Hey Jeff, how about we all dress up in shark costumes and go to the next Trumpp rally and sit in the front row? We can chant the Jaws theme together. Duhduh duhduh . . .
If you think you can stand sitting at a Trump rally without wanting to put a screwdiver in your ear, go ahead and release a bunch of Energizer Bunnies.
I considered adding a line "is Donny digging the Panama Canal in the basement of his golf motel?" but rejected it as too obscure even for my super-sharp commenters
It's a favorite in our house so I would have caught it. My favorite quote for describing my family comes from that play, "Insanity runs in my family. It practically gallops."
I won't spoil the joke for you -- just find the movie. The play is hilarious (even when school kids do it) and the movie has a great cast. I think this was one of Cary Grant's funniest...
Teddy’s a crazy guy running around in circles. Running upstairs to who knows where or for what … as The Felon said he had to run upstairs first The Afghanistan thing.
I was in ARSENIC AND OLD LACE in High School (I played the drunk plastic surgeon who made Mortimer's older brother Jonathan look like Boris Karloff—a joke that was funnier in the original stage show where Jonathan was played by Karloff!), so yes I got it.
I also got the "Land Shark" joke, partly because I'm co-writing a comedy thriller about a SEAL team fighting genetically-modified Land Sharks in the Iraqi Desert, courtesy of Dr. Ellen Griswold! (Probably have to change the name, and the references to her late husband, Clark. And yes, if Beverly D'Angelo played her my day would be made....)
The MSM does seem determined to protect Trump while going after Biden, don't they? I understand the NY TIMES's pettiness in that regard, but what's the WaPo's excuse? Are Trump tax breaks for the superrich THAT good?
I'm going to reveal an unbelievably guilty secret. Russia makes available a lot of old American movies for free. Here's the link to Arsenic and Old Lace.
On Roku or whatever device you use, you can watch old classic movies on Watch TCM, Retro Reels or Prime Video. Also, if you still have cable, you can just TCM. They show ‘Arsenic and Old Lace’ regularly.
Cabaret isn’t on Netflix anymore, but you can rent it for $3.79 on Prime Video. Also, if you’re looking for a film to stream you can look it up on IMBd and they will tell you where it’s streaming.
I have it on DVD. One of my all time favorites. Strangely, one of the things I love about it is one of the things I hate about our current timeline. I love how Cary Grant is freaking out about everything, but everybody else is just oblivious and acting like it's all normal. It can begin to make you think YOU'RE the one who's crazy.
Also, before I watched it for the first time, I had only ever seen Cary Grant in dramas. I was surprised that he was so good at comedy. Of course, he was the straight man in that movie. (I don't mean his sexual orientation.)
Trump was on Fox and Friends last week, and he spoke really fast, like a guy on speed. I expect he'll be similarly hopped-up (on goofballs!) at the debate--assuming he actually attends, and doesn't (as I expect he will) bail out.
My wish also , resulting in permanent aphasia at the VERY LEAST. The sound of his voice is nauseating and his words are beyond comprehension. On second thought, the heart attack is also a good option with some enormously loud sharts prior.
An important reminder that whether behind the doors. In front of them. Under the doors. With or without Jim Morrison and the Doors. Trump is an incompetent narcissist, a corrupt, convicted fraud.
Now thinking we're on the Titanic, the 2024 election is the iceberg, and we are fighting with Putin, MAGA/GOP, the Supremely Corrupt Court of the US, and the Trump disorganized crime family over who will steer.
if Trump is with them, that would only last long enough to get onto the boat, then he'd have his goons just toss all the women but the ones that look like young Ivana/Ivanka/Marla/Melania/E Jean Carroll/Stormy Daniels. (He DOES have a type). And if there's still not enough room, he'll toss Jr & Eric too...
just wondering, does everyone get the Teddy Brewster reference in the gif I used in this post?
Hey Jeff, how about we all dress up in shark costumes and go to the next Trumpp rally and sit in the front row? We can chant the Jaws theme together. Duhduh duhduh . . .
I like it
Even worse, play Baby Shark…
We could also sway from side to side to try to make him seasick. In between, we can chant pro-Trump slogans, so no one gets suspicious.
