I cannot STAND his face-or the whole Maggot republican party...We will vote like our life depends on it--because it DOES!

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If we’re building up to a world war again, imagine trump as the leader of the free world. That’ll give ya nightmares. Get everyone you know to register to vote and drag them to the polls. This stuff is getting too real.

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It would not be a free world if the humpa lumpa was in charge. Shiver me timbers at the thought of that.

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I will be keeping my Trumper voting brothers away from the voting booths!!!!

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I saw trump on tv telling them not to worry about voting anyway.

Maybe he’s planning on just walking in and taking over without any pretense of a vote this time? I don’t think that’s gonna work, but the attempt wouldn’t be a surprise.

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The GOP has made some changes in the grassroots section of vote counting, in the swing states. Some of them doubtlessly will try, if they think they are not going to get 10-20 years prison time later on. This could really cause problems in 2024 since Trump could claim victory with illicit vote schemes.

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Voting is essential.

But I get the feeling that like every general election of the past 20 or so years, this will be a clickbait-harvesting, ad revenue-loaded horserace.

We are not a serious society, everything is a sportsball match. 50/50 all the way up to the night before, all presented as a normal election, with constant threats, growing more explicit by the week, and of course, no concession if he loses. And by this time, MAGA will deny their loss with all they have.

Pray for a severe stroke or heart attack to take him out. It's about all we have.

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That’s not entirely all we have, but the left is not into death threats so we’ll wait for natural causes. Daydreaming is not a crime though.

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Thank you Jeff. And now the GOP has elevated his co-conspirator and accessory after the fact, Mike Johnson to be Speaker of the House.

Yes ladies and gentlemen. The ‘law and order’ party who gave us Nixon, Reagan and the Iran/Contra affair, W and the “Weapons of Mass Destruction”, and Trump (future prison apprentice) and George Santos, now has found science denying big lie promoting Mike Johnson to lead the burn it all down party.

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GEORGE, All part and parcel of the master plan!

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Agreed--I liken Mike Johnson to Damien Omen--cuz he kinda is.

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George, Jeff, anybody, can you explain to me how this is not a MAGA coup in the House?

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Can’t really explain it is not a coup when it is precisely what it is.

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Thanks, George. I was beginning to wonder if I was the only one....

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Oh, it most definitely is--I see the destruction of America happening in 3...2...1...

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We need to destroy them first.

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Johnson, big on banning abortion nationwide.

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Bannon, Murdoch, Putin trifecta of graft

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Oct 26, 2023·edited Oct 26, 2023

Absolutely. And him telling his goons to not vote but instead attack black poll workers (and, by implication, those who vote in their precincts) is both hate speech and blatant incitement to violence. Jack needs to add charges to J6, i.e., the traitor is still doing it, and Judge Chutkin needs to lock him the fuck up, too. Do you think he’s emboldened by having a white nationalist Christofascist traitor in the Speaker’s role? I think Major Biden needs to be with President 24/7 and VP Harris needs a clone of him.

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I’ve often thought that too about Major.

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Just taking note of who ruffles Major’s feathers is damn good intel.

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the legal doctrine of “this trial is bullshit and we don’t want to do it any more,”

I'm dead. 😂😂😂😂 ☠️ It's all beyond absurd. If it was ANYBODY ELSE...Damn, lock him up indeed. ANYONE who votes for a Republican right now is out of their minds. Great piece, Jeff.

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The tangerine turd will continue to push all the boundaries of the legal system until he finally gets a room with bars and no view. Perhaps Engoron.doesn't want to be be the first judge to ever throw a former president into the slammer but at this point, who gives a shit? These constant handslaps because of being an ex POTUS with self- descibed executive privilege are beyond bullshit and must stop immediately.

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Couldn’t agree more. Trump is dangerous. His cult is dangerous. He’s gotta be stopped somehow.

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But don’t you trust the judges to know how to maneuver? They all have special knowledge of these cases and I believe they make the right calls in the moment. Our impatience is understandable, our outrage is understandable. That’s why it’s good WE are not the judges who decide.

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I agree! Yes, I am waiting impatiently for these judges to finally lock him up. But I trust them. Perhaps it’s wiser to give TFG plenty of rope to continue to hang himself. When the time comes to put him in a cell, there will be a volume of evidence that there was absolutely no choice. No Appeals Court will overturn a conviction based on a judge “so biased, he or she locked up the defendant pending trial.”

