them as cold-hearted. It has since morphed into Qanon theology that we all should be aware of at least a tad. Excellent quick primer on all that 'child trafficking' bullshit.


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I don't know that's all it is... given right-wing nutjob proclivities, it's also way too often been a case of accusing the other guy of what evils you've committed yourself. (See any major right-wing church/religious "university" for details.) A Mike Johnson-type just reeks of creepiness.

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You are right. There is always a criminal element among us. But conservative elites carefully crafted the Border crisis into one of a child trafficking cabal versus what it is: people from South America escaping their terrible lives.

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The lie makes their congregations feel better.

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Jim Caveziel? I am not entirely sure he didn't pray himself into a religious psychosis.

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Guarantee you Putin has copies of Epstein's tapes of Trump fucking little teenage girls!

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I've always thought he has tapes of Trump and minor girls. And proof that Trump has been involved in the Russian Mafia money laundering since the 70's - 80's. That pee tape isn't enough to bring Trump down.

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I agree. The pee tape would just get his inbred base to laugh and like him more. He probably should release that one 😏

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"Girls Gone Wild with Real Live Streaming!"

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I’m old enough to remember the pre-MAGA “pro life” movement goading so-called Christians into murdering Dr. Tiller AT HIS CHURCH. These idiots have always been about hate, and there’s a seemingly bottomless pit of White Men With Grievances ready to whispers sweet hate in their stupid fucking ears then set them loose on unsuspecting communities, churches, concerts, nightclubs … you name it and some shitweasle probably has plans to shed blood there. Personally I wish the residents of Eagle Pass would take up their own arms and start firing. I wish the clinic escorts showed up with bulletproof vests and full chambers. Give these assholes a taste of their own medicine. Polite discourse doesn’t and rational thinking doesn’t seem to work. And I’m tired of everyone pussyfooting around these deranged assholes.

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I'm from Boston and I remember the 1994 murders at two nearby women's health clinics where abortions were performed. I also remember (not fondly) the protesters with their blown up photos of aborted fetuses, as though that was a perfectly normal thing to carry around. I never thought they would still be around today.

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True enough. I had a vision issue that caused a referral to a medical office in the same space or local as an abortion clinic. I was hounded mercilessly by "these people " protesting with those signs because I was female of an age range that MIGHT be one of their targets. Just what one needs when you're already anxious about a vision diagnosis and then have these buzzards telling you not to have an abortion and you will regret not having a baby. I got so fucking mad, I turned on them saying I am not pregnant and I am going to an eye specialist- leave me alone! The eye clinic had to move because their patients were so harassed.Really crazy people with a mission. Only one or two got the message but it really grinds my beans, still.

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Just this week, I heard via a pro-abortion podcast I listen to “Feminist Buzzkills” that 3-4 of those assholes actually got convicted of violations of the FACE Act for harassment of clinic clients. A great thing

I highly recommend that podcast

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I think I will check it out. Thanks

Glad to know someone got some action on these self-righteous a-holes.

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A couple of residents with shotguns will run most of them off. Call their bluff.

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Like every bully ever they’re a bunch of crybaby scaredy cats when a true hero stands up against them. I know violence isn’t the answer. But something’s gotta give. Tax their fucking churches. Throw their savior in jail and let them see him without his bronzer and clown suit & whatever that shit on his head is. Pull back the curtain … it’s our country way more than it is theirs.

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I completely agree! 👏👏👏👏👏👏

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I love it, let's do it, before these mothertuckers start a real civil war.

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I truly do not understand why Shitler is free. Why? Anyone who would do what he has done would be in jail. 5 times over. What gives? Who is being paid off? Who has the goods on those chickenshits?

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Under normal circumstances, yeah. But the Obergruppenführer isn't about to let actual residents run off his props and ruin his photo op! If you look behind him & his line of fellow travelers, there are Army guys standing guard. A lot of them. It was the Texas guard who kept the Border Patrol out of the area and they're still there, keeping the Border Patrol at bay. And, of course, keeping Abbott safe.

If a couple of residents went after the Insane MAGAt Army with a shotgun, they wouldn't chase the nutjobs off; instead, they'd be a couple of unidentifiable corpses.

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Abbott =Lone Star Mussolini.

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Points for Charlie.

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Just loving MAGAS turning on each other😀

Thanks Jeff… makes my Monday.

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I’m sensing a new reality TV show, “FUCKWAD APPRENTICE!”

Somebody run and tell Burnett.

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Where is the family of Q Patriot? They need to fetch her and get her institutionalized. 🤦‍♀️ you know, just when I think people can’t be anymore ignorant, Jeff finds footage to prove me wrong. How sad and embarrassing for America.

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Where are Marlon Perkins and Jim Fowler when you need them?

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HA! I can hear Marlon now... "Well, Jim, we've managed to see the wild Q in her own habitat, staking out her territory by camouflaging herself in a spectacular display of materials she stole from the Craft Department of Hobby Lobby". 😳

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Excuse me Ma'am....what sort of fetish do you have to need 666 yards of ribbon?

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Hobby Lobby employees know way better than to ask about fetishes!

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I cant even imagine! 🤣🤣🤣

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Oh boy!!😂😂😂😂😂😄😂

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It's extremely hard to get anyone institutionalized (unless you're black and being sent to prison). They got rid of mental hospitals decades ago. You can't get someone hospitalized unless they want to kill themselves, and even then it's only for a few days. As a mental health counselor, I know lots of families who would do anything to get their mentally ill family member some help. It doesn't happen.

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But can the media just stop giving them a mic and a stage? It’s what they yearn for. And the media yearns for clicks at the price of our democracy. Journalists are not professionals, they are mostly just hacks.

