In my personal canon, the pee tapes are real, but I don't want proof. Proof denies faith, you see. I believe they are real, but I don't care whether or not it's ever proven because it's a comedy gold mine - or urine river - as is.

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I just love that it's the ONE THING that bothers him. he really does bring it up all the time

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And that's why most of us believe it is true.

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I guarantee that it is.

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yes, you just can't make that kind of shit up.

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Oh it's DEFINITELY true

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Hell, that proves he likes it. He talks about it all the time. He’s obsessed with PEE!

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He should start a urine bank.

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It makes his head explode.

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If only it would all the way.

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I like that you refer to your “personal canon”. I’m going to borrow - no steal - this to bring levity to whatever I’m about to say. Also, I agree with the faith part especially on Sunday morning. But i always heard it was two sex workers and now Trump admits to 4, but it doesn’t matter since he didn’t hire a quartet to specifically pee on each other. Everything else was ok with Ms. Be Best. We know he can’t perform anyway, what with diaper issue and all that entails. And now I’ve grossed myself out. Part of my personal canon is to use the term “sex workers” rather than hookers, as well as not mentioning adult diapers in social media, so I forgive myself and will see myself out...

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Personally, I think it could have happened. Putin gets some hos to perform for Trump on a bed the Obamas slept in... yes.

'Steele told George Stephanopoulos that the alleged tape “probably does” exist, but added that he “wouldn't put 100 percent certainty on it.” '

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Of course, we have no idea. Maybe it is worse than we thought, with Trump being the Master Ur In 8 tor.

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It could be instead of the ‘sex workers’ peeing in each other, he’s the receiver. He has all of them get over him and do the “squat and flow” all over him. That’s how he gets his jollies now that he’s a ‘diaper king’!

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Could be, could be. The way he described it to Melania (a clue in itself), he was the one being piddled on, hence his comment about germaphobing.

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maybe pee pee is an aphrodisiac to the sicko.

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YOU NAILED IT! Now I can propose that I am the Queen of Switzerland and own all the chocolate in the world! No proof needed...

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Fuck it. Republicans don't need proof for anything. :p

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Beats the Hell out of Napoleon.

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Urine river. 😂😂😂

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Doesn’t that run under Trump Tower in New York, and I heard there was one now under Mar-a-Lago!

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Long river.

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lol! I believe you are correct! 😂

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And it runs into Detritus Lake.

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I like the part where he is saying he thought he was going to be in trouble with his wife, but on this one he wasn't. It sounds like his life is filled with problems with his wife and she did not tell him off on this one, but we have not seen a lot of her either in court, or other places that The Donster shows up.

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Yes, based on a book “The Golden River” by I.P.Daily. Omg.

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Nov 25, 2023·edited Nov 25, 2023

Because a Black woman in America can graduate from college and law school, pass the bar, get elected San Francisco DA, get elected California AG, get elected Senator, and get chosen as VP and win the election with an IQ of less than 75.


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Good old John accidentally revealed his own IQ. With all these Republicans, as Jeff has said many times, every accusation is a confession. When I listen to John (not JFK) Kennedy talk, I keep thinking he’s going to fall asleep in mid-sentence. The words come dripping out sooooooo slowly. What a buffoon.

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Is Kennedy’s IQ that high. I was figuring about the 20-23 range.

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Actually, Ivy League School lawyer, I believe Harvard, and either Oxford or a University at Cambridge. He's just a racist, devious, hate-filled fuck.

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He definitely doesn’t sound like someone with an elite education when he speaks. But then again, neither does Ted Cruz.

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Having been gifted an expensive education has never been a guarantee of intelligence. Two entirely separate attributes. The problem we face in both the US and UK is that it does gift some very stupid folk An Elite Address Book.

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An education of any kind is meaningless if one lacks compassion, dignity, and simple common sense. Mr. Kennedy seems to have none of these qualities. And because of that, he mostly just makes a fool out of himself.

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LOL! I was waiting for someone to make that remark. 😊

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Just to listen to him talk, he seems dumb as a rock. But what do I know?

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Quite a bit, Rick! You know quite a bit. Definitely more than Kennedy!

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And, honestly, I wouldn’t mind seeing this same black woman as our next president. I don’t give a damn what her IQ is. She’s proven she can do the job. Plus, she’s been trained in the White House by one of the best presidents we’ve ever had!

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Like when the tangerine turd is showing his guilt by his annoying repetitious rants, Kennedy is probably proving that his IQ or lack thereof, is in that 75 range. Amazing how these GOP assholes from Louisiana share many of the same bizarre characteristics.

