And seriously…we know Don Jr. is a coke head. And we know he owns guns. How exactly, did he fill out his gun license application? Why isn’t the DOJ Hunter Biden-ing the shit out of him?

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I can't wait for the DEA raid on Junior

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DEA better conduct a raid on Jr. before 1/20 otherwise it can’t happen!

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That’ll never happen ‘cause he’s the son of a Very Special Boy🍊💩

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UGH! Just DO IT!!

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I hope you have eternal life because it's NEVER going to happen. The only way you'll ever see Don Jr in the news for drugs (and dad would have to not be president) is if he overdoses or gets caught up in an arrest of someone else. As long as the cult exists, they will protect Don Jr.

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I can only hope that he OD’S!! And never wakes up again! That will fix it because dear Donny dipshit can’t do a damn thing about that 👏👏

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Donny could have him stuffed with a pull-a-string on his back. Just pull the string and he says, “Twenty percent tariff—bra-a-a-k!”

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Cocaine can stop your heart, right? We can hope.

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It’ll never happen to him.

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Well, there’s always getting caught with drugs when he’s on safari.

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I’d love for him to get thrown into a prison in Kenya.

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Someone should have been protecting Jr. from his family and himself for the last few decades of his living better though chemistry life 🤪

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Jackpot!! 😂😂

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I can’t wait for him to develop an amphetamine psychosis and then him and his illegal gun can go and huddle in a closet sweating from paranoid delusions and see which one comes out alive and firing on all cylinders! I’m betting on the Roscoe being still able to function! Jr. will most likely have a new body piercing some place around where his ear used to be !🚪💥⚰️🪦

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All these questions make my head hurt! 🤯🤯🤯🤯

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Awww. You’ll toughen up soon enough!

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I think what Eric was trying to say is that if you’re going to use illegal drugs, be like his brother and only snort the American-made stuff.

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I'm shocked, shocked— Jeff has found MORE stupid people in America!!!

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They’re everywhere! THEY’RE EVERYWHERE!!!

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Right after the movie "6th Sense" became a hit, I got a bumper sticker that said "I see dumb people", and the rest of the line is: "they're everywhere, and they don't know they're *dumb."

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I guess that makes me one of the 'coastal elite'. Hmmm...went to college: check. Reads books: check. Reads the global news daily: check. Votes Democrat: check.


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And I forgot to mention, I have lived for over 70 years on either one coast or the other, but born in Chicago. Since Chicago votes Blue, I think it counts anyway.

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Something about being dead or stupid-- the person doesn't know and it just causes pain to others.

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Exactly right.

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Sixth Extinction? That book

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Easy Peasy!

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It will be interesting to see if the tariffs will apply to Mexican Blow, China White, Grass and any other drug that Donnie "yes daddy" Jr. uses? That would cost him a fortune!!!

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What gets me is most of the fentanyl comes from Afghanistan and Iraq.

Lil’ Eric hasn’t a clue.

On the other side he got maced or pepper sprayed.

Don’t they carry milk with them in case!

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At the end of the clip, the sprayee asks for another mask. So, they carry extra masks to, you know, be prepared.

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Problem being it’s the eyes burning with pepper spray. A mask wouldn’t help that. Tilt your head to the right or left and someone pours the milk near the eyes to stop them from burning.

But hey I couldn’t see anything on the video. It was very dark and I saw only a bit. Thanks!

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I lost it at Beardy McChucklefuck…and Cokey McSniffles!

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Donnie Jr.s gonna have Bobby Jr. push for legalization of nose candy after he gets Daddieo to corner the market with the South American cartels and then sell stock shares from the WHITE WHITE House !

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There won't be tariffs on cocaine.

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And hopefully he and ignorant ass brother will overdose and never be heard from again!!

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The possibility exists. They can only get their noses rebuilt so many times.

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Can confirm, I have assisted in rebuilding many a nasal septum in the 90's and 00's.

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I knew there was something special about you!

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So, you deliberately rehabbed stupid people? No wonder health insurance is so expensive!

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Didn't know that there are coca fields in the US!

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Ah yes ! Words of wisdom from idiot bastard son ….the family’s intellectual giant !🤪😜

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Sorry to punch down. But, really, wtf Bears?

