Jeff, I watched Popok’s commentary about the situation yesterday, one of the Meidas Touch videos, - and he didn’t know...and neither does Jamie Raskin at this point. It’s anyone’s guess how it goes down so it’ll be a “wait and see”. It is concerning, that’s for sure. I live in Miami, a few miles away from that courthouse but I won’t get near that area. An article in today’s Miami Herald is titled: “The New Abnormal: Will Trump indictments become routine in GOP Primary?” <---That too, is quite concerning. We can only hope that somehow, someway, Trump goes down and this nightmare-chapter in our history is finally over.

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I have a suspicion that there are more charges to come, new charges that will dwarf the 37 we know about.

That document that Fat Ass was waving around, the plans for an invasion of Iran? It's gone missing. That was probably at the highest level of secrecy, and it can't be found. And there are probably others.

Call me a conspiracy theorist but between Trump's complete lack of morals, his greed, and his belief in his own invulnerability to the law, I cannot see any reason to believe he would not sell documents to hostile foreign governments. And that is treason.

I nurture hope that he arrives on Tuesday and is told of new charges, that he is remanded into custody without possibility of bail.

Let the beards howl. Let them charge the courthouse. And let them be mowed down like bowling pins.

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That Iran document? That's what the Saudis paid Jared $2 billion for; that and probably Israeli nuclear secrets.

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I see matters in the same light. Though I believe Jared did one additional favor for MBS.

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I'm sure he did.

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And the UAE, which is now hostile to the Biden Admin. Something criminal went down between the UAE and Trump & Kushner. I hope The War Criminal Investigator looks into this. It would not take much, calling in Kushner to explain this and the 2 billion as well.

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It’s not as though Kushner is some investing genius. He’s a self-impressed kid born into wealth and his slumlord career is despicable.

He did something dirty for that money and I’d bet that at one point he was biting MBS’ pillow.

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So smart.. didn’t even know Jared was paid $2 Billion. Blood money, ill-gotten goods, they will not prosper.

These people would grift off their own grandkids.. treasonous and greed filled.

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Every time I think I have a handle on the bottomless greed and depravity of Trump and Jared, it is still shocking to see someone else put it into words. I wonder if even our wildest thoughts and guesses even scratch the surface of what they've done!

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Jun 11, 2023·edited Jun 11, 2023

Does anyone know if there still may be charges pending in DC over the ‘stolen’ documents. The Sociopathic orange pustule deliberately took boxes and boxes and boxes of documents with him when leaving the White House. Are there witnesses in DC who saw him putting anything/everything into boxes and ordering them to be carted away to his ‘vermin infested golf motel’? Wouldn’t this also be worthy of an indictment unto itself? He obviously knew at the time that they didn’t belong to him and were meant to be turned over.

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There are dozen if pictures. And when he knew the subpoena was issued he had some cartons moved around and hidden.

They were in unlocked rooms all over his roach motel. He bragged about their secrecy.

You or I would be before a firing squad.

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You're not just a loudmouth. You're OUR loudmouth. Happy Sunday.

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Absolutely. Damn it Lol

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Firstly, if she was chosen ‘randomly’ I’ll eat my shirt in McDonald’s window.

Secondly, having learned nothing, the prosecution is bending over backwards to seem FAIR, ffs.

And finally if anyone thinks DeSantis will help things move smoothly in his state to get rid of the barstard (sic), a gentle reminder that in Florida, compared to Trump, DeSantis is relatively powerless.

Maybe I’m just feeling extra cynical today, or maybe I’m just damaged from watching a raging criminal blow past law after law with the full approval and support of his political party and the unholy wealthy people who back it.

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With knowing that. I am a little worried because he always seems to get what the fuck he wants!! That Teflon idiot just squirms and squeezes his orange blobbular ass through everything!! That mental reject, pos, sociopath, bastard just keeps on ticking the fuck out of every Democrat who breaths air!

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Serial abuser of the legal system to be sure. The MAGAs are right. There are 2 systems of justice in the good ol USA. But it's not between the Left and the Right. It's between the rich and the poor. Thank God for Ben Crump.

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LOL! Blobbular!

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An Orange Blobbular Shoggoth.

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But that is a horrible insult to Shoggoths.

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A challenge to all readers.

Find a picture of Smile Girl Aileen Cannon where she does not look like a complete fucking idiot.

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I can’t find one. Every frickn picture I find she’s a fucken smiling freak of nature.

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Down with Cannon. I dont' think we have anything to worry about but I've been saying that since 2016 and I've been wrong most of the time.

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We’re going to be seeing a lot of the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals.

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I understand! Same here! I’m exhausted.

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That's the word, exhausted.

