“Emission from God” shows awfully fine craftsmanship in the wordsmithery department.

JD Vance is always going to be strange. To the end of his days. Soulless, but uniquely incapable of imitating human thought and expression. Like a cult acolyte priest for a cult he has no idea about but for whose ceremonies has learned the moves.

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Also enjoyed ‘mouth-sounds at the whoop whoop’ 😆‼️

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Was he saying dogs are stupid or ambulances are ? Probably both, because he's so weirdly stupid.

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Poor JD Vance. He’s caught up in a game but has no idea what the rules are or how to fake it. I blame that on his handlers who didn’t have the brains to choose a decent front man and instead accelerated the unfortunate, inept boy child into a position far over his innate stature. He must dread waking up in the morning.

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Either way, voters won’t be happy about it.

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You’re reading it right. Between them, he’s the idiot. I worry for his dogs and his children.

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Justa Dick, wouldn't surprise me if he pulled a NOEM.

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Really. If you want to win over humans you must not diss their beloved stupid dogs. Practice this skill, JD.

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The howling at sirens is the old "howl with the pack" response, a hold-over from their wolfish ancestors. But I wouldn't expect Vance to have a clue about that. He doesn't have a clue about how to "people," much less how to "dog."

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It's an ingrained DNA response in the computers.

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He is really awkward… perhaps another Melon Musk or Peter Theil?

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Ronny desantis too!

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That’s exactly who I was thinking of!

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Me too!! 😄 Both lack interpersonal skills. Can't see how anyone would have voted for them.

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It’s all explained by tons of money & expensive marketing.

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Are they related?

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I think that therein lies Vance’s main problem. He’s living proof, along with fascist/racist Peter & Elon, of how computer tech has eviscerated the humane & relational natural abilities of the past/current generations x, y & z.

They don’t have to interact and learn humane & relational skills. Thus, they don’t learn conversation. In Vance’s case he always had his families in WVA and Eastern KY to feel superior toward and down on from the cultural heights of western OH & Cincinnati.

The Georgian Civil War - Reconstructionist writer, Sidney Lanier proved at least twice in his thirty-nine years that one doesn’t require more than a few weeks living in an area to caricature the area so very obscenely as to make it unrecognizable to any native resident.

Vance became a Yale prof and Lanier a Johns Hopkins prof. Neither did anything to earn their institutional cachets. So American: that plumping our “earned-but-nonexistent-amazing-abilities-and-experiences.”

Color me very unimpressed with the entire lot! Let’s reproduce two or three Ta-Hanisi Coates, Andrahati Roys and Erin Morgensterns and then brag about our earned abilities and experiences.

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I don't think computer tech or elitist universities created them out of nothing; I just think neurodivergent people tend to gravitate to tech and finance (and elitist universities) and do well there. (I should know: I are one, I've worked in tech for years, and I'm happier than I would have been as a lawyer or political scientist.) It's hard to view neurodivergents working in tech as a bad thing in and of itself -- brilliant people finding a place where they belong and work they do well is critical to surviving the climate crisis, for one thing.

The thing is, these guys got hugely rich and stayed that way because the US's system of taxation is broken, for one thing. Piling up huge fortunes and not being required to even pay as much in taxes as ordinary people do puts them above everyone else. They use their money to insulate themselves from any semblance of reality. And when it comes to solving problems that they've likely contributed to creating, they say "let the peasants eat cake". (They probably also keep some Moet et Chandon in a pretty cabinet.)

So they're mind-bogglingly rich and have innate issues developing any empathy with their fellow humans. What could possibly go wrong?

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Americans are always using psychological bs to bring ourselves to the heights of intelligence and brags about how their beachy sandcastle is far more sophisticated than anyone else’s have ever been.

Who does that sound like pocoloco?

Hmmm, can’t quite place it myself.

Honey, each of us is neurodivergent insofar as we have unique neuronal pathways and unique experiences that we react to and interpret through those individually unique biological constructs.

I don’t claim to be someone who falls into a niche (upper-level, of course) on “The Spectrum.” Although, after thirty-plus years as a clinical therapist I’m pretty fully aware of how massive outrage by upper middle class parents at having their own “highly intelligent” babies lumped together with children who met almost no developmental milestones doctors had made up.

But, we’ve cured that problem by turning “neurodivergent” into a word which folks embrace with the fervor evangelicals embrace “Saved.”

Shakespeare probably summed up our psychological terminologies best as “full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.” So it goes.

Try to learn not to self-associate yourself with the attributes Americans laud this week. Learn words like “compassionate,” “humane,” “open,” “loving” and “equanimous.” That will build confidence and an ability to see that in describing what I see in the world that if your name wasn’t Trump, Musk or Vance then I wasn’t meaning to hit anyone else with the stone that caused your yelp.

Peace to you.

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Apologies to Arundhati Roy and Ta-Nehisi Coates for my earlier misspellings of their names.

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Whew…Radha! That’s a JT post winning comment if ever I’ve read one!!

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Thank you.

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was JD Vance a professor at Yale...I thought he just want to law school there..I didn't know he was a professor...