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That's his ASPIRATIONAL IQ. His sister-mama told him so.

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I’m cracking up!🙌🏽

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Bahahah!!! His sister mom. Good one

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Oh, I guess we had the same thought at the same time. 😂

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Fuck John Kennedy. That cornpone shit is a con.

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I mean being fair, Donald got to sit in the big chair and if he's over 75 he doesn't often show it.

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Yes, but he didn’t have to overcome racism & sexism to get there. In fact, all he had to do was promise to save white nationalism & white patriarchy to trigger the masses whose education & critical thinking abilities Reagan & W trashed.

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Heck, he didn't even have to legitimately win an election or even the popular vote.

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Putin put him there. That’s the only way he made it. Putin has his jackets done their job, and they did it. That’s what has me worried about this next one.

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I've worked investigations for a lot of attorneys, and after 15 years of working for them, have wondered more than once, how hard CAN the bar exam BE?

Consider this: HE passed one.

I didn't favor Ms. Harris on the campaign trail, but in the years since, she has proven herself to be more than capable as VP, and would do us proud as president, should the need arise.

In a battle of wits between the Senator and the VP, he'd be bringing water balloons to a knife fight.

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Doc, my sentiments exactly! I’d be damn proud to pull the lever for Harris as our President. She has climbed the ladder proving herself at every step ti be be quite capable to do the job at task. And, quite honestly, I admire what Biden has done duty her these years as having her as his Vice President. He’s hit her involved with all of the world leaders, at all of the international meetings and events happening that we had to get back into after the former piece of 💩💩💩💩pulled us out if everything. He’s has her redo the trade agreements that were fine away with by the former 🤡, and he’s had her involved in everything with every crisis that’s arose these three years in office. And, in my opinion, she’s done exceptionally well in accomplishing getting things done.

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LOVE my former city DA!

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Btw, this seems to be a good place to discuss, what IS up with Harris? It seems like Biden and the Dems are hiding her from view. Does anyone have any idea??

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As it always is when you’re a VP. Remember anything from when Biden was VP? Remember anything from the VP who spelled it “potatoe”? Nope.

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I DO remember things from previous VPs, that's the thing. I never see Harris in the news. I don't dislike her, I'm just wondering why she seems to be less salient than previous ones. But good suggestion, I'll look at her IG

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She does plenty. The media doesn't cover it, that's all.

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okay, why don't they cover it?

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Why don't they cover anything the Biden administration does and keep running stories about how jOE bIdEN iS sO oLd?

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Harris is busy out in the country and world being seen, carrying out her and Biden’s agendas, and working to win this next election. She’s actually working for us, the smaller class of people in this country!

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So, wait wait wait. A car driving INTO Canada OUT of the United States exploding was a terrorist attack because Joe Biden’s borders? Are we terrorizing Canada now and are they relying on Biden to protect their borders? Someone please explain to me like I’m old and easily confused.

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Call the Hanson Brothers.

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Bahahaha!!! Love this!! Great reference

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Thank you

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Haha 😂 you’re old and easily confused? Hell! I am old and that’s hit me thoroughly confused!!!

Maybe we should tell Biden we need to build a wall between us and Canada now? Do you recon that would work?

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Sure. The Canadians are so nice they’d probably pay for it. In fact, if trump gets back in power they may need a wall to slow the exodus from the US pouring into their country.

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and Mexico, where I live now, may just finally build and pay for that border wall.

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Absolutely, Dancing Fix! I’ll be one of those exiting to someplace else! I will not live under that Nazi orange 🍊 strawberry 🍓 headed pile of 💩 clown 🤡!

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I think maybe a moat instead of a wall. Put scary rabbits with sharp, icky teeth in there on flotation devices. They could paddle over and bite American Terrorists as they try to ...um, attack, uh, Canada.

Mexico already has 83 miles of new wall that Shitler built; let's give Canada something different.

And of course, they'd pay for it.

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Oh now you want to inject some logic into this??

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“Texas Senator Fidel Cancun!” hahahahahahahahha Dang-these people are NUTS!

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That was worth the price of admission today.

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omg, there are 1,000 comments worth of content here, Jeff. The links for Sunday alone could send me down a rabbit hole for days. I will save them for future savoring.

Then there's the "THAT one she didn't believe..." quotes. 😆 Of course, Melania doesn't give a flea's leg on the ass of a rat 🐀 whom the Anger Yam schtups, as long as it isn't her. Understandably.

