Thank you Jeff.

With Kevin McCarthy, Jim Jordan, and the Freedumb caucus in the House - there was such a surplus of stupidity I'd forgotten about Ron Johnson, U.S. Senator representing Russia. It is a great feeling to know that John Kennedy, Ron Johnson, Lauren Boebert, and others are still out there helping the United States shine a bright beacon of democracy for the rest of the world.

Maybe it's all part of the GOP plan to control immigration. Perhaps they envision an America where no one wants to reside?

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Tell you what - it’s working on me, a wannabe tourist. I had the Grand Canyon on my bucket list, but imma gonna wait….

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I don't know whether Trump called this kicking the ball in a hole in one but he did announce last week that he won a golf tournament recently, beat everybody else. Then why does he look like a puffed up sweat hog who's about to faint in the heat and looks a tad dimwitted when all the other golfers are trim, fit and obviously just let him say he won because, well, MAGA. I can't bring myself to listen to one word of one of my state's senator as he reads dildo directions. I discovered just certain suggestions trigger my gag reflex. And Ron Johnson, well, until Tuberville came along he was the dumbest Senator who actually takes himself seriously.

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I know what you mean about Trump looking dim witted and IMO he looked pretty elderly. Athletic is not an adjective I’d use when describing Trump. Pants aren’t the only thing too high, G-Pa.

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he can still fluff himself up in a suit and tie and a crowd but I see lots of "tells" that no matter what he thinks he can ward off with all this, it is beginning to take its toll. His eyes give away a tremendous lack of sleep. At his age he can't keep that up. There's like a tipping point and you just start flailing on your way down to the bottom. Since he's literally lived this way all his life, he can tolerate a lot more than a good human being would be able to or even just a run-of-the-mill bad person. But everybody has a limit and he is not winning at his usual tactics. This time the guys on the other side have the deepest pockets and the fool doesn't seem to realize, the more he yells and screams and craps on everybody, Smith just goes back to the grand jury that has NOT been dismissed yet and digs up some more facts that Trump was stupid enough to expose. He has his heavy hand in this push to impeach Biden for absolutely nothing.

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Oh absolutely! He’s in touch with Quivern’ Quevin on an hourly basis! He probably orchestrated the Bobert Porn Performance in Public as a surprise shocker! Not shocked, not at all.

Watching the Republican Party overdose itself with insanity is not pleasant. Republicans are white supremacists who’ve never had any intention of working across the isle to promote any kind of equality or equity.

For a very brief period of time they were true conservatives. But only because both arms were twisted behind their backs. Once they got a toehold, shoving others around and stealing what they think is owed to them while telling others to pull themselves up by their bootstraps. Then when people actually did pull themselves up, they activated the KKK and other hate groups, backed by white supremacist politicians, and put them in office, repeatedly. “It’s in our nature Sir, to hate brown people. In our culture it is expected, you see. Now, step aside so I can continue to trample human rights, you’ll excuse my behavior as always.”

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LMAO you’ve outdone yourself Jeff. ‘Boobs’ Handsy, formerly known as Bobo hasn’t entirely "lived up to my values" or some such politico-babble she’s spouting. I see no mention of Space Laser Three Names (stole that from Karen on WaPo) but she’s not keeping her head down, it’s just that you have only so much room to write. Thank you my dear Mr. Tiedrich. Sometimes you have to laugh if only to keep from weeping and raging at it all the damn time.

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Every week is more unbelievable than the past. This MAGA/GQP group of brain-dead, grungy, pathetic dirtballs have turned decent, normal, polite society on its ass, and we're all forced to watch this crap unfold in order to fight against it!

Unfortunately, a lot of the Jerry-Springer like public (with media assists) are so used to getting down and dirty that they love this stuff. I think they feel empowered because they can vote for these people!

If Jeff didn't have me laughing at this on a daily basis, I'd be even more depressed and fearful than I am already!

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One more giant step to realizing the world of former fiction of "Idiocracy."

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Re the Jerry-Springer public: I think they feel empowered because some see themselves in these nasty, dirty, immoral people. Others, because they enjoy Reality TV shows.

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Here ya go Jeff. A headline from today's Washington Post online.

"Speaker McCarthy steps into the breach as his conference toils".

Now I dare anyone to tell me the MSM isn't pulling hard for Republicans to win big in 2024.

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More like steps in shit. Guess I need to stock up on bourbon and mac & cheese for when govt shuts down.

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I don’t care if you watch porn. I just don’t want to see you do it in public. There’s a time and place for that: bedroom, living room, bathroom, closet. Your choice! The overlap of Kennedy reading while watching that idiot grab Boob-erts was brilliant.

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Boob-erts has been to Melanie’s kidney doctor.

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Too bad someone hasn't made a full-legth movie of all the Republican hypothcracy and donor-scripted behavior.

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It will happen some day, though having lived through quite a bit of it, I’m not sure if I’d pay to see a remake.

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Michael Moore will do it!

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OMG! I haven't laughed this hard since Gilbert Gottfried read an excerpt from 50 Shades of Gray., which btw, would also pair well with Lauren-trash-bin-Boebert's security video. Oh, the humanity!!

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Hoebert is very sorry (that a camera proved she was lying). And either she's lying about forgetting she was vaping (and being asked to stop by a pregnant woman), or she's such a selfish, brain-dead d-bag that she can't keep track of all the times she's a selfish, brain-dead d-bag.

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Been having some deep thoughts this morning. I am afraid for this nation. The hypocrisy of the GOP, the gas lighting, I'm afraid it will work to a degree we cannot claw our way back from. People are incredibly short-sighted, and the addictive, immediate rush of adrenaline that expressing their hatred provides them is frightening. How do we combat this?

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Putin must be so thrilled with his protégé trump.

Hard to believe our country was so easy to take down.

But it is not over folks until the fat man chokes to death

on one of his fucking hamberders.

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Except even if he was beamed up tomorrow, there are all these millions of people who look for someone like him.

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Vote blue, vote blue and vote blue in 2024. Don’t be afraid, get mad and get active! Thank you, Gail. It is horrifying to see the “news” everyday. Thank god for Jeff T!

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Jeff, you have me howling!! Lost contact lens...of COURSE!!🤣

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Will Moms for Liberty and the GOP ban this book: Lauren and Friend Go to the Theater. (It’s a sequel to Lauren Goes Bowling.)

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Boebert single-handedly rubs out Pornhub. Film at eleven.

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Thanks for keeping me in the loop, Jeff. I’ve been avoiding non-twitter all week.

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I can’t stop laughing!!! Another stupid week!

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Hilarious. We have to laugh. Thank you.

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I watched that footage of Boebert several times...in fact, more than is good for me... and she looked completely manic. Given that we know she doesn’t suffer from bipolar disorder, my conclusion is that she was high as a kite. I truly pity the poor woman who was sitting behind her. Just a disgraceful display.

On another not, listening to Kennedy read sex scenes may be the most powerful anti-aphrodisiac known to man.

Thanks for the brilliant piece!

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You’ll never run out of material in this country

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