My day was absolutely glorious. I chose to spend this holiday alone, and my meal of desire was nachos! It was filled with peace, quiet, and a large heap of reading for my soul. I am planning more of these.

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The only way to do it, in my opinion. Gave up on big gatherings long ago in favor of taking my family--two elderly dogs--for a peaceful walk around the local park. Ahhhh, sweet peace and freedom from TV football games!

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Nov 24, 2023·edited Nov 24, 2023

Your day sounds a lot like mine; peace and tranquility are the greatest gifts in this insane world.

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I love it! Good for you for doing what you wanted to do on a day of mandatory gatherings and face-stuffing. Similar deal at my house. We ate like we usually do, enjoyed the peaceful, quiet vibe of the day. I read a good thriller.

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This sounds like heaven to me!

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We spent it with my son and his family since they didn’t want to go to his wife’s family Thanksgiving because they are a bunch of drunk, racist, bigoted MAGAts and we are not.

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That makes perfect sense!!

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We had turkey, dressing, cranberry sauce, corn casserole, mashed potatoes, gravy, deviled eggs, salad, rolls, pumpkin pie, and chocolate pie. The best thing there are ZERO Trumpers in my whole family so everyone was happy and we had a good time.

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I wouldn’t mind hearing more about your corn casserole. ;)

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I am interested in the corn casserole as well!!

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Look for John Cope’s Corn. Google it. Or check Amazon. It’s one of the most delicious foods you will ever eat. But look for the casserole recipe. You may need to do that separately. It involves eggs, milk, melted butter, sugar, and Cope’s Corn.

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Corn casserole!! Would you mind sharing the recipe cause that sounds 🤤 delicious 😋

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I googled and came up with the Paula Dean recipe and it was very food!

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Thank you! I just did the same and have printed it out. So simple to make and sounds really good!

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As far as I know, you and I may be the only 2 corn casserole makers out there. Well guess and Paula Deen. Your dinner sounds awesome and I’d only supplement with cranberry orange bread. My casserole is similar to Paula Deens except it also has an egg and 2 tablespoons of very finely chopped yellow onion.

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I had a beautiful drive to my daughter’s place except when the dog barfed and I had to pee so badly from the fabulous coffee I had that I finally pulled off the road to do my business in the trees only to find that there was a rest area in a 1/2 mile. At least the weather was spectacularly clear. Our dinner was fabulous, chef’s kiss to Spawn 1.

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Except for the dog vomit part, btdt on far too many occasions. Only difference now is, were I to squat to do anything, I’d probably fall on my butt back into whatever I’d done. Gone are those good old days of strong legs and knees-weak mind seems to still be intact though.

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I was very proud of myself. I still have it in me to not pee on my shoes.

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I've "popped a squat" in the woods many times. I'm a farm girl! Gotta have a tree to hold onto, though. 😂😂

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Pro-tip: one pant leg completely off and to the side to stay out of the line of fire.

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I camped and hiked a lot when I was younger so got over any squeamishness a long time ago.

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The tree idea is one to keep. Regardless of equipment.

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I was a long-distance runner for many years, and quickly learned the importance of carrying toilet paper in a plastic bag in all practice runs. Beats leaves every time!

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I always keep tissues in the car but agree that tp is more practical.

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I know what you mean. I went horseback riding for the first time in forty years, two days ago. Of course, I had to have help getting on the horse but to my shock and surprise, I could not get off! I had to have someone swing my right leg over the horse's back! Oh well, I had a great day!

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🤣 No surprise at all. In 2004 I was 57 very active years old when my girlfriend and I went for a ride on the back of a good old Tennessee mule down into the Grand Canyon. I probably hadn’t been on the back of any quadruped in 30 years and if memory serves, the half-way point was maybe 3-4 hours down. It was icy at the top so we took it slow for a while. Anyway, you’ve never seen such a bunch of saddle sore people in your life! I’m not sure my butt was even attached to the rest of me! How I made it up to the latrines, was a miracle. We could only laugh about it over dinner and a couple of drinks. So I can sympathize with your shock and surprise. Glad you had fun though. Sometimes pain is worth it.