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I was just writing a comment about 'giving him enough rope' and 'hanging himself', and then I glanced down and saw your comment. You said it much better! I just think, even though the MAGA/GQP will go ape-shit when it happens, even if Donnie FuckFace brings a loaded gun into court and starts waving it around, I think the Judge feels he has to go the extra mile until even those in the back are saying 'FFS, lock him up!'

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Practice now on not being disappointed when he walks away from all of this. I hope I'm wrong. But I'm practicing my ass off.

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Thats true... I wouldn't want to be the judge..or an attorney for that matter. I think we're all impatient. We have to trust the judges...Judge Cannon seems a little suspect, but it remains to be seen.

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I concluded incorrectly that family members (Biden's, Obama's, Bushes, McCain's, Cheney's, Romney's, Clinton's) would come together on one stage (televised) and warn the country about Donald J. Trump. Both parties sending this message would be so powerful.

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Like the judge in this fraud case, they're all at the end of the day afraid of him.

I have no idea why, but they are. Or your truly awesome idea of unprecedented political unity would have happened already. Maybe a few times. In different venues. All of them on a panel for 60 Minutes. Or on The View, or some other bullshit, couch-and-remote candy that our babypants, unserious society can relate to.

"Let's all decide to put our differences on pause and take a chance."

Not a chance.

Non-"we go high" Democrats to join hands on the TEEvee, with non-evangelical, non-psycho, non-conspiracy theory-parroting Republicans, no longer to fear losing face. Or whatever the fuck it is they value so highly that they can't create a No Party, impenetrable forcefield against this fuckwitted, Cro-Magnon asshole and his lead paint chip-damaged worshippers.

Not gonna happen.

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.Might I suggest a padded cell and a 2 weep psych review?

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Listen, I want him in fucking jail like the next sane person. But, the fact that this is the first time an ex-president is in court for obviously breaking the law means the lawyers and judges must very carefully cross the "t's" and furiously dot the "i's" in order to not give him a loophole to grease up with McDonald's burgers and slip his gelatinous racist ass through.

I'm fucking pissed and I know jail is too good for what he deserves. Anyone else would have been in the slammer before they could blink. But they don't have the flock and the press coverage, so let's nail him in his coffin appropriately and without a misstep to allow him to escape.

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Yes! I believe these judges are giving him plenty of rope to hang himself. We are eager to see him behind bars, but he would use that to appeal his eventual conviction. So I’m patient and have faith in the end result.

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Is a $10k fine to a "billionaire" for essentially telling a judge to go fuck himself and stride out of a courtroom, rope? Sounds more to me like permission.

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Yes indeedy do.

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Jeff you hit it today reviewing Donald’s tantrum yesterday. And to think Habba Habba Yam Yam was unable to keep Donald seated in court, he just took off. Was his shit exceeding the capacity of his diapers? If you are I walked out of a trial how would we be treated by the judge? A contempt charge would be the least of my worries. As you so eloquently put it I’ll embellish it…. Lock his chicken fried ass up, put him on a military base just like John Dean so many years ago.

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Habba Dabba Doo is sleeping with him. Check out the body language If she got any closer to him she'd be inside his diaper.

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I just threw up in my mouth a little....

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I think I just vomited in my mouth 🤮

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Someone has to sleep with the orange moron because we all kind of figured Melanie ain’t slept with his putrid ass in months….

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Where's Kari Lake????💀🤮💀🤮

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Wherever she is let her stay there…. Out of site out of mind.

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That wouldn't surprise me one bit.

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I’m beginning to do a lot of wondering about this so called really tough judge! What normal judge allows this behavior with a slap on the wrist and allows the defendant to get the fuck up and just walk out right in the middle of the hearing?? Normal? I think not!!!

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Lock him up and his little dog Eric too.

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Agreed 100 percent. It’s pretty clear plans are in place for another coup in 2024, and Little Donny FF is free to rabble rouse and direct his cretinous base, thanks to judges too timid to throw the jerk in jail.

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It’s a balance. The judges don’t want to rule in ways that will delay the trials.

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Or give cause for appeal. This is too important to make an emotional ruling. Everything needs to be done judiciously and calmly so that no mistakes are made.

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I see it exactly that way too, Ellen.

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Good points, ladies. Thanks

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Even with no mistakes made, Trump and his cult will not accept any ruling that goes against Trump. So where does that leave us?