Your devious Kathleen!
If you think you can stand sitting at a Trump rally without wanting to put a screwdiver in your ear, go ahead and release a bunch of Energizer Bunnies.
Arsenic and Old Lace. He thought he was the president
I considered adding a line "is Donny digging the Panama Canal in the basement of his golf motel?" but rejected it as too obscure even for my super-sharp commenters
It's a favorite in our house so I would have caught it. My favorite quote for describing my family comes from that play, "Insanity runs in my family. It practically gallops."
I wouldn’t have gotten that one either JT. Too dull witted and shallow minded. I just like all the dirty words. Pretty lowbrow, I know.
You're not alone here! :)
I have directed that play so I know I would have laughed my ass off.
Now that’s really funny!! “Charge!”😂
Thanks, Jeff, as always.
I think if they got the first reference, then the second would have been a natural.
It sounds like a pretty good joke. Yes, I'm ignorant, but could somebody explain it?
I'll go watch "Arsenic and Old Lace." It's been on my list for years, I hacen t gotten around to it.
I won't spoil the joke for you -- just find the movie. The play is hilarious (even when school kids do it) and the movie has a great cast. I think this was one of Cary Grant's funniest...
It's aged, but aged well.
Yeah. Good edit. What's the equivalent in delusional today, aside from 99% of the people in a news comments section?
Thanks! I didn’t know it.
I’m an old movie junkie. Especially Cary Grant and Bette Davis
It's really too bad Boris Karloff's contract wouldn't allow him to be in the movie. Although the actor that played that part DID look like him.
Raymond Massey
Not that much— I really wish Karloff had gotten to play the part, so we'd have a record of him in a role written for him.
That was my first thought - digging the Panama Canal in the basement. I loved arsenic and old lace.
Me too!!
Arsenic and Old Lace.
YES! My daughter played Aunt Abby in her middle school production. "He's a Methodist!"
Teddy’s a crazy guy running around in circles. Running upstairs to who knows where or for what … as The Felon said he had to run upstairs first The Afghanistan thing.
I’m a Cary Grant addict so yes I recognize it.
I was in ARSENIC AND OLD LACE in High School (I played the drunk plastic surgeon who made Mortimer's older brother Jonathan look like Boris Karloff—a joke that was funnier in the original stage show where Jonathan was played by Karloff!), so yes I got it.
I also got the "Land Shark" joke, partly because I'm co-writing a comedy thriller about a SEAL team fighting genetically-modified Land Sharks in the Iraqi Desert, courtesy of Dr. Ellen Griswold! (Probably have to change the name, and the references to her late husband, Clark. And yes, if Beverly D'Angelo played her my day would be made....)
The MSM does seem determined to protect Trump while going after Biden, don't they? I understand the NY TIMES's pettiness in that regard, but what's the WaPo's excuse? Are Trump tax breaks for the superrich THAT good?
A hilarious reference. Funny how those moments reappear just when you need them.
Hmmm.... I didn't know, but I do now! Gotta watch the movie now.
unfortunately it isn't streaming anywhere for free right now, but it's a cheap rental
I'm going to reveal an unbelievably guilty secret. Russia makes available a lot of old American movies for free. Here's the link to Arsenic and Old Lace.
How do you find these movies? Use the Duckduckgo search engine. Type in the movie title, select video, and look for the ok.ru channel.
I used to be afraid that the Kremlin would infect my computer via these movies, but it hasn't seemed to happen.
ok.ru has many old movies that are available on no other channel.
On Roku or whatever device you use, you can watch old classic movies on Watch TCM, Retro Reels or Prime Video. Also, if you still have cable, you can just TCM. They show ‘Arsenic and Old Lace’ regularly.
I want to see Cabaret (film) again. Where can i find that? It's on on Netflix.
Cabaret isn’t on Netflix anymore, but you can rent it for $3.79 on Prime Video. Also, if you’re looking for a film to stream you can look it up on IMBd and they will tell you where it’s streaming.
