The leopard ate my face but I’m voting for the leopard. The liar called me a rapist but I’m voting for the liar. The autocrat wants me dead, but I’m voting for the autocrat.

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That would be spineless Pence. Doesn't have the courage or the balls to speak out against the treasonous demented asshole who almost had him killed. Kelly, on the other hand, needs to step it up to help keep this potential catastrophic shit storm of a presidency from ever happening again.

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All of them are spineless grifters who couldn’t wait to make a buck from their “tell-all” books about how brave they were behind the scenes, but are afraid to go the distance

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It’s all about that greed. The all American dollar.

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Perfectly said!

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Ahhhh very well stated. 👏👏

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That is some horrible logic that many are currently using!

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And by the way, Jeff, you are quoted all over Political Wire today. You have no idea how valuable you are to all of us all over the place.

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I yam? got url?

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politicalwire.com and several topics and I go through so fast. Let me go find it again.

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it's ok, my ego probably doesn't need to be any more massive than it already is

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https://politicalwire.com/2023/11/21/is-it-approval-or-amnesia/ Dean Barbour quotes you constantly. Lots of us do. It's an interesting site.

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Yep, I quote Jeff almost daily to my Mr. Spouse.

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Sorry, right now I can't get past the headline, "Cuomo Eyes Bid for New York City Mayor." I'll have to go back later. The massive EGOS in politics overshadow any that Jeff may have!

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I live vicariously through all the ego boosts I see here and imagining what that feels like. Besides, Ms Spouse probably knows how to deal with it on a day of over indulgence. 🤣🤣🤣

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To me, it seems like your ego is just the appropriate size all around. I have been following you on Twitter and admiring your work over there for a couple of years already. Now, in this sub- stack, you keep providing masterpieces along these lines on a daily basis, almost every day.

As far as the overall topic, I guess that this is what you get when letting a mob boss into your house, assuming you might benefit from his alleged popularity in certain circles, but not watching when he starts taking over, tearing everything to pieces so it would only serve his own sake no matter the cost, and if and when being held accountable for his own deeds, putting the blame on anyone else.

Being German and being based in Germany, I won't repeat harping on any parallels between what happened between 1920 and 1940 in Germany and as to what's happening now in the USA, but everyone out there, better be on the watch. You're playing with fire, and the fire has already been started some time ago.

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Oh, I don't know. Praise doesn't seem to ruin you. It seems to inspire you.

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I've gotten really good at faking modesty

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Listen, we liberals are far too modest and polite in general. Liberals who do have a stage need to puff themselves up and yell as loud as they can! And your stage is getting bigger all the time Jeff, and deservedly so--you speak for so many of us.

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That’s hilarious 🤣

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That’s fine with us; it’s your wife’s problem anyway. 😉

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Cassidy Hutchinson took big hits coming out against Trump in the beginning. She has a whole lifetime of career to rise to and she did it anyway. The rest of these absolute complete cowards means they should be banished to Russia and China and worse, if there is such a thing. Nobody understands your cowardice. You say he'll kill democracy and then say you'll vote for him. You might as well say you are voting to kill democracy.

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Perhaps they are.....

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No perhaps to it. They vote for him, especially after they've said this is exactly what he'd do and they can't claim innocence in this ever.

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And the next time you hear someone say: How could the German People allow that to happen? How could THEY let that happen

Now you know

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However, Mark, I am too old to say things like that anymore. You know how that goes. You get tired of going, oh, right, that's not how life works. You need to know more.

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Pray do tell?

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Best not.

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These maggots want a strong man to take care of them and do their "thinking" for them. Sad.

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Then they should find one because these are not "strong" men. They're just loud.

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Cassidy is right on target. I read her book and was horrified by the things she witnessed and wrote about. Listen to her, she knows what she's talking about.

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I watch her interview on Jen Psaki, MSNBC. That woman has fear in her voice, but she speaks her truth. She might be scared half your death but she’s going to tell all she can tell no matter what. I bet if she walks out of her home she has a group of federal agents around her. You wouldn’t get within 20 feet of her before you’d have a gun in your ribs.

Cassidy has something that nine of those others that either in the White House with that treasonous traitor have. GUTS! I’m extremely proud of the way she has came forward with her story. It all flipped for her with the January 6 Committee. And, we have Liz Cheney to thank for Cassidy coming back and telling the whole truth.

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Thank the Universe for people like Liz and Adam!

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A great book! And she was loyal until the end! Good for her for speaking up!

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I want to read her book now. Thanks, Edythe.

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We are matching Germany in the pre-Nazi years. Hitler's Beer Hall Putsch equals our Jan. 6th. Insurrection. If trump gets elected we are going to have a trump version of the Reichstag Fire Decree. After that full dictatorship and the MAGAt version of Gleichschaltung. America needs to wake up fast.

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As soon as my wife saw his pronouncement on Charlottesville , good people on either side, like when have Nazis ever been good?

Being from German and Austrian Heritage, she called him out, said he was a fascist with Nazi like admiration.

That was six years ago?

Just saying....

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Your wife was so correct. Now he's not hiding it at all. People need to vote against him.

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I am almost as frightened if he doesn't get elected! Either way, I'm very much afraid all hell is going to break loose.

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Do not fear for that which you fear shall come to pass!

Be thankful and stay positive that we get this Government turned around with our power, persistence and faith in our fellow Democracy soldiers!

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Slouching towards autocracy.

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Willingly complicit, Willingly Oblivious to history

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It's just too hard... cried all the Nazi soldiers who didn't know how to speak out against and stop Hitler's rise to power. Sure, Jan.

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donny fuckface is not a normal presidential candidate!! wake up morans!

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He's not a normal anything.

