I am reluctant to argue this point - especially with someone so contrary as Carrie - but let me share why I DON'T hope he dies in his sleep...it is my belief that dying in one's sleep is a very peaceful and serine way to go...that vile disgusting non human ignorant bloated orange sack of shit deserves nothing of the sort!!...my hope is that he has some major event in front of the country (stroke, heart attack, ruptured brain aneurism...), or at a large gathering of his MAGAt lemmings, or at some big international meeting with world leaders...something where we all get to see - and enjoy - the video - that we can repeat over and over and over - with cocktails...ya know, invite the neighborhood over for a viewing party - so we can really enjoy the moment...very much the gift that keeps on giving!...now, this may seem deranged or cruel to some, but I feel like that putrid slob has earned the moment to dramatically - and hopefully, painfully - die in front of the world where we all get to enjoy it!!...kind of a 'karmic moment' if you will
for those who may cringe at my words and think to yourselves, "this dude's going to hell", I already have my one way ticket to hell punched...in fact, there's a red velvet chair with a gold engraved nameplate with my name on it waiting for me there, so I may as well go down swingin!!!!...and since I will be on the executive board there, I can put in a good word for some of you who may like my 'style'...just sayin...
MountainBoyMike, I will call down a hundred blessings on your head for your comment! Aside from Jeff's 'oeuvre'...I haven't laughed so hard at a Substack comment for a long time! My laugh muscles hurt from trying to keep my amusement confined to my corner of the home office.
I certainly see your point, but the chances of any of us dying peacefully in our sleep without being seriously ill first are pretty slim to none. And if he has a ruptured brain aneurysm he probably will die and he'll never know he had it. You want him NOT to be cognitively impaired and know exactly what's going on. The best punishment would have been prison or financial ruin, but I've given up that hope. I believe in karma, but for him I have yet to see it happen. It is what it is. Life will take care of him somehow and you and I will have had nothing to do with it. The last thing you want him to be is a martyr.
My grandmother actually died in her sleep. She was 93, and had some congestive heart failure. She was living alone, still driving, but started feeling very weak. They checked her into the hospital, and we all had time to come and see her. Then after a painless week, she took a nap and just never woke up.
I am soooo grateful that she had such a good, easy death. Too many people (including my grandfather) die only after suffering protracted battles with cancer. Fucking cancer.
Truly an unexpected little gem! Especially love the Yellow Springs Motel! Hope it is still the same with its new ownership....still drinking my morning coffee from the Yellow Springs Motel cup given to me by the former owner.
It seems that very old (90's) may die in their sleep, but you don't hear much about it with younger seniors. I'm a nurse and I'm not letting modern med keep me alive as a walking corpse as I see so often at work. It's pitiful. As humans, we deserve better. We treat our animals better when hope is lost for them.
So true. But still, I want him to feel pain & anguish & torment & humility & embarrassment & I want him to fully realize that he has no one he can blame for it. No one.
People like Trump never will admit to themselves or others that they are responsible for what has happened to them. We need him to start smoking and drinking. That and obesity will put you in the grave faster than anything.
Very well stated & I believe the same..He can laugh all he wants-he can do the happy dance-because he has so far escaped his judges - u r right tho when u say life will take care of it because it always does!..we might not ever see it happen but-man-he will get his "up comings"🙋♀️
Karma will bring him back as pond slime. I seriously doubt we’re going to see him flopping around in agony on one of his rally stages. But one way or another something interesting will happen to the entity currently going by the name of Donald John Trump. 😏
It has to. For starters, there’s karma. Maybe won’t happen to Trump, but he has a big family. You just can’t be this awful and a criminal all you life and get away with it. What’s the expression? The sins of the father? I dated someone who was an alcoholic, womanizer, manipulator. Not the worse person ever, but not the best either. I moved away and I haven’t seen him for 20 years and I don’t think anything really bad has happened to him. But soon after I moved away, his oldest son shot a woman, killed her and then shot himself. Horrible tragedy. The sins of the father was the first thing I thought about when I heard it.
trump will die from the disease of greed..he is the true live walking example of the 7 deadly sins..anyone remember what they r & what they mean?..when u read u will see what I mean..🙋♀️
I dread when Poopy Pants does the Dirt Nap because I know how it's gonna play out. Megachurches will build a Lenin's Tomb for God's Anointed King and the true believers will gladly do the pilgrimage to see the King in all his citrus-preserved glory.
