this week in stupid: November 30 edition
Eric Trump debases himself, neo-Nazi maces himself, and so much more...
as another stupid week comes to a close here in America, let’s look back at some of the highlights.
monday: the douche doesn’t fall far from the bag
‘hey, let’s find out what the dumbest Trump thinks about tariffs,’ asked absolutely no one — and yet:
“you want to allow drugs to come through our southern border, we’re going to tariff you. you want to allow them to come through Canada, we’re going to tariff you. China, if you’re going to allow stuff to get sold in our country, largely produced in China, we’re gonna add another ten percent to you— we are going to cost your countries, your economies, your businesses, billions. hundreds of billions of dollars. if you think you’re gonna parra, no tarra, uh you’re gonna poison Americans, it’s not gonna happen. you’re not gonna destroy our youth, you’re not going to destroy our society, you’re not gonna destroy our families. you’re not gonna do it, it’s going to cost you, I’m gonna put an end to it. Laura, when my father sent that twenty minutes ago, I literally cheered out loud.”
is there not one member of Donny’s family who understands how tariffs work? apparently, Beardy McChucklefuck is as ignorant as his felonious father. he’s qualified to speak on two — and only two — subjects.
one, what library paste tastes like.
and two, how not to steal from money from your own fake charity — that’s assuming that Eric was actually paying attention while in the class that a judge forced him to take.
yo Eric, if you’re really concerned about drug abuse in America, maybe start with your own family.
tuesday: master race? more like disaster race
sometimes a video is worth a thousand words, so let’s all enjoy a cop’s body-cam footage of some witless neo-Nazi macing himself in the face during a traffic stop.
okay, I have one question: who brandishes a can of mace while a cop is approaching your car? Clumsy McNazi here is lucky that he ended up spraying himself — this whole incident could have gone south in one fucking heartbeat, otherwise.
wednesday: I pledge allegiance to some flag
when we last saw Tommy Tuberville — the Senate’s own cautionary tale for why you should never play football without a helmet — he was spending the better part of a year blocking all military promotions, as one does when one is super patriotic.
well, America’s Most-Addled Senator is back in the news, for once again making a complete ass of himself.
“The United States has sent $211 BILLION of your tax dollars to Ukraine, 4X as much as the rest of the world COMBINED.”
yeah, no.
“The $211 billion figure is the amount Russia has spent on the war as of February 2024. Senator Tuberville appears to have confused the United States with Russia.”
“confused the United States with Russia” — as one does when one is Putin’s willing tool.
thursday: make America puke again
it’s bad enough when there’s just one of Donny’s annoying cultists at your Thanksgiving table —because you know eventually they’re going to corner you and fill your ear with fever-swamp drivel about how the marxists want to take away your turkey because of all the woke.
but what do you do when the whole fucking room is MAGA?
Alexa, am I in hell?
look at these nitwits, aping Dear Leader’s spasmodic ‘jerking off two invisible dudes’ dance, while YMCA blares deafeningly — and Jesus H. Christ on a catamaran, they’ve even got a life-size cardboard cutout of Donny Shitforbrains — all inside a sterile house where there’s not one piece of artwork on the walls, or a single book in sight.
tell me it’s not a cult.
friday: I definitely did Nazi it coming
it seems that Project 2025 isn’t just the Heritage Society’s plan to destroy democracy in America and replace it with christofascism, with Donny Convict installed as King Fuckface the First.
no, it’s more than that — it’s apparently also a plan to turn America white.
“America Post-Project 2025.”
hey, do you know who else were really obsessed with making sure their citizens were all blonde and white?
of course you do. welcome to Germany, post-Project 1933.
saturday: ?
hey, it’s still morning as I sit here writing this. but give it time, I guarantee you that some dipshit wingnut is going to do something stupid before the day is over. you can set your watch to it.
do you have a nomination for This Week in Stupid? email me at thanks!
here’s your daily reminder that I can be found on Blue Sky at this link.
this is going to be my closing message for the foreseeable future:
practice self-care. do what you need to do to keep sane. if that means you need to disengage with my daily posts for a while, I get it. this community of ours will still be here when you return.
to all the people who have signed on in the days since the election, welcome aboard. settle in as we all try to deal with the shitfuckery that’s ahead of us.
we are all in this together, and we are all here for each other.
And seriously…we know Don Jr. is a coke head. And we know he owns guns. How exactly, did he fill out his gun license application? Why isn’t the DOJ Hunter Biden-ing the shit out of him?
I think what Eric was trying to say is that if you’re going to use illegal drugs, be like his brother and only snort the American-made stuff.