
of course I was too busy writing this piece to listen to the audio of the court proceedings that I had open in a c-span tab. but Allison Gill provides a good write-up of how it all went down: https://post.news/@/MuellerSheWrote/2aj1d2bGqyhduSmYaLIxE02f9CM

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I follow Allison on Post. Gotta love this line: “Trump's OWN LAWYERS argued that impeachment and conviction wasn't necessary because a president can be criminally prosecuted after he leaves office.” Ok, so Agent Orange is being properly criminally prosecuted. I fail to see what the problem is. 🙄

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That he is properly criminally prosecuted isn't the problem here. It is the time constraints, as usual. Delay, delay and delay forever running the clock out ad infinitum. I am so thoroughly sick of this daily sh*t show and it's nauseating predictability and I know I am not alone. WHEN can we free ourselves from this lying, treasonous grifter? If we ever get out of this mess alive, laws MUST be put in place that this situation where a criminal can run for POTUS with 91 felony counts and actually serve from jail has got to be by god changed.Geesh!

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Congress has already passed the Electoral Count Reform Act, a step in the right direction, but more guardrails are needed

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I know, I was being facetious. However, you are correct that his delay tactics are a burdensome toll on getting this shitshow on the road.

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That he is trying to delay the dates for all of these court cases is sickenly obvious by now.He hopes that the trials will follow after the November election and if he comes out victorious, he will then simply pardon himself and all other loyal criminals.There is one thing that is a sure to happen here.He will NEVER accept the results of this upcoming election or any election for that matter that he is not the winner of. And so there we go again. Down this disgusting never ending rabbit hole.There has got to be something We The People can do to stop this bs. The only way out that I see as we must 14th Amendment him out of his job and those of the other Congressional conspirators.

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Colorado and Maine.

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Why isn't trump's recorded conviction for sexual assault against E.G. Carroll being sued against him?

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Since no judge has seen fit to not put him into protective (i.e., jail) custody while awaiting trial, gives him more time to gather his maggots and plan protests when he is finally sentenced for his crimes & put legally in jail. Why, why, why???

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I agree.Fear of the bully just brings more grief and lengthens the time that we have to deal with him.I say that he is not eligible to hold public office due to the letters of our 14th amendment to the Constitution.He needs to be removed from each states ballots and let the chips fall where they may.

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It’s chilling, believe me.

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I think this court will make the right decision but SCOTUS can’t be trusted. If they allow him to get away with what he has done, we are fucked for eternity. Furthermore, the DOJ needs to rescind their policy on not indicting a sitting president PRONTO and also, fuck Mitch McConnell for allowing this piece of shit to run again.

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Also too, fuck Mitch for giving us this fked-up, incredibly corrupt court.

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That is what he wanted more than anything obviously. What a complete shitheel.

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Also also, fuck Chuck Schumer for ENABLING McConnell rather than fighting tooth&nail against EVERY non-Liberal nominee!

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You mean “Spineless Chuck-e-cheese” Schumer? The Dems do not stand up to the repugnants and that is why they have run rampant over everyone. The Merrick Garland fiasco showed their true colors.

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Yeah, that's a good name for him!

I use "Schmuck Schumer" myself, but yours travels better....

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See my post above, please. Circular firing fucking squad.

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I sincerely hope that, should the Dems win the Senate, Schumer steps aside and allows a fearless leader like Amy Klobuchar to assume Majority Leader. As Margaret Thatcher said, "If you want something said, ask a man; if you want something done, ask a woman." With the exception of Cannon, these impressive women judges today, Judge Chutkin,, AG James and DA Willis have shown bravery in demanding the rule of law be upheld and have a thorough understanding of what that law demands. Schumer's handling of the Tuberville military promotion holds was shameful. While I don't pretend to understand the Senate rules that could have overridden the holds (I did read everything available however), what I do understand is that he allowed Tuberville to hold our military and their families hostage for ten months and put our national security at risk. Ten months!!! That should have been brought to the floor daily... When he would address it, it would be "we hope to have an answer or a vote in 2 weeks".... Thank Sen. Schumer for his service, but step aside and let Sen. Klobuchar lead.

