Hi Jeff and a happy holiday weekend to you and our fellow travelers... excellent job today however you may have missed the piece concerning our President talking about doing more to fight discrimination and anti Semitism. Welp, Congresswoman BoBo is very upset and concerned about these actions, she feels that these initiatives will be an open attack on conservatives and conservative values... Using logic, it seems she enjoys being a fascist and a Jew hater and she doesn’t want anyone telling her otherwise.... good to know what the goals are for conservatives these days.... 🤮

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yeah, but that's more an item for This Week in Evil

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Still a really good eound up, still smiling!

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Things are happening in Colorado and even in her safe enclave which she barely won. She best try and bring her brain up a notch or two, along with her vile stupid words.

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Tough to bring the brain up a notch when Bobo flunked the GED 3 times and barely passed the 4th. An intellectual tsunami she is🤮

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She never passed the GED it was gifted to her!!!!!!!!!!!

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JT, I think what you and I and all the rest of us can now clearly see has really been at work since before the nation was founded: a bunch of racist, lying monsters working to control everything. The primary difference today is that--post Trump--these monsters feel EMPOWERED to bring their misogynistic, race-baiting hatred out in the open. They are no longer shamed by their reprehensible words or acts: they now are OPEN with their 'love' for their fellow man. They use God as a weapon to oppress the rest; AR15s to keep us locked in fear; and money to dictate societal rules. In others words, God, Guns, and Greed are the principals of the GOP.

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May 26, 2023Liked by Jeff Tiedrich

Hugs, Jeff! Have a great weekend. I'm spending mine yelling at womb sniffers on Saturday morning (defending patients at Planned Parenthood from being harassed as they arrive) and then hanging out with dearly beloveds the rest of the time. ❤️

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May 26, 2023·edited May 26, 2023

God we must be the laughing stock of the universe. First trump and now MTG and the oath keeper shithead.... the Nazi mom....DeSHAMis..... WTAF is wrong with this country? I had hoped after Biden was elected we could have a few years of peace without trump, without discussing the NEXT presidential election until, gee, I don't know, 2024, but no. Nope. We are just inundated with assholes 24/7, 365. Thank God I work online because I highly suspect I'll need to leave this country. I have zero faith in the voters and less in the people entrusted to keep our votes safe and counting. And with Stefanik as my "rep", I am truly fucked. Any positive thoughts and help for my mental state are much appreciated. You all keep me going! You too Jeff. Without your humor I would just rock and cry in a corner all day.

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I think they're more horrified than amused.

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True. It’s scary to think of our country going off the rails. They must have been shitting bricks when trump had the nuclear codes.

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Any sentient being was.

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As if it weren’t upsetting enough listening to - even THINKING about Trump - what ups the ante is that If he’s reelected, we have to leave the country. Although we’re atheists, we’re still Jews and Trump says that actual Nazis are “very fine people.” The Jews in 1933 didn’t expect Kristallnacht but before it gets to that, we’re out of here.

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I totally get that but the scary part is not only where but what will be left in the world for a safe harbor and at what point will we become the unwanted immigrants at someone else's border?

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How that didn’t get him kicked out of office right then and there is stunning. I teach college. I tell my teachers there is right and wrong. Period. Be on the moral side. There are some things to which there is NO right to an opinion.

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I don't understand people who pick Drumpf as their hill to die on.

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Asked why she wanted the books removed in the first place, Salinas said she had just been expressing her “opinion” that they did not “support the curriculum” but declined to elaborate. She said she had only read parts of the books. “They have to read for me because I’m not an expert,” she said. “I’m not a reader. I’m not a book person. I’m a mom involved in my children’s education.”

And it's too damn much trouble to actually ask someone who's read the book to tell you what the hell it really says? God in heaven.

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Actually, it's tragic that she's involved with her children's education.

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I know!

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It is only tragic because she is doing such a poor job, but generally it is good when parents are somewhat involved in their children's education, as long as it is not over involved. While this mom may be telling the truth about not reading much, I don't believe the rest of what she has to say is truthful. She is a party to the Republican party agenda and as such, her actions have been very intentional. If she were not so evil and harmful I would feel sorry for her because she does not understand the importance of poetry or these diverse thoughts in her children's education..

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“I’m not a reader. I’m not a book person. I’m a woman involved in my children’s education.”

That’s who we want overseeing a kid’s education, someone who doesn’t read. This is why Trump loves the uneducated. There ought to be a book called, *Reading For Dummies*. But she wouldn’t read it anyhow.

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I think that before a person can demand a book be banned, they have to have proof they actually read it. Say 3 page report on the book's plot, style, and what specifically is offensive or divisive about its contents. Written in a public area, with no internet or AI allowed.

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Makes me wonder if she really can read. She is busy raising kids but doesn't read...or probably doesn't even read to her kids. A

pathetic example of parenting and even worse as a active citizen.

Sheesh God in heaven, indeed!

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Jeff, you are such a funny truth teller.

I absolutely love reading your own opinions.

Keep it up please & Happy Friday.