I have it on DVD. One of my all time favorites. Strangely, one of the things I love about it is one of the things I hate about our current timeline. I love how Cary Grant is freaking out about everything, but everybody else is just oblivious and acting like it's all normal. It can begin to make you think YOU'RE the one who's crazy.
Also, before I watched it for the first time, I had only ever seen Cary Grant in dramas. I was surprised that he was so good at comedy. Of course, he was the straight man in that movie. (I don't mean his sexual orientation.)
Cary Grant was an amazingly graceful, physically athletic comedian. Loved him.
Cary Grant is considered a comic actor. He’s only been in a couple of dramas like his Hitchcock films.
Because he was in mostly comedies, he never won an Oscar because the Academy didn’t recognize comedies as important. He was bi.
He was good in "Operation Petticoat". "We've sunk a truck!"
😂 I love that movie.
I look forward to the diversion!!
Got it right away! Arsenic and Old Lace is one of my favorite films.
Totally! And it's spot-on! :)
Excellent movie! Charge!
Oh yes. Arsenic and Old Lace.
Sorry, no.
Please, please, please let him have a complete mental breakdown during the debate.
Someone should yell, “SHARK!” And run.
Excellent. Maybe Biden should say, "at least while we're at this debate we don't have to worry about a SHARK ATTACK!"
And early on in the debate. Throw him off balance. Activate the gibberish button.
And keep doing it. Even if Trump "doesn't really think there's a shark in the tv studio," it will play as open mockery, which will have an effect.
👍YES. holler SHARK!!!! about every four sentences. He may have to leave the stage to be administered some “sedatives” by his physician, Ronny.
Trump was on Fox and Friends last week, and he spoke really fast, like a guy on speed. I expect he'll be similarly hopped-up (on goofballs!) at the debate--assuming he actually attends, and doesn't (as I expect he will) bail out.
did you know ronny was demoted by whatever branch of the military he was in?
Yes, ronnie johnson , right?? 🤣😆😂
His physician, Ronny Johnson, you mean.
Some Jaws music clips to set the mood too!
Or just have Biden murmur "bum-bum, bum-bum," etc., in that Jaws-y way, every time his mic goes hot.
He's GOT to do that! That's perfect.
I LOVE this! It would be hilarious if Biden could randomly use and emphasize the word in his answers.
Yes! "There's a difference between the deficit and the debt. Let's say there are two sharks..."
They need to hire you before June 27!
Love this. Brilliant.
LOL. That would be awesome! 😂😂
And play the jaws music as they enter the stage! 😂 🦈
I had something worse than mind.
Some sharting?
Some heart attacking. Fatal heart attacking...
My wish also , resulting in permanent aphasia at the VERY LEAST. The sound of his voice is nauseating and his words are beyond comprehension. On second thought, the heart attack is also a good option with some enormously loud sharts prior.
Definitely aphasia.
if he's holding a golf club that would be a two stroke penalty!!
The problem is, he always wins his rounds of golf, even if he’s dead.
Like a real shark?
To start with!
How would we tell?
Great reply to the prayer above ..."please let him have a complete mental breakdown during the debate". "How would we tell?".
Short of ripping off his clothes and running down the aisle naked, I’m not sure how anyone could tell!
He has on a diaper !
He's already had a mental breakdown....
Thanks Jeff -
An important reminder that whether behind the doors. In front of them. Under the doors. With or without Jim Morrison and the Doors. Trump is an incompetent narcissist, a corrupt, convicted fraud.
Even floating on top of a door (Titanic).
Good point Kathleen.
Now thinking we're on the Titanic, the 2024 election is the iceberg, and we are fighting with Putin, MAGA/GOP, the Supremely Corrupt Court of the US, and the Trump disorganized crime family over who will steer.
No, they'l be putting on women's clothing and sneaking into the lifeboats.
if Trump is with them, that would only last long enough to get onto the boat, then he'd have his goons just toss all the women but the ones that look like young Ivana/Ivanka/Marla/Melania/E Jean Carroll/Stormy Daniels. (He DOES have a type). And if there's still not enough room, he'll toss Jr & Eric too...
# that didn’t stop him from getting elected 8 years ago!!! HELPPPPP