And the Trump Tomb will be right next to that termite infested Ark in Kentucky...
I actually live close enough to the termite infested ark now to do a day trip. I'm dying to do so with a particular snarky friend, but I don't want to give those idiots one penny.
MtnBoyMike, hmm, you obviously have ten times the "nice gene". I ran out of fucks
when turd mocked a disabled man. I want him conscious, unable to speak or text, in extreme pain that no painkiller can touch. I envision him being totally alone, no visits from family or frenemies. I want to see a direct line from each micro injury to each racist put down, lie, unpaid worker, or woman he sexually abused. And so on. Dr's Orders: NO DIET COKE, only drinking water from a Superfund site one of his supporters ruined. FOOD: NOT ONE SINGLE FAST FOOD item. Blended salad only. Arms shackled to prevent self-administered drugs. No media or papers. Just him living his life in his head.
MountainBoyMike: every word. You’re in good company. Why? 2015 the Republicans let him slide to the nomination when they could have done a better job of vetting and found more criming than necessary to throw him out. Impeachment 1 and Impeachment 2. The latter McConnell royally miscalculated and got neither the Senate back in 2022 nor rid of Trump through the courts. A.G. Garland the WORST pick for the moment. Whiffing at every turn. SCOTUS corrupt to the core. MSM so greedy they elect a vile of vilest creatures to rape our country AGAIN so they can enjoy high ratings. In summary, all we have left is a nice bout of flesh eating bacteria to infect the orange monster’s groin, blow up his guts and make for his brain so the blood streams from his eyeballs, bile shoots from his mouth and lesions spread across his nasty little hands. Extra points if this happens on a rally in Texas and the dais is populated by Musk, Don Jr. and TX Governor and his A.G. Paxton. Trump becomes so overwrought by the rapid progression of his flesh eating bacteria that he writhes, losing balance and his large bloated body careens across the stage and slams into the faithful MAGA leaders like an unlikely perfect strike by a rookie bowling league player who hit every pin in spite of himself. I want ghastly and I want it before January 20, 2025. Fuck Trump.
It would have been poetic justice had he died from Covid. With Brainworm Kennedy in charge, perhaps we can all pull for a rapid mutation of H5N1 into something virulent that infects only people in red hats. I'm sure he won't allow anyone to develop or administer vaccines. Holy Mike will just lead everyone in prayer and mumble something about "god's will". Bet those red hats will disappear pretty fuckin' fast.
"They say there's a heaven for those who wait, they say it's better but I say it ain't, I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints, the sinners are much more fun, only the good die young"
Bravo! I had written several paragraphs about how I wanted his death to be public and humiliating, but...I cut them because I sounded a wee bit psychotic.
I'm glad you had the courage to do what I didn't, Mike....
A perfect scenario and substitute for all the things that should have taken trump out. Our institutions failed so we are now relying on a medical “deus ex machina” to save us.
Eva, 😂😂 that was a powerful scene in Breaking Bad! Yes, the elderly drug lord was wheelchair bound, only able to speak using a bell. But he quickly chose SUICIDE in his years-long RAGE and HATRED over another drug lord.
LOVED EVERY WORD...I'm only contrary to the cult followers, you'd be fine since your opinion of the orange idiot is similar to mine.
You're method is much better, I'm switching to go with this thinking. I want him to know he's going down, we've endured his bullshit already and now have to endure another 4 years, his last thought being fear brings a smile to my face.
gee willikers, I love this fucking community!!!...good and like minded critical thinkers voicing opinions, frustrations, concerns...helps keep me pointed at "sane"...I isn't gonna go so far as to say I AM sane, but getting help steering towards sane is good enough!!