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He was the editor of the Law School Journal. My mistake. Although he also claims that Yale hurt his feelings and made him feel less worthy due to his lack of family income, of course apparently was given a full ride or mostly full ride to law school.

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I wonder what type of law JD specialized in?

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Accordg to this rundown at Law Fuel:

“Following his clerkship, Vance joined the Columbus, Ohio office of Sidley Austin LLP one of the prestige law firms in the United States where he focused on complex litigation and regulatory compliance matters, gaining exposure to high-stakes corporate legal issues.”

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Many thanks for the correction, Julie Sisk.

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Melon Musk!

Laugh laugh laugh laugh.

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Isn't Vance Peter's boyfriend? Didn't the Big P fund his campaign?

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That’s the only reason Vance won that Senator seat, Peter Thiel’s money, to be able to buy the very best marketing

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What about Ted Cruz? There's another charmer.

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With any luck, Ted will soon be able to travel to Cancun when he wants -- and just STAY there.

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I really hope so, but with that crook, Ken Paxton doing who-knows-what with however many millions of Texan votes, I'm not sure the good people in Texas will ever have a really fair election until a whole bunch of people in power in that state either end up in jail or die!

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Colin is going to tee Cruz up nice and square on a field goal tee and boot his malignant ass straight to Cancun for the Win !🏈👍🇺🇸

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As a fellow Texan, I’ve got my fingers, toes and eyes crossed that Turd Cruz is an ex-senator real soon now

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Because it has to be said,

Fuck Ted Cruz.

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And fuck Josh Hawley and Moscow Mitch,too!

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I think JD and the asshat Governor of Florida are twin sons of different mothers.

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Brothahs from different muthahs.

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Not strange, WEIRD!

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Exactly. He’s like artificial intelligence without the intelligence part. Artificial buffoonery maybe.

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Natural stupidity

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He's ChatbotJDV

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Can’t have a bossy woman running things.

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I know, right?

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My supervisor told me once: you are so competent it creeps me out. I managed not to laugh, kept my face blank and said nothing.

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I was told I was “worrying the other partners”

(At a CPA firm after I refused to turn back a date stamp in the mail room)

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The true words of a weasel among men, “understand it’s not me but certain ‘other partners’ want you to break the law” that’s what I hear.

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Yes - also assuming I didn’t know it was illegal. a complete jackass. I quit a few weeks later.

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My favorite was being told I needed to apologize to someone I worked with, whom I'd had a technical disagreement with. I was right; it was obvious pretty quickly. But I'd hurt the poor guy's fee-fees by not just agreeing and keeping my mouth shut.

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I was once ordered to apologize for saying to a mid-level female manager “are we okay with the repercussions of these actions?”. My husband came up with the best non-apology apology, “I meant to show no signs of disrespect”. Then a project I was in charge of cleared a boatload of money, so they left me alone for the rest of my career.

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Wow. An intelligent woman with integrity. That is awesome.

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It sounds like what happened to me in a meeting:”Say that again, your brain is too fast”!!😅😅😂😂🤣I wanted to say : maybe yours is too slow, but I needed the job😁

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I asked my ex-husband, did you hit your first wife? No, I didn’t have to. Why me? Because you know how to do things. (Truthfully, that was decades ago and I still cannot figure out what he meant.)

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He meant he would. I don’t know either one of you but he’s afraid of smart women and I’d be very careful around a man that says that.

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Apparently, your blank face is outstanding too!

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You have subtitles on your face too? No matter how hard you try to keep it blank?I hear you…😂

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'I'm sorry....did I just roll my eyes out loud?'

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I can so relate to this.

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We would never hear anyone say anything similar about a man’s leadership style. A strong competent woman is still considered a bitch in this world.

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And a strong competent woman who shows so much confidence, joy, and compassion, too. For some, that simply does not compute.

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It's just too threatening to insecure men. Not all men are insecure, but too many are. It's just sad. They should find something meaningful in their lives.

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That's because there are so few of them. The Peter principle is alive and malignant in corporate hierarchies.

Peter Principle and Dunning-Kruger all at once.

For five years I was site supervisor in a national corporate security office at a company whose name you all would recognize.

We used to say all the time what a fucking idiot the division guy was. Grade-A asshole, too.

Of course, he never heard it; it's one of the conceits of 'leadership'. They never hear a bad thing about themselves because it would mean the loss of a job; so they go around believing how great they are.

On the other hand, I worked in a (major defense and aerospace company) group in which all my co-workers were excellent at what they did, regardless of sex/gender.

Our attitude was the smarter the better, bring 'em in here.

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Oh shit how logical !has anyone thought of this option before ?

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There are even quite a few women who can’t stand strong competent women. I know - I’ve worked with a few. Probably explains why so many women are still MAGAts. It still boggles my mind though.

