runner up for Friday: George Stephanopoulos, who wasted an entire interview on pestering Joe Biden with endless variations of "but aren't you old?" while not asking one question about policy
I watched that whole non-interview, screaming at the TV. Asshole-pretend-journalist-George can go fuck himself all the way to hell. Not only did he not ask any questions about policy, he totally dismissed them when Joe highlighted them. His comment about "that was in the past; the election is not about the past it's about the future" nearly cost my TV screen its life. The only good thing about that fiasco was that it was fairly short...had to turn off the somber idiot talking heads at the end with their fakey doom and gloom faces. All performance, no substance. Hey, all you MSM.....FFFFFUUUUUUCCCCKKKKK YOU!!!
Same here!!! Pissed me right off too!!! Idiot blowhards trying jam their narrative down everyone's throat!! George; 'The polls say you have a 36% approval rating' Are you freakin' kidding me?? You're just making shit up now?? The look on President Biden's face was 'You're just as full of shit as Trump' briefly.
I can't keep track of the pearl-clutching. I've stopped watching TV (unless I know something is coming up) and I've given up my print subscriptions. Spending the $ I've saved (which isn't much) on blogs to support their work. I'm posting and amplifying for DemCast on Spoutible and Twitter/X as @PeggyStuart, and Facebook as Summit and Wasatch Counties' Moosetracks for Progress. If you follow me on any of those, you can notify me.
Is everyone here aware that the Rethugs have been working for decades to get enough states to approve a NEW Constitutional Convention???!!!!! ‼️‼️ They have 19 states that have fully passed the resolution through both state houses & another 25 have passed it through at least 1 house.
Everyone must pay attention & know this. Check the map on this & see what your state is doing that you may not be aware of. This makes my stomach knot up
Do not watch these dog and pony shows. Just support the Biden-Harris ticket. No interviews, no debates. Look at his accomplishments and let that stand.
No shit! And love the way they inserted commentary between sections of the interview to elongate their viewer time! Such bullshit.. This is the way I counter and cope with their literal insanity HOL:
I'm repeating myself, but this needs to be known. From HCR's Substack:
'Tonight, George Stephanopoulos of ABC interviewed Biden without a teleprompter or notes, focusing only on Biden’s age without any questions about policy. ABC News posted the interview transcript with the president’s conversation portrayed with the “g”s dropped off the words and with other colloquial pronunciations spelled out, as if it were dialect. Trump, whose words the press tends to turn into clean prose, has refused to do an interview under the same conditions.'
George has proven he is of a smaller stature than his diminutive physical height ! What say George are you another summertime patriot like so many of the recent fair weather friends popping off with their cowardly make believe support for our President ? Another run for the hills the sky is falling Yellow Chicken Little ! Now I know why you don’t stand up .”.you can’t " so man others who melt when it gets a wee bit hot !🥵 Pity on you all!🤮
Exactly! I’ve been proclaiming it’s like Chicken Little! In some versions everyone who bought into the “sky is falling" narrative falls prey to the fox. 🙄
I noticed, but after the first Trump spout my yelling also drowned out almost anything else. So I read the transcript. WTF is the problem???? He was perfectly sane and connected, unless cut off mid sentence (that attempt to talk about Medicare)
My mother's biggest hatred in life was liars, and I have followed in her footsteps. I had to turn it off after the first 20 minutes. I can't imagine how I would have responded to that bullshit blizzard. I have a feeling President Biden has the same dim view of liars. I also doubted that muting Trump would shut him up.
Response time should have started once The Felon Guy shuts TFU. No cameras no mics so the viewing audience doesn’t have to listen to his tripe filled rants. He should also have been cautioned on live air by the incompetent moderators with no time penalty, perhaps awarding the time wasted to the responder. If that doesn’t work, perhaps activate a shock collar next time?
We all knew a muted Trump would yell in an attempt to be heard on Biden’s mic. I’m surprised he didn’t come onstage with a megaphone. If he had, I have no doubt CNN would give him a pass.