I would so love for everyone commenting here to meet for a massive old-fashioned sit-in, laugh-in, raise as much hell as possible event! Wouldn't it be glorious? Peace upon it, people!
I might just have to join you in hell as I feel exactly the same way you do when it comes to the day Donnie Dungball finally bites the dust! Dying in his sleep is too good for that disgusting, dangerous, demented dickhead.
U know I was watching Pres Carters Memorial while writing my opinion..It's just so ironic that we r watching the remembrance Memorial of a real fine man
who-without cheating
without stealing
without cruelty - reached a level of respect & honor that the guy coming in will never reach..Carter will be forever remembered because he was a truthful person - he cared for reals & he used both hands to reach out & help in so many ways..Carter was a fine walking example of a Christian - one who follows GODS SON & practices his teachings the way a Christian should..There is no other kind or style of Christians - "They will know who u r by the way u behave"!..I had to add that because the others have taken the word Christian & keep shoving it in r face & down r throat - I'm Lutheran & I can't stand to hear that word anymore they have destroyed it twisted it - weaponized it - turned it into something to use against others..I do not want to be affiliated with it at all! - SO here enters the complete opposite of Carter..Remember the 10commandments?..how about the 7 deadly sins?..Well trump has proudly challenged the 10 & now is officially the walking true example of the 7 sins.."they'll know who u r by the way u behave"...the vision that came over me while writing & watching the memorial was trump with the bright glow of greed & gold surrounding him as he waves after taking the OATH of President of the United States - an OATH of Promise to country & all & it's a show with smiles knowing he doesn't even care because he promises nothing - he is a true born liar & cheat!🤷♀️
As he has lived he will pass..He even might live to be 100 or hey 101 just to beat Carter but he will never recieve at any level the recognition of respect & honor Carter recieves or the true peace that we all hope to recieve when we pass..He will only reap what he has put out there - because it will all come back to him & there will be no cheating attorney-big money-propaganda that will be able to twist it differently or erase it - the entire world watches & listening & written & because of that - truth will always be there to destroy the fake stories of honor he thought he could bestow on himself..lol..
The first thing I do every morning is check my phone to see if there's any news I need to know right away. I keep hoping that one day the headline will be the Jesus bus came for Trump. Don't care what the destination is, just get him off this planet.
Every morning when I rise for the day, the first thing I Che k is CNN to find out if he died while I was sleeping. I’ve been doing it daily since 2016 and I will continue to do so. It’s the only thing that keeps me sane. Yes, I know about the old adage.
I do the same thing. Maybe if enough of us do it, it'll happen quicker. :)
I, shamefully (or maybe not), hope for an end that resembles that of the vilest, most villianist vermin in movies, when they go thru meat grinders, or get dipped in acid, or get sucked into outer space... gasping desperately for oxygen with the look of shock and surprise on their face as they drift into the vacuum. (Do you think I might have said the quiet part out too loud? :O )
Yes, you did. But I’ll see you square and fair that he dies choking on his last hamburder, with fries and a bottle of ketchup that he throws at the wall, trying to attract the attention of Melanoma. Then she stands at the door and says to him in her wispy voice: “where eez your whill” as he gasps for air and she says after his last breath, “Donald, you sheet the bed, thees is what you leeve me - clean up after you. Ivana where are yiu when I need you.
His severity of COVID was just about as believable as his assassination attempt. Never believed. Yes, he probably had COVID. Was he in danger of dying - NO. I had it and was in the hospital for 3 weeks and missed work for 2.5 months. I was on bipap one night. No way was he even close to being as sick as I was. You don’t get admitted overnight, then go around in a limo waving at people without O2 on and home the next day if you are really sick with COVID. I’m a nurse and I call BS to his COVID story. Actually, I call BS to anything that comes out of his mouth.
I can tell I’m getting depressed because Jan 20 is just around the corner. Joe and Kamala will be gone and we will have to deal with Trump and Musk for 4 years, maybe more. I’m due to retire in 2 years and I can’t imagine what shape my 401K will be in by then. I’ll be out of the country on Jan 20 and hopefully if I run in to any MAGA, they keep their big mouths shut.