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I'm not a big fan of Klobuchar because she's part of the Hillary NeoLiberals who got us into this mess, and gave us President Trump. I'd be more inclined to trust Tammy Duckworth, Tammy Baldwin, Elizabeth Warren, Catherine Cortez Masto, or Kirsten Gillibrand—who was my other Senator when I lived in NY State, and even if she was originally an appointee of Hillary Rodham Clinton has proven to be good at balancing Progressive principles with practicality.

I'm afraid Klobuchar would be just as vacillating as Schumer—we need to PURGE the Democratic Party of Clinton NeoLiberalism, and be a LOT more like Bernie Sanders.

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Just stop it right here.

67 votes are needed to convict in impeachments.

The first one with two counts were what? Do any of the esteemed armchair Generals know? I'll help.

Count 1, 48 guilty, to 52 to acquit, and on the second count, it was 47-53.

On the second impeachment it was 45 guilty and 35 to acquit.

So please explain to me as though we don't know anything what Chuck Schumer was supposed to do about it?

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I'm not talking about Trump's two Impeachments, I'm talking about all the times Schumer's let the ball drop, like when he basically gave Mitch McConnell carte blanche to pick whatever wingnut Federal judges he liked b/c Schumer wanted to take a vacation! Or how Schumer didn't even bother to stop the three Trump appointees for the Supreme Court, when what he SHOULD have done is give Yertle a big choking dose of his own medicine.

To say nothing of the times Schumer has pushed to outlaw any U.S. speech that's in any way disparaging of Netanyahu's destructive Far Right regime in Israel....

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yes!...let us not forget that deranged turtle headed wrinkled old cocksucker, Mitch the bitch...that fuckface enabled ALL of this when he could have rid this country of drumpf and his ignorant braindead family...instead, we have to actually entertain the possibility of this vile tangerine slob being POTUS...AGAIN!!!!

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Exactly. It has been reported that congressional republicans hate Trump so I hope they’re secretly suffering him like we are.

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THIS, this is where the actual "credit" lies. McConnel enabled this and passed it on to the courts and that's why we have the insane situation of the Scrotus deciding whether a president has immunity from everything.

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Well said, Mountain! Better than a cup of coffee here in India early morning.....

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I think that's a bridge too far even for the current SCROTUS. The main reason this country was founded was to escape the tyranny of kings. If they handed past and current presidents immunity, what keeps presidents from wiping out Supreme Court members they don't like, for example?

Remember that "absolute immunity" is a Trump-made term- he's got us all talking about it as if it's a real thing but it does not appear in any US code, in any case law, and certainly not in the Constiblahblahblah- ISN'T THE FACT THAT PEOPLE ARE TRYING TO PARSE THE CONSTITUTION TO DEFEND A GUY OUT ON BAIL IN FOUR JURISDICTIONS AN INDICATION MAYBE THE GOP SHOULD HAVE PUT UP A DIFFERENT GUY?

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Only if you were old school GOP.

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You make a great point. It’s just that so many people got screwed because they never thought he’d turn on them and wonder if the justices also think they’re immune.

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When the Supreme Court contemplates whether Trump should have absolute immunity, they only have to ask themselves if they are willing to let Trump kill them for any ruling that displeases him.

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They are all in for some kind of nightmare,they’re the first to be irrelevant under a dictatorship,look at the history,the Adolph Hitler’s game plan didn’t allow Any possible threat to total control! No appeals allowed you corrupt simpletons!

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Michael, Forget all that....I think you are onto something....this “immunity” dumpy dreamed up could be used against him....let Joe throw the six traitors the hell out and replace them....

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Totally the turtle should go home and stare at a wall. He has done enough damage and his party of criminals will most likely do even more. Creepy creeper.

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I don’t think the Supremes will even hear the case. I think they’ll let the lower court ruling stand. But how long will they delay the case before they actually rule?Time’s flying.

