in going over a year's worth of 'this week in stupids' to compile this, I was surprised by how many entries aged poorly. during Donny's trials, I kept gloating over how he was going to prison, and I mocked so many lousy candidates running lousy campaigns who ended up winning. ugh

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It's not your fault, Jeff. You aren't the only one blindsided by the stupidity of so many fucking people.

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Yeah, this year certainly did not turn out in any way a logical person would expect. I turn 60 in 2025…my first four years in my sixties will be tainted by this band of fucking assholes in charge…ugh is right.

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My first four years in my seventies will be the same. Double UGH!


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Today is my birthday, born on New Year's Eve 1953, I'm now 71. As if it isn't depressing enough to examine the past year and plan for the next one, I'm reminded of how hopeful I felt when Kamala entered the race, and how confident I was that she'd be elected after all the unbelievably awful/embarrassing/shocking and disgusting stunts that tRump pulled (remember him giving a BJ to the microphone? The town hall that devolved into watching him sway and convulse to gag-worthy music? The Nazi Rally at Madison Square?). And now I'm looking ahead to 2025? I have only one resolution: Survive. And one birthday wish: That MAGA will die. Deader than the famous Dead Parrot

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I, too, keep thinking about him fellating that mic, and am just gobsmacked that people looked at that and thought, “Yes! I want him to be my president!” He is so completely VULGAR- it’s nauseating.

On a different note, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!🎁🎊🎂🎉

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I must have said that over a hundred times during the campaign. I mean, SRSLY?! They saw that and said "Golly, Bob, howdy! Now THAT'S a real president!"


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IK,R? God he's so humiliating.

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Thank you! 😊

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Dont forget the double jerk off dance move! A Classic.

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As I said elsewhere today, I take comfort in the fact that we're all in the same pot, but that others will be boiling faster than some. As I marinate, I will (God help my blackened soul) enjoy the cries of the MAGAts. :D


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Paula, Happy Birthday! 🎂🎂 2024 was a total #Fail for America. Hope 2025 brings infighting & chaos to keep these bastards occupied

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Thank you, sweetie 😘

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Happy birthday Paula! Enjoy your day in the knowledge that Sharky McBatterypants ain't president yet.

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Happy Birthday Paula. I'll be 75 this year, and I'm sorry to say, it's not getting better.

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🫣😵‍💫😵😭😱💀=how my days have been feeling.

And thank you, Ellen.

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Happy Birthday, Paula!🎂💜! Concentrate on yourself first and then come out punching 🥊 witb the rest of us.

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I'm with you, Paula!

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Happy Birthday, Paula! Now we're the same age! I share your wish 1,000%!!! Here's to the death of MAGA. And your -- and all of our -- survival.

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Paula: "Dead Parrot", Monty Python, 5 min. 😂😂 Never watched MP, now on my list! https://youtu.be/4vuW6tQ0218?feature=shared

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Teri - thank you so much for posting this link. I had a chance to watch it while waiting for my kiddos, and it lifted my mood when I needed it the most.....of course I also ended up watching a few other videos, that happens every time I visit YouTube and can eat up hours of my time - which is why I never go there when I'm supposed to be doing something else. No such thing as "I'll only look for/at one specific thing"....I was in the middle of a Colbert monolog when the family arrived.

(They brought me a Tiramisu cake!)

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It’s hilarious!

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May you get your wish, Happy birthday, may you have all the good things.

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Happy birthday Paula 🎉🎉🎉!!!

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Paula, "dead parrot"? 🦜

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From the Monty Python skit. If you haven't seen it, it's a MUST! Google it, and it should direct you to the YouTube video. I'd get the link for you, but if I don't get dressed I'll be welcoming my kids in pj's and a rat's nest for hair. MUST. STOP. NOW. ttfn!

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'E's only resting.

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😂😂😂. 'e's stunned". When buyer bangs dead parrot on counter. 😂😂

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Happy Birthday, Paula. I just celebrated my 77th. What's disheartening to me is that I may not live long enough to see us break out of the insanity that seems to have control of our whole country. And, in all these years, I never imagined I'd live to see our precious democracy on the line as it is now.

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The first 4 in my 70s was his first term. Now I’m going headlong into my 80s (holy moly!😳) in his second. Ah well, perhaps as I turn 80 in 2 years the house and senate will return to normalcy with massive Democratic wins. (Fingers crossed!)

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Let's hope that will be your 80th birthday present!