You’re far too kind Deborah! Mussolini was executed then hung upside down from a beam in the market square, spat and sworn at, then beaten by the angry crowd!
Asking for anything less for the execrable wastrel is just plain wrong!
Trumps lifeless body should be hung in Central Park with multiple bags of golf clubs nearby!!
What led to his demise should be no less than Benito’s!!
I too check to see if the Lump is dead yet. Such a hopeful prospect. How he is still walking around bothering us all is a mystery. I’d like to read his autopsy when it’s time.
The big problem with that is that that would give us Pres. Vance, who wrote the forward for the book on Project 2025 and who thinks that the votes of people who have children should count for more than the votes of people who are childless. He'd pull in Peter Thiel, who thinks that capitalism & democracy are incompatible. Or, should Vance be unavailable, the presidency would devolve onto Mike Johnson, and after that onto Chuck Grassley. Face it, we're fucked.
How many self-crashing Teslas in DC? Do CIA, FBI, our black ops people have facial recognition? Anyone know an
excellent agency who can give free Tesla rides, a parade, led by turd, musk, j d, Mikey, 91 year old Grassley? How many more "parade riders" before we get President Hakeem Jeffries?
I don't know - the thought of JD Vance as president is not only creepy, but scares the hell out of me. He is still a relatively unknown quantity, and what we do know is not at all appealing. Moreover, in very real terms, he has little experience in governing, and winging it is not a reasonable alternative. Not that anything is reasonable with this incoming administration. Divine intervention is unlikely - no Hail Mary on the way....buckle up!
(reply to Carrie comment) You are just one of MULTITUDES of people sharing this wish. But I particularly like what autocheck voice conversion did for the wish - Herr Crazy Pants AND his namesake Heir Crazy Pants were both included!
I love it when Jeff goes after Commander Crazy Pants. There's so much material for noting his absolute ineptitude.
I'm not the only one who prays every night that Heir Crazy Pants passes in his sleep, it's comforting to know I'm not alone. 💙
I am reluctant to argue this point - especially with someone so contrary as Carrie - but let me share why I DON'T hope he dies in his sleep...it is my belief that dying in one's sleep is a very peaceful and serine way to go...that vile disgusting non human ignorant bloated orange sack of shit deserves nothing of the sort!!...my hope is that he has some major event in front of the country (stroke, heart attack, ruptured brain aneurism...), or at a large gathering of his MAGAt lemmings, or at some big international meeting with world leaders...something where we all get to see - and enjoy - the video - that we can repeat over and over and over - with cocktails...ya know, invite the neighborhood over for a viewing party - so we can really enjoy the moment...very much the gift that keeps on giving!...now, this may seem deranged or cruel to some, but I feel like that putrid slob has earned the moment to dramatically - and hopefully, painfully - die in front of the world where we all get to enjoy it!!...kind of a 'karmic moment' if you will
for those who may cringe at my words and think to yourselves, "this dude's going to hell", I already have my one way ticket to hell punched...in fact, there's a red velvet chair with a gold engraved nameplate with my name on it waiting for me there, so I may as well go down swingin!!!!...and since I will be on the executive board there, I can put in a good word for some of you who may like my 'style'...just sayin...
I was thinking having a stroke and being incontinent and unable to speak intelligibly, but he's already there
then people will feel sorry for him! No...let him just croak.
Some people, maybe. But not me.
Not HIS people. He's trained them to make fun of people like that.
Oh, YES, his people! Good God, they're already wearing adult diapers outside their clothes in solidarity! His people are fine with anything HE does.
Perhaps his people could have strokes to be supportive?? Don't let dear leader down!!
MountainBoyMike, I will call down a hundred blessings on your head for your comment! Aside from Jeff's 'oeuvre'...I haven't laughed so hard at a Substack comment for a long time! My laugh muscles hurt from trying to keep my amusement confined to my corner of the home office.
Mountain boy has said out loud what a lot are thinking 🤔.
Ditto for “moi”! This was hilarious.
