Wonder who the chucklefuck circle jerks will jack off to now that their serial fascist authoritarian master has been unceremoniously sacked? Ha!

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I'm afraid he'll pop up somewhere else, maybe even worse. And his contract was up for renewal so he's not getting severance. Now he's meeting with his attorneys. Good luck on that. He thought his new contract would be for $100 million a year. Great timing.

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That’s good!

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Thank you. It is refreshingly fun as a woman to slam these InCels against the wall.

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I just sit here with my crocodile smile that he fancied Lachlan was one of his best friends and word seems to be that it was Lachlan and the woman who is in charge that dumped him and that his nasty words about management peppered his emails and texts they wouldn't necessarily have seen had this case not come up.

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Now the word from other sources is the hatchet came from Rupert. So many wanting to chop him up. This is fun.

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I know, right?! So loved...

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These are people who richly deserve misery they dole out so much of it.

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Amen sister!

There was a guy giving him a thrashing in a bait& tackle shop out West, Wyoming or Montana...that video gave great joy also.

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I read about that. And Tucker just smirked that arrogant smirk of his. Now we're smirking.

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I remember watching the video from someone's phone. The guy,,(,maybe local guide?) really read him his inventory & how he was destroying the country. He started w/that smirk but it wasn't a friendly room and he than looked a bit worried as he hurried the F out!

I hope he gets that treatment everywhere he goes, pos so deserves it.

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Left the racket at home--perfect

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"she left her racket at home"....brrrraaaahhhhhhhh hahahahhahahahhhahaha....deep breath....hahahahahhahahahaha.!!! Got me to chuckle !!!! still am ...!!!! Love it Rufus!

“I was shocked. I'm surprised. He's a very good person a very good man and very talented and he had very high ratings,” Trump said during an interview on Newsmax that aired late Monday."- the guy who brands everyone who slights him a Trump-hater doesn't seem to understand he is complimenting a real Trump-hater!!!!

I am surprised there wasn't some kind of atmospheric disturbance from the mass cheers when the news broke of his being fired from Fox. Well let's wish him well in his future existence as the guy who was even too toxic for Fox.

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One of the best Mondays in ages!! Got a twofer with the dork Don Lemon gone too!

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Yesterday looked like firing day.

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Spring cleaning??

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My guess is he'll take a long break from the spotlight. But not long enough.

There'll be no redemption. No forgiveness. We can't afford it.

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you've outdone yourself with this rant Jeff! well done.

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What a massive putdown by Rufus! An all-timer. Dorothy Parker could hardly have done better.

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He won't go away quietly. Buy stock in popcorn! Imagine all the dirt they're gonna spill on each other.

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I ate an ENTIRE BAG of White Cheddar Popcorn when I heard the news yesterday. Still feeling the effects.

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Like all bad weeds, he'll popup somewhere else spewing the same toxicity he always has.

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I don't know, can Newsmax or OAN meet his salary requirements

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Probably not, but remember he already started his own deal awhile back. Remember the "Daily Caller"? He sold out of that, but there's nothing preventing him from doing it again.

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Yeah but that was when he was on the upside. The only job offer has been from RT...sheesh what a complete douche 🎒 hmmmm, there's an emoji for that? Go figure!

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They need to get rid of Laura Ingrain Headache as well!

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Thank you Jeff! I literally laughed out loud throughout your "opinion". I've really been enjoying these outtakes. Glad I subscribed!

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Baby Fuckface thought he was better than Fox - oops! But today’s BACKPFEIFENGESICHT (a face that’s calling for a slap) is a returning champion, chosen for a 2nd time because who is more worthy?

Going to OAN or Newsmax would be a step down. He’ll get a YouTube channel. I particularly love that he was told ten minutes before it was announced. Did he have to be escorted out by security guards?

Backpfeifengesicht AND schadenfreude AT THE SAME TIME?? (What’s the German for *my cup runneth over*?)

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Excellent blog, Jeff. When was Fucker Quarrelsome ever on PBS? Isn't that the channel for people who have measurable IQs?

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Jeff I loved the rip up of that fucker Carlson by the mighty historian from Amsterdam! Again you have made me quite happy today.


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IMo, Tucker Carlson belongs in Russia or China where all he has to do is spout government rhetoric. He did that for Donald till he didnt ,then everything became fake news amongst other names.

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