Thank you as always with breaking through to transcendent absurdity and pointing the way out of the slough of despair in these darkening days by a laugh. I have a problem with cussing too much for a lady as I grew up with all brothers and worked in an industrial environment. So I get my YAs YAs out enjoying your colorful language which expresses such glowing truths no other method is capable of.
Sometimes the Kings language of royal civility and respect Just doesn’t seem quite sufficient to express one’s MotherFucken out rage with the swarms of traitorous cocksuckers attempting to stick it up every decent Americans asshole and expecting them to say oh that’s so utterly wrong!Could you please not do that it’s so very uncomfortable 🥴 you beast.
I turned off the power to my TV system about two weeks ago. It's still off.
There *is* a withdrawal period. Like a noise-hole that is hungry to be fed meaningless racket, distraction, and conflict and irritation and car commercials and News You Can't Do Anything About.
After about a week, I started to remember there is a real world outside. Without all the Republican horseshit and threats and violence.
I used to think ABC was a second-rate news organization. I was wrong - calling them a "news" organization is totally missing the point. Fuck off, ABC-fucktards.
That is exactly my take on the interview. Biden attempted to throw in some policy accomplishments after Georgy Boy asked virtually the same question the sixth time. What a waste of an interview!
HRC found out its not about policy....just performance. And Donny Dipshit is a world class performer...Biden will NEVER get any credit for stuff. That said we are in a sad situation & how he failed in the 'debate' can't be undone & millions saw it. I have no solutions---overwhelmed
ABC Fake News has been BS back to 2017 (maybe 2016). Where GMA was broadcasting Convicted Felon Donald Dumbsterfire's Tweets, before he was banned, verbatim. No follow-on that the Dickless Donnie was lying or spreading misinformation. Just, here you go Donnie, here's your unedited or un-commented propaganda being sent to old folks who will take it at face value.
Jeff, I love ya, but you and Joe both need an intervention. Joe did the interview at a moment of emergency post-debate, specifically to counter the widespread impression that he’s become too old for the job. So of course the questioning was all about that subject.
When asked whether he watched (a replay of) the debate, Joe stared into space for a few seconds and then said “I’m not sure.”
Joe can’t cut it anymore, and his handlers have been gaslighting us. Et tu, Jeff?
Let’s go to the tape. You’re right that my quote was not accurate, for which I apologize. But his response indicated uncertainty: a pause searching his memory followed by saying “I don’t think I did, no.” How could he possibly be unsure about whether he saw that debacle? Here it is, judge the answer for yourself:
OK, so let's hear your substitute for the man who won the nomination handily. Let us hear the pick that is going to unite an unresentful Democratic party. Let's hear who should win at a brokered convention which will be ever so much fun for the delegates.
I choose the guy who flubbed his words who repeatedly says he beat Obama and that Biden may start WWII. I’m with Joe. All the naysayers need to ask who in the Democratic Party has 100% name recognition? And is willing to be veep for eight years to Kamala. None.
I apologize for misquoting Biden, but his actual words are tantamount to my characterization. Here’s what actually happened - judge for yourself
Go back and watch it again, this time with an open mind. You’ve bought into the narrative, and it’s the kind of thing we have to overcome if we want to keep Trump out of a job.
Joe was seen losing his train of thought in the debate v. The Donald. ( I hear he hates being called The Donald.) Trump’s train of thought was on a circular track— immigrants horrible, Biden has done terrible things, the country is laughed at, we had the best water, etc., everything was terrific when he was in charge, around and around. Biden found his train of thought again.
Better speakers, better debaters are a dime a dozen. They probably are at their best when well-rested and not hoarse, and not president.
I would vote for a potted plant over tRump. And I gladly voted Biden in the PA primary. Now I learn his diminished communication capabilities are just one step above the potted plant level. I am very upset!
