I would vote for Biden in a 'Weekend at Bernies' scenario. Without question.

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Thank you Jeff. While DeSantis is clearly unfit for any public office, one has to wonder about Florida voters. Prior to DeSantis they elected Governor Medicare Fraud, and then later thought he'd be a terrific U.S. Senator.

The only saving grace is that by elevating incompetent, racist, climate and science-denying so-called leadership, Florida will likely have about 3 electoral votes after rising sea levels and the next pandemic (sadly) diminish the number of living Floridians.

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WOW. I had not heard about this. I suspect it wont be the last time, either. You know, I cant find one redeeming quality about Ronnie...he's Trump Lite, and awkward and weird and hateful...and, you know. Your choice of images at the start of this column was hilarious, BTW. ✌️

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I haven't paid for Fox Noise in my cable channel lineup for many years. In fact, I cut the cord on cable TV completely a few months ago. BUT, I asked my neighbors, who have the ultimate, all-channel, super-duper, including every sport known to mankind cable package, if I could come over November 30th and watch the debate between my governor, Gavin Newsom and Florida's governor Ron DeSatan. I'm looking forward to my gov ripping Ronnie a new asshole on national TV. My popcorn awaits!

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Where does Casey DeSantis buy her clothes? At the Way Back Machine Consignment Shop? Who wears a caped dress and opera-length gloves anymore? To a day-time photo op no less.

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Why in the fuck has this Florida situation not all over the news?!!! There is some seriously shady shit going on--even shady for DeSantis--and every news outfit needs to be running this story’s on a continuous loop until someone forces that smug, little, high-heeled Nazi to explain.

And I love the Republican guy who would be willing to vote for a dead Biden over Trump, but can we get about 50 million more of him?

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Jeff nailed it..everything about DeSantis is sketchy as fuck and nothing adds up. I hope the NYT digs into this story.

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That's why we call him Death-Santis. Between Covid deaths, mass shootings, rouge police, and poisonous oceans, environmental ignorance and women and children's Healthcare, you will be dead in no time.

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Falling short of the “rebirth of Camelot” that was initially advertised.

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Desantis' only shtick was his stupid "war on woke" bullshit, which wore as thin as Trump's real hair in about 2 weeks. Now he's just a weird, creepy guy in high heels with a wife who dresses like a Dollar Store Jackie O wannabe. Fuck that guy.

Love the Dead Joe Biden voter - more of this please, mainstream media!

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I like the Republican guy voting for Biden even if he's dead. Casey DeSantis is as unlikeable as pudding face is all the time and at any given moment. All her royal aspirations amounting to not so much is music to my ears.

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Between this guy and the turtle, if I were going to believe in a Satanic cult, it would be Republicans.

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“Florida man....”

I fucking hate Ron Desantis and his ilk.

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Thank you for bringing this forward. I just posted on tribal yesterday about this mess and it was so hidden. People will call you a liar if you mention it and it shows how powerful the republicans are that they can redact redact redact. I was so annoyed when I read that article in all the reductions. I couldn't stand it. He is absolutely worthless and the language in the words that were used in his response were completely on 100%. Not his he doesn't even know what half of the words mean. I would love him to be questioned about it out on the trail. But of course, that will never happen. And you know what $2 t-shirts from Walmart. Are not that bad, get a wife, lady, how dare you? How dare you separate All of us with your stupidity, if I could get a T-shirt or a shirt for a child at Walmart for 2 dollars, i'd be there in a minute with 8 grandchildren. I'd be buying 2 shirts up the gang yag, you know such thing is happening. Which goes to show her complete and utter separation from how we all live. OK, there's my rent again. I have no use for either one of these people. And sadly, they're sitting in the governor's mansion. They need to be in a motel six.

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Smilin' Ronny is probably hiding so much dirt that there may not be a backhoe big enough to unearth it all.

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Half an hour...? The guy lay there for almost half a fucking hour and no one smelled the shit leaking from him?

Maybe it always smells Iike death around that office. (Literally like death)


I'd vote for a dead Biden too.

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