It never ends…..however OJ Simpson died this morning…if looking for some good news!

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One less asshole in the world, now for the orange diaperstain to follow in oj’s tracks.

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It is my daily prayer.

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Is it wrong that every morning I open my laptop in hopes of seeing that headline?

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Absolutely not. I have the same wish, and the same daily prayer.

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Me too!

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There are literally tens of millions of us.

Hundreds of millions if you include Europe.

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If it is wrong... I don't want to be right!

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I can't decide whether to pray that he goes toes up, or to pray that he's convicted of SEVERAL charges against him, and goes toes up after being in prison for long enough to be even more miserable than he is now. IF he lives to go to prison, it is my opinion that hamberder withdrawals will kill him.

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Do you know those guys who are always winching up grand pianos into penthouses on skyscrapers? I don’t know why NYC permits it, it’s so dangerous. The rope could break at any time, or the pulleys could bust, and people don’t move very fast on the sidewalk when you holler “GRAND PIANO!”

Anyway, it would be a terrible, terrible thing if TFG was in the wrong place when the inevitable became evitable.

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Too quick.

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Try praying "in tongues".

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They say, what goes around, comes around.

I say hurry the fuck up already. Piano, safe, coyote with a frayed rope and anvil...

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Not for me. I want him to be tried for his crimes, and pay full restitution--alive, and fully cognizant of the scorn that will be heaped upon him. He won't repent, but that's okay. He just needs to feel the consequences of his long reign of untrammeled crappiness toward his fellow man.

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Bad juju. You can hope but don't ever wish something like that on somebody. It'll come back to bite you.

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The bad juju is already here…it’s not going away, it’s not getting arrested, it’s spreading it’s evil everywhere. Wishing for that to be gone cannot bring on any more bad juju, we are up to our ears in it.

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I agree wholeheartedly with Jodi, there just couldn’t possibly be any worse bad juju than what that dumb f*ck has already visited upon this nation….other than if he were to get back in the WH.

My personal wish for donnie is that he have a stroke big enough to paralyze his entire right side & render him incapable of recognizable speech. That would be the best payback for the many times he’s made fun of & disrespected other people with disabilities.

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My wish exactly ! A solid stroke with aphasia.

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We merely wish his evil to boomerang back on him where it belongs.

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Bad juju. You can hope but don't ever wish something like that on somebody. It'll come back to bite you.

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I already asked God to forgive me.

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I hope he get the justice he deserved on Earth , where ever his murdering ass lands ,hope it’s real hot 🥵🔥🔥 there !

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He's roasting on a spit as we speak.

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A slow and steady burn from here in out , I hope!

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I swear this is true. Only a tiny number of people in the world make me feel vengeful.

When I heard OJ died of cancer, I said, “YES!"

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Me too!

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Hoping it goes in 3’s and an orange fuckface is one of them.

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That's right!! It does go in threes. 🤞🤞

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😂 I said the same thing to my husband. Good! He got away with murder. I'm glad he's dead.

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A Facebook comment: he’s faking it so he can go underground and find the real killers

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Tots and pears! Hope Nicole and Ron meet him at the gates with a taste for revenge. 🤷🏻‍♀️

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May the winged Angels of hell greet him at the gates.

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You paint a pretty picture.

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A smile does come to the face...

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I saw OJ and yelled IS HE DEAD FFS?? And he was! MADE. MY. DAY!

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Yer prophetic or telepathic or something!

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I'd trade OJ's demise for the Orange stain any day

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Did not know that; thanks!

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From what I gathered, he's been perfectly fucking miserable in these last years -- I was wishing him many, many more.

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This can not be real life. Praying and speaking in tongues on the senate floor in Arizona? I can't even begin to understand this? I'm serious when I ask: Why are Republicans so hateful, weird, and controlling? It's like they WANT to be the enemy. Who the fuck do they think they are? 🤦‍♀️

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I don't want religion invading my government.

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Echoing a meme already out there: THIS IS OUR COUNTRY, NOT YOUR CHURCH

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I want that on a t-shirt! Also a bumper sticker, a yard sign, etc. Except I’d be afraid to wear them down here in SE Texas, in Ted Cruz’s district where the assholes think republicans are the bees knees.

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I’d be willing to bet money there’s at least a few more people who think like you down there, but also like you they’re keeping their heads down for fear the crazy magats would threaten to kill them.

When TX banned abortion & especially after they doubled down on just how cruel they intend to be, I pledged not to set foot in the state nor spend a dime there. So even though it’s my birthplace, & my sister lives in Kerrville; I passed on going there to view the eclipse.