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But Jeff, his lawyers said there are instances where it could be legal to kill your political enemies...

I’m getting no work done today.

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Only if you’re Putin

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The only good thing about this is that if a court rules in his favor, it inures to the benefit of Biden for another year. A year of cleaning house, as it were.

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I wonder if these lawyers are being paid,hope so,because they are going to be pariahs to 2/3s of the country,win or lose !

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Can’t imagine any individual getting this amount of continuous, serious attention after losing 60+ court cases - including polite (by-the-book) consideration EVERY DAY in the public square... while the world just moves on. Incredible...

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‘Mrs Aileen Trump’ is chefs’ kiss.

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"...with a heart dotting the i in Aileen." HAHAHHAH!!!!

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So Bobbleheads and Evangelical heretics are all in for installing a criminal psychopath in the White House. It does boggle the mind that so many Americans are that gullible and that stupid. Let's hope that the vast majority, however they feel about Biden, will when faced with the Biden-Trump dichotomy on their ballots, will go for sanity and democracy and vote Biden back in.

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deletedJan 9
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White supremacy is the motivation behind forced birth too. Once the Rs realized that it was mostly white women getting abortions, they started their campaign to make it illegal because they need more white babies.

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“King Fuckface the First”....”Little Donny Fuckface”....”Document Fuckery Trial”......”Insurrection Fuckery Trial”.....can maggots not see the connections! Your vocabulary spells it out for them! Oh-I forgot-they don’t or can’t read!

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Jan 9·edited Jan 9

And they could care less about their blatant illiteracy or the inability to know the difference between truth, facts and fiction. As a life long dumbshit who spews word salad like Leo Gorcey did from the Bowery Boys, the tangerine turd keeps tossing it quicker than the red hat cultists can eat it up. Sad and scary as hell that the so many naive uneducated voters could put his fat crooked ass back in the White House.

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Remember the olden days? I don't know if they were truly "good" or not, but back then you could lose the chance to be a nominee or candidate if you were caught with a woman-not-your-wife on a boat, looked silly driving around in a tank, etc.

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having binders of women

showing emotion on the campaign trail

being divorced

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That, too!

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I know how we can get Trump to demand a speedy trial. Let him wait for it behind bars.

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Couldn’t agree more! Fuck em ‘ all ,Hey Joe ! It’s time to use the power of the President ,let’s make the rat bastard and all the assholes in the government who supported the insurrection in the smallest way really start sweating! You appointed a shit load of judges,find a couple in the correct jurisdictions annnnnddd play the same game! Charge all of them with formenting a rebellion against the United States 🇺🇸!Then declare it a conspiracy with unknown players still at large who could represent hostile foreign powers and ,that several intelligence agencies are rigorously investigating as threats to national security! This would probably be considered a clear and present danger to the United States 🇺🇸 and as such all of those charged are to be held without bail pending trial! Hello! Guantanamo Bay ,!We got some potentially dangerous criminals with foreign terrorist connections, and they require intensive interrogation as possible agents of a hostile power!Naturally all access to potential enemies of the United States is restricted to those who have been cleared by the highest levels of government!This would obviously be a priority requiring,postponing all other legalities and cases that those charged have pending in other cases!The security of the country is a concern of the utmost importance! Such monumentally dangerous priorities must be addressed and assessed!For the sake of national security and the safety of the American 🇺🇸 people!

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By the time it was leagally edjudicated and all appeals exhausted,they’d all have jumped the A train to hell ,problem solved!! Hey it’s as feasible as half the shit those traitorous Nazi wannabes are pulling! Just a little day dream I was having!

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Trump should be in jail for violating the conditions of his release on bond, several times. Then he’s violated gag orders too many x to count. Any other person in the US who had behaved like that while out on bond would have had it revoked so fast it’d make their damned neck snap.

This entire shit show is just making a mockery of the courts. Joyce Vance agrees that the judges need to stop coddling LDFF & put his ass in jail

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It's uncanny how you seem to say everything I'd like to say but in a much better way. Keep it up please.