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Cowards. Thanks Jeff for saying it plain and simple. Part of me wishes the Democrats would start using the word “cowards.” This is no election to pussy foot around.

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Exactly. If the American people don’t wake up and trump wins we will experience the Fourth Reich right here in the U.S.

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I think coward is a milquetoast description of anyone who knowingly votes for Trump after publicly vilifying him (& profiting off book deals, speaking engagements, etc). I’ll stick with calling such ilk fucking traitors.

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Everyone who is STILL a Republican, no, I mean a TRUMPLICAN, is scared to death of his supporters who are all rabid dogs needing to be put down with a rifle behind the barn. Cassidy Hutchinson, on the other hand, is still a Republican, and although I disagree with her on the idea that if Trump isn't the nominee, there's anyone else currently running on the right that would be worthy of anyone's endorsement, at least she comes out with the truth -- keeping democracy means keeping Joe Biden.

She's TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS OLD!!! And these other fucksticks in and out of government can't come out and say anything truthful about Trump because they're SCARED. It would be astounding, if it wasn't so typical. Kelly, Mattis, Romney, and others that have been respected and would be listened to are keeping quiet because what? They're old and tired? They've done their duties? Yeah, we're ALL fucking exhausted by the Orange Maniac. Get out there and SPEAK UP! Gahhhhh!!

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Maybe Cassidy is hoping Liz Cheney will enter the race but doesn't say so as Liz hasn't declared and is hated by the MAGAts. To me, Liz is the most decent and patriotic of any true Republican right now. (Actually anyone Trump has called a "RINO" would be better than the current candidates as they all have said they'd support Trump if he wins the primary.)

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So true Steve!!

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I mean, really Steve, wouldn’t you think these “high profile public servants” would at least fight for their honor before deflating like a birthday balloon? They should be fighting like hell instead of conceding to t-rump. The orange atrocity won’t give them a pass for being mute. He’s already revealed his plans for revenge.

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You would think. But I guess we have to remember that just a word from Trump on that stupid REALLY-not-Twitter site he has, and his followers will go after these people in person, in real life. They dox them, they sit outside their homes with bullhorns, etc. I remember one official, I think it was in Michigan, after the election, who was being harassed in her own home while she was there alone with her 5-year-old son. They're zombies for Trump. Of course, this is why we have security services, but most public servants can't afford them, but Romney could, as could Kelly and Mattis, and if not that, they should be protected by the government from this terrorist running for president.

But with all that said, the really high-profile respected ones SHOULD be making their voices heard. They won't affect the die-hard (if only) Trump supporters, but they will reach a squishy middle that's being fed a daily diet of, "Biden's too old," or some such shit. Eventually, and this is just conjecture on my part and is in no way a threat (if the Secret Service is monitoring!), Trump is ASKING to be assassinated. He has, and continues to go, SO FAR, that some nutbar in this country is going to take a shot at him and succeed. It only takes one person willing to lose their own life in the process, just one. I would rather it didn't happen, but it seems like it's headed in that direction.

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I sincerely hope it doesn't happen, although I'd be happy with a major stroke or heart attack, or some other accidental terminal occurrence. I don't want his death to make him a martyr to the cause - that would just get us into worse trouble, imo.

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It would, and no, we don't need more reasons for strife in the US. I did read somewhere several years ago that presidents pick their own funeral arrangements, whether it's going to be a big, public affair (do we call it a "State Funeral?"), lying in state in the Rotunda, etc., or just a regular funeral with family. I just CAN'T imagine what Trump ordered. No, wait, I can! The solid gold oversized casket, and the funeral cortege down Pennsylvania Avenue, dancing girls in skimpy black outfits dancing tastefully behind the steel-reinforced carriage pulled by at least 18 horses, Melania (probably) in some Jackie-Kennedy-inspired mantilla so no one can see her smiling AT LAST! And all the adult children looking sad and mad at the same time because all he left behind was attorney debt. The Army Band playing a slow dirge of "Y.M.C.A." We will never be over it! 🤣

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I love your imagination! Great visual!

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Not to make light, but maybe then the magats will be “all up in arms” for gun control. That aside, I agree with you that said public servants have reason to keep their heads down considering the rampant harassment of former t-rump admin. officials.

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"useless. totally fucking useless." 100%.

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They're all profiles in..., well, ignorance, cowardice, laziness, denial, deflection, weakness or just flat out liars and cheats. "I'm appalled," they say while twiddling their fucking thumbs and havng another drink.

I've never expected anything different from those people. Why start now.....

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Cassidy said exactly what I hoped she said - to vote for Biden if we want to keep our democracy. I watched the interview with Jen, and Cassidy is courageous and honest. I wish she’d go a little harder but I should probably read her book. I’m dying to hear her now-enlightened opinion about Mark Meadows, her former boss, but she said she wants to keep the message on Trump. It’s encouraging to see how the scales have fallen from her eyes re Trump. I am thankful Liz Cheney took her under her wing to get her there, although Liz may have her own agenda. Time will tell, but Liz’ motive seems to be saving democracy for our country (and the world at large).

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Sliding down a slippery slope with Stupid as Fuck MagaTs .. OH MY I still have my head up the FatFuglyOrangeTwatMuffinsASS.. let’s put him back in charge so we can finally destroy the entire country and everything we used to stand for.. you know.. Liberty and Justice For ALL..Equality.. And the list goes on.. And that DoucheFORBrains will be emperor FOREVER.. that’s the final game plan.. he will NEVER be ousted out of the White House.. he wants to be America’s Putin or Xi Jinping and rule FOREVER.

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Again you are the queen of descriptive adjectives.

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This is a class war and the billionaires are winning. Republicans must appease their sponsors by supporting Trump. Money has the loudest voice, the country be damned.

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