Potted plant communication skills? He was asked by Stepanopoulos about the debate, was he aware he was screwing up? Not terribly different from “Have you stopped bearing your wife?”
runner up for Friday: George Stephanopoulos, who wasted an entire interview on pestering Joe Biden with endless variations of "but aren't you old?" while not asking one question about policy
I watched that whole non-interview, screaming at the TV. Asshole-pretend-journalist-George can go fuck himself all the way to hell. Not only did he not ask any questions about policy, he totally dismissed them when Joe highlighted them. His comment about "that was in the past; the election is not about the past it's about the future" nearly cost my TV screen its life. The only good thing about that fiasco was that it was fairly short...had to turn off the somber idiot talking heads at the end with their fakey doom and gloom faces. All performance, no substance. Hey, all you MSM.....FFFFFUUUUUUCCCCKKKKK YOU!!!
Same here!!! Pissed me right off too!!! Idiot blowhards trying jam their narrative down everyone's throat!! George; 'The polls say you have a 36% approval rating' Are you freakin' kidding me?? You're just making shit up now?? The look on President Biden's face was 'You're just as full of shit as Trump' briefly.
Biden is too much of a gentleman to tell Geo he is full of grunt.
Use this hashtag liberally. It’s like salt. It will give your comments true flavor.
I simply say #Nevertrump
That's all the media needs to know
That’s a great one to use too. Easy to understand. Have added it to my collection as well. Thanks.
I’ve been using the similar but opposite #ActuallyHonestNews to demand the media grow up and start acting like adults.
I've been tweeting media outlets daily, every time they bash or pearl-clutch over Joe.
Imagine the Twitter pages we could blow up if everyone sent 3, 4, 10 per day. Takers?
I can't keep track of the pearl-clutching. I've stopped watching TV (unless I know something is coming up) and I've given up my print subscriptions. Spending the $ I've saved (which isn't much) on blogs to support their work. I'm posting and amplifying for DemCast on Spoutible and Twitter/X as @PeggyStuart, and Facebook as Summit and Wasatch Counties' Moosetracks for Progress. If you follow me on any of those, you can notify me.
All day Sat I did:
on tons of retweets about it.
Is everyone here aware that the Rethugs have been working for decades to get enough states to approve a NEW Constitutional Convention???!!!!! ‼️‼️ They have 19 states that have fully passed the resolution through both state houses & another 25 have passed it through at least 1 house.
Everyone must pay attention & know this. Check the map on this & see what your state is doing that you may not be aware of. This makes my stomach knot up
Thanks for this one. I’ve added it to my “go to” hashtag list.
Love it!
I decided not to watch it. Sounds like it was the right choice. Fuck all the way off, Georgie and take the rest of the bloviating MSM with you.
I've despised George S. since he left the Clinton Admin. and immediately released a tell-all book. That was before EVERYONE WROTE BOOKS. What a rat.
He acted like the FBI interviewing an espionage suspect.
Good one bout terrorism subject at GITMO. stuck in a black box with the boy man yelling....'effing admit your old!! Do it!¡! 😂
Do not watch these dog and pony shows. Just support the Biden-Harris ticket. No interviews, no debates. Look at his accomplishments and let that stand.
By the end of that "interview," there were no fewer than five crackers glued to my TV screen by peanut butter. Thank GOD I wasn't snacking on bricks!
or catsup.
No shit! And love the way they inserted commentary between sections of the interview to elongate their viewer time! Such bullshit.. This is the way I counter and cope with their literal insanity HOL:
I'm repeating myself, but this needs to be known. From HCR's Substack:
'Tonight, George Stephanopoulos of ABC interviewed Biden without a teleprompter or notes, focusing only on Biden’s age without any questions about policy. ABC News posted the interview transcript with the president’s conversation portrayed with the “g”s dropped off the words and with other colloquial pronunciations spelled out, as if it were dialect. Trump, whose words the press tends to turn into clean prose, has refused to do an interview under the same conditions.'
My rage and depression grow ...