I will continue to stick by my pledge until they back down or I die. If my family wants to see me, they’ll just have to come here.

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It already has.

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Sadly, Donna you are correct…..ugh.

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There are far right, evangelical dominionist Christians that are bankrolling this movement and have been for decades. These people are serious and scary. It's been decades of grooming in the making of this movement. The majority of the GOP don't really care about their agenda--only their votes and their money. It's a consequence of their "southern strategy" and some of them are embracing it. Some are a part of it, like Mike Johnson. But give them a hold in government and look what happens. They believe trump is their way in to cabinet appointments and positions of power. Remember his oval office photo op with all those religious leaders after he was elected? He's just using them but they are in it for the long game. He won't live forever.

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There are 5 of those scary dominionists on the Supreme Court

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And that is why, when Biden is re-elected & Dems have both Houses, we have to turn our political efforts toward pressuring them to expand the scotus to 29 justices with 3 panels of 9 to be hearing cases.

This crap of 9 unelected people ruling our lives is complete bullshit & definitely disconnected from reality

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I agree 100%. Perhaps 13 justices, one for each Federal district, might be enough

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Good point.

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Oh yes, & there are a minimum of at least 100 of those extremist religious nutcases in the highest levels of our federal government

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Exactly. A lot of them ARE deeply stupid. But others are cynical careerists, sincere fascists, greedy assholes, and religious lunatics (e.g., Johnson). It's a big tent! The problem is, it's swarming with the worst people in the country.

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I have to remind myself that they are not the majority. America is filled with lovely people. But the idiots tend to suck the air out of the room and make it seem like they are more prevalent than they really are. The GOP has just rigged everything in their favor--citizens united, judges, gerrymandered voting districts, electoral college, the media, etc. and no one stopped them.

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Those crazy zealot bastards have been laying in wait for a century,this is their moment ,or so they think …Roevember should drive the screwy freaks back into the shadows forever ,hopefully!

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The only thing I can say Susan is that the Rs elect the worst people possible, and then foist them on the rest of us.

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I’d call them the most ignorant and uneducated. Just look at Marge 3-toes and Boebert and Tubbyville, the senator who has to be as dumb as a rock.

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At least rocks can be useful, paperweights, weapons, landscaping, Tuberville; nothing!

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and they're as dumb as The Rock, too

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I’m not sure The Rock is that bad. It’s my understanding that he just said he wasn’t going to endorse any candidate this year.

Did I miss some context?

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well, it's not hard to figure out. If he is not endorsing Joe when the other choice is the end of democracy, that speaks volumes about himself...

The Rock has expressed some regret about his 2020 endorsement for Joe Biden for president.

Regret? What on earth could be regretful?

he continues, “Am I happy with the state of America right now? Well, that answer’s no,”

he said.

“Do I believe we’re gonna get better? I believe in that. I’m an optimistic guy, and I believe we can get better."

So it's clear he isnt happy with Joe Biden but he thinks things will get better....so if joe Biden wins, it wont get better? And if the Orange Stain wins? then presumable that's when things get better? Yeah I think you might have missed some context.

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The three biggest asshole opportunists in government,unemployable in the private sector ,imbeciles seem to gravitate to the phony baloney jobs ,to bad that’s where they can do the most damage .

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You make an excellent point CaroleAnn.

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Dumbass Donny says he loves the poorly educated.

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We’ve been foisted upon!

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Crazy people from the Dark Ages .😡

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Kern is always on his knees speaking like he has a bag of marbles in mouth because he fucking lies about everything. He was a code enforcement officer from 2005 to 2014. Not even a cop, like he told everyone. He got written up so many times for lying, that he's on the Brady shit list for bad officers. He was fired from his job. Then he gets elected and tries to change a law to get his named removed from the list. And lied about that. He's a loser. I see a Jimmy Swaggart move in his future. He's so far up Agent Orange's ass, he can brush his teeth for him.

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Remember this mother fucker? Or, excuse me, child fucker? https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/warren-jeffs-convicted-where-now-134343880.html

The documentary on this FLDS charmer makes it clear: religious messiah = absolute power = absolutely corrupt.

Checks and balances, people. Religious overreach is EXACTLY what the founding fathers had in mind when they designed our government framework.

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To add to that is the Institute In Basic Life Principles. The Dugger Family peeps. Bill Gothard. Many in that Institute are under investigation for sexual assault of minors. Follow that up with the Joshua Generation. An extension of IBLP. The country's future politicians. The fucking list of Bill Gothard's followers can be found in many State and Federal government positions all across this country. This, makes me choke on my corn flakes.

