Aileen Cannon will preside over the Trump documents trial. how much should we be worried?
Judge Cannon is — not to put too fine a point on this — a Trump-loving dipshit
you no doubt remember Aileen Cannon. she was the judge who handled the lawsuit filed by Donald Trump challenging the FBI’s search of his shitty Florida golf motel. Cannon, an inexperienced far-right ideologue who was appointed by Trump, did everything she could to tip the scales of justice in favor of Donald — pretty much derailing the investigation to the point where the 11th Circuit intervened and — please excuse the legal jargon here — told her to sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up.
well, hold onto your hats, because the Big Wheel of Palm Beach Justice has been spun, and it landed on Judge Cannon. she has been chosen at random (because that’s the way it’s done) to preside over the Trump documents trial.
how much should we be worried?
Aileen Cannon is a Trump-loving dipshit.
so, how badly can she fuck this up? well, theoretically, a lot. a judge has a shitload of leeway in how a trial proceeds — what evidence is permissible, that sort of thing.
being assigned a sympathetic judge is exactly how the obviously-culpable gun-happy Kyle Rittenhouse literally got away with murder.
so, again, how much should be worried?
the answer is: a little bit, but probably not a lot.
she might recuse herself.
or, the 11th Circuit — who is already at the end of their patience with Judge Cannon — could remove her and assign the trial to another judge.
here’s attorney Michael Popok, making a persuasive case that either of those scenarios are likely to happen:
but, for the sake of argument, let’s presume that Judge Cannon neither recuses nor is removed, and presides over the trial.
this will be the highest-profile case of her career. the whole world will have its eyes on her. she’s already been publicly embarrassed multiple times by the 11th Circuit.
there’s going to be a lot of pressure on her to not make a fool of herself.
and the sheer amount of evidence against Trump is just overwhelming. oh lordy, there are tapes. and the stupid fuck just can’t stop confessing on his crappy app.
I don’t think we — or Jack Smith, the guy who convicts war criminals in The Hague — have too much to worry about.
that said, I am not a lawyer or legal expert. I’m just a loudmouth on the internet who does a lot of reading and has way too many opinions. no doubt there will be commenters with actual trial experience who will disagree with me. please do so — I want to hear what you have to say. ready, set — go!
Jeff, I watched Popok’s commentary about the situation yesterday, one of the Meidas Touch videos, - and he didn’t know...and neither does Jamie Raskin at this point. It’s anyone’s guess how it goes down so it’ll be a “wait and see”. It is concerning, that’s for sure. I live in Miami, a few miles away from that courthouse but I won’t get near that area. An article in today’s Miami Herald is titled: “The New Abnormal: Will Trump indictments become routine in GOP Primary?” <---That too, is quite concerning. We can only hope that somehow, someway, Trump goes down and this nightmare-chapter in our history is finally over.
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