Boy, the genie of fuckedup-stupid, is totally out of its bottle and it appears, never to crawl back in again, even to take a rest. Seriously though, I am saddened and horrified with what the orange scum wrought upon our country. And don't give any shit like it was like this before he came on the political scene and he's just the symptom. The piece of shit is the cause of it all. Congratulations putin, you sure picked the right demented, narcissistic sociopath. And by the way, king of insanity (putin) FUCK YOU.

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Thanks, Jeff! It's been a jaw-dropping week but, as long the profit-driven corporate media continues to cover the wing nuts for their lede stories, all weeks will be the same. I was especially happy that Marge, the garbage barge, finally owned up to the fact that she can dish it out, but she can't take it. Boo hoo.

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Thank you for always giving me a good laugh. 😄

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Had ole Clay put his hands on me....well, I'm a bit bigger than the kid asking questions, so it's likely Clay would have kept his hands to himself. Still, the young man should have charged Clay with simple assault.

And the whistleblower? The more I look at this story, the more convinced I am it was an intel community psy-op against Comer and his idiot committee's "work". Give the Rs enough genned up nonsense about Biden to get them all in a lather, then have the "whistleblower" vanish back into the ether from whence they came.

Ahhh.....the right. Gullible, easily led, quick to anger over nothing, and in love with 6 year olds in the bodies of grown adults.

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You have no idea just how much I look forward to your opinions! 😎

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Every single day, and each week for sure, America grows a little more stupid: the arrogance of the fascists, the lies and deceit of the right, the evil of the Three Ring Circus of "God, Guns, and Greed" is being shoved down out throats, and the light grows dim.

If it weren't for free speech, and folks like Jeff Tiedrich, Thom Hartmann, Heather Cox Richardson, JoJo from Jerz, and the incredible educator Robert Reich, surely we would all be lost by now.

"The one thing never in short supply in America is stupidity."

That's mine; use it, but remember where you got it.

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Jeff, Jeff, Jeff. That's not Amanda Grace. It's George Santos. And that makes what s/he's saying seem very reasonable relative to his other performances.

BTW - what ever happened to Lauren Bupkis' April grandchild? Did her husband expose himself to the underage mother mother and scare the daylights out of her? Sounds like a great name: Daylight Bupkis.

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Hi Jeff, well it’s is Friday and I’m headed back to the Valley of the Sun from a small city in So. Carolina...whooo weee the stench of the FAUX BOTS is very tough to wash off, however I escaped without to much damage.. My only comment concerns this Congress critter physically attacking a young person, that attacker should be charged at a minimum of battery. Another unbalanced member of the GQP, sociopath at least, a fucking moron at best. My assertion today? The GQP seems to have no issue with using violence against just about anyone outside of their special cult..the question I have is why? If they don’t get their way they demean, if that doesn’t work they go bat shit crazy with a physical assault, similar to the period prior to the last civil war...fuck em.... To you Jeff and fellow travelers, have a great weekend, relax and prepare for the next shit storm...

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Definitely on the side of the mermaids. They must be woke as fuck to attract the attention of this lunatic.

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What a minute!! How did you forget good old sex deviant Rudy and the $10 million lawsuit against him!!! Reading the complaint makes one wonder who is giving lessons to who? Trump to Rudy, Rudy to Trump, Epstein to Rudy? The list could go on and on. Would love to see pervert Rudy up on the stand trying to defend himself. LOL

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Renie, you are correct… I wrote a comment the other day on this very issue that Jeff brought up. In sum, I did read the 70 page filing and I felt the need to take a shower after. Rudy, broke, day drinker begins at 10 am, ingesting boner pills on a daily basis and pressuring his young female assistant on performing various sexual acts as condition of her employment…then the issue of salary… Americas Mayor? Indeed… Americas predator is more like it.

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Jeff hit on the Rudy grossness earlier in the weekend 😉

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Perfect word for it Grossness

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Just when you think Republicans can’t get any worse, they manage to do something to make our heads spin around ‘Exorcist’ style. The stupid is strong in that party! I’m beyond appalled at every FKing word that comes out of Sporkfoot’s mouth. She’s as cringe as fat wolverine aka Ted Cruz. Thanks for making me literally laugh out loud every single day!

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Searching for their whistleblower in between the couch cushions made me snort! 🤣🤣

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"Large black man terrifies three-toed racist."


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Re: Comer- you know you’ve blown it big time when proven nut job Maria Bartiromo looks at you like you said the most insane thing ever.

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More like "hand-to-fin" combat, O Prophetess. But other than that, you betcha. [I back slowly out of the room].

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Did anyone notice a recent video by Boebert about the Republicans supposedly passing a bill to support veterans? It begins with "Hello from DC" - it is clear that her divorce was intended to remove her from Rifle, Colorado and her backwoods background and make her more serious. Not going to happen.

The same is true of Marjorie Three-Toes...she's definitely gotten herself a personal coach to remove the trailer from her trash.

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