Now that Clarence "I got mine, now fuck off" Thomas, Amy "every sperm is sacred" Barrett and the rest of those creeps have seen their life-long dreams fulfilled, it would be great if they would just resign now and enjoy a well-earned rest in the arms of their billionaire buddies. Because it's not going to get much better for them. Unless, of course, they legalize slavery, take away women's right to vote, and ban every book with the words "and" and "the" in them.

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But Gini....if they resign, their billionaire buddies will suddenly forget who the heck they are, and where they know them from. For that matter they'll be reduced to asking, "Excuse me, but what's your name again, and how can you help me?"

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They're not done yet.

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So full-on Gideon?

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Indeed & completely correct!

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You keep a lot of people going in these times, thank you.

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So true… Thank You!

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Waiting for the Court to invalidate the Civil Rights Act..... waiting for the Court to invalidate the Voting Rights Act....it’s only a matter of time with this bunch of reactionary fuck ups known as members of the SC, because they don’t give a chicken fried fuck about law or precedent or societal gains...they want to turn the clock back at least 100 years. Have a great holiday fellow travelers, rest up, spend time with family and friends...we are in it for the long haul.

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That’s why they fight soooo hard to put them there, another pound of flesh incoming

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Fastball, “....they don’t give a chicken fried fuck” has a certain, je ne sais quoi about it....have a great holiday too.

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I should live so long

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Waiting for Republicans to cancel 4th of July because "we should never have rebelled against our government - hint hint" without the slightest bit of J6 irony.

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Omg yesss!!!!

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Exactly...Lest we ever forget!!!

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From three toes to three brain cells, you had me snorteling my coffee. The day’s still young.

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So many mysteries solved in today’s newsletter! I was wondering about demon portals just the other day. Gays are manufactured by the government, yes there is an actual facility...somewhere. Boom! Solved!

The SCOTUS is an illegal court because, they make shit up to rule on. That non-website designer who has no interactions with the LGBTQ community took her raging paranoia to the actual SCOTUS who ruled in her favor...based upon?

It’s a fabrication out of thin air. Who was in charge of this crystal clear lie so the court can make discrimination fashionable again?

What a load...

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My what $1.6 billion will buy in SCOTUS Republican market these days! Geez, just ask Leonard Leo, he is in the judge buying business.

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"so fucking stupid. and so fucking evil."


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This was a depressing week.

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the idiot from S Dakota wins the day for me, idiots elect idiots

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I used to have to cross the state border and work there,! Fortunately, worked with smartest demographic but just the billboards would make you want to turn the car around and go home. Sheesh and Joe is listed as "small bus owner &" college coordinator"! Go figure

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That news about Mount Rushmore was SO informative. Really explains a lot.

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WTAF is wrong with these asshole, freaks of nature republicans?? Manufacturing gay and trans people. No sweetie, they’ve been around since the beginning of civilization. And probably even earlier.

I am beyond sick of their willful ignorance. Do non of them know how to use a search engine? It must suck being that paranoid.

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Being fair many of the more ardent ones are "home-schooled" by which I mean not taking courses online, but restricted to only right-wing sources of information until they leave the nest. It's like some fucked-up wine cellar they put kids in to steep them in bigoted, ignorant, fact-proof ways which either produces sycophantic Xeroxes of themselves or super-rebellious totally extreme liberals as soon as they burst the bullshit bubble.

And in either case, the child is unlikely to genuinely thank them. Then they get online and gripe their children never keep in touch.

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Isn't that "grooming"?

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Yes, yes it is.

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This idea of home-schooling has become a very real threat to democratic society.

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I love that visual image of the wine cellar. It reminds me of the pods in the garden in the original Invasion of the Body Snatchers growing and changing into something that appears human but isn't.

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Right!!! I’ve been screaming about body snatchers for at least 5 years.

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Jesus that’s frightening. I had no clue that this was happening. I personally don’t think I know any home schooled kids, and I only know one family that has homeschooled their children and it was nothing like that.

What a freakin horror show.

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Uh...bad news. That kind of thing is...a lot of the south. Probably at least 15%.

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“honestly, I think there’s a secret assembly line somewhere where conservatives are manufacturing stupid fucking morons.” True that, Jeff.

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Yeah, it is called a Lazy',boy & a TV, turned on FOX for 25 years! That produces "pod-people" for sure.

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You said it! The philosopher Karl Popper talked about the issue of what happens in a free society when it comes to tolerance and that it is a paradox: "The paradox of tolerance states that if a society is tolerant without limit, its ability to be tolerant is eventually seized or destroyed by the intolerant. Karl Popper described it as the seemingly self-contradictory idea that in order to maintain a tolerant society, the society must retain the right to be intolerant of intolerance." Seems to be what's happening in U.S. lately. My tolerance for Murdoch & Fox News has reached its limit.

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Teddy Roosevelt demon of communism...LMAO. Truly, worth the price of admission. Thank you.

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My week in stupid includes freaking the fuck out over Biden’s Cpap machine. When in desperate search of an outrage they blew it out with this one.

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I love this Substack so much

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