Also, did Farvre ever return that money he stole?

Meanwhile, Kaepernick… shunned by the NFL owners for daring to speak truth to power. At least his mother can be proud of her son. Unlike certain FOX hosts.

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I received a text from a "friend" whom I excoriated previously because of her right wing politics, on Thanksgiving day. She wished me Happy Thanksgiving and a wonderful day. I still haven't responded because I find her politics revolting and hateful and it damaged our friendship. Anybody have any suggestions as to what to say in response. I know she voted for Chump and that is non-negotiable for me.

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Nothing. Silence is power.

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Unfriend her

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She lives in a completely different reality from you. Different world. There is no crossing over unless it’s you doing the crossing

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Ghost her. She's become a ghost that you don't see, don't hear, don't communicate with. Many people I considered friends have turned into ghosts. Send her a clip of Katy Perry singing "And now you're just a ghhhhhhooooost!" lol 😂

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"Now You're Somebody That I used to Know" It's a great song.

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If she has some redeeming qualities, I think life's too short to cut her off completely. Frankly, Trump and Project 2025 want us in two warring camps, because they want to divide and conquer. That's been the oligarchy's M.O. for decades. Wish her Happy Thanksgiving. Once the leopards start eating her face, as we all know they will, there might be space for reconciliation.

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If I can, I just ignore people that piss me off like that. Obviously, there are people in your life that you can't ignore, but I refuse to act like it's ok to listen to their right wing bs. I would just give her the silent treatment. Nothing says you have to respond to her.

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I have friends that I know are Repubs and undoubtedly voted for The Thing. They never press their views and I don't ask. We just rub along. They will find out what they did in due time.

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I will be waiting for the “ I told you so moment “…it’s just a matter of when and not if.

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I have two of the "We Told You So" t-shirts on hold in my Amazon cart. Waiting for just the right minute, because like you said, we know it is coming!

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I went very low contact with my all in RWNJ family which is most of them. My husband and I were relentlessly hazed for our "liberal" politics for years so we went dark in 2016 and moved almost 2K miles away to a blue state without leaving a forwarding address after a threat was sent about the "real war" or CW2.0. Best move ever. I don't miss their hateful BS one tiny bit. It killed whatever love I had for them over the years. They have become strangers to me.

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Yep. My eldest and her family have just become people I used to know - and it doesn't bother me in the least. Exactly like you said, I don't miss their hateful BS one tiny bit.

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Quiet quitting the friendship. Best for your sanity. And if she recovers you two can reconnect.

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My Richie Rich sister, to the tune of $8 million was actually talking to me about damn eggs. As if she can’t afford it.

She went crazy when I asked her if Alito has a house in her LBI neighborhood. She started going crazzzzy. She asked do I even know who’s on the Supremes, well I ticked off all 9!

Finally I just said agree to disagree but I don’t know when I’ll talk to her again.

They all thing I’m upset, crying, and grieving for our democracy.

Nope I stayed home alone. Not a one of those bastardos called me and they were all together. I just said you’ll understand once it swears in and it starts working to decimate our country. See and believe you asshat family members!

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I want "the price of eggs" to run & find "that tan suit" then hideaway forever.

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I know that hurts that the family is so me me ME! You are right to distance yourself until they will see what the errors of their ways. You have to do it to save your sanity. I hope you have aligned with others who feel like you do. Join groups, if you can. Enjoy nature so you can breathe steadily through these very hard times. My best to you.

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Oh can relate...my mom is financially well off,

she is pretty quiet on the politics and cautious on speaking about anyone political...but if I tip-toe around her to get a feeler on where she stands, it doesn't end well.

ie; If ever dare say anything positive about Kamala Harris or a non politic person like Megan Markle she verbally goes NUTS ! like peaks out on all 4 cylinders...

but thankfully she pipes down quick and we change the subject.... I am grateful for that ...and shame on me for even bringing those sensitive topics up around her when I know good and well how to manage her (keeping her content by avoiding politics)

She doesn't speak highly about Trump either , never brings him up....but if I comment about him on something negative he said or did, she gets offended!

She avoids watching CNN because she thinks they are too "pro Kamala"- say what???! LOL.....she's good in her own right, but soooo hardddd to figure out.

