what the fuck, judge? it’s time to put Donald Trump behind bars
it’s long past time to make an example out of this lawless fuck
yesterday, Little Donny Fuckface, the world’s most dangerous toddler, turned his trial into a twenty-megaton technicolor shit-show.
Donald Trump’s day started out as they always do: with Trump standing outside the courtroom, bitching and moaning over every petty grievance and grudge.
“they had Mar-a-Lago valued at 18 million dollars. the attorney general with the judge, working in coordination with the judge, and it’s worth approximately fifty to a hundred times that amount. this is a witch hunt, it’s just a bad trial, very unfair trial. the only time this statute has ever been used for this. this is a statute that doesn’t give you a jury, doesn’t give you anything. pure political witch hunt.”
oh my god, let it go already. yes, everyone knows that your shitty Florida golf motel is worth skilliontymillionbillion dollars. give it a fucking rest.
also, “this is a statute that doesn’t give you a jury” — what the hell are you even gibbering about? bro, you’re not getting a jury trial because your ace parking garage lawyer was too fucking incompetent to ask for one. stop whining about it.
anyway, it was what vomited out of Trump’s mouth during the lunch recess that started the fireworks.
“this was a trial that should have never been brought, but if we had a jury it would have been fair, at least, even if it was a somewhat negative jury because no negative jury would vote against me. but this judge will, because this judge is a very partisan judge, with a person who’s very partisan sitting alongside of him, perhaps even much more partisan than he is.”
when Judge Engoron heard these remarks, he went fucking ballistic — because by attacking Engoron’s law clerk — “a person who’s very partisan sitting alongside of him” — Trump had violated the shit out of his gag order.
The judge said: “I am very protective of my staff, as I should be…I don’t want anybody killed.”
Trump’s smirky frat-boy lawyer, Chris Kise, tried to bullshit the judge into believing that the “person who’s very partisan sitting alongside of him” was actually a reference to Michael Cohen on the witness stand, but Engoron was having none of it.
Judge Engoron called Trump up onto the witness stand and demanded that he explain himself.
Trump got about five words out of his mouth before the judge told him to zip it, saying,
“As the trier of fact, I find that the witness is not credible, that he was referring to my law clerk, who is sitting much closer to me, who doesn’t have a barrier.”
and then, this happened:
Former President Donald Trump left his New York civil fraud trial in a huff on Wednesday afternoon, after a judge denied a directed verdict in his favor following blistering cross-examination of his ex-attorney Michael Cohen.
“Unbelievable,” Trump muttered, as he stood up to leave, followed by U.S. Secret Service agents and his son Eric Trump.
“Unbelievable,” he said again.
let’s unpack this. Trump’s lawyer, citing the legal doctrine of “this trial is bullshit and we don’t want to do it any more,” asked the judge to skip ahead to the end and declare that Trump is innocent as a lamb, and when Engoron declined, Donny stood up, muttered “unbelievable” and waddled out in a huff.
first of all, what a fucking baby. second of all, who knew that storming out in the middle of trial was a thing you could do.
if thumbing your nose at the legal system isn’t contempt of court, what is?
now here’s the thing: for violating the gag order, Judge Engoron slapped Trump with a $10,000 fine.
excuse me, but what in actual fuck?
that measly ten grand means nothing to Trump. paying it will cause him no pain. in fact, your racist Fox-watching uncle has already sent Trump a hundred bucks to help cover it.
Trump is out of control. he’s not going to stop running his rancid mouth, and he’s not going to stop treating the courtroom like a three fucking ring circus.
it’s long past time to make an example out of this lawless fuck. let Donny find out what the inside of a jail cell looks like.
lock him the fuck up.
that’s how you spell justice.
I cannot STAND his face-or the whole Maggot republican party...We will vote like our life depends on it--because it DOES!
Thank you Jeff. And now the GOP has elevated his co-conspirator and accessory after the fact, Mike Johnson to be Speaker of the House.
Yes ladies and gentlemen. The ‘law and order’ party who gave us Nixon, Reagan and the Iran/Contra affair, W and the “Weapons of Mass Destruction”, and Trump (future prison apprentice) and George Santos, now has found science denying big lie promoting Mike Johnson to lead the burn it all down party.