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Oh, golly, I'm so sorry!!! Keeping fingers, toes and other appendages crossed, donating what we can to Democrats, and working after work to elect said Dems. Gonna give it the ol' 'college try' once again! <3

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I'm with you Cathy. I will turn 80 in two years; if I live that long.

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Patricia, let’s make a pact/ plan to turn 80 together in 2 years (mine’s November 9th, so quite awhile to go …) and celebrate all the stupid things these eejits in the White House and Congress fail to get done. 🥳🥳🥳

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Tell me about it. I’m just into my 80’s. Never thought we’d be in such a pickle in my old age.

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Same here. The outcome of this election continues to be a non-stop haunting shitshow. Those of us who recently turned 70 as well as everyone else can only hope that four more years won't be for the duration and age us more before our time. In the meantime, the folks who give us the bad sane wash news will be exposed to more rancid green clouds in tight spaces from the unfit convicted felon. Happy New Year everybody!

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Aw, GEEZ... just *thinking* about the horror of inhabiting a closed space with the incontinent fucknut makes my stomach turn. Yeah, better them than us and, in the meantime, I can only HOPE that Scott Jennings falls over unconscious from the noxious fumes and cannot appear on CNN ever again! ;


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Yep, double UGH!!! I’m sorry.

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I turned 70 in October and I am terrified that my twilight years will be all about watching democracy die in front of my eyes.

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I turn 75 in February and I'm as terrified as you are.

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Think about all the people in their last years of their lives. They could die thinking they that this is the way things are and will be forever more. 😩😫😖🥺🤪😜

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That is truly tragic!

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71 here and it looks like this shit is going to be the last I get to experience. Fuuuuuck.

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I hear you, I turned 60 this past June.

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My first 4 years in my 50s 😞

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Yeah, I think we all underestimated the stupidity of the American voter.

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I think it's more about unregulated social media and American Institutions are failing us. Billionaire's assets have gone up 300% while the working class incomes have remained stagnant. Our leaders are leaderless. Intellectualism is on the downside. King Shitpants wants fucking Panama? How about going after the 7 trillion dollars of money laundered dollars sitting in Panama banks. Our Institutions do not protect us. They protect the money. Our Institutions are diluted to protect white wealth and privilege. The rest of us can go fuck ourselves. It's such a fucking ass kissing contest out there. Which leaves the door open for autocracy. And here we are.

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No visions of sugarplums here. Rather visions of guillotines and Madame Defarge.

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The guillotine has been an object of fascination , not that I’d ever care to watch one in action Marie! However, I see your point!

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Of course I couldn’t either. But verbal release helps a wee bit.

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Our Reps, Senators, justices, & CEOs need to think the guillotines may be coming for them. We need to let them understand that we are really, really angry & we are not going to tolerate this moneymaking corruption anymore.

I will be marching for our rights on Jan 18 in a city near me, I hope every one of you here will do the same.

It’s a combination of The Women’s March & The People’s March honoring MLK & the fight for equality for all. Find a march/protest near you. womensmarch.com

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Knitting and counting....such a lovely lady! She got what she deserved in the end. Karma!

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Right On Lisa, the willfully ignorant voted against their own interests!

Their hatred of socialism, except for the Uber wealthy appears to be a confusing issue in this country!

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This year has proven smart people can be fucking stupid. Then there's the functionally illiterate that vote against their own interests. For decades. This has been a decade of hate propaganda media. Well, actually, it's always been this way. However, unregulated social media is fertilizer on everyone's character defects. It's full of shit.

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Unregulated media came into vogue as Clinton signed the revised Communications Act. The Telecommunications Act allowed any unlicensed and unregulated Trou du Cul a mouthpiece to broadcast disinformation, propaganda and lunacy, you’ve got their number Lisa!!

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So right on. Job One for the Dems and the ethical Rs on Jan 7, 2021 was to prevent the criminals from ever taking power again. They failed.

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They totally failed. I don't have much confidence in our Institutions anymore. They allowed the carnage to happen. They protect banks. We're just collateral damage.

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I will never, ever believe that he was fairly elected. I'm quite sure there was malfeasance from some outside source. I just can't accept that all Americans are that ignorant.

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Russia, Russia, Russia.

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I’m with you arne, no one can convince me there weren’t shenanigans going on besides the very obvious ones of voter suppression, voter intimidation, voter challenges, the dozens of bomb threats disrupting the polling places, etc

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I personally don't believe that. I'm convinced that drumpf lost.

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That's giving them the benefit of the doubt. Many of them are just stone cold evil.

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Truly evil!

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I didn’t.

