author who interviewed Trump confirms Donny is even more brain-damaged than we knew
behind closed doors, Donny is a dilapidated dumpster fire
Donny Convict’s brain has gone buh-bye. this is glaringly obvious to anyone who isn’t drunk as a skunk on MAGA kool-aid.
watch any of the clips of Donny’s speeches that go around social media and you’ll marvel at the smoking crater where Trump’s cerebral cortex used to be. the verbal tics, the short circuits, the confusions and delusions — the bizarre obsessions with Hannibal Lecter, and sharks and batteries, for fuck’s sake — the version of Donald Trump that the public gets to see is pretty fucking alarming.
but now we’re learning that these are actually Donny’s good moments. behind closed doors, the deteriorating old shitbag is so much worse.
journalist Ramin Setoodeh has written a book about Donald Trump, called “Apprentice in Wonderland.” for the book, he interviewed Donny six times — and the things he witnessed were not pretty.
“Donald Trump had severe memory issues. as the journalist who spent the most time with him, I have to say he couldn’t remember things. he couldn’t even remember me. we spent an hour together in 2021, in May, and then a few months later I went back to Trump Tower to talk to him about his time in the White House and he had this vacant look on his face, and I said to him ‘do you remember me?’ and he said no. he had no recollection of our lengthy interview that we had. I think the American public needs to see this portrait of Donald Trump because this shows what he is like and who he is.”
so, Donny had zero memory of a guy he’d recently spent hours with.
let’s compare that to what Robert Hur said to Joe Biden after his interviews with Joe.
“you appear to have a photographic understanding and recall.”
yeah. I’ll take the guy with the photographic memory over the rotting old dipshit who can’t remember five minutes ago.
Donny’s grasp on reality was never that firm, but now what’s left of his brain is in free-fall.
“I’ve interviewed Donald Trump more than any other journalist since he’s left the White House … he goes from one story to the next, he struggles with the chronology of events … there were some cognitive questions … he would from time to time become confused … he confidently told me and declared that Joan Rivers voted for him when he ran for president — and Joan Rivers died in 2014.”
look, it’s just an indication of how popular Trump is — dead people will rise from their graves just for the chance to vote for him.
now check out this fucktangle of batshit. apparently Donny thinks he still runs the world.
“he also seemed to think that he still had some foreign policy powers. there was one day where he told me he needed to go upstairs to deal with Afghanistan, even though he clearly didn’t.”
Kaitlan Collins: “he told you that while you were interviewing him at Trump Tower, he told you he needed to go upstairs and deal with Afghanistan?”
“with quote ‘the Afghanistan’ is how he referred to it.”
hey, here’s a fun thing you can try out in your own home: the next time you’re with friends or family, interrupt them mid-sentence and announce that you have to go upstairs and deal with “the Afghanistan.” see how quickly they start googling for a good neurologist.
now let’s check in with the mainstream media. this is a juicy story and I’ll bet they’re all over it. front page news, am I right?
well, the New York Times reviewed the book. does the Times bring up Donny’s cognitive issues? no, they pretty much gloss over it.
The dullest parts of the book are his interviews with Trump, whose incontinent monologues meander from memories of being on set more than a decade ago to flagrant lies about winning the 2020 election.
ok, how about the Washington Post? actually, their review starts out pretty promisingly.
At Trump Tower in August 2021, journalist Ramin Setoodeh was listening to Donald Trump natter on about how much he had helped the late comedian Joan Rivers. Suddenly, pointing to his office, Trump announced, “I have to get back up because, you know, I’m doing the whole thing with the Afghanistan.”
but then they drop it, and never get back to it.
let’s suppose that the shoe were on the other foot. imagine how the press would react, for instance, if someone called Joe Biden an “elderly man with a poor memory” — oh wait, we don’t have to imagine.
we all saw the weeks-long feeding frenzy that exploded after Robert Hur released his report exonerating Joe Biden in the classified document matter.
Hur smeared Biden as broken-down old man with a decaying brain and the press gobbled it right up. the media couldn’t get enough of this story — and it wasn’t even true. the whole thing was a fucking lie invented by a MAGA operative who was just making shit up, because he wanted to damage Joe Biden politically — but that didn’t stop every newspaper and cable channel in America from demanding that Biden drop out of the presidential race.
but if it’s Donald Trump, with a credible journalist making a first-hand observation?
Donny Rottenbrain is out wandering where the buses don’t run, insisting that dead celebrities voted for him and that right now, he’s urgently needed to go deal with “the Afghanistan” — and what do we get from the press?
crickets. fucking crickets.
Donny held a hate-rally last night, and you’ll never guess what subject he couldn’t stop talking about.
“look at that beautiful lake. beautiful, right? what’s better — this, or sitting on the Pacific or the Atlantic, which has sharks. you don’t have sharks, see? that’s a big advantage. I’ll take the one without the sharks.”
jesus, again with the sharks. what the fuck is it with Donny and sharks?
did you know that an irrational fear of sharks is known as galeophobia?
Galeophobia is characterized by an overwhelming and persistent fear of sharks. Those experiencing this condition may lack the ability to rationally perceive the danger sharks pose to them, leading them to participate in behaviors to avoid these animals. This phobia typically results in symptoms including a rapid heart rate, shortness of breath, shaking, hyperventilation, nausea, and dizziness. Feelings of intense anxiety and a loss of control, insomnia, and nightmares may also occur.
There are many methods available for treating galeophobia, several of which involve the help of a mental health professional.
fuck getting Trump professional help — I have a better idea.
do you think that Chevy Chase still has his “land shark” costume from his Saturday Night Live days? could we pay Chevy to dress up as Land Shark and knock on Donny’s door?
Chevy, a grateful nation would owe you a debt of gratitude if you did this.
just wondering, does everyone get the Teddy Brewster reference in the gif I used in this post?
Please, please, please let him have a complete mental breakdown during the debate.