George has proven he is of a smaller stature than his diminutive physical height ! What say George are you another summertime patriot like so many of the recent fair weather friends popping off with their cowardly make believe support for our President ? Another run for the hills the sky is falling Yellow Chicken Little ! Now I know why you don’t stand up .”.you can’t " so man others who melt when it gets a wee bit hot !🥵 Pity on you all!🤮
Exactly! I’ve been proclaiming it’s like Chicken Little! In some versions everyone who bought into the “sky is falling" narrative falls prey to the fox. 🙄
Please don't get depressed... but we should all be rageful... but comically so! Dispshit D isn't going to win! HOL
During the ABC interview Biden said that when it was his turn to speak, trump was still shouting and it distracted him as he tried to answer.
It distracted me, too. I was busy yelling at Trump for lying I didn't even notice Joe was having a bad time.
I noticed, but after the first Trump spout my yelling also drowned out almost anything else. So I read the transcript. WTF is the problem???? He was perfectly sane and connected, unless cut off mid sentence (that attempt to talk about Medicare)
My mother's biggest hatred in life was liars, and I have followed in her footsteps. I had to turn it off after the first 20 minutes. I can't imagine how I would have responded to that bullshit blizzard. I have a feeling President Biden has the same dim view of liars. I also doubted that muting Trump would shut him up.
I can believe that having seen trump in action before.
He's as rude, crass, disgusting and deceitful as Biden is classy, usually polite, and honest.
Response time should have started once The Felon Guy shuts TFU. No cameras no mics so the viewing audience doesn’t have to listen to his tripe filled rants. He should also have been cautioned on live air by the incompetent moderators with no time penalty, perhaps awarding the time wasted to the responder. If that doesn’t work, perhaps activate a shock collar next time?
There does not need to Ben a next time.
‘be a next time
Tranq dart.
I like that idea. 😤
We all knew a muted Trump would yell in an attempt to be heard on Biden’s mic. I’m surprised he didn’t come onstage with a megaphone. If he had, I have no doubt CNN would give him a pass.
Next time put Trump in a sound proof booth and turn the light off inside when it's not his turn! HOL.
that's what I predicted that D would keep talking....but still there's a way to handle that...he didn't.
I think Joe passed his "independent cognitive test" by refusing to fall for that (am I allowed to use the s-word here?) horse poopie.
I do not spew profanities ! I enunciate, like a fucking lady.
According to my therapist, swearing is a sign of higher intelligence. I win!! 🤣
Wow...Does your therapist take new patients?
Fuck you, you started it! I want my money back. 😂
I believe that's your fucking money the fuck back, for fuck's sake.
Well, there's another dollar in the cuss jar!
Thank you as always with breaking through to transcendent absurdity and pointing the way out of the slough of despair in these darkening days by a laugh. I have a problem with cussing too much for a lady as I grew up with all brothers and worked in an industrial environment. So I get my YAs YAs out enjoying your colorful language which expresses such glowing truths no other method is capable of.
Fuckin' A.
right on bro
Well, fuck.
Sometimes the Kings language of royal civility and respect Just doesn’t seem quite sufficient to express one’s MotherFucken out rage with the swarms of traitorous cocksuckers attempting to stick it up every decent Americans asshole and expecting them to say oh that’s so utterly wrong!Could you please not do that it’s so very uncomfortable 🥴 you beast.
Speaking of assholes, let's all yell out a joyous **BIG WAHOO!!** This is SloppySteve's fourth day in prison!! 🥳⚖️😂🇺🇸🤯💃🗽
I wonder how detoxification is going…
Holy shit! No swearing!🤬 🥰
My favorite fucking movie.
That's fucking right, Gawddammit!
I won't do it, then.
Ding dang blast it to blazes!
SHIT. I'd go back and edit mine if I could find it. 🤣🤣🤣 Gotcha.
Reminds me of one of my favorite Peaky Blinders scenes.
I think President Biden's response was perfect, 'I take a test everyday,as the leader of the free world'
Marvelous come back!!
Can you write SHIT? FUCK No!!!
If Biden could think on his feet...he could've said THAT to Georgy Boy....that would be his Reagan moment..
He can, but they had him sit. Sneaky bastards!
I turned off the power to my TV system about two weeks ago. It's still off.