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Hi Jeff...I wish that Donald was like “that steam locomotive rolling down the tracks, he’s gone, he’s gone and he’s never coming back..he’s gone” Jerry Garcia- Robert Hunter knew about Donald even if we didn’t. After today’s hearing I hope Donald gets chicken fried by the Court, extra crispy please. 🙏

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You are one of those people that would appreciate Jeff Tull's Locomotive Breath, and"the all time loser" etc. This has been my background song when thinking of Trump in court.

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Gotta love Jethro one of the all time best!

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Love it, but the part "headlong to his death" never happened!

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I KNOW, right!

Still a good tune and even with Gideon's Bible phrase it just seems to fit.

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I loved Jethro Tull, still have 1 of his original look albums, vinyl, & Locomotive Breath was a fav. I need to pull it out $ revisit

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Sadly, no such luck. His puppet master in the Kremlin is making sure he’s back in the White House. He wins, Trump and Bibi.

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"Little Donny Fuckface" always reminds me of the sorta stupid song "Poor Johnny One-Note."

King Fuckface the First made me laff heartily.

All that said, no, it's not funny.

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fun fact: I've been an Ellis Weiner fan since your national lampoon days, so I'll be dining out on this comment for a while

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Dude. (May I call you Dude?) You've made my day. Thx.

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another fun fact: I once told John Lurie that "you made my day" and he replied "good, let me go ruin someone else's" and so that's now my pre-canned answer

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You all, both make my day!

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Oh, I remember you.

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Another spectacular post to start my day. As usual, you simplify all of the machinations that Trump throws out and boil them down so even the simplest Trump supporter could understand…if only they could read.

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Just be careful not to underestimate someone like Elise Stefanik who certainly can read but chooses to use her intellect to amass power for herself. She is truly dangerous and a disgraceful human being (or does a good job of pretending to be one of us).

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Agree. She’s next in line should this criminal,narcissistic sociopath choked on a BigMac.

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Lizard inn a human suit.

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JUST MORE HUGE LIES. My God, we all know it.

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Oh I’m not underestimating her at all. After seeing her viscous take down of those university presidents (yes, they flubbed their answers badly) like a paid assassin & then the steamroller job she did on Kristin Welker on MTP; there’s no doubt she’s auditioning for VP or some powerful cabinet position.

She’s dangerous as hell

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Pssst, hey Chump...... President Biden doesn’t need immunity, pass it on.

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And he’s saying nothing sensible to my utter shock. Just mimicking his campaign bs. It’s not my fault it’s everybody else trying to prosecute me for being perfect. CNN cuts him off. MSNBC gives him no voice. Faux lets him ramble and BBC cuts to actual news.

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Thank you!

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Someday in the future once we get past the concerns, this time in our history will provide a WTF of nuclear proportions for generations to come.

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Can’t wait to see how the history textbooks in Trumpian states will spin this.

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Since Texas has outsized sway over Textbook contents, I would expect this to be whitewashed akin to what the Daughters of the Confederacy did to the telling of the history of the Civil War.

Not good.

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Unfortunately he will be immortalized as their wronged god in their eyes, just as he already is.

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Maga flags will probably be waving for years to come like confederate ones 🤢.

And the textbooks will skirt around what actually happened & will have some slogan akin to "Remember the Alamo." Just as some people forget or don't know Texas lost the Alamo in that battle.

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Just like the loss of the Civil War, the loss at The Alamo & their loss on J6, their loss in 2024 will be mythologized just like those 3. Another “lost cause” to memorialize 🤬

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A positive avalanche of Ph. D. theses in history, political science, social science, media, communications... Thank goodness it’ll be electronic, otherwise we’d deforest the world for paper to print them and bookshelves on which to place them.

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Remember the winners write the History books and we haven’t even started the game ,lots more to come,when your backs against the wall the nicest people will surprise the fuck outa everybody! Wait and see ! Have some faith ! If not just get nastier,these are not candidates for Mensa ,just evil pigs 🐷, and pigs 🐖 end up as 🥓 bacon !

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