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I sure hope you are correct about one of the two scenarios whereby she is not the presiding judge...but, Floriduh

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I've read comments on other reporting about this from lawyers who litigate in the fed court system, and they're all pretty adamant that the case will be reassigned to a more senior lawyer. She'll preside over the initial assignment of the case for acceptance to the court docket, and any early filings/pleadings/motions. BUT....for the actual trial the most likely scenario is it will go to a more senior judge. Also, that judge will not be picked by the 11th circuit, but the chief justice of the Southern District of Florida.

But....let's just wait and see. I personally seriously doubt she'll be the presiding judge in a trial of this magnitude, given the visibility of it all.

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Let's hope not a loose Cannon or her court superiors will have to muzzle her. Judge who ran Rittenhouse trial a bona fide bigoted POS as was defendant

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Yes he was!! I live in the city that the Rittenhouse trial took place! I know who the fuck Schroeder is..a googly eyed, idiot sleezebag who did exactly what he intended to! He was so fucking proud of himself 🔥🧨

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I’m worried about trial delays which take us to the election in 2024. Florida has a rocket docket but she can deny Justice’s request and drag her heals as long as she wants

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I vote DOJ request her recusal. She got booted by 11th circuit previously when she proved her bias.

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I hate autocorrect: heels 👠 not heals. Fuck not duck 🦆

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Don’t worry. Most of us are perfectly literate in Autocorrect and the rest of us can’t spell anyway.

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Great response!

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I matter how many times you use naughty words, autocorrect will change them.

I hate that.

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In the legal world, nobody expects this to happen before the election. I really don't think it will and I'm not sure we should want it to. They're already yelling political prosecution and they've done their damage to DOJ and FBI. They've done everything they could to discredit them to bring them down so Trump doesn't seem any worse than they are. It doesn't work with people who think but we've found out millions of Americans do not think.

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So if we believe Governor Sununu, Trump will be the Republican nominee and he will lose the election. And the charges will still be extant and boy, can we go after that criminal then. And he is going to have building anxiety as we go.

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I have seen enough of Aileen Cannon to know without any doubt that she will have an agenda of throwing out the case of The People vs. Donald Trump.

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if cannon had the brains god* gave a rock she would bend over backwards this time to run her court like trump was just your average joe criminal in need of housing in a public prison. ( * we don't actually believe in god or that he hands out brains randomly or otherwise, it's whatchacall an expression)

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Well, around news sources since she was announced as drawing this one it has been pointed out numerous times she might not want to put herself in that position when she goes this time. She got blistered on her rulings and stupid shit last time. Not that that stops the MAGAs.

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She may indeed HAVE the brains that (your deity’s name here) gave a rock. How else could she be a MAGAt?

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I am of the belief that when Jack Smith chose to file in Florida, he and others would have considered the possibility of her being assigned. I wonder what kind of preparation they have to counteract this.

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An open and shut case that even Cannon can’t sweep under the rug. Pretty sure Jack Smith has confidence in his case. Even a MAGA or two on the jury will likely see this is serious stuff.

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Your “legal jargon...” wouldn’t have it any other way!

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Couple of quick points.. 1 Judge Cannon was shut down and possibly embarrassed by the rulings of the 11 Circuit, I don’t believe her fealty to Trump will cause her to make other favorable rulings in Donald’s case. She does have choices, maybe at this point she will become more circumspect of her actions. 2. The speaking indictments for all to read are rather simple, explaining in lay terms what the charges and evidence produced. 3. I will note that I see in Donald’s very short future, such as Monday, the crashing of fine white china dishes at the bug infested shitty golf motel, probably at his famous omelette bar where the plans to invade Iran were “secured” and viewing the wall in his private dining room that is oozing in ketchup with again..... many shattered bottles, McDonalds wrappers on the floor.

where is Mel? Is she with RICO the pool boy? Is she going to bring back her super duper coat “I really don’t care” inquiring minds want to know. Finally, Will MAGA riot Tuesday in Miami?

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You think she won’t risk her career for Trump? There are people serving time in prison for doing his bidding who still believe he’s their messiah. MAGAts are over the top.

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Look at Cannon’s vapid face. She doesn’t have a reflective bone in her body. She is a complete fucking Smile idiot.

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I'm spending far too much time telling ppl to calm the fuck down about Aileen Cannon. She will not be the trial judge. https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2023/6/9/2174445/-MeidasTouch-host-Ben-Meiselas-Explains-Why-Judge-Aileen-Cannon-Will-Be-Recused

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though to be thoroughly pedantic, one can't *be* recused, one can only recuse oneself

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The DOJ will file a motion and she will be ordered to recuse by the same panel that has already admonished her. It's not an extraordinary move, happens all the time. And yes, your repsonse was thoroughly pedantic and somewhat tedious.

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.... which is why I love him ❤️

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Jeff is NEVER tedious.

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She’s a trump lover a maga pig woman! I don’t think she will recuse herself she’s all there for orange dumpty do orange fat ass.

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That isn’t pedantry, Jeff. People need to learn what words mean. Language is all we have and definitions are a contract.

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How much time will this give Donald Trump to run roughshod over the 2024 election?

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