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“Senator Fidel Cancun.” That’s it. I’m dead. 🤣🤣🤣☠️ What a time to alive. Great synopsis of stupid this week. Thanks Jeff! ✌️

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I was eating while reading this, and I should know better by now.

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I stopped drinking my hot tea before I read Jeff’s Substack I’ve burned my mouth too many times.. my hands and yes I’ve spit out my hot tea cause I was choking with laughter.😂

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He has a way of doing that. 😁

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Fiedel Cancun is a masterpiece.

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I’ll never look at Raphael the same way! 😆

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Very excellent synopsis, agree, lol!!!

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I look forward to this every day! 😂😂😂😂

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1. Nobody actually said the working gals peed on Trump. My understanding was he watched them pee on a bed. Makes sense for a germaphobe.

2. Rudy’s noggin is always on fire. Somebody please pee on him to put it out.

3. Kilmeade is such a fucking dunce. Only a white supremacist would say that quiet part out loud.

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Throw shit at Kilmeade.

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Copious amounts.

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I believe one "flings" not "throws". It has more english when flung.

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Kilmeade is a dumbass douche with the IQ of a gnat and I’m sorry to use a gnat as a measure of stupidity. But there you go..

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The Gnat Defamation League is on 3 for you.

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I would gladly pee on Rudy's head given the chance.

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I think there should be a lottery. Winner gets to.

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I don’t think anyone said they peed on him. But I wouldn’t doubt it if someone told me that! Lmfao

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There's a large high pressure stupid come down from the north pole about to meet a low pressure stupid coming up from the equator to clash in the middle of our country causing major tornadoes of stupid that will wreak havoc in our great nation. Drive with an abundance of caution

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What’s a moron in plural? A flock? They’re a flock of morons.

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the collective noun in this case is "a clusterfuck of morons"

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Just for fun, here's some other considerations: a buffoon of morons, a dummy of morons, a dum-dum of morons, a fuckshui of morons, a stupid of morons, a dump of morons, a skidmark of morons, a shitstorm of morons, and an idiot of morons, LOL 😆 That was fun, while the wave of everygrowing morons (as highlighted at every Saturday round-up 😉) is always disturbing-thanks for continuing to bring the wingnut dipshittery to light.

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BRAVA on the moron brigade 👏🏽🙌🏽🤙🏽

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A gaggle of morons.

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I like gaggle and buffoon of morons.

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A turd of morons 😆

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A "Stupid" has a crow-like ring to it.

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A basket of morons? Like Sec Clinton’s basket of deplorables but not as funny as clusterfuck.

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I like a "mass" of morons. It sounds more inhuman. Like a carpet of idiotic bugs or something.

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About to hit "Critical Mass", we might hope.

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A Murder of Morons?

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Nah, don’t insult our precious winged creatures. 😉😊

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I live in Arkansas which is just north of Louisiana. Senator John Kennedy is a couple weeks younger than I am. He should know better. He speaks like he should return to Green Acres and try to sell some property in Louisiana.

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Foghorn Leghorn for us old folks and he’s an educated man though you wouldn’t know it listening to him.

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Hahaha!!! Fog horn leg horn!!! Perfect!!

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Me Haney.

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Mr. Oops

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It's an old joke but a good one:

"What's the difference between a garbanzo and a chickpea?"

"Donald Trump didn't pay to see a garbanzo."

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Is a garbanzo any relation to the gazpacho police?

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20 points for Carol 🙌🏽 Garbanzo and Gazpacho Police..

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OK I'm stealing that one.

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So trump claims that Melania didn't believe the story about the pee tapes because he's a germaphobe. But you can't catch germs just by watching two other people pee on a bed. Right?

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I believe urine is sterile.

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I know some sign language, and that lady in the video is saying "Fuck you, you fucking fuck!" :D

The so called Terrorist attack. You have to wonder if the GOP might find it favorable for themselves to cause one to happen....

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bonus points for addlepated tosspot.

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I'm so glad that there's not a pee tape around that I constantly have to deny the existence of.

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So you're saying yours wasn't taped? 😂😂😂

Please pardon me while I go laugh at my own hilarity...

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Weren't you the one doing the peeing? :p

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Luckily for the general populace, we'll never know cuz there is no video. :)

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Wendy - it was taped, but it's on Beta. Nothing can play it!!! 🤣

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Why is “kike” on Kari Lake’s list of regularly used words?

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Three guesses. First two don't count.

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Seriously? Why am I even asking. 🙄

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I was just wondering the same thing! 🤣

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