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I actually wrote on this exact topic if you have two minutes.


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Saw that previously, and liked it then too!

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Ha! And now the senior moments start...

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"Q Patriot" ignores the fact that the 90,000 missing kids was under Stephen Miller's direction. That her God Emperor was found liable of rape of one woman, been credibly accused by others, including some who were underage, while she's agin children being raped.

Q needs a baseball bat applied to his head (I know: it's a father/son duo:in the Phillippines on 8 chan)

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What the actual fuck is that woman wearing ? I'm almost fascinated by the hat with the streamers, almost. But wait, she has a flag... 🙄


Don't these people have anything better to do ?

Like, go home.....?

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No. This is their calling in life. lol

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How about actually WORKING for a living? How do these fucknuts survive and support themselves?

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Being the welfare queens they bitch about.

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Someone needs to explain to her (outside of dressing like a bumper sticker for Halloween 7/24) that Trump

Is responsible for the missing children when he destroyed families splitting them up and sending the kids away from the parents (most likely selling them to barren parents) without any tracking mechanism

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I’m so fucking confused! The economy under sleepy brandon is so bad that these fuck sticks have the time, and money, to drive their $80,000 pick up trucks to Texas, drive around in circles with gas costing “more than it ever did under trump because we were energy independent” (narrator-it did not and we were not), and harass the people who are just trying to live their lives in that shit hole state????? These fucking morons are the most gullible fools in the fucking universe! And what the fuck is that woman, dressed in who the fuck knows what, blathering on about sEX tRAfFiCKinG????? JFC my head hurts and it’s only Monday! My gawd!

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They were all raised on "Christian Radio" programming across the bible belt. Some of these networks are not run be Christians or theologians or even by people that have ever lived in this country. You listen to right wing propaganda your entire life, this is what you might expect.

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My thoughts exactly

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Oh GOD! I got the fuck out of that state in 2022 after living there for fifty years! It is a shit hole and is getting shittier by the minute as long as that fascist Abbott is running the show. There are so many stupid people in that state as evidenced by this little video. “You’re not even from Texas! You’re from California!” This is parroted constantly in that state and most of those idiots have never even been to California or even left the state. As the Republicans run some of the most vile, evil and stupid mostly men through their corrupt government, they have managed to co-opt school boards, churches, libraries… you name it. I will never live there again. It is a terrible place full of morons and hateful Christians.

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I live in central Mexico. Lots of escapee Texans down here.

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It might have been an interesting place, say during the time of Gov. Ann Richards but like other states (WI, my home state previously known as Progressive!) It was gerrymandered beyond recognition -terrible. Perhaps the population was more suggestive to meanness and hate of"the other"! Is this an easy move from the previously Hawkish, anti-communism platform of the past? Because they certainly have forgotten the Cold War and what was old fashion "Christian values". Just tell people Putin's not so bad but those people across the river, well let's just hate them, then using razor-wire is no biggie.

Thank you shitheels like Abbott and that freak, Tucker Carlson to name just 2. Certainly a Senator like Ted Cruz is universally despised.

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I feel bad for the residents of Eagle Pass. They seem to have a bipedal locust infestation. They can thank Grupenfuhrer Abbott, right-wing media, Emperor Shitstain, and his sycophants for this. And you're still saying you'll vote Republican??🤔🤔😡

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Oh, I see Arkansas Annie Governor! Of course she would show up in her "Texas clothes." They don't want you down there with your work children laws. Wonder if anyone has partaken of the Trucker Baptism offerings.

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America's crosseyed governor.🥴

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It's what happens when you take Nyquil and Dayquil at the same time.

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Super robotripping.

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I almost didn't recognize her. She seems to have... slimmed down. The pic isn't large enough to see if she still sports the smoky eye though.

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Ozempic. They're all using it because, well, beef on the hoof is a real thing for some of them.

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she def had work done so later she could stare her run for Pres.

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Oh, so this morning they said Noem and Scott in S.C. are being considered for Trump's token veeps who will obey. He probably better not choose Noem. She loves guns and such.

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Did you see her infomercial for her teeth, complete with closeups of her mouth?? omg what a c***.😂

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I did and there were some other infomercials she's dong too. She is bizarre. But then again, Republican.

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Another day reading Jeff’s post and instant-reflexively saying to myself, “JFC, JFC, JFC!”

The MAGAts I love the best are the ones who wear underpants to cover their faces!

So far, these are on my list as causes of MAGA “imbecilism”:

1) KKKlucker KKKarlson

2) Rush Bimbo (thank God that scumbag died)

3) Pat Robertson (thank God that scumbag died)

4) Fake Prophet Franklin Graham

5) Shithead serial philanderer Newt Gingrich

6) Racist parents

7) Fox(aganda) News (the only news network, ever, to be forced to pay almost a billion dollars for knowingly and repeatedly lying to its viewers

8) Racist, white supremacist, “America First” fake-news networks such as NewsMax and OANN.

9) Disgusting, lie-laden MAGAt-dipshit websites such as AmGreatness, DailyCaller (and there are many others)

10) White supremacism

11) Homeschooling

12) Inbreeding

13) America’s Presidential Accident and Disgrace, Liar, Fraud, Con, Traitor, Scumbag, Sex Abuser, Serial Defamer Donald Adolf Trump

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14. Decades of conservative talk radio crying about how middle class, privileged white Americans are Victims

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Much of it broadcast on "Christian" radio, where everything is perceived to be God's truth. Problem is, the networks are not owned by Christians. They may not even be Americans.

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One of the biggest, Sinclair, is blatantly conservative.

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Thank you, I've added that one to my master list!

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All accurate. Great list!

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