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Nov 30
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this was right around election time.

I haven't spoken to her about politics since the election.

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I recently ended a friendship of many years. I sent a text saying "let me know when you realize you were wrong." And that will happen at the same time tRump admits HE was wrong. That was a couple months ago, and silence. I don't miss him.

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Most of my friends and family are magats. If we talk, I make sure we don't discuss politics, history, the economy, the impending doom...gosh that doesn't leave much 🤣.

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Well…same thing here Mingo-however we just had 3 people from our HS class (I’m old) pass away-so I replied. She lives in Texas so I really don’t see her, but she was a very close friend until this stupid election. However-I breathed deeply and sent her best wishes.

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Block her.

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I think it depends something like do they shove it in your face? And talk about how they love Donny shits his pants? I have a couple lifelong friends that I love dearly who are right wingnuts but they keep it to themselves and never talk politics to me. I know they aren’t your typical MAGA’S with craziness and I can’t give them up. They love me and I love them.

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If you find discussing this topic unavoidable, just tell ask her what she would do if a friend of hers started hanging out with a Nazi rapist pedophile. Not exactly the same thing but just ask her.

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1. Nazi face mace was the video I needed to see this morning. Lmao

2. MAGA jerk off is the new Dancing with the Stars

3. Cokehead McBlowface’s brother is hereby christened Clownhead McDumbfuck

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What is it about the Village People that Trump loves so much? I always liked them, but does he realize that they are gay and the Evangelicals should be clutching their pearls over that fact? Pat Boone is more his speed and Pat cheated on Shirley.

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And YMCA is the gayest song of the Village People oeuvre. Do these numbskulls ever listen to the lyrics?

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NO, they do not. Remember his dumbass campaign playing CCR's "Fortunate Son" at his rally? About privileged assholes who didn't have to serve?

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And the dumb-asses who think "American Woman" is a patriotic song instead of the slam it actually is.

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“Some people are born silver spoon in hand, Lord, don’t they help themselves

But when the tax man comes to the door

Lord the house looks like a rummage sale

It ain’t me, I ain’t no fortunate son”

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Yeah, dumbass Reagan tried using Bruce Springsteen's "Born in the USA". Stupidly, no one on his staff listened to the words.

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🤣🤣🤣. Didn't realize the meaning of Fortunate Son". Love CCR but heavy accents -- missed a lot of words

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The song's about being G-A-Y Gay! G-A-Y Gay!

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And "the boys" having casual pick-up sex! I laugh so hard at them playing it.

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They certainly can’t read!!!!!

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GMTA! no, and comprehension isn't a skill they are familiar with.

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Or noted homophobe Anita Bryant

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Maybe Lawrence Welk show? that’s

pure white bread shit for sure!

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Lawrence Welk might rise from his grave & threaten to sue. "Anna one Anna two .."

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I believe it’s the only music they can play without going to prison by using unauthorized music. That and Cat Scratch

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He wants to steal the gay anthem, and make it all about him. I laugh because Magats aren't smart enough to listen to the lyrics, to understand any song that isn't bro-douche country.

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I wondered the same thing. Do the people dancing in the video realize the village people song is about young gay men canoodling at the YMCA, ie public bathhouse? The lyrics aren't cryptic or coded. Isn't that their big problem - gay, trans, bathrooms , the whole thing about different people living their lives as though they were also entitled to liberty and happiness? They must be so stupid but all well dressed and plenty of house to go around. I do not understand how our culture rewards stupidity and meanness. WTF.

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They don't sue him, or he's a closet queen.

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Roy Cohn was his "mentor" so I'm pretty confident that he was introduced to the wonders of man love.

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Seeing him walk out of that room with Putin in Helsinki showed me that. He was all hunched over, acting like "Reek" in game of thrones. Tiny Putin looked so much taller, and was definitely the Dom in that scene.

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A quickie for Vlad from LDFF?

Wow - never thought of that!

I thought they were discussing

favorite golf courses!

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Oh I remember so well about Pat Boone. It was the 60's, I was living in Phoenix, and I knew the beautiful young woman who was also a highly paid "call girl". I was also friends with her brother - we were at her apartment one evening when she was preparing to go meet Pat Boone right after the show he was doing.

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