You had it right. If you pitched ANY of these ideas to a Hollywood producer, you’d get laughed at. The GQP is a clown car, engulfed in flames, tearing across a broken down railway trestle with a trunk full of diesel fuel and fertilizer. What could possibly go wrong?!??

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OMG I am rolling on the floor laughing. What a great way to start ending a year full of really crappy awful stuff, which is to be continued, but meanwhile, we have high humor here to lift your spirits and an ex president who the entire world is hearing smells bad, you know, like doodoo bad. And the nice thing about this is like the thing you can't unsee, the bell you can't unring. There's no going back from this and from now on forevermore, there will be articles and stories and even books about Donald Trump including that he smells like shit combined with hair gel and strange face makeups and doodads. He is now that guy who smells stinky and you just know this is going to bug him more than most things because he does know, he can't even mention it because it will live bigger if he does and will enter comedy routines all over the world instantly. He will be laughed at for stinking. hahahahahaha I can't wait.

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I really needed to see the guy with the pig head on a stick this morning because, well, I've been pretty fucking grumpy and that image just cheered me right up!!! Who the fuck ARE these guys?

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Love the drag queens beating up the proud boys--go girls!

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Ahhhh... what a walk down memory lane. Ron DeChickenfucker, The Yodeler, Missouri (my sad home state) hotline, Enjoy Your Piss Chris.... a sad commentary on the state of humanity in America. BUT... the laughter it brings is priceless.🤣🤣🤣🤣

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How does this unreliable fuckface even have a following? Because he's the funniest political writer in America.

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In such a large field of utter stupidity, I couldn’t decide who the academy award should go to for best performance by a raging asshole. I guess participation ribbons for everyone.

PS Award for a usual jerk who actually did something good: Republican Gov. Mike DeWine vetoed a measure Friday that would have banned gender-affirming care for minors and transgender athletes’ participation in girls and women’s sports

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Oh God! The transgender dog had me lol with tears in my eyes! I need to Google all of the prank calls they received for some great comic entertainment. And yeah - wtf is with that underwear on the outside of notdonaldtrump about? Looks like he’s on the toilet, pants and panties outside-in. Weird.

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Just woke up this Friday not in a great mood and with headache, that changed fast by reading you Jeff and spitting coffee All over and basically wetting my pijama: you are hysterically funny and the light of my day❤️❤️💙💙💙💙🔥🔥🔥🔥

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Lizards, chicken-fuckers, sporkfoots, piss boys, piss drinkers, etc. Welcome to Dumbfuckistan. (It would be nice if Ron the Lizard Man would have eaten Piers Morgan).

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Jeff, you are the highlight of my day! Thanks for all of the work you do to keep us informed. 😊

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Geez- how much more dumb shit can we take?!?!?!?! So much to choose from!🤔

Great post-forgot about some of that!

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You could strap dynamite to your forehead and roll around in a campfire and still not look as dumb as the average Republican that's even once ever in front of a camera.

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The Proud Tots got their asses handed to them. If that’s not true justice, I don’t know what is. I hope a few of them ate their teeth.

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I had forgotten about the Proud Boys getting beat up by drag queens in NYC, but thanks for the reminder.

Karma is indeed a bitch, and she's wearing stilettos and a fabulous wig!

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The hits just keep on coming. We follow you despite anything. Around here one can't predict the weather except it will be bad sooner or later. Probably sooner. One can't predict our legal system because it often seems to be setup for the rich. So the wheels of justice turn very slowly.

I have faith in America, and I know that the wingnut dipshits will come up with weird ideas as long as they get any attention.

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