Thank you Jeff.

It is remarkable to me that voters continue to support the corrupt and the incompetent. As the world becomes more volatile, as conflict and the risk of conflict increases, and as technology advances, you would think that regardless of political ideology, voters would support people who are, at a minimum, going to defend the system they are entrusted to lead. Instead people like Scott Perry, Paul Gosar, Andy Biggs, Marjorie Taylor Greene, James Comer, Lauren Boebert, Matt Gaetz, and Jim Jordan are elected to the House.

Florida takes a corrupt governor who's company was found guilty of Medicare Fraud and says "here's the perfect guy for the U.S. Senate."

Can you imagine being among a small group in a post-apocalyptic United States and thinking, "You know who can lead us out of the crisis?: Ron Johnson!"

These voters are the reason that books are banned, women's rights are regressing, and voting rights (which should be a foundation for any society that aspires toward democracy) are eroding and "trickle-down" is seriously discussed as a form of economics instead of the mass fraud it represents.

These voters wrap themselves in the American flag claiming "true patriotism" and yet are directed by Australian billionaire Rupert Murdoch in terms of what to believe and who to hate. They immerse themselves in religious scripture, picking out any passage they can (while ignoring many others) rationalizing their own greed, selfishness, and hatred of anyone who looks, believes, or loves differently. The people they are told to choose as leaders are those who are most likely to fight against equity, justice, and democracy. So-called leaders who represent the interests of the obscenely wealthy, the oil, gas, and coal industries, big pharma, and others over law and policy that would benefit a vast majority of Americans.

The leading candidate for the Republican party is an admitted felon. His lawyers asserting "Presidential immunity" are effectively saying, "Trump committed criminal acts, but you cannot hold Trump responsible because he was President." (Of course it will be argued that inciting an insurrection, betraying national security, obstructing justice, suborning perjury and other such crimes are NOT official duties of the President), eventually, points of law will be decided by a group who have already demonstrated their lack of ethics. For all of those in the "election was rigged camp" -note that Trump's defense is not a plea of innocence. Such thinking would require the application of logic, something sorely missing from the willfully ignorant.

I don't necessarily fault the painfully incompetent or inherently corrupt for running for election or re-election. Let's face it, someone like MTG might not be employable otherwise. The issue is that voters somehow believe that in these perilous times, an idiot or a criminal (or both) are their leaders of choice.

It's been said a society gets the government it deserves. Yet I've had the pleasure of working shoulder to shoulder with many incredibly smart, dedicated, compassionate people who deserve ethical leadership toward an equitable, just, and democratic system. Not a government of sociopathic circus clowns.

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Oh, and Happy New Year!

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What I’m reading into your post is what I’ve been trying find the words for. I feel that Colorado and Maine have made proper decisions concerning Trump’s legal status regarding the 2024 presidential ballot.

It’s clearly stated in the 14th Amendment section 3 what the disqualifications are to become ineligible to run for any public office. Trump has met all of them.

Some folk have interpreted this as not applicable to members of the GOP. That it’s somehow unconstitutional to uphold the U.S. Constitution?

Why is the 14th Amendment section 3 suddenly “unclear”?

There are certain people I had at least some respect for questioning A14-3’s application regarding Trump. I had considered some to have the ability to speak truthfully to Trump’s disqualification. David Axelrod being the latest disappointment.

You’ve given a perfectly clear and honest explanation. Because people are voting incompetently. They have been given no indication they understand the consequences of an unstable government. What fascism is or what democracy is for that matter. That’s why we have laws, to help people understand what their rights are. Knowing who you’re voting for and the right to vote are constitutional rights. How corruption of the laws affect society and each of us personally.

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Thank you Karen. It seems fairly straightforward to me. From the Constitution and Amendments, if Trump was 30 years old -there would not be a constitutional question as to his eligibility. Similarly, if he was not a natural born citizen (although I’m certain many could make a solid case that he slithered out from under a rock). And as clear as that section is, the 14th Amendment adds disqualifications, such as not participating in an insurrection or rebellion against the very system you’ve sworn an oath to protect.

I guess it becomes less clear to great legal minds when you are inundated with luxurious gifts, or your spouse also participated in the insurrection.

