Jeff, Stand back and stand by, cause next week should be 40 mega ton shit storm from the results of the E.G. Carroll trial, the attempt to move the NY case into the federal court, the repercussions of convicting PB (which does implicate Donald). This am he’s shitting bricks over the convictions and posting on his shitty platform. Jeff, please post the pic of seditionist PB with Jr and his “girlfriend” as often as you are able..the odor of desperation in the morning is quite pleasant.

Have a great weekend to all fellow travelers.

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I’ve just read ‘This Week In Stupid’ and I need to catch my breath and maybe eat some chocolate before I tackle the links thoughtfully provided. I’ve lived in North Carolina for over 60 years where I’ve watched stupid come and go. Our current situation is so top heavy with right wing stupid standing on middle of the road shoulders that I expect to see us featured in this post any time now. Think Jenga tower with most of the weight on the top. Think first curl of gigantic cresting wave. Think mega disaster about to happen to a heckuva nice bunch of people who didn’t/couldn’t fight off the stupid in time.

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Dancing Fox, I’ve been watching the crest of the tsunami beginning to break in NC from PA with laser focus interest. I’m so pissed of at the Cotham incident that I could spit nails. She inexplicably changed parties (from Democrat to Fascist) to give the Fascist Party the supermajority because Dems are intolerant of alternative lifestyles?

My son and his family live there. They’re Independent voters and now their votes will end up being useless.

I post this all the time so pardon me repeating myself. Gerrymandering and voter suppression will not stop liberals from winning elections. PA is heavily gerrymandered and Dems have crushed it. Our 3rd in a row Democrat Gov. Josh Shapiro, flipped Senate seat from red to blue with John Fetterman, flipped the state House from fascist to Democrat for the first time in almost 30 years. Use our voting voices. If you don’t vote fascist, they can’t win.

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You sound intelligent, informed and sensible. You must believe me when I tell you that gerrymandering and voter suppression will indeed stop liberals from winning elections. I’m seeing it work in real time. It is magical thinking that right beats might. A fairy tale even. Legal measures are required on a federal level when a state can just nullify the votes of an entire county at a whim. But you know the situation in our higher courts I’m sure.

Actually , I moved here from Philadelphia in 1959 and I get where you’re coming from in the most literal sense. I only wish it were true that the good guys could outvote the idiots.

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I understand NC is in a far worse situation than PA, especially with the will of the electorate possibly being overturned. This is fascism. It’s not about political philosophy as it about pure numbers. Of course they going to try to stop liberals from voting. There are far many Independent voters than either Democrat or Fascist. That’s who they’re targeting and that why I pay a lot of attention to state elections. These people eventually become federal congressional leaders, senators, Speaker of the House, ect... I send what money I can and volunteer to help in other state elections like the one in WI and I made sure I got my petitions signed for the Justin’s, opposing their removal from the TN state House. I was so pissed off at that I had to donate just so I could sleep. Now look at the mess TN SOTH got himself in with fraudulent reimbursements. I promise there are others who are as angry as you are outside of NC and willing to help. We’re working hard to release any state that has been taken over by fascist and it will probably get worse before it gets better. The far right is working straight from Orban’s takeover of Hungary from a well functioning democracy to a fascist regime. Hungary is about the size of IN. 327.6 million more people live in the United States than Hungary. This will not stand. 41% of voters in the US are identify as Independents, 28% identify as Democrat and 28% identify “Republican”. And those are just the voting population. We need more voters to jump through the hoops (with our help) to elect those candidates who support a democratic government. It looks like a tough row to hoe, but we like our democracy. We intend to hold onto our freedom and rights. We’re with you.

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Firstly, wow! and thank you.

Secondly, I fear we are distracted by artificial divisions of party name and/or ideology. I’m not an historian nor politically well versed but I can smell red herring and observe obfuscation as well as anyone. I don’t think there’s any great collective mystery but rather greedy, self-serving individuals who link up temporary alliances to put themselves ahead while we play whack-a-mole. The first vizier that advised the fist leader back in the early Stone Age was undoubtedly the forefather or mother but the game doesn’t change.

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Gerrymandering was/is yesterday's tool. The 435 or so anti-votiing laws in nearly every state are the next way the GOPwill try to stop voting & keep a tyrannical minority. Not saying I have thrown in the towel as my own home state of Wisconsin is a battleground but we most certainly have multiple risk

I suppose that maybe, just maybe the really bad news of late; SCOTUS ethics, guns& murder, FOX lies, DOJ trials of 1/6 .May actually bend a curve that could translate to actual change in 2024 and beyond.fingers crossed!

