traitor Trump praises Putin in another batshit crazy speech
if you’re rooting for Russia, you’re on the wrong side
“do not congratulate.”
back when Little Donny Convict was president, his national security advisers had a wee bit of a problem: Donny wouldn’t stop praising the shit out of our adversaries. China’s Xi, North Korea’s Kim, Turkey’s Erdogan — Donny just couldn’t keep from running his fool mouth about how much he admired them for being ruthless authoritarian dictators who ruled their countries with iron fists.
but of course, Donny reserved his greatest praise for his despot bestie, Vlad Putin. he never quit yammering about how awesome Vlad was, and about how much he loved hanging out with the guy. just a couple of fun honchos, kicking back in Helsinki. Donny also took Vlad’s side in diplomatic disputes. remember Putin told me he didn’t meddle?
in 2018, Putin won his umpteenth term of office in another one of those sham ‘elections’ he likes to hold from time to time — and the White House NatSec team came up with a cunning plan to keep Donny from embarrassing himself and his county.
they wrote DO NOT CONGRATULATE, in all caps, across the cover of Donny’s daily security briefing.
spoiler alert: it didn’t work. Donny ignored his advisers and kissed Vlad’s ass in full view of the entire world.
at a hate-rally last night, the stupid fuck did it again, heaping praise on his totalitarian soul mate.
“by the way, I’d like to congratulate Vladimir Putin for having made yet another great deal. did you see the deal we made?”
‘we’? who’s we, Traitor Boy?
pro tip for Donny: if you’re rooting for Putin, congratulations — you’re on the wrong fucking side.
Thom Hartmann made a brilliant observation in his most recent Hartmann Report post: Donny Convict has entered the Fat Elvis phase of his political career.
He hasn’t grown or developed new routines; he’s just reliving his old hits every day, playing to a nostalgic and mostly elderly audience who fondly remember his glory days.
Thom goes on to explain that —
His pathetic attempt to question the racial identity of Vice President Harris was just a warmed-over version of his Obama Birther slanders; they played well back in the first decade of this century, but now they’re just old and flat.
His claim that Hispanic immigrants and asylum seekers are “taking Black jobs” is just a makeover of his 2015 coming-down-the-escalator pitch. It was new and novel then and caught the love and attention of racists all across America; now it’s just a tired retread.
it’s a comparison that works.
the thing is, Fat Elvis wasn’t as popular as Young Elvis was.
remember Kamala’s hugely successful rally in Georgia earlier this week? the joint was packed to the rafters, and was rocking — people got loud.
Donny’s hate-rally last night was held in the same hall — and there were hundreds of empty seats. here’s a comparison of the two events.
oh, Donny — that’s just sad.
Donny’s malignant narcissism prevents him from accepting the fact that he’s a tired old has-been who just can’t draw the big crowds any more — so he has to blame it on something, anything. it’s Georgia State University’s fault — there are ten billion people waiting outside and the school won’t let them in.
“but the school administration stopped us from getting anotherrrrrr— five hundred, six hundred, even a thousand people in. thousands of people were told no, and that was okay. but we could have fit another six hundred people. so I don’t know anything about this school, I don’t know anything about this school, but they could have allowed more people— they got people standing outside. look at all the people outside. so we’re not happy. hello out there. and then they actually pushed the people very far away from the building where we have beautiful cameras set up. if they’re going to stand in the way of admitting people to our rallies, just imagine what they’re going to do on election day.”
boo fucking hoo. always the victim.
what the hell is a “beautiful camera”? what a weird thing to say.
at the end of his career, Elvis was a train wreck. he would go on stage high as a kite and mumble his way through old hits, often forgetting the lyrics. he would also go off on drug-fueled rants about whatever weird shit was on his mind that day.
weird, drug-fueled rants — does that remind you of anyone?
“…coming in from prisons and jails and mental institutions and insane asylums. they hate why— when I use Dr. Hannibal Lecter as a— the late, great Hannibal Lecter, oh they go— look at all the media back there, look at all the fake news.”
Donny has it all wrong. we don’t hate it when he blithers incoherently about Hannibal Lecter — we fucking adore it. everyone loves to laugh at the circus clown.
by the way, what’s up with all the low energy from Donny? look at him — the narcoleptic old coot can barely keep his eyes open.
Donny has an issue that Elvis didn’t live long enough to experience: rapidly-advancing dementia.
“together we will stop Kamala Harris’ nation wrectkga— I tell you what.”
yup, there it is. the by-now-familiar frontotemporal glitch, complete with bulging eyes and accordion hands.
check out Donny’s batshit explanation of how EV charging technology works.
“… trillion dollars in the middle west. you saw they built chargers. now, a charger is a gas pump with electricity come through it. is that good?”
Donny is like a small child struggling to make sense of a world they have no hope of comprehending.
look how completely fucking bored the crowd behind Donny is. how much did the Trump campaign pay all those black folks to stand behind Donny and hold up those “you’re fired” signs? they all certainly look as if they’d rather be anywhere else right now.
we all are the woman in the lower left corner.
Elvis was huge in the 1950s — he was The King — but then tastes changed, and the world moved on. Elvis spent his final days alone and mostly-forgotten in Graceland, his mansion in Nashville Memphis.
Donny was yuge in 2016 — but now he’s just a tired old man, phoning in the same old shit. the country has moved on.
America has a rising new star at the top of the charts.
it’s time for Donny to live out the rest of his days alone and increasingly-forgotten in Motel-a-Lago.
no, wait — in a prison cell. yeah, a prison cell for a Very Special Boy would be a fitting end.
by the way, while researching Elvis at the end of his career, I found some batshit crazy behavior.
"Presley had been feuding with Kathy Westmoreland, a soprano back-up singer who once dated Presley but had since moved on to another member of the band. That night, a jilted Presley introduced her and then offered his personal thoughts. “She will take affection from anybody, any place, any time,” he told the audience. “In fact, she gets it from the whole band.” Presley repeated the insult the following night in Uniondale, New York. The third night, in Norfolk, Virginia, he continued his verbal assault, this time making more graphic sexual remarks in a lowered voice. Westmoreland walked off the stage but eventually stayed on the tour."
He's getting crazier. I need him to stay alive long enough to go to fucking prison. Looks like Judge Chutkin isn't wasting any time on the Election Interference Case! She said: "Trump's legal team had provided “no meaningful evidence” the former president had been prosecuted for "vindictive and political purposes". "Judge Chutkan has scheduled a fresh hearing on 16 August to discuss next steps in the case." YES! ✌️