How's this for stupid? Everyone's favorite Congressional idiot MTG is vowing to lead the charge by going to New York to protest the "witch hunt." Didn't she see what happened when the Proud Boys went to New York? They got their asses kicked by drag queens.

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Thanks for the laughs. Your articles help me weather the Republican insanity and performative jackassery.

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After Donald pulling an all nighter, tiny fingers typing furiously I can only say... SAD. I have a feeling that he is pumping out at least a 40 megaton dump. BTW Jeff, have you considered buying futures in the ketchup market...today would be a good day to talk to your portfolio manager about that investment. My next question... where is Mel? Is she popping the cork with the pool boy today? Cheers my friends and fellow travelers🍾

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I'm surprised the MSM hasn't focused on M's reaction to what has been very apparent for six years? It must be hard on her to finally realize a Court of Law has determined her husband, after a diligent and exhaustive investigation, betrayed her. Trump may be indicted at least four times for different crimes and also having to appear in divorce court while being the "Conservative" Republic POTUS candidate:)

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I’m getting to the point where I’d rather be watching old Twilight Zones or Black Mirror episodes. At least that shit ain’t REAL!~. It’s almost time for another “news-detox vacation”....(It’s an Rx from my physician for my “news-addiction” problem).

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I'm gonna buy me a great big pocket watch on a chain so I can take it out of my pocket and shout some old fashioned phrase each time a resident of dumbassadonia emerges from its burrow to entwine itself in the rat king that is the GOP.

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❤️ it

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I would laugh if this all weren't so damn sad. I liked Ike. I even liked Nelson Rockefeller. The Repugnant party went into the crapper when they overthrew the eastern establishment. please find Barry Goldwater's quote about mixing religion and politics.

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OMG u kill me Jeff! You are so spot on!

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Apparently the supply of stupidity is infinite. Also, I wonder how such stupid people find jobs that pay enough to buy these expensive muscle cars. So, the size of the car has an inverse relationship to the size of the owner's brain. These people are so dumb they can't find Africa on a map. But they can name all of the Kardashians.

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Even if he dies (I hope), especially if he dies, there will be violence beyond measure. And Fox “News” will go more nuts than ever.

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If/when he dies, they'll probably put him in a glass coffin, like Lenin, and build a shrine around it so that his worshippers can make pilgrimages to lay Big Macs and bottles of ketchup at his feet. Or they'll have him stuffed and placed in the lobby of Mar-a-Lago with a looping recording of him saying "They stole the election...I'm the most innocent man....grab 'em by the pussy" in perpetuity.

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If you want Beyond Stupidity, look at all those Ultra Trumper posts threatening death and war upon the United States of America. Lord, but what dumbfucks those people are.

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Not only is the first indictment of an ex-president of the United States historical, the schadenfreude that follows is just as historic.

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They "indicated"TFG? I don't that word means what he thinks it means, to paraphrase Inigo Montoya.

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It begs the question, “Who is stupider?” There are all the dumbasses that you so expertly catalogued here (plus untold legions of GQP and their lawyers) and then there are the people who listen to them, like them, believe in them…

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My new morning coffee sidekick…

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Wonderful column. We can always count on your insight.. I do pray that there is limited bloodshed from the pumped up mob. And I firmly believe that right this minute someone somewhere is building bombs and summoning the horde.

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p.s. you should have waited till tomorrow, it will be April Fool's Day. maybe we can rename it republican dumbass day.

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