I certainly see your point, but the chances of any of us dying peacefully in our sleep without being seriously ill first are pretty slim to none. And if he has a ruptured brain aneurysm he probably will die and he'll never know he had it. You want him NOT to be cognitively impaired and know exactly what's going on. The best punishment would have been prison or financial ruin, but I've given up that hope. I believe in karma, but for him I have yet to see it happen. It is what it is. Life will take care of him somehow and you and I will have had nothing to do with it. The last thing you want him to be is a martyr.
My grandmother actually died in her sleep. She was 93, and had some congestive heart failure. She was living alone, still driving, but started feeling very weak. They checked her into the hospital, and we all had time to come and see her. Then after a painless week, she took a nap and just never woke up.
I am soooo grateful that she had such a good, easy death. Too many people (including my grandfather) die only after suffering protracted battles with cancer. Fucking cancer.
Love your town--one of my favorite places!
You know Yellow Springs? Yes, it's great! I just moved here 9 months ago, and I love it
Truly an unexpected little gem! Especially love the Yellow Springs Motel! Hope it is still the same with its new ownership....still drinking my morning coffee from the Yellow Springs Motel cup given to me by the former owner.
It seems that very old (90's) may die in their sleep, but you don't hear much about it with younger seniors. I'm a nurse and I'm not letting modern med keep me alive as a walking corpse as I see so often at work. It's pitiful. As humans, we deserve better. We treat our animals better when hope is lost for them.
I could not agree more. Thank you!!
The last thing I want is flags at half mast and the period of national mourning Deborah!!
I want a Trump flag hung upside down.
So true. But still, I want him to feel pain & anguish & torment & humility & embarrassment & I want him to fully realize that he has no one he can blame for it. No one.
People like Trump never will admit to themselves or others that they are responsible for what has happened to them. We need him to start smoking and drinking. That and obesity will put you in the grave faster than anything.
Very well stated & I believe the same..He can laugh all he wants-he can do the happy dance-because he has so far escaped his judges - u r right tho when u say life will take care of it because it always does!..we might not ever see it happen but-man-he will get his "up comings"🙋♀️
Karma will bring him back as pond slime. I seriously doubt we’re going to see him flopping around in agony on one of his rally stages. But one way or another something interesting will happen to the entity currently going by the name of Donald John Trump. 😏
It has to. For starters, there’s karma. Maybe won’t happen to Trump, but he has a big family. You just can’t be this awful and a criminal all you life and get away with it. What’s the expression? The sins of the father? I dated someone who was an alcoholic, womanizer, manipulator. Not the worse person ever, but not the best either. I moved away and I haven’t seen him for 20 years and I don’t think anything really bad has happened to him. But soon after I moved away, his oldest son shot a woman, killed her and then shot himself. Horrible tragedy. The sins of the father was the first thing I thought about when I heard it.
trump will die from the disease of greed..he is the true live walking example of the 7 deadly sins..anyone remember what they r & what they mean?..when u read u will see what I mean..🙋♀️
*my opinions only on what I write
I don't want to die in my sleep. I want to linger as the fires die down so I can say goodbye to the people I love and die in my wife's arms.
I don’t want to die in my sleep because I don’t want to mess up my comforter lol.
Many of us die in our sleep. The body just stops. It's a peaceful way to go.
I dread when Poopy Pants does the Dirt Nap because I know how it's gonna play out. Megachurches will build a Lenin's Tomb for God's Anointed King and the true believers will gladly do the pilgrimage to see the King in all his citrus-preserved glory.
And the Trump Tomb will be right next to that termite infested Ark in Kentucky...
There will certainly be a lucrative merch market. Relics with pieces of his bone spurs would be worth a mint.
Since they don’t exist it would be remarkable.
LOL It would be a MAGA Miracle!
They will just have them mass produced in China.
Speaking of which, I hope Ivanka's kids move her to a real cemetery after he goes.
Well you have to keep in mind that Ivana’s kids are also his kids, so it’ll probably never happen.
I actually live close enough to the termite infested ark now to do a day trip. I'm dying to do so with a particular snarky friend, but I don't want to give those idiots one penny.
So long as we can have access to pour liquid on the grave I don't care where they park it.