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Great story. I'm going again next week but am making myself a pair of heavily padded leggings right where I need it!

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Thank you for the tips !!

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Oh god--did you have to ride it back up?

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Sure. You’re safer on the mule’s back on that trail than on your own feet. Besides, when a mule decides to do its “business”, wet or dry, hikers only retreat is up against the canyon wall on a path that’s as wide as a twin bed, if that in places.

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Well, you said your backside was killing you so I thought maybe there was an alternative to another 3-4 hours of pain!

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Well, I’m currently in a very warm part of the world where the idea of eating much at all is sort of revolting BUT I did get a latte and breakfast in bed which made my day perfect.

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I've been there:-)

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When you have to go, you have to go. I have been there. 😊

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Same spot, 1/2 mile from the rest area? They built that thing in the wrong spot.

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Obviously, lol. It was my bad for not checking before I got on the road, but I’m used to areas that have quite a few more. Lesson learned.

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I have vague memories, from a way long time ago, of a late night drive home in San Diego and a Pizza Hut parking lot. ;p

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it's cleaner in the woods than it is in any rest stop!

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The court should agree with desperate Don and accept his property valuations and tax him at the maximum rate. The fines for not filing on the correct valuation could be record breaking history. He says mar a Lago is worth billions of dollars, accept that as fact and penalize him for every year he didn’t pay on that amount. That would turn his orange glow in the dark face beet red and listen to him claim the property’s are worth far less than that....

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That’s a fabulous idea!! Brilliant🙌🏽🤙🏽🙌🏽

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He’s getting tax breaks in Bedminster for grazing a few goats and burying a wife. Melania might panic and run if he needs a maralago tax reduction.

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Or at least she'll avoid staircases.

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Excellent! I’m going to guess and hope that’s quietly in the works!

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Brilliant!!! This is great.

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My husband and I took my daughters and granddaughter out for Thanksgiving which left time for a lovely visit. I am SO GRATEFUL for my children and grandchildren and the people they are. Last year was rough with a cancer diagnosis, changes in employment, and other “life stuff” but still we persisted. Trump wasn’t mentioned all day; may that be our future.

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Sounds like a lovely day and YES may that be our future!

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All over but washing the roasting pan and eating leftovers (the best part). At my age I sometimes wonder if it will be the last time I do a thing, but this one I know - I’ve made my last turkey dinner. I figure even subtracting the Thanksgivings we’ve spent at others’ dining tables I have to have shoved bread and herbs up fifty or more 12 to 18 pound bird bottoms. Enough! No more. Tis not so fun now as it was before. People actually offered to bring food to me this year. From now on I’ll take them up on it. And I’ll be thankful!

Unless Trump is in the White House because I won’t be at home I’ll be locked up with the rest of the furious protesters. Amen

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As I am single, older, and HATE to cook, I went out with friends to the local Chinese Buffet (which was doing a booming business), and we laughed and talked and ate for three hours nonstop. So yes, I had a much, much better Thanksgiving than TFG, irregardless of his stupid “Truths”, which are anything but. Happy Holidays to all!

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We had a quiet lovely meal shared with a friend and neighbor. No politics came up. But later my daughter and I discussed the peril we find ourselves in as Americans. We both will do what we can to organize and get out the vote for democracy. But we understand that even when we win the presidency, the House and Senate as well as flipping state houses and local governments, that will not stop a second insurrection. We are aware of only a little of what extremist orgs like the Federalist Society are doing to prepare for this. We must prepare for this and stop it.

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I spent a quiet afternoon with my husband, who is in memory care. Then went home, poured myself a glass of wine and watched a performance of "Rheingold," the first opera in Wagner's tetralogy, "Ring of the Nibelungen" on You Tube. If anyone is interested, it was streamed from La Monnaie in Brussels and is brilliant.