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The goal is not to convince the cult. They are beyond reason. And they are in the minority. The goal is to show the majority of Americans and the rest of the world that Justice is Justice. America NEEDS to see the process work. We have a defendant who, all through his own behavior, is going to insure that it works. Let’s not get in the way because emotions are running high.

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Thank you for the morning laugh. Trump is the least of my worries but he is great comic relief. I needed it. There are so many well armed Americans who are ready to kill someone just because we don't go to their church or vote for their insurrection. I live among a tiny group of Palestinians, Lebanese and Syrians in the midst of a lot of Christian Nationalists and Qeople. We are afraid.

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Stay safe🙏❤️

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Thank you.

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In the church of one of my relatives, the ushers all have guns. Why, I asked (WTAF, I meant) She said, haven’t you seen all the churches that have been attacked? I said yeah, but none of them have been Presbyterian.

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I’m done trying to be somewhat humane but fuck it: I’m now wishing a 20 megaton heart attack on Agent Orange so we can all call it a day.

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I know that your response is quite unusual, even though I don’t know you. No one should or want to hope for death of another human being. But I’ll be honest with you, my feelings and values be damn, I’ve had enough of his daily rants and will light a candle for his soul when God responds to our frustration by hitting him with a lightning bolt.

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You’re correct, I have never wished death on another person but I’m making an exception in his case. Mostly just out of frustration that the buffoon still walks free.

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These past 7 years have been the worst I've ever experienced. He has ruined my marriage and family and friend relationships. I'm sure it is rampant around the country. I agree with you, he needs to be gone from this earth.

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I’m so sorry. I know more people than not who have lost friends and family to the cult.

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Thanks. It really sucks. But at least I know how these people think and I don't want to be around them anymore.

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You’re not alone! Other than the nauseating golden funeral we’ll have to endure for days because wow TV, this would solve a LOT of problems.

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Not really, considering a sedition architect is now the Speaker. We have a deep, dangerous problem with multiple feedback ties.

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I wish the earth would open up and take the whole damn bunch of them down into a fiery pit! I think that every time I see them with their white shiny, smug faces standing in a group listening to one of their hateful ilk prattle on about God and America and I just want to shut them up and wipe those smirking smiles off their faces!

Then I think...that fiery pit, a la Dante's Inferno would do it!!!

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I admit I have envisioned that.

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You and me both!

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Nuke him from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.

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Not until conviction. And damn all the tools helping this cluster diaper bomb and the damage they bring to our government and our society.

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And by patting him gently once again with a fine that yes, your racist uncle will happily help Trump pay, he is only once again emboldened to do it again. Because we’ve seen this time and again since 2012-first the RNC gives him passes, then the media, then the public, then the US (it spells “us” you know...) Senate, then Mitch fucking McConnell again, while the media keeps their views in check, then the Senate once again...on and on the worst white collar criminal in history keeps scamming and scheming and scamming again because he’s never had to face justice for ANY

OF IT! It’s that simple! I no longer care if his base has a mad because he has to face jail time for his crimes. He must be made example of preferably in jail or even confinement to his beejillion dollar pseudo mansion. PERIOD! Any one of us would’ve been in the slammer post haste.

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I'm for making an example of his base.

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I don't even want to hear another goddamn thing about this waste of oxygen until he is actually behind bars, as literally anyone else would be by now.

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Hell yes! Lock him up for a skillionity effin years! Wtf is the hold up?

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There isn’t anything else to be said about this moronic a$$. Lock him up, and throw away the keys. Please lord, give us some peace and quiet, already.

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Second verse, same as the first. But it’s building up to it. The only way TFG can avoid the next sanction is to stay away from the trial. Can he do this? Hmmm

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Are you kidding? He'll run his poisonous mouth from wherever he is. I hope the judge fines him $200,000 not $20,000 next time with a promise of jail if he does it again. Mother fucker, I am so sick of him.

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You’re right Lorraine, I realized this right after my trigger happy finger pushed send. BTW, how are you liking MX? I’m so tempted to...

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Right. He didn’t have to be there.

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I’ve reached the point where I can’t bear to watch or listen to the news.

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Same, Gini. Although I love reading Substack.

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Me too. There's some really bad B western on right now. No news for days now, except for the massive fuck up in Maine - here we go again. I don't need to watch that. I get what I want here.

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