Let the evangelists do that because his ass doesn’t deserve to be in the rotunda!
MtnBoyMike, hmm, you obviously have ten times the "nice gene". I ran out of fucks
when turd mocked a disabled man. I want him conscious, unable to speak or text, in extreme pain that no painkiller can touch. I envision him being totally alone, no visits from family or frenemies. I want to see a direct line from each micro injury to each racist put down, lie, unpaid worker, or woman he sexually abused. And so on. Dr's Orders: NO DIET COKE, only drinking water from a Superfund site one of his supporters ruined. FOOD: NOT ONE SINGLE FAST FOOD item. Blended salad only. Arms shackled to prevent self-administered drugs. No media or papers. Just him living his life in his head.
Teri, that's a horrible, horrible thing to wish on ANYBODY!
...and I couldn't agree more, and wish what I'd originally come up with matched your level of eloquent rage.
I'm sure we're all going to Hell but at this point I really don't care. Do you?
Hell starts in the US on January 20th.
My family said I was going to Hell when I quit going to church at 16, and started going to ROCKY HORROR at 18—so I have had decades not to care.
I'm pretty sure that, while the circumstances may be different, your story is pretty much the same.... 😀
Best idea yet.
MountainBoyMike: every word. You’re in good company. Why? 2015 the Republicans let him slide to the nomination when they could have done a better job of vetting and found more criming than necessary to throw him out. Impeachment 1 and Impeachment 2. The latter McConnell royally miscalculated and got neither the Senate back in 2022 nor rid of Trump through the courts. A.G. Garland the WORST pick for the moment. Whiffing at every turn. SCOTUS corrupt to the core. MSM so greedy they elect a vile of vilest creatures to rape our country AGAIN so they can enjoy high ratings. In summary, all we have left is a nice bout of flesh eating bacteria to infect the orange monster’s groin, blow up his guts and make for his brain so the blood streams from his eyeballs, bile shoots from his mouth and lesions spread across his nasty little hands. Extra points if this happens on a rally in Texas and the dais is populated by Musk, Don Jr. and TX Governor and his A.G. Paxton. Trump becomes so overwrought by the rapid progression of his flesh eating bacteria that he writhes, losing balance and his large bloated body careens across the stage and slams into the faithful MAGA leaders like an unlikely perfect strike by a rookie bowling league player who hit every pin in spite of himself. I want ghastly and I want it before January 20, 2025. Fuck Trump.
Eileen, great description!!😁
It would have been poetic justice had he died from Covid. With Brainworm Kennedy in charge, perhaps we can all pull for a rapid mutation of H5N1 into something virulent that infects only people in red hats. I'm sure he won't allow anyone to develop or administer vaccines. Holy Mike will just lead everyone in prayer and mumble something about "god's will". Bet those red hats will disappear pretty fuckin' fast.
You get it. Heaven for the climate, hell for the company.
"They say there's a heaven for those who wait, they say it's better but I say it ain't, I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints, the sinners are much more fun, only the good die young"
-Billy Joel
I just want him to die. I pray every morning. And now Musk is added to my prayers.....ugggh.
Yannow, when my Sainted Ma was alive, we would talk on the phone every day. Each conversation would start off with her saying, "Guess who died?"
No, Ma. Not him. But someday.
Bravo! I had written several paragraphs about how I wanted his death to be public and humiliating, but...I cut them because I sounded a wee bit psychotic.
I'm glad you had the courage to do what I didn't, Mike....
A perfect scenario and substitute for all the things that should have taken trump out. Our institutions failed so we are now relying on a medical “deus ex machina” to save us.
He should end up like that drug lord in Breaking Bad who has to use a bell to speak and ends up blowing himself up to murder someone else.
Eva, 😂😂 that was a powerful scene in Breaking Bad! Yes, the elderly drug lord was wheelchair bound, only able to speak using a bell. But he quickly chose SUICIDE in his years-long RAGE and HATRED over another drug lord.
My seat in Hell is magenta in hue, gold piping.
LOVED EVERY WORD...I'm only contrary to the cult followers, you'd be fine since your opinion of the orange idiot is similar to mine.