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Yes, George, the perfect comment to end a year like 2023, to complement Jeff's perfect (and hilarious) synopsis of it !

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Maybe Nancy's "A" stood for "Asshole." 😜

Happy New Year's Eve, all.

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🔥🔥🔥 Here’s to a less stupid new year.

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We will probably see a whole lot more stupid in 2024 but we need to keep our eyes on the prize. Winning not whining!

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I’m in total agreement with you, Michael. Being combative is sometimes fun and comedic, when it hits the nail on the head. But I believe that raging against the (excessively mentally ill) illogical illiterate and ignorance of a large number of Americans will not be the resolution. I believe this from knowledge I’ve acquired and learned through much time and dedication to mending the mind(s). It can become a vicious cycle and instill closed mindedness, bad attitudes and exacerbate situations. 🫶🏽🔆✌🏽 HNY🥳

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So true. We empaths have an obligation to set the record straight and fight like hell for all the oppressed, marginalized and incarcerated who have been unjustly harmed, abused.

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I’ll have to admit it took more energy than I had expected to not react, not be triggered but I prevailed nonetheless. Builds character says Marcus Aurelius.

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Live Long and Prosper y’all! 🤝( Looks like the Vulcan Salute is no longer an emoji? What a world, what a world!

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Another good one Jeff. It is amazing how many stupid things happened this year. Even Joyce Vance wrote about it, and she’s not usually snarky. There are only a few things I really look forward to each day, reading “Everyone is entitled to my own opinion” is at the top of that list. Thank you Jeff for keeping us well informed in such an entertaining way..and thanks to all the commenters on here too!! Happy New Year to all of us and here’s hoping we still have a country after 2024! ✌️❤️🎶

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Here’s to Jeff!

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Happy New Year to all the sane, and woke people here on Substack . You give me hope! Vote Blue!

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“ooh ooh that smell...can’t you smell that smell...” by Lynyrd Skynyrd.

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---His new song on the campaign trail!

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Him selling pieces of his clothes...the literal opposite of a relic 😐

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Imagine the aroma

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Another brilliant summary. "The guy from the gutter cleaning commercial..." 🤣🤣🤣

Happy New Year. 🥂🎉💙

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Happy New Year, Susan.🍾🍾🎉🎉🎆

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Back at ya, Charlie. Maybe 2024 will be a little less stupid? Nah… probably not! 😂🎉💙

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Happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year, Susan! 🎉🎊💙

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Same to you Sharon...so glad we met! Looking forward to our next lunch! 🥂💙🎉

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And one other thing. On the plus side we have our beacon of truth and his never-ending supply of creative insultery, Jeff Tiedrich, to help us get through stupid week after stupid week. Happy New Year, everyone!

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What a fucking year. Thanks to Jeff and everyone for your unremitting snark and smack. Happy New Year.🎉🎉🎆🎆🍾🍾

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Here's to seeing Jeannie Pirro passed out in a plate of mashed potatoes before midnight.

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Most likely before noon!

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Good point

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It’s that last picture of shitty tfg that tells me more about the year for tfg than anything else. And to think trumpistas believe that Biden is somehow bad. You’re right Jeff. They’ve been turned into complete zombies; the trump undead.

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Happy New Year to you and Mrs. Spouse! I'm wishing you all the very best and abundant of everything that makes you happy in 2024.

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Thanks for the memories Jeff, but the day is still young. Thanks for all you do and for inspiring a new Jingle!

Jingle Bells, Donny Smells

Rudy laid a shitty egg

And rubbed it with hands so it would melt down on his head.

Happy New Years to you and Ms Spouse!

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My lyrics could stand improvement but hey it’s just still dark in Hawaii.

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Color me gobsmacked that the US is being governed by this much fuckery and stupidity. Many thanks to those rational beings that are keeping us from completely sliding in the abyss (phone tried to correct abyss into anus, which also works). Happy New Year to all who still believe in democracy and don’t think authoritarianism is the bomb.

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When the history books are written--and there are of course many of them even now--will the answers finally come to two burning questions: WHAT is under his coat at that interview, and WHY did he suddenly need two hands to hold that glass of water??

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We'll find out at autopsy...sooner, the better. 🤞🏻💀😘

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May 2024 have fewer pant loads.

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