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In response to the question of what is stupider than going to jail for Trump for 18 years, I can answer that. Melania has now been married to Trump for 18 years, so who is in the bigger prison. While I don't imagine they have sex often, she will have a harder time claiming rape when he forces himself on her sexually, and he will have a harder time saying she is not his type if she does file charges. But, she has agreed to the hell that requires her to have physical contact with Donald Trump, whereas Steward Rhodes will just be having sex with men for the next 18 years, most of whom are probably more appealing than Donald Trump. I am trying to figure out to which prison he will go, which is information not easily found in a google search. I did learn that ADX Florence in Florence Colorado is where the most dangerous federal criminals go. "USP ADX Florence houses male inmates in the federal prison system deemed the most dangerous and in need of the tightest control, including prisoners whose escape would pose a serious threat to national security." It seems like remorseless Rhodes fits this definition. However, it does not seem like he would have the opportunity to have forced sex unless from the guards. These are further details provided by Wickipedia, "The majority of current inmates, however, have been placed there because each has an extensive history in other prisons of committing violent crimes, including murder, against corrections officers and fellow inmates. These inmates are kept in administrative segregation. They are confined in a single-person cell for 23 hours a day. During their hour outside the cell, which can occur at any time of day or night, they are kept under restraint (handcuffed, shackled, or both). The hour outside of the cell is for exercise and a phone call if they have earned the privilege. Their diet is restricted to ensure that the food cannot be used to harm themselves or to create unhygienic conditions in their cell. Some cells have showers which further reduces the amount of handling of inmates that correctional officers have to perform.

After at least one year, depending on their conduct, inmates are gradually allowed out for longer periods. The long-term goal is to keep them at USP ADX Florence for no more than three years and then to transfer them to a less restrictive prison to serve the remainder of their sentences. According to a 1998 report in the San Francisco Chronicle, USP ADX Florence's main purpose is to "try and extract reasonably peaceful behavior from extremely violent career prisoners".

One cell block at Florence was once known as "Bombers Row" because five notable terrorists, four of whom are/were domestic terrorists, were held there: Timothy McVeigh, Terry Nichols, Ramzi Yousef, Eric Rudolph, and Ted Kaczynski.

Despite the extreme security measures to deter disruptive, violent, and dangerous behavior among inmates, there have been murders at ADX. Silvestre Rivera and Richard Santiago were both charged with the first degree murder of Manuel Torres, a high-level member of the Mexican Mafia. Left alone with no guard supervision in the prison yard on the morning of April 21, 2005, Rivera and Santiago were videotaped brutally beating and stomping Torres to death. Rivera pled not guilty due to self-defense. Prosecutors intended to seek the death penalty against Rivera and Santiago, but they were both given life sentences for the murders. Today, Santiago remains incarcerated at ADX, while Rivera is currently serving his life sentence in USP Hazelton."

I can imagine Mr. Rhodes using his phone call time to stirr up more trouble, and the conditions of this place do not sound like they will help with remorse, so in 18 years we are looking at a big problem, unless of course Mr. Trump wins, or Mr. DeSatan, one of whom has promised to pardon Rhodes and his ilk, and the other who is "considering it." I wish they had a place to put MTG whose every day is a violation to our federal government and the safety of our nation. It seems to me that the Republican men just wanted to make a fool of her, because even if they need to use her, she is after all a woman and they are the anti-woman party!

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Very interesting. But don’t forget that if Trump is reelected or if DeSaster wins (which is as likely as snowstorm in June), all of the seditionists will be pardoned. Because although anyone with two brain cells knows that Jan. 6th was an insurrection, Trump and his merry minions insist it was a love-in.

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Yes. Trump has said he will pardon them, and DeSatan is saying he might, which will turn into who knows what. He is not sure how to be Trump and not be him at the same time. So, then we would have the problem earlier than 18 years. In any case, that will not be our only problem if we have a Republican in the White House in 2 years.

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These moms of liberty are a rancid cancerous group of ignorance. This so called ‘mom’ exemplifies the brain rot psychosis they possess in abundance. ‘I’m not a reader’ … someone would have to read it to me’ and ‘I’m not a book person’ sums up the lack of critical thinking skills necessary to even get through Dick and Jane and Spot. FFS 🤦🏻‍♀️

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It’s truly abhorrent to see Malevolent Marge sitting up there at the Speakers’ Platform. 🙈

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Watching that documentary about Stewart Rhodes family was very sad/scary.

They made a plan to get away far from him and were hoping jail for him.

Very telling about the kind of person he is.

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I didn't realize there was a documentary- will have to look for it

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Sometimes I wish this wasn’t reality...

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If you take the right drugs it doesn't have to be. :p

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That "mannequin apocalypse" guy, if I'm not mistaken is an actual parody of prepper/gun nuts. I've seen it before and he's acting like that on purpose trying to show how stupid some of the so-called "instructional" videos are regarding how to defend against multiple attackers. If you want a week of stupid, just go watch some of those videos. They will def make you shake your damn head.

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oh, it's a parody? well, I fell for it. does anyone know who he is?

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sometimes, the stupid is me

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Don’t be so hard on yourself! These days it’s often impossible to tell parody from reality

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Still cute as he'll and funny too!

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Nono. I saw it a couple of months ago on facebook, and a commenter there said it was a parody. There may have been mention, too, that that segment was part of a longer video also making fun of bushcrafters, and apocalyptic preppers.

Basically he's poking fun at the SHTF people who think they'll A) survive the initial catastrophe, and B) be able to run off into the woods to survive whatever the apocalypse is.

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I got nailed by Poe's Law.

"Poe's Law is an Internet axiom which states that it is difficult to distinguish extremism from satire of extremism on the Internet unless the author clearly indicates his/her intent."

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Go figure!

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Hey, he succeeded. It was as stupid looking as it gets. Now that it's a parody, it is amusing, finally.

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I don't know which I hate more, the stupidity or the racism. Probably the racism.

The only successful lawsuit against gun manufacturers on the near horizon is against Sig Sauer; apparently their handguns fire without touching the trigger. There's gotta be TikTok of this posted by some unwitting witless dipshit cosplay incel.

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Love the live footage throughout this one! Gotta see it to believe it.

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DeSantis is an inhuman idiot

Insurrectionist wannabe is a fumbling idiot

Nazi mom is a bigoted idiot

Marge is a congressional idiot

Rhodes is a jailed idiot

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