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Lisa, You are freaking me out. Wow. I'll never forget this part of Brian Williams' farewell speech 09-DEC-2021 (not the type of person one would accuse of hyperbole or panic driven)

"After 28 years of peacock logos on much of what I own, it is my choice now to jump without a net into the great unknown.

As I do, for the first time in my 62 years, my biggest worry is for my country.

The truth is, I’m not a Liberal or a Conservative. I’m an Institutionalist: I believe in this place; and in my love of my country, I yield to no one.

But the darkness on the edge of town has spread to the main roads and highways and neighborhoods. It's now at the local bar and the bowling alley, at the school board and the grocery store. And it must be acknowledged and answered for.

Grown men and women who swore an oath to our Constitution -- elected by their constituents, possessing the kinds of college degrees I could only dream of -- have decided to join the mob and become something they are not while hoping we somehow forget who they were.

They’ve decided to burn it all down -- with us inside.

That should scare you to no end as much as it scares an aging volunteer fireman."

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Yep. Wise words. We are at our crossroads. It took decades to get here, but we are here now. It's terrifying! The worst part is our highest court is corrupted. The media is owned by Libertarians that just see their bottom dollars. Alt-right American Oligarchs in Texas buying a state government. Kinda grim. People better get off the fucking couch and haul their fat asses to the voting booth and save Democracy. This is the big one.

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Oh good grief, I’m gonna have to look that Bill Gothard up, never heard of him. I recently have heard of the Joshua Generation.

The whole thing makes me extremely angry.

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He's the Quiverful perv that got arrested for molesting his flock members (underage girls, if I remember correctly). He's the head of the Duggar's religious clan, he is their big kahuna. they are actually Quiverful, although they pretend to be Baptists for their shows.

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OMG! I had no idea 😳

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Do the nitwits who "speak in tongues" understand the others, or is it a personal thing?

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I believe it's personal, like insane people who talk to themselves. Same, same.

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They are morally upright smug assholes. I grew up with a f*cknut mother whose every accusation (I have since found out) was a confession. When I turned 17, she used to wake me up with a beating, screaming, "SLUT!" Guess who got pregnant when she was 17. Yup. The nutjob. Also, we spent too much time in churches with ppl speaking in tongues and jumping around when the spirit took them. I converted to Judaism. Much less crazy and when we speak in tongues it's Hebrew or Yiddish. As in real languages.

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No way! I met a very cool rabbinical student and we became friends. I ended up converting to Judaism because for me, it was intelligent, ethical, and the focus was on "Don't do unto other what is hateful to you." I used to be able to read prayerbook Hebrew. I thought the symbolism in the religion was beautiful.

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I knew I liked you!😊💗

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Whoever their ‘god’ is - his anointed. (He’s using ketchup these days)

Because it’s always anthropomorphic, for them, a blond guy with abs, and a not in a good way hard on for women.

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Who do they think we are?

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They think you are ‘unsaved’, and as such, are imperfect and in need of Jesus. They’re kind of like the Borg. I was raised by a fundamentalist father.

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The Borg! Perfect!

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They have always been like this. Now they are just out of the closet.

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They’re the ones who want to end up with all the money and the most toys. They want to WIN while others LOSE. They want to kill but not be killed. They hate all who do not think like them.

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I know right? This is akin to public masturbation. Wank off at home you weirdos, you can do that shit all you want in private!

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And he called everyone who disagrees with him “God haters”. I actually started looking into The Church of Satan out of spite. Fuck that guy.

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1864 abortion law written by a pedophile - creepy

Lawmakers speaking in tongues- creepy

NYT - creeps

I can speak in tongues too: :P

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I start speaking in tongues after my second Manhattan 😜

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I admire anyone who can drink one of those, let alone two. 😉

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My mom. In a heartbeat.

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Lol, my dad

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My mother wasn't much of a drinker, but when she did, that was her cocktail of choice, with brandy here in Wisconsin.

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My mom too. It was occasions. I watched her school a bartender one night in Washington DC on the proper mix - and then down two straight though.

Mostly mom loved wine - and her granddaughters loved nothing better then to ply her with it at family get togethers. While I ran interception - sometimes right out of her hand. It was like truth serum and they knew no one delivered one liners -while batting her big blue eyes - better. Miss her

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That is a great memory. I am a wine lover myself. So was my mom. I remember one Thanksgiving when there was a lot of family invited. She and I over-indulged a bit with the wine and after everyone left we both fell asleep on her and Dad's bed. When we woke up we had both had a headache....and a kitchen full of dishes to do. No dishwasher either.

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