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Even by her female co-workers. For 13 yrs I ran a small management firm with all female staff, and a few male subcontractors. I'm a straight woman, married forever, with grown children. If you are a driven workaholic, manic, and have high expectations as to follow through from others, as a woman, people think they can get by you because you want to be "nice". I was super nice, but demanded performance as it was critical in my industry. My female employees thought I was too much "like a man," the guys, I just treated like my brothers. You can't win for losing in this double standard paradox, catch 22 and all. However, I think Kamala can beat out the Trolls at the Bridge. My mother used to say, don't take any wooden nickels, kiddo, beat em at their own game--and Kamala is going to use the female wiles and ferocious maternal prosecuting critical power to knock Trump off his feet and lose his hairpiece at the debate (wishful thinking here....)...speaking of which, what is this about he doesn't want lifts so he can stand tall against the "little woman" like he towered and glowered over Hillary....VOTE BLUE

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Kamala is going to fucking destroy LDFF with a cool and competent demeanor. This action will force the orange mango moron to ratchet up the hate speech rhetoric and he will fucking implode on National TV. I can’t wait!

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God help us NOT a competent one!!

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A powerful, tough, extremely competent, brilliant, experienced person who wants equally competent intelligent people around them? Why that's EXACTLY what we need as President---wait, did you say this was a FEMALE? EWWWWWW

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Heaven forbid…..next thing you know the brazen bitches would want to raise and care for the children the males have been tending for the last 500,000 years they might become real bossy mothers !😉

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vance, on vulnerable creatures:

"our dogs often howl at ambulances passing by, because they’re idiotic, but whatever."

"I'm on the phone with Donald Trump," Vance told conservative podcasters the Nelk Boys. "I'm like, 'Son [who was nearby, talking about Pokemon], shut the hell up for 30 seconds.'"

A person with zero empathy, zero insight into other living creatures, and zero self-awareness should not be in office and running for even higher office; he should be looking for an excellent psychotherapist who can help him cope with the rage that guides him (understandably, given his unstable upbringing). He should not be using public office to punish others as proxies for the people he truly (unconsciously) wants to destroy: mother, father, stepfather, grandparents, everyone else who harmed him and/or failed to protect him.

Sick sick sick person doing a massive amount of harm. If he had been born about 10 years later, there's a good chance that he would have been a school shooter -- *that's* how angry he is, though he's careful not to let it show in overt ways (raised voice, angry gestures, physical violence).

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Both Shady Vance and DonOld TRump are despicable cretins. How anyone in their right mind could support these disgusting men is beyond my comprehension.

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That’s what I keep asking myself these days: “how on earth is over 40% of the population in the polls still voting for the cretins?” Though I just nicked your word “cretins.” Thank you. It’s perfect.

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36 years' worth of Rightie media brainwashing will do it. From Limbaugh to Faux to these Russian dupes. It never lets up.

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They’ll be paying off favors more than even Nixon did

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His actions betray a huge lack of empathy. He's now dissed children, animals and next up are the handicapped and anyone concerned about childcare. Oops! He already told the latter group to go pound sand.

I've met his type before, (luckily not often). They wear the skin of being human but behind the eyes is a creepy off-putting lack of caring.

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They’re sociopaths.

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That’s probably right. I mean we’re certain Trump is, and Vance’s anger and antipathy toward humans ( dogs too?) is palpable.

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J.D. is the Apprentice in the freak flesh !

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Damn right Dee. That guy is (just like his idiot boss) completely dead inside. No empathy, no warmth, no ability to interact with other humans. And he says nothing but idiotic MAGA stuff. That kind of Sociopathic behavior should never be a heartbeat from the presidency. Plus, I bet you a donut that if trump does win, his backers are gonna show his dumb ass to a window exit and project 2025 will be implemented for real by this pathological shitnozzle

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You know it. Putin will be glad to assist.

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I think Joe should offer him a complete pardon in exchange for quitting his presidential bid ! And when Kamala is elected …say to the orange malignancy fuck you I lied ! I wanted to see how it felt being a roaring asshole for 78 years ….now that I’ve royally fucked you over hmmmm…it feels pretty good bwwwhahaha !

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I do think JD is crying out for help who resolving his issues from his very unfortunate childhood includudib his low opinion of women and need to suppress them. Marines and Yale Law school don’t see to have helped. Like all the people who morphed from never Trumpers to cultists he is an empty shell

And you are so right that vance will try his own coup as soon after January 6th as he can.


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He sounds like if Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis had a baby.

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Careful, Karla. The gender police are taking names…now you’ve got DonandRon on their lust.

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But…but…who would run as a Republican in any race?

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Thanks for your input Dee!!

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Let's not forget Vance writing about himself in his memoir:

“I can be defused, but only with skill and precision. It’s not just that I’ve learned to control myself, but that Usha has learned how to manage me.”

How fun for Usha. Nothing more uplifting than having to "manage" your ticking time bomb hubby.

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I’m not a psychologist but I firmly agree with your assessment of Vance’s subconscious motivations.

He definitely has tons of suppressed rage.

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Did he really say that to his son? Tell me it ain't so. Who says that to their kid? Some fine parenting.

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Now…or later anyway, I’m going to have to ask Alexa why I should vote for the Felon. 🤦🏻‍♀️

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Please let us know the answer. I could use the laughs.

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