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It has come to the point where absolutely nothing shocks me except the fact that there's a glaring lack of mental health facilities in this country.

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Two words - Ronald. Reagan.

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When Democrats look at Donald Trump they see an old orange guy with red 'made in China' cap pressing on his bleach blond comb over that reaches his chin if the wind blows on it in baggy white wrinkled golf pants and a gut straining golf shirt with a decal that proclaims his former title as POTUS.

When a MAGA looks at Donal Trump they see the same things but feel the need to embrace the super hero NFTs to try to distract themselves from reality. Or that one guy paints large canvases of Trump in rarified company and events like a poorly made Forest Gump scenario. They have to make up a myth to elevate their hero since reality just doesn't measure up. And of course he is the best president they have ever experienced who lifted up the people and saved the country. All make believe. All fantasy! All made up!

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Maybe some Democrats think of Trump that way but we New Yorkers have had a front row seat at the Trump shitshow. Thirty years of refusing to pay contractors, cheating on his taxes and his wives, treating people of color like shit and sexually assaulting dozens of women. New Yorkers have long known who he is; that’s why we voted 9-1 against him.

Is he an overweight, mostly bald, bloviating little man? Sure. But so was Mussolini, and people underestimated him, too. We can poke fun at Trump’s orange face, his combover and his Big Mac belly but he’s a dangerous man. I, for one, would like him to see him end like Mussolini did.

Backpfeifengesicht: Ginny Thomas, wife and *best friend* of the oh-so-corrupt Clarence. Not only did she enjoy the same indulgences that Harlan Crow bestowed on her thieving husband, she used her position and her many connections to attempt to overturn the 2020 election. A corrupt Supreme Court judge and an anti Democracy activist: what a winning combination.


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Wow. I have an even lower opinion of my fellow Americans after today’s Opinion. How can people be that delusional and still be at large?!

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Shit, that porn art is supposed to be Trump? I thought it was Paul Bunyan porn.

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Ain't no one gonna take that bet. Hell, it's still morning.

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Just checked the Jason Zachary post. What an epic fail on his part, but happy that the majority voted like it is: it’s the guns, stupid. Priceless.

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Do we have to let people like this vote? He is totally clueless of everything!

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Listening to that QAnon idiot in the video - words can't describe him. The stupidity of what he says is astounding. He's a perfect example of the GOP plan of dumbing down America. I was surprised he wasn't from down South. Yet then I saw only 25% of the population over 25 in New Hampshire, where he is from, has a college degree. Once Americans lose critical thinking skills, this is what happens. He kept claiming he did his research. LOL We all know his sources were all QAnon ones. How did we get here? I think social media starting with FB has really created a zombie of Americans who just don't think at all.

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And here I thought Tom of Finland was out of style 😜

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I had to look that up. Laughing with you now! 😁

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I'm always glad to make someone laugh. 😌

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You’re right-listening to QAnon Mike was the batshittiest thing I’ve heard in awhile!

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Thanks again for making us laugh out loud, Jeff. Cuz we're crying & screaming in rage when we're not. Dancing Fox said "I've watched stupid come & go" but now we've watched stupid metastasize. Yes, we have to vote, in the biggest numbers yet to even have a sliver of hope against the fascist fuckery. And we have to fight through calling out the stupid, voting, protest, legal means, etc. etc.

Someone much more wise than I said "hope is a discipline." Understatement of the century, no? But however infinitesimal that sliver of hope is, we gotta hang on to it and work toward keeping our democratic republic. Sorry about the rambling. It's all just so mind boggling and STUPID!

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Hope” is the thing with feathers


“Hope” is the thing with feathers -

That perches in the soul -

And sings the tune without the words -

And never stops - at all -

And sweetest - in the Gale - is heard -

And sore must be the storm -

That could abash the little Bird

That kept so many warm -

I’ve heard it in the chillest land -

And on the strangest Sea -

Yet - never - in Extremity,

It asked a crumb - of me.

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Glad I'm part of the 88% of people who voted for guns & proved that wacko wrong. And I'm not employed by Dominion. Everything else is just pure QQQult, mental illness & brain washed zombies who believe fantastical BS yet cannot stomach the truth. I truly fear another J6 but seriously? I hope the MoFo dies before the election.

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Well, you know that old saying, "he puts his pants on one leg at a time"? Implying some traditional idea of normal... between Qanon Mike and the weird Trump portrait painter, I am beginning to wonder how any of them get their pants on at all in the morning. Sheesh. I see crazy people and they don't know they ARE batshit crazy!

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