There *is* a withdrawal period. Like a noise-hole that is hungry to be fed meaningless racket, distraction, and conflict and irritation and car commercials and News You Can't Do Anything About.
After about a week, I started to remember there is a real world outside. Without all the Republican horseshit and threats and violence.
It's pretty nice.
I used to think ABC was a second-rate news organization. I was wrong - calling them a "news" organization is totally missing the point. Fuck off, ABC-fucktards.
Where I live, the local news is an ABC affiliate & owned by Sinclair-that tells you all you need to know
That is exactly my take on the interview. Biden attempted to throw in some policy accomplishments after Georgy Boy asked virtually the same question the sixth time. What a waste of an interview!
That's fine. There were no newsworthy clips for the gop to feed off of
HRC found out its not about policy....just performance. And Donny Dipshit is a world class performer...Biden will NEVER get any credit for stuff. That said we are in a sad situation & how he failed in the 'debate' can't be undone & millions saw it. I have no solutions---overwhelmed
That explains why all of Donny’s cult members say that they vote for him because of his policies-what policies?
It's all storytelling!!! That's it.
Let's weave our own story
ABC Fake News has been BS back to 2017 (maybe 2016). Where GMA was broadcasting Convicted Felon Donald Dumbsterfire's Tweets, before he was banned, verbatim. No follow-on that the Dickless Donnie was lying or spreading misinformation. Just, here you go Donnie, here's your unedited or un-commented propaganda being sent to old folks who will take it at face value.
Jeff, I love ya, but you and Joe both need an intervention. Joe did the interview at a moment of emergency post-debate, specifically to counter the widespread impression that he’s become too old for the job. So of course the questioning was all about that subject.
When asked whether he watched (a replay of) the debate, Joe stared into space for a few seconds and then said “I’m not sure.”
Joe can’t cut it anymore, and his handlers have been gaslighting us. Et tu, Jeff?
Bob, I watched that. Biden did not say “I’m not sure” He did pause and said, No I didn’t.
Let’s go to the tape. You’re right that my quote was not accurate, for which I apologize. But his response indicated uncertainty: a pause searching his memory followed by saying “I don’t think I did, no.” How could he possibly be unsure about whether he saw that debacle? Here it is, judge the answer for yourself:
OK, so let's hear your substitute for the man who won the nomination handily. Let us hear the pick that is going to unite an unresentful Democratic party. Let's hear who should win at a brokered convention which will be ever so much fun for the delegates.
I choose the guy who flubbed his words who repeatedly says he beat Obama and that Biden may start WWII. I’m with Joe. All the naysayers need to ask who in the Democratic Party has 100% name recognition? And is willing to be veep for eight years to Kamala. None.
Joe gets my vote, of course. The problem is not MY vote
Trakhni sebya, tovarich.
Well said.
Trusting Google translate isn’t also a pro Russian operative 🙀
I apologize for misquoting Biden, but his actual words are tantamount to my characterization. Here’s what actually happened - judge for yourself
We HAVE judged. Four more years!
Putin will be thrilled if Biden vs. tRump is the choice we get, tovarich
Go back and watch it again, this time with an open mind. You’ve bought into the narrative, and it’s the kind of thing we have to overcome if we want to keep Trump out of a job.
Joe was seen losing his train of thought in the debate v. The Donald. ( I hear he hates being called The Donald.) Trump’s train of thought was on a circular track— immigrants horrible, Biden has done terrible things, the country is laughed at, we had the best water, etc., everything was terrific when he was in charge, around and around. Biden found his train of thought again.
Better speakers, better debaters are a dime a dozen. They probably are at their best when well-rested and not hoarse, and not president.
I would vote for a potted plant over tRump. And I gladly voted Biden in the PA primary. Now I learn his diminished communication capabilities are just one step above the potted plant level. I am very upset!
Potted plant communication skills? He was asked by Stepanopoulos about the debate, was he aware he was screwing up? Not terribly different from “Have you stopped bearing your wife?”
Ask him about policy, it’s not potted plant.
Said I didn’t Clear as a fucken bell 🛎️ ding dong !