
this was a fun one to write, and if the reader reaction is positive enough, I'll make it a regular Friday thing

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Yeah, these weekly recaps are in fact essential. Like bookmarks. Later you can assemble a collection of them, an almanac of the year, like Britannica used to put out to amend their encyclopediæ, which historians -- if any remain -- will find invaluable. Plus it's nifty to have you editing the week of dumbfuckerry, as the choices are so many and so bafflingly idiotic and vile.

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Neal, that's a good idea.

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Mar 17, 2023·edited Mar 17, 2023

Jeff-Please do. I appreciate you're following the stupid for us. One read through is enough.

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Color me in favor of you Friday idea!!

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Jeff, your blog is the only one of my Substack subscriptions I’m reading today. 😂

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Please do!

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Jeff, your blog rants are THE BEST!!!

Informative, caustic, comprehensive-yet-concise, madly irreverent and completely fabulous!

Thank you!!!

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None of these right wing loudmouths have an ounce of self-awareness, intelligence, empathy or conscience. Their lack of embarrassment for self-humiliation is mind boggling.

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I wonder if it's a Dunning-Kruger phenomenon or whether they do in fact know and just have so much contempt for, well, for everyone. They cannot all be stupid, although many are. This cultish abuse is not limited to our nation, but it sure feels like it's taken roots. Sure makes me sad.

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Ultimately I believe that this depth of lying, self-delusion or gaslighting is a sign of poor intelligence no matter how educated someone has been. They are lacking all the other critical thinking skills that make-up higher intelligence applied to real human problems.

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Oh Marge Marge Marge… stupidity runs rampant with this troll doll. Even a flying bitch slap wouldn’t recalibrate that imbecile. Spork foot three toes mouth is still yapping like a yipper dog. And once again she inserts club foot into mouth. How she ended up in office is still a mystery to me. Is the entire state of Georgia illiterate and marrying their siblings??!?

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All legislators at the Federal, state and local levels should be subject to random drug and alcohol tests. 😂 It’s infuriating that all of us are paying for their salaries and benefits 😡

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Totally 💯 %! I’ve been on a rant about that for years!!!

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Happy St. Pattys day Jeff. MTG will see a green beer and scream that there is algae in her drink!

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You one upped even yourself with this week in review! Brilliant.

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I despise Ron Filipkowski.

When I made a new account the first thing I did was block him

If I want to see Trump I can get on Troth Senshsl myself.

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LoL @ Congress girly sporkfoot.

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Also: sad.

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Compiling the stupid events of the week list was a great idea. It is a good measure of how hard the far right is trying to tilt our world off axis. With the rumored indictments of Trump next week you will have a bonanza of opportunity!

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Ben is doing what all the useless Republicans are doing: making outrageous statements to see their names in print , competing for our rage responses. Nice try Ben. You are, and will remain, an irrelevant has been.

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