In the name of getting to the truth, wouldn’t McCarthy wish to share all this footage with ALL news outlets? Of course not.

Does everyone think we are 5 years old? Fox gets to cherry pick footage to go tell/sell some narrative? Fuck that.

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Ordinarily I try to shelve my violent impulses. But whene’er that fucker’s face appears I can’t help but reflexively think how it SOOOOOOOO longs for a large fist or burlap sack of fresh dung.

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LOL, that re-cut of The Shining! As usual you are right about everything you predict and describe. Those F*ckers are going to go on a bullshit spree to top a load of their other crap mountains. Hope to god that someone figures out a way to stop Fuks Not News from utilizing one clip.

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Prepare yourselves for the biggest shitshow of all shitshows! And cue the carnival music while you’re at it...

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Oohh! The possibilities! Those of us that make up the majority of voters thought we put TFG away. But wait! There’s more! This newly and questionably acquired video’s purpose is to put more lies into a small but vocal minority of cultists who crave more lies. Now that TC and FOX along with their most infamous personalities who’ve had personal texts made public refuting their baseless claims they believed the 2020 election to have stolen, they clearly did not believe a word of what they were peddling.

So now the snake oil salesman is going to put video to the deli slicer and make a big bullshit sandwich 💩🥪 for all their cult followers to chew on.

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Because clearly entertainment is what they want and how they want these paid assclowns to provide it

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It’s like their addicted to a soap operas

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Probably worse than that.

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The Shining recut is brilliant

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Wingnut Grunge Bubble Revenge Tour...an aptly named group

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And Tuckems' followers will eat up whatever shit he throws at them, making our sane politicians' jobs much more difficult. How can you counteract lies when they're coming at you fast and furious?

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And Rupert Murdoch should be stripped of his American citizenship and deported. I doubt Australia or the UK. would take him.

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FoxNews isn’t news. It’s listed as “entertainment”. Don’t expect to get actual, factual news. Lies, misinformation and disinformation mostly.

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