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Thank you.

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Very quiet, asy hubby of 42 years died in September....but still a beautiful, peaceful day. Thanks and good vibes to all!

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So sorry for your loss. Holidays can be so hard at such times ❤️

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Deepest condolences for your loss... sending positive, healing vibes out into the universe & hope that they find you!! <3

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Thank you!❤️

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Hey Christina hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving . Just sending you a hug today.

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Hang in there Christina. I lost my husband last Memorial Day. We had 45 good years so I know how lonely it can feel, but it gets better. I don’t think people understand how it feels to lose someone you spent probably half your life with to be just gone. I just put one foot forward and pretend he’s there. (Not all the time, even for me that would be cray-cray!)❤️

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I'm sorry for your loss...my Tim passed 3 years ago this coming May and he loved Thanksgiving. Holidays are not easy. Hugs to you. ✌️

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So sorry for your loss Christina ❤️

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May your husband's memory be a blessing.

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Agreed, firsts are so very hard after the loss of a beloved spouse. Hope your memories filled your heart with love.

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My condolences on your recent loss, Christina, and grateful you are here.

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So sorry for your loss. Holidays can be so difficult . Wishing you peace and wonderful memories. ❤️

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As Sweetie was away at a very important spiritual retreat I had dinner twice with 2 different sets of friends.

First at a restaurant and choose steak over turkey and chocolate mousse over pumpkin pie. Much laughter and enough left overs for 2 days.

On to meal number 2, home cooked turkey and all the trimmings with pumpkin pie for dessert. Much joy.

All good friends. All sing in the same blue choir that I do. We did not speak of the orange curse. We did talk about Democracy Awakening by HC Richardson and memories of years past. We spoke of our blessings.

A joyous day.

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just got that book from the Library.....Heather Cox Richardson is a wonderful writer. Glad you had a wonderful day

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I just read through your Substack posts and delightedly subscribed after reading my own viewpoint but much more intelligently and cogently written than I possibly could. Thank you for sharing and making subscription available for free, as of today. Grateful I stumbled upon and found you!

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And thank you for these kind words. So glad to have found another kindred spirit in this wide and sometimes scary world.

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Whew, two meals. I was stuffed with just one. Good for you. Getting all the joy out of life is the best - especially with friends and the family we choose to be with.

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Well I am still full from yesterday. All I have had so far today is a cup of coffee and a banana!

There are leftovers in the fridge that might be dinner tomorrow instead of tonight!

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I am old so I spend most days at home. My children are supposed to come here tomorrow. One has to drive 150 miles. I had spiral ham and mashed potatoes and my copilot gained 5 pounds overnight. I suffered a severe allergy attack from the 100 year old pine trees even though I was outside only a few minutes. No panicking maniacs or doomed despots here. Just a couple old folks thankful to live in the real world.

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Pine tree allergy. That's no fun. Glad you and your co pilot enjoyed your ham dinner. 😊

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My sainted wife cooked the bird and a ham, dressing, and made the gravy. We transported it all to my sister’s place, and had a wonderful dinner. No politics were discussed, even though we held a significant blue majority.

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It was quiet and pleasant. I fixed a lovely pork roast! With all the trimmings. Sun was out. Grateful to have adequate food, clean water, and shelter.

No news. No pos being a pos.

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I'm gonna be honest, I spent most of it in the hospital because my kiddo has RSV and has been here since Tuesday night. Silver lining, she is going home today!

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So sorry to hear this!!! And so glad she's getting out today! Kid illness does NOT abate for holidays, does it? :/ Hope she continues to improve rapidly!!

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Wishes for her speedy and complete recovery! 🫶

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I'm so sorry your daughter was so ill. But so happy for you that she's coming home today.

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Omg! So glad to hear she will go home soon!

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