You're method is much better, I'm switching to go with this thinking. I want him to know he's going down, we've endured his bullshit already and now have to endure another 4 years, his last thought being fear brings a smile to my face.
gee willikers, I love this fucking community!!!...good and like minded critical thinkers voicing opinions, frustrations, concerns...helps keep me pointed at "sane"...I isn't gonna go so far as to say I AM sane, but getting help steering towards sane is good enough!!
You are all My People. You bring joy to me every day.
I would so love for everyone commenting here to meet for a massive old-fashioned sit-in, laugh-in, raise as much hell as possible event! Wouldn't it be glorious? Peace upon it, people!
I might just have to join you in hell as I feel exactly the same way you do when it comes to the day Donnie Dungball finally bites the dust! Dying in his sleep is too good for that disgusting, dangerous, demented dickhead.
U know I was watching Pres Carters Memorial while writing my opinion..It's just so ironic that we r watching the remembrance Memorial of a real fine man
who-without cheating
without stealing
without cruelty - reached a level of respect & honor that the guy coming in will never reach..Carter will be forever remembered because he was a truthful person - he cared for reals & he used both hands to reach out & help in so many ways..Carter was a fine walking example of a Christian - one who follows GODS SON & practices his teachings the way a Christian should..There is no other kind or style of Christians - "They will know who u r by the way u behave"!..I had to add that because the others have taken the word Christian & keep shoving it in r face & down r throat - I'm Lutheran & I can't stand to hear that word anymore they have destroyed it twisted it - weaponized it - turned it into something to use against others..I do not want to be affiliated with it at all! - SO here enters the complete opposite of Carter..Remember the 10commandments?..how about the 7 deadly sins?..Well trump has proudly challenged the 10 & now is officially the walking true example of the 7 sins.."they'll know who u r by the way u behave"...the vision that came over me while writing & watching the memorial was trump with the bright glow of greed & gold surrounding him as he waves after taking the OATH of President of the United States - an OATH of Promise to country & all & it's a show with smiles knowing he doesn't even care because he promises nothing - he is a true born liar & cheat!🤷♀️
As he has lived he will pass..He even might live to be 100 or hey 101 just to beat Carter but he will never recieve at any level the recognition of respect & honor Carter recieves or the true peace that we all hope to recieve when we pass..He will only reap what he has put out there - because it will all come back to him & there will be no cheating attorney-big money-propaganda that will be able to twist it differently or erase it - the entire world watches & listening & written & because of that - truth will always be there to destroy the fake stories of honor he thought he could bestow on himself..lol..
What a sad sad waste 🤷♀️
i before e except after c
The ONLY reason I don't agree with you is that that would make the couchfucker POTUS. He and his ilk are FUCKING TERRIFYING.
But none of them have the MAGAt charisma. Take away Elvis and you have a band that's breaking up.
The first thing I do every morning is check my phone to see if there's any news I need to know right away. I keep hoping that one day the headline will be the Jesus bus came for Trump. Don't care what the destination is, just get him off this planet.
I have a friend who I mostly FB chat with for communication. If I call her, she always answers with, "Is he dead?"
Every morning when I rise for the day, the first thing I Che k is CNN to find out if he died while I was sleeping. I’ve been doing it daily since 2016 and I will continue to do so. It’s the only thing that keeps me sane. Yes, I know about the old adage.
I do the same thing. Maybe if enough of us do it, it'll happen quicker. :)
I, shamefully (or maybe not), hope for an end that resembles that of the vilest, most villianist vermin in movies, when they go thru meat grinders, or get dipped in acid, or get sucked into outer space... gasping desperately for oxygen with the look of shock and surprise on their face as they drift into the vacuum. (Do you think I might have said the quiet part out too loud? :O )
Yes, you did. But I’ll see you square and fair that he dies choking on his last hamburder, with fries and a bottle of ketchup that he throws at the wall, trying to attract the attention of Melanoma. Then she stands at the door and says to him in her wispy voice: “where eez your whill” as he gasps for air and she says after his last breath, “Donald, you sheet the bed, thees is what you leeve me - clean up after you. Ivana where are yiu when I need you.