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I think we're all with you there. I remember waking up a little more joyful every day when I'd hear about how badly things were going for him, naively thinking that "THIS time he's finished!" I've since learned not to set myself up for such disappointment like that again.

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You said it! We were, all of us here, very naive about exactly HOW corrupt the big players behind the scenes were, in the federal court systems, Republican-run state court systems (looking at you, Georgia!), and of course in the Republican wing of Congress. Throw in the ineffective and/or corrupt federal regulatory agencies, and the unprincipled owners of our major media, and poor Jeff and the rest of us didn't have a chance at true justice.

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Excellent points! Adding in Merrick Fucking Garland.

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Never again. Managing ideas of hope with the reality of this guy’s outcomes challenges just about everything I’m trying to learn about achieving balance being critical to happiness. #KevlarSuitNotTeflon

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I think you encapsulated why it happened with the so many stupid Americans one.

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I'm with you, Jeff. I thought things would turn out differently, too. But I was mislead by a report that Haldol was going to be put in the drinking water of several states, which obviously didn't happen.

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Like you, Jeff, most of us on here thought things like he was going to jail, he would be tried on the stolen documents, Kamala would win in a landslide, lotsa sane and rational stuff like that. 2024 really did not go as we thought it would.

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In fact, things have gone upside down. Maybe even slid into an alternate dimension/reality. A Backwards Universe where dark is light, gravity is sideways, lies are truth, good is evil, and misery is euphoria.

I'm going back to bed. Wake me up in two years so I can reassess the situation, if anyone is still here.

Happy/Horrible New Year!

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I'm with you. Fuck it!

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I think we all underestimated just how two tiered our justice system really is.

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I am surprised you were able to narrow it down - you had so much to choose from. Well done!

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You have absolutely OUTDONE YOURSELF in this fabulous "Retrospective of 2024". I started howling with laughter at the insane comment of the delusional (to put it kindly) orange sadist thinking he looks like the great Elvis and the photos you posted, and never stopped!! YOU ARE AMAZING!!! Thank you for helping all of us survive this almost-gone year. Praying that you can do the same come the Grim 2025. Wishing you and Mrs. Spouse all the very, very best! (ps, if danny ain't in the closet, i don't know who is. oh, wait. yes I do. it's that obsequious lickspittle Lindsey Graham.)

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I am in awe of the amount of time you must have spent putting this together! You outdid yourself! Happy New Year -if that’s possible.

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The all time greatest, Jeff! Thanks for the laughs.

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Hat tip to Jeff. That’s was a lot of work, trying to pick the best of the litter of garbage from these clowns. So much material to pick from; so little digital space.

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That’s exactly the point unfortunately. I seem to remember that Dietrich Bonhoeffer famously wrote about how the Nazis came to power not because people were evil, but because they were stupid.

He wrote:

"Upon closer observation, it becomes apparent that every strong upsurge of power in the public sphere, be it of a political or a religious nature, infects a large part of humankind with stupidity".

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Helluva Year

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Aw well. You can’t win them all

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happy new year's eve, everyone! Ms Spouse and I will be spending a quiet one at home, and I've long given up trying to stay awake til midnight

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Same. “Gotta feeling ‘25 is gonna be a bad year” (apologies to The Who)

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Dang, I've had that song running through my head all day!!


Happy New Year, dear lady!!

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Same to you, my friend.

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Nicely played Kay-EI!!

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Happy New Year to you and Ms Spouse. My wishes are that it will not be as bad as it probably will be & that we & the world somehow miraculously survive Project 2025, the tech bros, & their diaper-clad mascot.

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HAPPY NEW YEAR to you & Mrs. Spouse!! May the coming year bring you joy, laughter, love, and more fun poking at the idiots who THINK they rule our world. <3

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I actually made it to 11:30 last night. Trying to build up my stamina. Probably be sacked out by 10 tonight.

Happy New Year, Jeff! Thank you for your insight, research and humor.

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I’m a morning person… I never make it to midnight on New Year’s Eve.

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Jeff and Ms. Spouse: get a dog that reacts to fireworks. Then you won't get a wink of sleep New Years Eve!

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I was asleep when the ball dropped, but my thoughtful neighbors set off several M80's, or cherry bombs, so I wouldn't miss the Magic Moment: The Start of Armageddon.

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Happy New Year’s Eve to you and Mrs. Spouse. 💙

Thank you for keeping me informed and laughing through this last difficult year. 🙏

Thanks in advance for helping us get through this insane coming year.

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Happy new year to you & Ms.Spouse, Jeff! I usually make it to about 10 & then barely hear the fireworks!

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