Cam, 🤣🤣🤣 Bravo! 🇨🇦
That was great! Very funny.
I'm with you, Deborah. I do the same thing. IMO, however, it'll be the Beelzebub bus when it's drumpf's time.
When he had Covid, I checked my phone nonstop to see if he was dead yet. But alas.
His severity of COVID was just about as believable as his assassination attempt. Never believed. Yes, he probably had COVID. Was he in danger of dying - NO. I had it and was in the hospital for 3 weeks and missed work for 2.5 months. I was on bipap one night. No way was he even close to being as sick as I was. You don’t get admitted overnight, then go around in a limo waving at people without O2 on and home the next day if you are really sick with COVID. I’m a nurse and I call BS to his COVID story. Actually, I call BS to anything that comes out of his mouth.
Deborah, same. Is he dead? Did any nukes go off? Gonna miss Joe & Kamala so much. Didn't have to have MSNBC on mute during Biden admin.
I can tell I’m getting depressed because Jan 20 is just around the corner. Joe and Kamala will be gone and we will have to deal with Trump and Musk for 4 years, maybe more. I’m due to retire in 2 years and I can’t imagine what shape my 401K will be in by then. I’ll be out of the country on Jan 20 and hopefully if I run in to any MAGA, they keep their big mouths shut.
You’re far too kind Deborah! Mussolini was executed then hung upside down from a beam in the market square, spat and sworn at, then beaten by the angry crowd!
Asking for anything less for the execrable wastrel is just plain wrong!
Trumps lifeless body should be hung in Central Park with multiple bags of golf clubs nearby!!
What led to his demise should be no less than Benito’s!!
Now, THERE is a way for a Fascist Thug to go out!
Though I hope that for his Daddy Vladdie Putin, he gets tossed out a high window after being subjected to radiation poisoning....
I don't have a cell phone, but I check Yahoo News just to see if T is done and gone.
I pray every morning...that he be dead
Don't worry, it'll be in your emails from friends, a message that begins, "YES!!!!!"
Don’t you mean the Hades bus?
I too check to see if the Lump is dead yet. Such a hopeful prospect. How he is still walking around bothering us all is a mystery. I’d like to read his autopsy when it’s time.
Me too.
The big problem with that is that that would give us Pres. Vance, who wrote the forward for the book on Project 2025 and who thinks that the votes of people who have children should count for more than the votes of people who are childless. He'd pull in Peter Thiel, who thinks that capitalism & democracy are incompatible. Or, should Vance be unavailable, the presidency would devolve onto Mike Johnson, and after that onto Chuck Grassley. Face it, we're fucked.
So, being gay is fine with the hypocritical MAGATS, if said gay person is super wealthy .
Peter Thiel is proof positive Kristy!
Too bad a nuclear bomb couldn't fall on those select few...don't forget to include Elon, Vivek and Kash Patel!
How many self-crashing Teslas in DC? Do CIA, FBI, our black ops people have facial recognition? Anyone know an
excellent agency who can give free Tesla rides, a parade, led by turd, musk, j d, Mikey, 91 year old Grassley? How many more "parade riders" before we get President Hakeem Jeffries?
These people are all incredibly stupid so their ability to lead will be minimal.
It's about the charisma and little else. None of them have it. Not one.
I don't know - the thought of JD Vance as president is not only creepy, but scares the hell out of me. He is still a relatively unknown quantity, and what we do know is not at all appealing. Moreover, in very real terms, he has little experience in governing, and winging it is not a reasonable alternative. Not that anything is reasonable with this incoming administration. Divine intervention is unlikely - no Hail Mary on the way....buckle up!
(reply to Carrie comment) You are just one of MULTITUDES of people sharing this wish. But I particularly like what autocheck voice conversion did for the wish - Herr Crazy Pants AND his namesake Heir Crazy Pants were both included!
You could also go with "Hair Crazy Pants."
Or "Crazy Hair Pants".
I don't wish a peaceful death on him at all.